
SALEM CHRONICLES: Legend Of The White Queen

Salem means Peace. That's what her father taught her. Yet the northern realm was the last peaceful place she knew. Aged by wars and forever destined to be under unsettling disputes, it was deemed the most hopeless kingdom of Salem. But then, fate had its own version of the future installed from the very beginning. On the same grounds, the young princess struggles to be the docile and loyal-to-the-throne daughter regardless of the sneer, ridicule, and ill-treatment she gets in return. After many years of abuse, she stirs up and decides that ... enough is enough. Determined and vicious, she takes things into her own hands and sets out to finally seize her crown, not caring if it meant resorting to extreme measures. If she is a villain on power of the land she called home, then so be it. Her inner voice with a hand from karma call out to her. What happens when you're enchanted to the enemy but born to destroy one? And amidst all this chaotic voodoo and wicked turmoil, the warrior within her pleads to be set free ... forming a sense of power like no other, flowing within her like a predator ready to strike. So strong she fears she won't be able to control it any longer. While the power to turn over the doors of destiny is placed in her hands, Lillemor wavers to choose her own magical fairytale ... A dying nation or her yearning desires? It's not much of a choice list. ............................................. It's an epic dark fantasy revolving around a world of the original witches. With dark magic, a twist of fate, and a black queer girl for a main character. A story of deep feminism, power, vengeance, forgiveness, reviving dead covens, and a game of crowns and swords where destiny can be redesigned by the hands of a mighty ruler.

immie_writes · LGBT+
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6 Chs

CHAPTER 5: An Effeminated Beginning

  Umayr had sat on the royal throne proudly.

No grief for his King at all,

His dear best friend could now rest in peace, aye?

Lillemor almost laughed at how ridiculous he looked on the spot.

The man was playing games he didn't know, and Lillemor was yet to coach him.

She smirked as she catwalked on the red carpet, making sure to take all his attention while tightening her hand on her sword.

He watched her intently, lust filling his eyes at the sight of her thighs which were left bare by the two high slits in front of her white dress.

Lillemor didn't need further indication for what he had under his sleeve.

  "If you think I'm going to wed you then you're an outright fool, Umayr", her voice echoed through the walls, even the guards couldn't hold back their shivers.

"It's LORD Umayr, young girl. How many times have we told you about respect?!", he yelled.

  To that, Lillemor didn't hold back her laugh this time.

"You're a funny lad, Umayr.", Lillemor halted before his feet. "Your best friend dies and the first thing you do is replace his seat? ... Anybody can tell who's the killer now."

  Her accusations brought up all the eyes of all the servants and maids on the man sitting on the throne.

Yes, she was going to falsely accuse him and have him killed. Yes she was.

"If anybody should have respect in here ...", she continued. "It is the man who puts his ass on a bleeding throne.

As much as a hunger for power could be overwhelming, yours is on the edge of greed."

  With every word let out from Lillemor's mouth, Umayr's vein ticked in anger and of course, fear.

"Show respect to the throne, I'm no murderer. And I am the new ruler of the Northern Kingdom Of-"

  Lillemor didn't let him finish his sentence, striking his throat with her sword.

She had saved him his breath for the better, now he could preach about the new ruler of the throne to the grim reaper.


  Lillemor heard the gasps and sharp air intakes of the witnesses.

But she didn't care.

If she had to take what's hers by force, then so be it.

With a strike of her sword, she was going to rule over the kingdom.

Her Kingdom.

Funny how what is already yours could be so hard to own.

  "I want his body thrown out to the stray dogs, along with my father's", she ordered strictly and no guard hesitated to oblige forthwith.

  After the bodies were disposed of, and eaten away by the end of the day, Lillemor crowned herself Queen Of the Northern Kingdom Of Salem.

This was it.

She could feel it.

This was the end.

The end of it all.

But little did she know ...

  The fight had just began.

Simple as that, the witnesses of Umayr's death became the first bowers to her throne.

And that was how she intended to lead ... ... through blood, through swords.

She was, what they would later call, the blood queen. Queen of the sword.

The first female ruler, and the fiercest of them all.

She was heartless, albeit, fair.

She was kind, but not to those who didn't deserve it.

She didn't ask, she took.

And that's what she wanted every new born girl of Salem to learn ...

That there was no point in asking; they were born to take the things they want.

No begging, no remorse, no regrets.

The crown now, belonged to her. Which meant the power had shifted ... women became heads of the family, as they should.

"It is time for the men to stay home, knit by the fire, and take care of our beloved children, while women go out to fight.", she had claimed.

It was a new era.

A female dynasty.

Exclusively matrilineal.

But again, this was all just the beginning.