

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter Twenty One


New Year's Eve

We snuck into a luxury hotel room and spent the next few hours wrestling around, making love and it was exhilarating. I was a different person. I gazed into his eyes, snuggling closer to him, rubbing our naked bodies together. "I just want to stay here with you."

"Me too." He uttered, tucking my hair behind my ears. I slowly sat up, turning my whole body with my back facing him. Moving my head to one side, i glanced back at him. "Your turn."

He hesitated a moment as his fingers brushed down the curve of my neck. I reassured him, encouraged him. Leaning in close, my back arched to his warmth. His touch touched more than just the surface. His lips grazed my neck up and down before his fangs finally punctured me and he sucked and suckled. Reaching back with a hand, fingers tangling themselves in his hair, I clutched hard. A moan left him, and his hands snaked down my sides, following the curves as we moved in perfect harmony. Pulling him down, indicating I wanted him to take more. That rush, that toe curling sensation, I didn't want it to end. He threw his head back, hands rubbing my body and releasing another moan-refreshed and satisfied.

"Don't stop please..." I gasped, the hotness spreading between my legs. "Please..." I moaned. It wasn't a want, it was a need. The pulse between my legs was thumping harder than my heartbeats. His eyes trailed down my hungrily. A swift move, I'm pinned against the wall, his hand on my throat and my legs parted and pushed up. I was erupting, I wanted more, I need more.

"No." He said, stern and cold.

I whimpered.

"No." He repeated softer, fingers brushing the loose strands of hair to one side. I wasn't having it, I refused to listen. Waiting for his arms to drop to his side, I pushed him back on the bed the moment they fell free. Lips collided, my tongue slipped in his mouth and he hungrily returned the kiss. Moans slipped out in between our kisses. Drawing my lips away, I pushed my chest to his, using my hands to trail up and down his hot, chiseled chest. Making my way down from his neck, I left a trial of soft, moist kisses all over, reaching his v, teasing the area. He let out a soft growl, smirking i moved my lips all the way back to his collar, finally latching them to his throat. I breathed softly, inhaling him in and he gripped my thighs, fingers digging into my skin, making me moan into his neck. I was the dominating one, I didn't let him forget.

Skimming my lips over the skin, the fangs slid out and went into his throat easily. The taste of him, the feel, the way he gripped was euphoric. I sucked and drew out the heavenly blood, hungry, so desperate. His hands snaked to my waist and a quick flip, I found myself under him, at his mercy. Pinning my hands above my head, his nose dragged along my cheek. "You've been a bad girl, what am I to do with you?" Dark eyes bore into me. I was getting hotter and wetter by the seconds, my lips parted and soft, tiny whimpers left me.

"Take me." Was all managed.

"Again?" He smirked, running his tongue over his upper lip. Pushing my legs apart, he forced his way through, slipping in with ease. Feeling just how wet and hot I was for him, he flashed a devious grin. I wanted to let the screams of pleasure out but he clamped his hand over my mouth, refusing to let me release it. He was rough, giving me more and more, but never removing his hand from my mouth. I couldn't clutch at anything, my hands were pinned down above me with his other hand. I was nearing my release but he pulled out, teasing, watching me move with restlessness. He entered again. Releasing my arms, and removing his hand from my mouth, the moans that turned into pure spasms of delight slipped out in ease. I felt his release in me, a few more pumps and he lay on me, burying his face in my breasts. After some time he rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow.

"We better get a move on; my sister will have our heads on a pole." His outburst of laughter was infectious. I cackled and was certain I did not look attractive whatsoever, yet he gleamed at me. He watched as I dressed myself leisurely, making me blush intensely.

"Stop looking at me!" I threw his shirt at him. Grabbing it, he pulled it over him in a mere second.

I looked away for a split second, skimming the room for my bra. Once I raised my gaze, I met with him. Inhaling in, Kol pressed his forehead against mine and closing my eyes, my own body relaxed. "You look gorgeous, darling."

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself Mr Mikaelson." I was flirtatious. "Now let's go!" I grasped his hand and vamped out; we were in no doubt fifteen minutes late to Rebekah's party hosted at my house.

My jaw dropped as I gazed up at the front of my home. There were fairy lights draped around the tree, plants, and hanging from the windows. Little baskets of flowers and forget me nots were dangling. I breathed in the sights. It was truly mesmerising. She had outdone herself. The touch of forget me nots warmed my heart and flooded me with bittersweet emotions, reminding me of Amelia. In that moment it felt as though she was here, with me and we were both basking in the beauty of the lights and flowers.

"Where the bloody hell have you been!" Came Rebekah's voice as she strut out the house, holding back a smirk. "Your friends are here, and your brothers are getting harassed. So, get in there!" She ushered us in. Music played around the house. I could not help but enter the house, bopping to the beats. Kol took a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers and led me into the kitchen. The backdoor was wide open, and I could make out the faint glow of the lights from outside.

"Beks, everything is exceptionally beautiful!"

"Yes, yes I am aware. Who wants some drink? Oh, Soph there's some herbal tea made ready for you." She smiled at me proudly. Tilting my head to one side, I smiled back at her affectionately. Laura pattered across the tiled floor and threw her arms around me.

"I miss you!" She blubbered through her tears.

"I love you Laura and I am sorry, I've not got in touch...I've been busy with my brothers and showing them around and well, they have been doing my head in! My sister-in-law's just landed so we've been preparing for them." I turned to the direction of the open backdoor. In walked Freya and my sister-in-laws. Fizzing up with joy I ran to them, pulling them into a hug. "You guys are here!" They squeezed me tight before breaking away and dispersing. I turned back to Laura, Theo, and Ethan. Pulling out the empty chair beside Stefan i plopped myself down. "I'm glad you could make it...it is a bit odd without Lia but thank you."

Laura gestured to Theo. "Well, thanks to Theo, he reminded us that Lia would have wanted this and we should honour her memory and plus we all miss you like crazy!"

I let out a soft sigh. "I missed you too. I do miss Theo and his randomness and his quirky remarks...how have you all been?"

Theo frowned for a fraction of a second. "Miss Lia like crazy but we've been holding up, doing what we can to remember her." I offered him a comforting smile.

"Good. I finally got into that new agency I told you about- after Eth helped with my CV."

Ethan chuckled. "Yeah, Laura, you are hopeless." He returned his attention to me. "Things have been off and I really would like to speak when you're free." He gave me a searching glance. Masking my unease and discomfort, I pulled my lips into a thin smile.

"Sure." Sensing Rebekah, I directed my head to the left. She was whirling around the room pouring drinks in glasses. "Bekah, where's Marcel? You said he'd be here. I ought to meet him."

"I'm here." A cheery voice announced from behind. I tilted my head back and glanced sideways. A tall, well-suited man with smooth chocolatey skin stared down at me, chuckling. "You must be the Famous Sophia Salvatore? My wife never stops speaking of you."

"Good things I presume?" I jumped out my seat and held my hand out.

"I prefer this than a handshake...it's awfully formal." He chuckled and high fived me. After the introduction he strode over to his wife and wrapped her in a warm hug. I scanned around in search for Klaus and Elijah. I had not seen them since I arrived and it was suspiciously quiet.

"Klaus and Elijah are nowhere to be seen."

My brothers groaned from somewhere in the distance not the slightest bit amused or pleased. Kol slung his arms around me.

"Darling, I'm sure they'll be here soon, for now let's celebrate without having to worry about where my brothers have run off to." He nibbled my ear playfully, invoking giggles from within me. With him by my side it felt as though everyone else disappeared and it was just him and i. That was all that mattered. Bonnie's voice yanked me back out of my world.

"We have a lot planned for tonight! Are you prepared?"

I stared at her bewildered. There was laughter all around me and chatter. "As I'll ever be. What are the plans?"

"Rebekah has assigned Stefan, Theo and Laura the fireworks set up in the backyard.... Damon and I are in charge of the marshmallows and bonfire while Caroline and her sort the logs for the wish burning ceremony...which I have no clue what it's about-"

"A Mikaelson tradition. We all have a piece of paper, where we write down our wish and then we burn it." Kol chimed in, beaming down at Bonnie. They were still working on their relationship. My family were still adapting to the idea of him and I together. A deep sense of distrust still remained. Despite that, they remained civil and respectful. I wondered what would happen to that arrangement or bond if something were to happen to me.

"I think it's lovely." I added. While my family got to setting up the events of the night, I sat at the table with my friends and Kol beside me. We spoke of our fond memories, of Amelia and we reminisced. Laura had been gunning Kol and badgering him with questions, playing the role of a protective friend. I rolled my eyes laughing.

Kol guffawed and lowered his voice. "You see, you do not have to worry about me hurting my love, see her brothers right there..." He pointed out my brothers who were preoccupied with their assigned tasks. "They're on standby and I assure you they will have me dead if I ever did anything."

"Hmmm, well in that case I have nothing to worry about." She unfolded her arms, dropped the interrogation, and picked up her glass of champagne. "So, tell us about yourself Kol, and your defining moments." She took a sip of her sparkling drink. Ethan had spoken little to nothing. I was at a loss. I had not the slightest clue to how I should respond to him and deal with the elephant in the room. His evident feelings for me. Feelings that I did not harbour, nor could I return. I leaned back in my seat and listened to them speak. Kol was doing his best to remain calm and interested. He did give the occasional laugh and grin that was genuine, but other than that, he did not care. Footfalls came from the front of the house. I bolted to my feet and excused myself, running out the kitchen into the hallway. The footsteps grew closer. I sped to the door and swung it open to be greeted by Elijah and Klaus with their heart-warming smiles, a little stunned at finding me at the door.

"Where were you guys? I was worried something bad happened-"

"Hello love, nice to see you too!" He smirked pushing past his brother, stepping into the doorway.

"Apologies Sophia, we got held up, but nothing to worry about." He walked in gently holding my arm, lightly pecking my cheek. "Do forgive Niklaus. Now, shall we?" Rolling my eyes and sighing, I held onto his extended arm. Through Klaus's demeanour and extra strange behaviour, I suspected something was off. He never alluded my questions and he always had some sort of witty remark. Yet standing there, he did not and nor did Elijah seem his true self.

We headed back into the kitchen and made our way out to the back garden, where the rest of our family waited; huddled around the bonfire toasting their marshmallows. Kol glanced up upon my arrival and flashed me a luminescent grin. After greeting everyone, Elijah and Klaus stood by Caroline and Stefan who were seated. Her head rested on his shoulder. I smiled. He was happy and a strange warmth bathed me. I looked to Kol who held his arms out open. Grinning, I skipped into them. Mumbling into my hair, he gripped onto me tight. I twirled around in his arm, pressing my back against him, his arms wormed around my stomach, holding onto me.

Together we watched my friends and family chuckle and chatter, all the while twisting their sticks in the fire, with their marshmallow stuck through. I was never fond of marshmallows. It was the way they tasted papery and sickly I disliked. Instead of taking part, I stood back and observed everyone. My heart longed for Amelia. Unlike me she adored bonfires and would often stuff her face with marshmallows. I missed her so much and she was missing out on more. Where ever she was, I was certain it was a better place.

Rebekah jumped to her feet and clapped her hands for everyone's attention. "Right! Time for the wish burning ceremony...now I will hand each of you a pen and brown paper on which, you will write what you may and fold it up with your name on top and throw it into the fire." She floated around handing out paper and black fountain pens. I watched as they started. The air filled with chatter as they scribbled down their wishes. I turned to face Kol, pressing my paper against his chest.

"No peeking." I warned. "Otherwise, my wish won't come true!"

He chuckled. "I promise I will not peek." I narrowed my eyes at him. He remained still while I scribbled down my wish.

I wish for Amelia and Rose to be at peace. I wish Valarie was here, but I hope she is at peace and pleased with me. I wish that wherever Enzo is, he's watching over me and I never feel like he's not.

I wish for The Salvatores and Mikaelsons to always remain strong and together no matter what may be.

I wish for Kol Mikaelson to forever be mine and I be his. I wish for Klaus as my forever friend.

I wish for my brothers to always be by my side. I wish Stefan and I had centuries of memories; I wish I had known him earlier.

"That's a lengthy wish darling." He teased, trying to sneak a peek. Grumbling, I shielded my paper away from him.

"I'm not like you who just wrote one or two lines!" I retorted, folding the paper in hand twice and jotting down my name. "Just out of curiosity, what did you wish for?"

He shook his head. "Can't tell you that."

Rebekah made another round collecting the folded-up bits of paper in a bowl. She retreated to the middle and cleared her throat. "Now, I'm going to hand you all a random piece. No cheating and no peeking. You must throw the paper into the flames otherwise it won't work." We nodded. She reached me and handed me the slip. It had Stefan's name on it, written in elegant handwriting. It was tempting to see what he had written but I dared not intrude. With one last glance at his name, I gently placed it into the fire and watched it crumple and dissolve.

"Aren't you cold Soph?" Ethan questioned, his tone stiff, sounding nothing close to concerned. He avoided looking directly at Kol, striving hard to ignore his existence.

Kol pressed his lips into my hair. "I'll get your coat darling. Which one do you want me to grab?" He voiced loud and clear.

"Ahh...the long black one, it should be in my wardrobe if not...perhaps it's hanging over the chair." I let him go feeling a sudden sense of separation. As if it would be the last time I held onto his hand. His fingers slipped through mine leaving my hand in mid-air. I stared at the air where he had stood, slowly my hand fell back to my side. Why had it felt like we had been separated? Why had my heart hurt? Arms wrapped around both shoulders. I looked to each side only to find my brothers looking at me with pure affection.

"Hey." I managed softly.

"Hey. I'm glad you're here with us today." Stefan was all gleeful. It was hard to ignore the  cruel whispers that followed him.

"Ditto." Daman chirped.

I squeezed their hands tight. "Me too-"

"Aww!" Rebekah and my sister in laws sang.

"This, we need to capture." Caroline pulled out her phone and snapped a few shots of us.

"I think we all should snap memories of this day." Bonnie suggested, pulling out her phone.

"It is a must." Rebekah agreed. I posed with them taking multiple pictures, taking selfies with Rebekah. She beckoned everyone forward for a group picture. I cackled involuntarily at Klaus's reaction. He swirled around with his hands on his hips, almost in a superman pose.

"Oh, bloody hell not this again." He grunted.

"Oh stop being a party pooper and get in here Nik! You too Elijah." With not much of a choice they tended to her demands. It turned into an entire photoshoot. I observed everyone after I successfully fled from her and her camera. Marcel and I got the chance to catch up and speak. He was a fun fella. He rehashed his time and story with the Mikaelsons. Just as he considered me family, I considered him a part of mine. After being summoned, he excused himself.

"An interesting wish list you had love." Klaus rang in my ears, joining my side.

Turing to face him I scoffed. "You weren't

supposed to read it Klaus! Now my wishes won't come true!"

He chuckled at my response.

"Where were you today? And please don't lie to me Klaus." I stepped in front of him, holding his arms. He avoided my gaze, sighing. I pressed on. "We're friends Klaus and friends do not lie to each other. I know something happened which delayed you and Elijah. If you won't be honest with me, I can go to Elijah." I threatened.

Holding me back, he huffed. "Fine! If you must know, we were ensuring your safety-"


"Nothing drastic love, just a little scouting." He smiled reassuringly.

"Please don't do anything insane! You don't need fight for me..."

He swiftly cut me off. "You do wish me to be your forever friend and I intend to uphold that. Where is my brother? Isn't he usually attached to you?" He glanced around him.

"He went to get my coat...honestly just an attempt to make Ethan jealous and I'm sure that's what he's doing this very moment-don't divert my attention Klaus Mikaelson! I don't want any of you putting your lives at risk for me. We almost lost Kol and we can't- we can't lose any more people!"

He cocked his head to his right and peered into my eyes. "My family as well as yours, will go above and beyond for your safety. We will let no harm come to you and I am aware you are very capable but-"

"You're afraid. You all are, and you do not need to. No matter what anyone says, the Mikaelsons could never bring doom. I am so fortunate to have you all. I have Rebekah and Freya, not just as friends but sisters and you and Elijah and most of all Kol! How can one say I am doomed when I have the world's strongest and oldest family by my side? I don't believe in this so-called prophecy."

My attention is captured by Freya and Rebekah. Standing a few feet away, holding their hands over their mouths, the tears visible in their eyes. Immediately they hurried to me and pulled me into a hug. We fell apart at the buzz of his phone. "Sorry love, I must pop out for a few minutes. I won't be long." He crossed the gap between us, taking a hold of my arm, and kissed the corner of my mouth. We watched him disappear into the house, no doubt already out the front door.

"I'm going to go find where your brother Kol is held up!" I pecked their cheeks and rushed off. Unaware I brushed past Ethan, not stopping at his pleas. I just wanted to find Kol. Dark thoughts invaded my mind. He yanked me back, gripping forcefully onto my arms. "Let go Ethan!" I hissed, prying his hand off me.

"Why are you doing this to me?! How could you be so cold!" His voice began to rise as it shook with violent anger. "WHY DO YOU PUSH ME AWAY! I LOVE YOU! Why HIM and not me?" He stood there, fists balled and vibrating. "I've known you for years and yet he shows up and you're all over him, a guy you barely know!"

"I do not have time for this Ethan!"

"You never do! You barely let me touch you, yet you can let his brothers hug you, kiss you...that Klaus guy!"

"I know you love me, but I do not feel the same way and I never have. I never will Ethan! We are just friends and I care about you! That is all it will ever be. It is none of your concern whether they hug me or kiss me!"

"IT IS!" He edged closer; eyes darkening with vile intentions. Rocking with rage he grabbed both arms and pressed hard. "Why!"

"Klaus has better intentions. He would never harm me or do anything disgusting and disrespectful, to me or to his brother."

"You barely know him! Any of them!"

"I have known him my entire life! There is a lot you do not know of me Ethan, now I suggest you get your hands off me!"

He growled refusing to release me. Before I could react, arms yanked him back. Stefan pushed him against the wall while Damon pressed his arms against his throat. "She said let go."

"Thank you." I mouthed to them and dashed up the stairs in search of Kol.


He knocked on number thirty-three and waited with constraint breath. Like a crazed person, his eyes darted around, scouring the quiet streets. The fear of being followed weighed heavy. He was meant to be at home, reporting back to his father. Knowing it was his duty, he managed to slip free. The door opened and a spirited woman greeted him. "Good evening, Ben."

"Hi Mrs Everleigh-I'm sorry, I mean Tina. Is Noah home?"

She smiled warmly. "Yes, he's in the living room revising. Something you should be doing?" She surveyed the boy. He was a rattled mess, sweat lining his forehead, the dark bags beneath his eyes giving him a hollow appearance. "Are you okay? It's the pack, isn't it?"

Without a word he nodded, casting his gaze down.

"You better come in." She stepped to the side, allowing him entrance. Hurrying in, his hood fell from his head. By the state of his hair, it was patent he had a rough transformation. Noah peered out the living room, took one good look at his friend and knew it was urgent. "Bro, get in here!" He beckoned. "You look like hell!"

He chuckled sparingly. "I feel like it." Leaving the boys to themselves, Tina made herself scarce. Flopping onto the sofa, Benjamin massaged the front of his head, blowing out long, deep breaths. "I'm supposed to be home and reporting on the search or Qetsiyah's-whatever descendant. I can't be asked anymore. My body is aching from delaying my turning."

Noah's brows raised, creasing his forehead. "Isn't it meant to be painless?"

"Yes, but because I forced myself to slow it down and refuse the orders, turning was actually a pain in the ass. At least I know I can somewhat defy them." He spared another laugh.

"What do you know of this Qetsi-who?"

"Have you heard of a family called The Mikaelsons?" He answered with a question.

Positive he heard of the name before, he opened his mouth but was cut off by the thunderous voice of his mother. "Don't you dare mention that foul family in my home ever again!" She lashed, coming face to face with the boys. Taking a big gulp, they rose to their feet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it's a bad thing...I just wanted to figure something out." Benjamin relayed. "I'm supposed to be finding stuff out about Qetsiyah's descendant and the only thing I found out was the Mikaelson name. I thought you might know since you're a witch...." He dared not look her in the eye, for he knew she was capable of grisly torture.

"Qetsiyah's descendant is dead. She has been for decades." She stated aggressively.

"You know of her?" He found his strength again.

"I used to...long ago. Now, she's in my past. What business does your pack have with a dead girl?" Her face softened, thinking back to the past and the pleasant memories of the girl she idolised. Taking it as their chance, the boys resumed their seating.

"I don't know exactly-something got to do with the pack and the history. Qetsiyah did something and I think...her descendant is the only one that can undo it."

"How do The Mikaelsons come into it?"

"My dad thinks they're linked. The witches we were following, they were killed by them, and those witches knew of the whereabouts of the girl... I think. They had a location-"

"Wait?" She stuck out a hand. "Location? As in they think she's alive. That's not possible...I-I saw her die before my eyes! It's not possible. They're obviously mistaken." She was convinced he was mistaken. It wasn't plausible.

His brow pulled together in a frown. "I don't know...they said she's alive. My dad and the pack are desperate."

Biting the inside of her cheek, her gaze unfocused, a thousand memories flashing before her eyes. Her whole life seemed like a lie. Could it be true?

"Mum?" Noah shook her gently. When she gave no response, he called her again. "Mum! Are you okay?"

Breaking out of her trance like state, she met his blinking eyes. "Sophia...she can't be alive. How certain are you, Ben?"

"I'm not sure. I hope she ain't because I don't want them getting what they want. I thought, you could help me know more about my family."

She frowned. "I'm sorry dearie, all I know of the original pack, they predate the original vampires." Raking her fingers through her curly, buoyant hair, she sunk back into the sofa, sorting through several thoughts. "Benjamin, leave it all alone. Don't get involved. Find a way to save yourself, while you get the chance." She advised with a stern tone. It's not as easy to leave, he thought to himself. He knew he had to put up a good fight for his freedom.

In her head, all she could think about was the possibility of Sophia being alive. She had to be sure of it. She watched her son embrace his friend, pat his shoulder, and walk him to the door. Returning to thoughts of the girl she stared down at her open palm and rubbed her fingers with her thumb. To find Sophia, a whole can of worms had to be opened. Am I willing? She questioned herself.

Noah retuned to the living room, confronted with the sight of his apprehensive mother. Usually, she was a calm and collected individual. Sitting on the sofa, chewing at her nails, she adopted an entirely new persona. Sitting down beside her, turning his body to face her; catching her attention, she turned to face him. "What do you want to ask? I can tell you're squirming to."

"How do you really know her?"

Taking a moment, she closed her eyes and visualised the sweet face. "1923 or so I believe, my mother took her in. She became a big part of my life. A huge part until she died...I saw her die. If she is alive...I have questions..." She trailed off.

"What questions?" He waited for an answer, but she didn't pay him any heed. "What questions?" Jolting her from her deep reminiscence.

"I was a child, she promised to never leave me. She left me with that psycho of a mother." Sucking her teeth, she raised her arms then back down onto her lap, looking left to right as if the answers would appear. "It doesn't make sense..."

"You could find the Mikaelsons and ask them? They're connected by the sounds of it."

She shook her head, scratching at her arm, absentmindedly. "I need time to think."

"How do you know of the Mikaelsons?" He could sense how uneasy the name made his mother.

Her lips tugged into a vague smile. "It's in a witch's nature to know of her surroundings and all the happenings of the supernatural world. That's how I know of the Mikaelsons. Created through magic, an abomination, and foul creatures. I never came face to face with them, but I did witness the destruction and havoc they caused in their wake, all in the name of their family. They're the worst of the worst. Powerful and undefeated. The worst thing, they're always using and abusing witches, despite having an all-powerful witch of their own."

"That's...an awful lot to digest."

"I'm warning you Noah, don't do anything stupid that will force me to cut you from your magic."

He scoffed. "I don't even know how to use it! You don't even let me practice." He knew becoming one with his magic was his way out. "What are you going to do?"

She turned her sights to the candles on top of the fireplace. "I need answers and the only person I can think of is.... your grandmother. Help me prepare for the seance. I need you to repel her if she tries to gain control of my body."

Bouncing on his feet, he made his way to the candles and gathered them up. Turning back to his mother, he awaited further instructions.