

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter forty eight


Standing in the shadows, he sipped on his drink with sweaty bodies dancing around him. The lights of the club bounced off their faces and the music blared. He watched amused by the several girls dancing wildly, throwing their heads back in seduction. A woman with cropped, blonde hair danced her way to him, twirling around him and pressing herself against him. She moaned lightly as she swayed side to side, her buttocks pressing into him. He wasn't interested in that. She wasn't attractive to him in any way. None of the females at the club were attractive or even caught his attention. He was there for one thing only; to quench his thirst. He was hungry and needed the blood to fill him up. It was the only thing that dulled out the ever-growing emptiness in him. He was Kol Mikaelson, the psychotic maniac, lost and willing to do anything to rid himself of that plague.

She continued to press and whine on him, her body swaying to the beat. Inhaling in her scent, he growled and swivelled her around, sinking his fangs into her neck. A satisfied, low groan parted with him as the thick, salty blood rushed down his throat. It was his fix. The hunger grew and he ravished her, tearing into her throat not caring about who saw. They were all compelled to ignore the blatant brutality. Till he drained every drop of her blood he wasn't ready to discard of her yet. When there was no blood left in her, he let the body crash to the floor, ready for his next fix. He scanned the dance floor, searching for his next prey. Then he spotted her. The dark-haired girl, with long curly hair. He searched her face inch by inch. From her medium fair skin to her nude brown painted lips. He looked at her hair once again. Something about it enchanted him. Walking over the body before his feet, he swaggered up to the young woman. She spun around, coming face to face with him.

Liking that she grabbed the attention of a man, she wrapped her arms around his neck and danced wildly. His eyes remained fixed on her lips. Not wasting a second, she crushed her lips on his and let herself loose. Smirking, he kissed her back. He felt nothing but the rush of her blood that soared through her body. She pulled away, biting her lip. The next action stunned him: she moved her hand to her hair and tucked the loose strands behind her ear. He watched transfixed. She giggled under his gaze, her cheeks flushing pink. It was the hair; he couldn't stop himself from taking a thick clump in his hand. It wasn't soft as he presumed. It was coarse and unnatural. That infuriated him. Lowering his arms to hers he pulled her back, throwing her in a dip and sinking his fangs into the sour skin. She yelped but the compulsion forced her to stifle her cries and remain still.

Like a savage he slurped down the thick blood, burying his face in her neck. A sharp breath left him when the images flashed before him. His grip on the woman loosened as further memories flooded back in, each one making it harder to breathe. The female skipped away leaving him gripping his head as his world spun around. Every memory that hit him, he released a deep scream. Her voice. Her laughter. She danced around him. Everywhere he looked, he saw her face. Her smile. Every part of their lives together. He watched himself twirl her in his arms on their wedding day. He reached out but there was only air. "Sophia..." He choked out. Climbing to his feet, he shoved through the crowded floor, stumbling out the club, dropping to his knees feeling a pain so deep he could hardly breathe.

Two days after



For the fifth time she insisted I stayed home, striving to convince me I didn't need to attend her graduation party considering my state. She only cared about my well-being. "Harlow! Yes, I've been through a horrible ordeal, and I accept that. It's not easy and I'm shaken and will not be over it, but I will not let it interfere with being there for you. You only graduate Uni with a first once in your life so, I won't let this moment waste away."

"You're not well! You're sick Sophia and I love you for wanting to be there but if anything happens to you-" whipping around I held her arms.

"No. That's final Harlow. I'm going to be okay and we're going to have fun! Besides, I'm almost dressed! I know you're worried and rightly so but if I stay here, I'll only feel more suffocated." I couldn't be indoors. I just wanted to get out.

She puffed out. "Fine."

"Now. help me with my hair? It's a mission to straighten."

She smiled and grabbed the straightener from the dressing table. Sitting me down in front of the mirror, she worked at the back of my hair. I looked earnestly at my reflection. I opted for a simple black slip dress and underneath I wore a cream, rib rolled neck top to hide the plaster that concealed the hideous mark left by the vampire bite. The dress had the perfect fit and flare. Comfortable and airy. "You look gorgeous." She beamed, moving onto the last section of my hair. "Though, I absolutely adore your natural curly hair."

"It's refreshing to change the styles around. God, I can't remember the last time I straightened my hair." I chuckled. Fixing my lips with a touch up of lip liner, popping them once satisfied with the final look. "I didn't get the chance to say how beautiful you look Harlow. Satin looks great on you." I grinned at her through the mirror. She adorned herself in an emerald satin dress. The back trailed perfectly, fit and flare style and accentuating all the right places. Her hair was pinned up and simple jewellery complimented her entire look.

"I've finally graduated!" She flowed with joy. "First class degree in the field of history!"

"You smashed it! I'm grateful to share this moment with you."

A gentle rap at the door. Placing down the liner on the table, I looked to my right. Henry stood, leaning against the doorframe. "You girls ready?"

"Yes." Harlow looked from me to him. Mincing over to him, getting on her toes, she pecked him on the cheek which he returned. That small gesture reminded me of Kol. I wondered what he was up to. Was he partying and having fun? Taking in a deep breath and exhaling out, I followed them out the room. The car was parked right at the doorstep. Ben and Noah waved from the car in front. Taking my place in the backseat, I clung to the wedding band. Throughout the journey I sat in silence, occasionally peeking out the window, constantly fidgeting the whole way. Twisting my ring on my finger to settle my nerves and when that did nothing, I twiddled my thumbs.

"God Sophia! I'm worried sick. You're clearly not okay. Please, we can take you back home."

Running my fingers through my hair, I exhaled and inhaled, repeating the exercise until I felt myself calm. "Don't be silly. We're here now, there's no point in turning back."

"Are you sure?" Henry implored. I nodded and shared a smile. A large painful lump grew in my throat and no amount of gulping down would make it go away. No matter how many sips of water I took, the lump remained. The car slowed down, snapping me out my haunting thoughts. Stepping out the car, i gulped in the smoky air, seconds later regretting my decision of doing so. Somewhere in the distance there was a BBQ. The thumping of the music seeped through the venue doors. As we drew closer the beats and words were more distinct. Lights and banners were strung up. It was beautiful to say the least.

The entrance made up of white and dusty pink balloons formed in an arch. Stepping through we were greeted by a pack of jumping and cheering lads. Her cousins I gathered. Henry seemed to know a few unknown faces. He greeted the tall, muscular host with a fist bump. It was clear they were familiars. As I passed the guy, he threw me a wink to which I returned with a look of contempt. His face twitched. Holding onto Henry, they both disappeared into the crowd, greeting the guests, and getting congratulated. I looked around. Majority of the guests were already drunk and tipsy, with the occasional one stumbling around. There were clusters of people around the dance floor engaged in conversations, making out, drinking, and simply sitting around observing. Others picked on the dessert and snack tables.

The last time I attended a party was with Stefan. It was the first time I enjoyed a party and that too with my brother. Only this time round he wasn't here, and I wasn't enjoying myself. The soundtrack was on shuffle, a mixture of old hits from decades earlier to recent hits of today. I smiled to myself as familiar songs played. Wading through the crowd, gradually reaching a panicking stage after losing sight of Harlow and Henry. I seemed to spin around as I made effort to push myself through. I trembled. My chest grew tight. The pulsing bass thrummed in the air. My breathing picked up. Claustrophobia invaded. The room whirled with me. My back collided into something hard. A Yelp tore through me and I spun around.

"I'm sorry, Darling."

I froze wide eyed and gaped at him, my bottom lip quivering. Kol stood before me, peering into both eyes. I opened my mouth to utter his name but stifled it. He didn't recognise me. I was just a stranger he bumped into. Reeling, I stepped back. "It's o-okay." I fumbled.

He chuckled. "No worries." Seeing him rocked my world. I wanted to melt into him. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I couldn't. I couldn't comprehend what he was doing there but I knew I had to escape and steer clear. I tore my sight from him and turned on my heels and broke into a run. Standing at the opposite end hoping to be out of sight. My heart sunk. I could see him clearly, dancing around with another woman. She flirted with him, and he flirted back. It pained me to watch him behave that way, but it wasn't his fault. I couldn't blame him or hold it against him. Physically and emotionally incapable of witnessing him in the arms of different woman, I set out to find Harlow and Henry. Tears burned my eyes and one by one they trickled down as I squeezed through the dancing bodies.

Yet again I found myself lost in the ever-growing crowd. I pushed on through refusing to give up. Then I spotted Henry twirling Harlow. They stood by her family giving speeches and cheering her on. Feeling the relief I sprinted to them, losing my footing, and crashing into him. He spun in place and braced me, brows furrowed. "Are you okay?"

"Kol...Kol's here...I don't know how or why but I had to get away."

She stepped forward. "Does he?"

I shook my head wiping away the tears. "No, he doesn't. He looked at me like I was some stranger. I know I should be happy, but it hurts."

She pulled me into a hug and held me. "We can go if you want?" She asked pulling away.

"No, it's fine we don't need to do that. I just need to firm it and enjoy whatever this is." I gestured to the space around me.

"What will you do if you bump into him again?" She questioned, raising a brow.

"I'll act like I don't know him and he's a detestable guy??" I shrugged. "At this point I miss being a vampire." I couldn't help but laugh with them. Taking my hand Harlow ran to the dance floor. After standing and watching her loosen up, I followed. We danced side by side as crazy as we could and not conforming to what the crowd did. Slowly I found myself relaxing and letting the music flow through me—Just how I danced with my sisters.

I visualised those moments in my head and danced around. Soon my arms were in the air as I swayed.

"Used to be your baby, used to be your lady

thought you were the perfect lover..." Harlow sang in tune. Getting in with the flow I joined in.

"All the harmony went fallin' out of key So now you gotta find another." Every move came with ease.

"Think I got myself in trouble-" she sang. "Now I gotta fill the bath with bubbles." We danced and sang to the mashup. "I'm going to grab us drinks!" She yelled over the music.

She ran off and I stopped dancing. The music whirled around me, enveloping me. I hummed to myself. She returned a minute later dancing to the beat. "I like this song!" She yelled. I laughed hard knowing she didn't realise how loud she was.

"Same! It's decades old but I like how the mashup works well!" I yelled back, hardly able to hear myself. "So loud!!"

"Don't look, but Kol is gawking at you."

We could build a universe out here all the world could disappear...

"Harlow!" I covered her mouth. "He's a vampire and he'll hear!" I chided under my breath. "We don't know him remember!"

"You should dance with some random guy."

I shook my head. "Poor advice Harlow! I will do no such thing."

She gave a dainty shrug. "He did."

"Because the poor guy has no recollection of who I am and who we are to one another."

"Well, the universe is pulling you towards each other." She spun me around in sync with the beat of the next song.

"Some moves you've got darling." Came the smoky voice. I didn't need to turn around to know it was him. The way my back arched to his voice and how the hairs on my arms raised just feeling his presence. Swallowing down, I slowly faced him.

"You again...can I help you?" I scowled. He moved closer with a smirk on his face. "I couldn't help but notice you love. Aren't you a Pretty little thing?"

I scoffed. "And aren't you a creep...and a Lame flirt." He chuckled and took another step. I shuffled back and stuck my hand out.

"Come on, one dance." He pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Let me stop your right there. I don't speak to strangers and that too with flirts. So no thank you!" I turned halfway only for him to yank me back.

"Just one dance darling. There's something about you I can't shake." He reached for my hair, quickly I turned my head stopping his advances.

"I'm married. Goodbye." I shoved him back despite every fibre in my body telling me to give in to him and hold him. His eyes fell on the ring around my neck. His ring.

"Then why do you have your husband's ring around your neck? Clearly he's not around."

"That's none of your business stranger." I turned fast and a fiery pain sparked from my right foot and flowed through my leg. I wobbled, losing balance. Kol caught me, quickly steadying me. Our gazes meshed. The smirk from his face vanished and in its place was fear and concern. His hold on me loosened and I set my foot down, wincing as it touched the ground.

"Are you okay?" His hold on me grew stronger. He was behaving like my Kol, as if he knew who I was. Or was Harlow right? Did the universe pull him to care? A wet substance trickled down the back of my heel.

"I-I don't know...my foot." I limped.

He guided me to an empty chair and sat me down. Kneeling down he gently slipped off my heel. Examining my foot, he winced. The blood was visible from where I sat. I laughed shakily. "Would you look at that. The repercussions of wearing brand new heels and dancing in them.... ahh, it stings."

He frowned. "Does it hurt?"

"Honestly, it's killing me, but I'll be fine...my friends are here and they'll take me home to get it fixed." I assured, peering into his gorgeous eyes. My safe haven.

"Nonsense! Not on my watch. I can't let you go home in pain. Sit here, I'll be back." He jumped to his feet and disappeared. I sat on the chair swinging my legs, debating when I could get down and walk away. The pain was excruciating. I took a closer look at my foot. The entire skin had peeled and been scraped. Blood continued to trickle down, slower this time. Ben and Noah, panting and heaving stopped a few feet away, eyes switching from where I sat to the left of me. Kol reappeared kneeling down before me again, taking my foot in his hand, he rested it atop a stool. Beside him was a first aid kit. Seeing him take out the antiseptic, anxiety thrashed around in me. Picking up a cotton wool, he dabbed it with the light-coloured liquid. I grabbed his shoulders the moment the cotton contacted my skin. Screwing my eyes shut I let him clean the wound. After cleaning it and letting it dry, he plastered it up. "There." He smiled affectionately, making my heart burst.

"Thank you...I'm sorry, what's your name?"

The roguish smirk returned. "Kol. Kol Mikaelson and yours?"

"Sophia." Forgetting for a second, I gazed into his eyes falling all over for him again. Knowing I was simply a stranger to him, I snapped out, clearing my throat. "I need to go find my friends."

He held out his hand. "The music is soft. Just one dance?"

Refusing to give in, I locked eyes with Ben and Noah who immediately dashed to my aid and evacuated me away from him. I couldn't do it any longer. Finding security amongst them, I sat down. Harlow slipped comfortable flats on my feet knowing I would most likely need them. My saviour. Deciding I needed food and something to snack on, grabbing her arm i led her to the table. Passing by my eyes like magnets connected with him. He sipped on a glass of champagne with a woman on his arm. His eyes never left me, and he wore his permanent smirk. Did the universe really want us together?

Where I stood by the table, I had full sight of him and the woman dancing. Leaning into his ear, whispering, and then laughing as she pulled away. "Urgh! What I'd do to have vampiric hearing. Look at her acting as if she-never mind!" Grabbing a spring roll I angrily chomped on it.

Harlow snickered. "Look, he has no memory of you but still the universe wants you together. Just go dance with him. It's not like you'll see him again after this."

I shook my head, taking another bite of my sweet chilli spring roll. "No, what's he doing here in Galway?! Out of all places in the world why here?" We both glanced around the room, searching for the rest of my family. Both suspicious they regained their memories and came back for me. Not seeing anyone else, we concluded Kol's presence was a mere coincidence. Before we met and fell in love, he travelled around and acted just as his given name characterised. The Wily Fox. Psychotic maniac.

Popping a bite size brownie into my mouth, my eyes automatically latched onto him once again. Sensing me, he watched me just the way he had done the very first time I laid my eyes on him back in London. Maddened, I slammed down my paper plate, scurrying away. As I passed him, i shot him an acidic look. Returning my gaze forwards, I continued my strides onwards. His whole presence unsettled my equilibrium. Around him I could be so impetuous, and I had to bypass him. The universe be damned.

Fortunate I was to collide with Ben. "You look disturbed."

"I am! Kol is here and I just have to get out! Where's Harlow? I don't see her, and I don't see Noah anywhere."

"Harlow and Henry are playing the take shots game," he glanced around, scratching his head. "Noah was here somewhere-oh there he is! What the hell is he doing?" I followed his gaze. Noah was loading his plate with nachos, piling them on and on.

A snort of a laughter freed itself from me. "Why is he acting as though he has never had nachos in his life?"

"Do you want to dance? It'll take your mind off Kol and going mad and blowing things up." He exhorted. The rapid expulsion of air settled into soft breathing and with eyes darting around I accepted. The music slowed around us, and I took his hand, shaking my head but laughing softly. The churlish mood I was in not so long ago effaced itself and I was dancing with a pretty confident and great dancer. I didn't expect Ben to be quite impressive. As we did turns, I espied Kol dancing with the same woman who giggled in his ear and ran her fingers down his arm. Jutting out his chin, lips tugging up into a tight-lipped smile, he spun her around. I couldn't confirm whether he saw me or not.

I needed constant reminding that he wasn't himself and I stole away his memories. Whatever he did, it was okay and I had no right to be contemptuous. Our eyes met and he held me there. Pushing away the woman, moving with precision and firmness; he was always confident in everything he did. I watched, riveted as he swaggered my way. "Ben, do something! Save me from him."

Wide-eyed, he was a vacillating mess. "I don't know what to do-what do I do!" He tried changing his stance and attempted to spin me around but with Kol a foot away, he lost all composure and the poor child was panicking hard.

"May I cut in?" His breath fanned the back of my neck despite the roll neck covering most of it. A timorous Ben let me go and shuffled back. I could see him swallowing and gulping down the lump he was sure wouldn't forsake him. Kol frightened him.

"No, you may not!" I whipped around and scowled.

He chortled, cocking his head to one side, and admiring me as a whole. "A pretty little thing you are and rather obstinate much to my dismay."

I crossed my arms. "You're obnoxious."

"I want one dance. I told you darling, something about you drives me mad."

I scoffed. "Is that all you have to say? Very pathetic if you ask me."

He flashed me his lopsided grin. Inside I was squirming and doing summersaults. I missed his grin, his smirks. I missed everything about him. "Fine." Suddenly I found myself chest to chest with him. He bore into my eyes, fingers brushing down my arm ever so lightly, making me question whether he touched me at all. "You have this brilliance of light that when my eyes feasted upon you, I couldn't just turn away. Your light forces me to face my darkest reality but still, I've never met a creature in my entire existence who makes me strive to be...good."

Sucking in the air, lips trembling and in a hesitant manner i looked up at him. "Wow. No one's ever tried that as a pickup line."

"One dance is all I ask." He was hypnotic, the way he gazed into me. I started off reluctant but then yielded completely, taking his hand and following him to the partially cleared dance floor. The music was perfect. It was upbeat yet soft and slow. He pulled me close, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. It was difficult to contain myself, to control my breathing and how my body reacted to him. "How's that foot?" He hummed into my ears. So close to that spot behind my ears, I almost shuddered.

"Much better, thank you."

Avoiding his eyes, I danced with him. All our moments of dancing together and being in his arms unfolded before me. He was in control, leading me with his steps and turns. Those orbs of his never left me no matter how many times I turned my gaze down or away from him, they were glued on me. He was so close to me, and my knees grew weak. Kissing. Making love. He stopped swaying but continued to hold me close. The little space between us closed and he murmured in my ear. "Time to take you home darling."

A sharp pain in my neck and my eyelids grew heavy. Losing control of my body, i fell onto him. I tried lifting my head, but it was too heavy. Everything blurred. The faces morphed and became deformed. Voices grew distant and slurred. Darkness shrouded me.