

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Chapter fifty one

Walking down the dark pathway that led to her little home, she stopped and cocked her head to the right, listening to the faint rustling sounds that came from the distant. They were closer to her now, she turned to the left and narrowed her vision. Darker shadows flickered on the dark tree trunks. "Show yourself." She snapped abrasively. Grass and weed sliding against pant legs. Snarls. Out they stepped into her view, eyes glowering and canine teeth gnashing.

The slender female stepped forward. "Aryton sent us."

Relaxing her hands and letting them fall effortlessly to her sides she grinned. "Oh, he did did he?"

"He said you're the only one that can help us open the tomb."

"I thought your kind were massacred?"

"We weren't present when that happened-that's beside the point witch! We've tried everything to open it up and nothing has worked!"

"I don't like your tone. I suggest you speak with respect if you want me to help you." Crossing her arms, she waited with a look of coy. "Let me guess you need her blood? How unfortunate for you that I no longer possess it."

Snarls ripped through the night.

"Okay that's enough of the theatrics. If it's her blood you seek, I may know a way you can get to her."

"Well go on then, spit it out!" The pixie haired woman growled. All with equal focused expressions, they listened to her proposal and knowing it was their only way of acquiring what they truly needed, they agreed. Coming into their wolf form, the herd pelted into the darkness. Jameela watched and listened, certain they were long gone she whipped out her phone and tapped furiously. Glancing into the shadowy darkness, the past twirled around her, leaving her with no option but to invite it back in.

July, 1925


Both sisters drew their cloaks tighter across their body, hoods screening their faces. "What do you think she wants now?" Jameela questioned, gazing into the direction of the perceived hazard.

"Perhaps to warn us of another vision." She responded flatly.

"Why not just send a message? Hardly necessary for us to leave so abruptly with Sophia around."

Lamees shot her a sideways glance full of scorn. "How about you explain! Cosying up with the heretic as though you're one big happy family!"

"I have not!" She refuted. Hurrying their steps, cloaks swaying side to side as they did.

"Oh, enough of these harmful lies!" She hissed.

Jameela sighed, hardly seeing fit how she could console her sister and make her see otherwise. "This is not the time for this. Please Lamees, settle down I beg of you." Up ahead the tower of the castle could be seen. She couldn't appreciate the stunning scenery of Cavehill. Despite the sunny skies, she felt her mood dampen the day for her. The castle grew closer and closer with their rushing, leaning into view on the slope. The Shaftesbury family, unbeknownst to them have employed a witch to oversee the tasks of all the kitchen maids. Having the Everleigh sisters frequently visit was nothing alarming for them, in fact they took privy in welcoming them.

Passing the North wall and the Donegall coat of arms, they arrived at the front doors. Both doors swung open, revealing another cloaked figure standing in the doorway. "Not in here." Her tone soft and low. "Out in the playground." Taking the lead, they hurried after her, further into the playground away from prying eyes and ears. The hood slid down, revealing her anaemic face and ginger hair that was startling against her skin. Looking both sisters in the eyes, she spoke. "I've received another vision."

"What is it this time?" It was Lamees who asked the question, doing little to hide her distaste.

"I saw her with Klaus Mikaelson in the distant future. She stands by them and every witch that will die, is because she will bring forth this destruction if she is not stopped. Her powers are an abomination. She should not exist. You must do something, for if she is not with us then she is an enemy and an enemy that must be put down. There is nothing that shows her standing with us! You vowed she would be with us, but these visions say so otherwise!"

"She's intent on finding the Mikaelsons and majority of the witches are helping her. It's difficult-"

Grabbing her sister's arm, Lamees pulled her back, nails biting into her skin. "We'll think of something."

"You must hurry." Her eyes flickered to Jameela and solely her, "you must do well to remember she is the enemy, and your daughter is proof of that. Do not let your emotions misguide you." Making haste, the ginger witch skittered back to the castle to resume with her daily tasks in service to the Shaftesbury's'. In the silence they were left in, Jameela turned to the roses that seemed to be the only ones that possessed vibrancy in this bleak world she was living in. They reminded her so much of Sophia. Violently shaken from her thoughts, a venomous Lamees clawed into her arms, holding her firmly.

"This is your fault! You still love her, don't you? I'm no fool, I can see it clear as day how you hover around her—she has you under her spell and you're half-witted to even see it!"

Shaking her sister off, she snapped. "How belligerent of you!"

"You're doing this deliberately are you not? You don't want her to die!"


"Then why have you not made your next move!" Her tone was brutal, on the precipice of thunderous. "You know what has been prophesied!"

"I know!"

"She'll be our ruin!"

"I know!" She rasped.

"Then what is the delay?"

"It's difficult to see her as anything but the sweet girl I once loved. Not to worry, I know where my loyalties are dear sister."

Blazing with savagery, Lamees stepped closer, standing face to face with her sister. "You best."

The sisters parted ways a few feet away from the house, with Lamees giving her sister a pitiful glance. It burned Jameela to the core, her internal organs twisting and turning. She hated the way her sister glanced her up and down as she was something foul. Lamees tended to forget Jameela was stronger and far more powerful than she could ever wish to be. Jameela was always the strongest. One should be careful to assume her diffident self was anything but a facade. As she entered her house, it came as a shock to see Sophia standing by the window in the kitchen, snipping at rose stems and arranging them into a white, rustic vase. The roses were a deep shade of red, resembling that of blood.

Still focused on the arrangements, Sophia glanced up. "You're back! Where were you? I was beginning to think something happened."

"No no, nothing happened.... I just went on for a walk." She said without looking up, tugging off her gloves.

Sophia gestured towards the roses. "I hope you don't mind; I saw these on my way and it-they...they reminded me of..." She had the intense urge to laugh out loud, hysterical at Sophia hesitating to complete her sentence as though it agonised her greatly. "Dhanika." She finished off.

Wounded and antagonised, Jameela sat herself down on the chair, folding her gloves and placing them before her. The impertinence of the mention of her daughter's name from those treacherous lips. How dare Sophia. She's said to be the Salvation for her brothers. Not as long as I live. Is all that made rounds in her head. Sitting at the table one thing was clear to her; the hatred she harboured for Sophia weighed heavy on her. She will be no salvation for anyone, but doom is what Sophia will bring.


We lay tangled in bed, playing with each other's fingers as we spoke softly. Staying awake with him meant I didn't need to sleep. I wouldn't see the darkness. I won't feel the tightness or taste the dirt. The thought of it made my stomach twist and knot. A tap came from the door. Pulling his briefs over him he nipped to the door, twisted the knob, till it clicked open. Hushed whisperings and he closed the door, returning with a box of breadsticks. My wide grin turned into little bursts of laughter. "They got me breadsticks."

Shaking the box, he handed it to me. "Your brothers would do anything for you, as would I." He kissed the top of my head, climbing back into bed. After nibbling on a whole packet, my eyelids grew heavy. Sleep was inevitable. No matter how hard I tried to keep awake, I only tired myself out further. He noticed the change in my breathing and the struggle to stay alert and up. "Love, what's wrong?"

I was taken back to the grave, the darkness and the dirt in my mouth. The room seemed like it was closing in on me, there was no room to breathe, to see or to feel. Was I breathing? I couldn't tell.

I blinked out the tears. "The dirt...darkness and my chest. I-I c-can't- I don't want to sleep. I can't..." I couldn't finish the sentence I struggled so hard to form. He held me to his chest, running his hand down my hair and back. My breathing became somewhat controlled, and I finally shut my eyes. He took of over my mind, showing me mesmerising scenes that chased away the darkness and gifted me with a sleep that was soundless and peaceful.

My gaze was scattered and bounced around. Looking at anything and everything but Kol. If I looked at him, it was fleeting. My eyes darted away. I wronged them all. I wronged him. The guilt ate at me. One lie to cover multiple other ones. Atrocious, I screamed internally. I wish I could escape. I no longer wanted to fake it. I wish I could erase it all. I was dying and that too, very fast. The process sped up after all the use of magic. A year knocked down to months-days I had no clue. A difficult year it was. Things have changed, I thought to myself. How could they have not after everything that had happened? Soft raindrops tapped against the windowpane. I looked on with his arms wrapped around my waist.

I couldn't be what they wanted me to be. I couldn't be what he wanted me to be. Alive. He snuggled closer, leaving no space. Turning gently, I faced him. With his eyes closed he looked so sweet and so peaceful. Mid-August and it poured down with rain. UK weather was unstable and unreliable, just like my life. A pain erupted in my stomach, squeezing my eyes shut I suppressed the cries. "I want to take you on a date." His voice broke the silence. Peeling my eyes open to his fluttering open, rubbing away the remaining remnants of sleep. He repeated himself again.

"A date? What were you thinking?" I shot him a narrow-eyed look.

"A surprise. All you need to do is get ready by nine in the evening." He tugged me closer and pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I'm utterly surprised but I can't wait to see what the Kol Mikaelson has planned."

He gave a deep belly chuckle. "Darling, there's much you've got to learn about me."

I laughed. "Indeed."

"I won't see you till it's time for our first date as husband and wife."

I sat up in bed, furrowing my brow. "Why?"

"I've got much to plan and i want everything to be perfect."

I shook my head. "I don't care about perfect. If it's just you, then that's all that matters."

Taking my face in his hands he planted another forehead kiss. Every time it would send warmth through to my soul. Suddenly, the pain in my stomach didn't matter anymore. It was non-existent. His mere act of love and adoration washed it all away.

Kol was gone for most of the day, and I was left with the rest of our family. As I sat with my knees up and staring at the TV, hardly watching the crime series—lost in thought. Abandoning his reading chair, Elijah joined my side on the sofa. "Niklaus, would you pass me the blanket please?" I noticed the room was partially cleared. My brothers and sister-in-laws were nowhere in sight. The only people with me were Elijah, Klaus, and Marcel. Handing Elijah the blanket, Klaus retreated back to his spot by the mantle. He stood facing me with a comforting smile.

Wrapping the blanket around my legs, Elijah finally relaxed. "It's cold and you ought to keep warm." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Elijah. You didn't have to." I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze the moment he placed his in mine. I admired him. He was strong, loyal, and intelligent and undoubtedly noble. I adored him. Protective as my brothers and he did everything in his power to ensure I knew I was a Mikaelson. He was the first Mikaelson I trusted with all my heart.

"What troubles you?" He asked, holding my gaze.

Exhaling out the breath that felt so heavy, I gave a sad smile. "I'm just worried that's all."

Marcel and Klaus moved closer, equally compassionate with their stance and expressions. "What is it love?" Klaus crouched down, hands on my knees.

"I should have mentioned this earlier, but I wasn't sure and I was going over it in my mind—trying to...i don't know!"

"Little one, you're killing us here." Marcel grimaced.

"Ben messaged me earlier...the remaining pack have found the tomb and they've been sent back to London—for me...they need my blood-"

"Excuse me! What?" Damon belted, charging into the living room. "What happened to keeping us in the loop?" Behind him were Stefan and my sister-in-laws.

"Didn't we kill them all?" Bonnie asked, swooping in front of my brother.

"Apparently some of them were in Greece." I shrugged.

"How did they know?" Care doubted.

"Ben doesn't know. He speculates it's Jameela but I'm not sure...they're coming for me, but I don't even know what to expect. He doesn't know either."

"What do we do?" Elijah looked to our family, searching their eyes for an answer.

"Sophia does nothing." I whipped around to the angelic voices.

"Freya! Rebekah!" Jumping out, throwing the blanket to the floor, I hurled myself at them and wrapped my arms around them. "You guys are back!"

"Like I said, Sophia you just worry about your date with our brother and the rest of us will deal with these mutts."

We pulled away and I couldn't help but beam despite these unprecedented times. Having them back, made me feel complete.

"Leave it to us!" Freya reaffirmed. Looking deeper into her eyes I could tell their search for answers was all in vain, but i knew that wouldn't deter them from searching further and deeper. I returned to the sofa, uncomfortable under Elijah's scrutiny. He suspected something deeper, and I couldn't have wanted to get out of there faster before he forced it out of me one way or the other. Because I trusted him so much, I was terrified I would divulge all my secrets to him. So, when the time to get ready for my date approached and Freya and Rebekah dragged me away, I was elated.

Finding the perfect outfit for the date night was strenuous! I couldn't find a single outfit that checked my list. I glanced back at the growing pile on my bed, wanting to cry. Rebekah and Freya watched me at a loss for words. They gave their input and opinions, yet I couldn't agree on a single outfit choice of theirs. I whipped around with both hands on my hips. "Seriously! I don't know what to do!" I was like the big bad wolf, who huffed and puffed.

"What exactly do you want?" Rebekah sighed.

"Comfort! I can't wear skinny jeans or anything tight around the waist! I've gained weight and I need comfort!" I wanted to cry. "That's it! Just comfort!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air.

Freya chimed with laughter. "Right, let's see." She muttered to herself, ruffling through the endless hangers of clothes. She pulled out a white knee length dress. "You can wear this, it's airy and flowy!" She glanced down at my stomach and her brows pulled together. "Either I'm blind or you are but I do not see any fat??"

Rebekah inspected me. "Yeah, I see nothing either...honestly human Sophia is no fun!" Pointing to the outfit again, "She can pair it with the crop Khaki tie up cardigan. It's a tad bit cold outside and well, she's been on a rant these last few days! Complaining!" She added.

"I'm sorry! I'm a puny human, what can you expect from me?" I shrugged with a smile. Finally deciding on the outfit, I got dressed and gave them a twirl. Turning back to the mirror i sucked in the air. I hated how he still made me breathless. Adrenaline and norepinephrine made the beats of my heart faster and sent my pulse racing just to the thought of him. Every time he's near, every time he touches me the dopamine induces euphoria.

My family sat around me, waiting for him to arrive. In a nervous state I watched and listened to their conversations and the little bursts of actions. Elijah did not give up his scrutiny. The family prepared themselves for any sudden arrival of the wolf pack with a thorough battle plan. When my eyes met Klaus', we shared a pleasant smile. The clock struck 8:59pm. Only a minute left. I jumped to the sharp knock that echoed throughout the house. It was him. Freya hopped to her feet, headed out the door and disappeared down the passage.

"You look gorgeous." Caroline beamed.

"Thank you." I muttered, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. She observed me then unfolded her arms, stuck a hand in her pocket and presented two pearl studs.

"Here, these will match Stefan's bracelet."

Overwhelmed, I wrapped my arms around her. She squeezed me tighter. I pulled away and turned to the sound of slow yet purposeful footsteps. Freya entered, grinning ear to ear. She was the proud big sister. Then he appeared and spoke in his thick, smoky voice.

"Are you ready Darling?" Pulling air through my pursed lips I gave a small nod of the head. His gaze was fixed. Never wandering, completely glued to me, eyes flickering from mine to my lips in a cycle.

"Gorgeous." He murmured crossing the room, taking my face in his hands, and kissing me slowly.

"I'm ready. Although I am rather curious to where we're going so late at night." I raised a brow. He flashed me that infamous grin. Reaching into his back pocket he fished out a black, thin material. I tilted my head quizzically. Damon cleared his throat.

Kol chuckled. "It's a surprise so you'll have to be blindfolded. Is that okay?" He took my face in his hands again, searching my eyes. I nodded. My heart melted purely to how thoughtful he was, and he cared so much for me, knowing the trauma I faced. Turning my body so my back faced him, he brought the blind fold before me and gently placed it against my eyes. At first my body went into shock, feeling the fabric tighten and be knotted at the back. I stared into the blackness. I was home. I wasn't anywhere else. Controlling my breathing and relying on my free senses, I felt for him. He lifted me in his arms and carried me out.

"Where are we going?" I asked trying to peek from under the blind fold.

"You'll see." He chirped. The car door opened, and he slid me in, strapping me in with the seatbelt. The door shut and the driver's side door opened and quickly closed. The engine roared to life and a light breeze caressed my cheeks as we drove out.

"All this anticipation is killing me!" I babbled.

He took my hands to his lips and grazed my knuckles. "You'll have to wait and see." I could hear that roguish smile. As the car pulled to a stop, I moved my head around in an attempt to sense my surroundings. He shuffled around in his seat, pulled the keys out the ignition. The door to his side opened and closed. A second later the passenger door opened. He grasped my hand, gently helped me out and guided me. Gripping onto his arm as my clutch, we walked down the paved streets, down the stone steps. One, two, three...six. I counted. A few strides and we climbed four more steps. We came to a stop and a light breeze tickled me as he vamped behind me. The blindfold floated down my face. I sucked in lungful of air as spasms of delight rocketed through me. I turned to him breaking into a grin. "Sea life!! I've always wanted to go to London aquarium but I've never made an effort...Kol!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you!"

He guffawed. "That's not the best part love."

I glanced around. The streets were empty and the doors to the aquarium were wide open. It was dark yet illuminated with blue aquatic light and not a single person was in sight. "Do we have this all to ourselves?"

He grinned. "No disturbances. Now, shall we?" He stuck out his arm and beaming I slid my arm in his, together entering the aquarium. The excitement bubbled in me as we skipped through the exhibits. I pressed my hand against the cool glass, watching the fish swim by. Fish of all kinds and colours. I watched as they flapped their fins and turned past the corals. Some travelled in small groups, others solo. I looked up at the ceiling. It was dark yet the coloured lights from the tanks illuminated the entire floor. He took my hand and led me to the jellyfish. Different lights from the tank lit up the transparent jelly like fish. I watched in pure bewilderment as they contracted and relaxed their muscles. Opening and closing, drawing water in, and then forcing it back out, launching themselves forward. His fingers laced mine and he clung to me tighter as we moved down to the next tank. Every now and then I took sneaky glances at him, completely hypnotised by him.

We hovered around the shark tank. With my back facing him, I stood and watched with pure astonishment at the large creatures that movies depicted as vicious. I marvelled at the sight, how they swam by with such gentility.  "Look at that one!" I exclaimed, pointing with a finger which he followed. "It's so ugly."

He chuckled, sliding his arm around my waist and drawing me in. "Darling, that's a bow mouth guitar shark."

I looked at him, raising my brows. "That is a strange shark...yet everything about them is breath taking...they shouldn't be in here in such a confined space..." I trailed off, knowing he wasn't paying attention to my last statement.

"Breath taking...yes." He whispered. I turned to only find his eyes were on me. He wasn't paying attention to the sharks. My cheeks flooded with warmth, and I was certain a flush of red showed on my skin. I couldn't help but admire his beauty and how handsome he was, how out of this world he is. The light from the tank only enhanced his features. For a split second as our eyes locked and his gaze penetrated me, I felt vulnerable. The same way I felt the very first time we laid eyes. He cupped my face, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. It was our first kiss all over again. He took me whole, infecting me and filling me up with his love. He gave me that look a cross between sexy and adorable and my heart fluttered. Not giving it a second thought, I pressed my lips against his fiercely. His eyes lit up and he responded with a strong and passionate kiss, sucking the air out of me.

Hours zipped by and we sat conversing, laughing, and messing around by the shark exhibit. I rambled on yet he continued to listen with full focus and a bright smile on his face. I was falling for my husband all over again. I learnt more about him, his family. They were widely Misjudged. He was misjudged but he was never the one to care what people thought. I suppressed the oncoming yawn, not wanting the moment to end. I wanted to remain in it for eternity. Despite all my efforts to hide my exhaustion he sensed it. As I babbled on, he swept me up and carried me in his arms. Half aware, I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. At a leisurely pace he walked down the wide hall that was alive.

"Kol, I love you." I mumbled. Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander. How would death meet me? I don't want to die! I want to survive.... you can't wish for that...