
Internal Inferno

Simon Says is browsing his mobile device.

"Is there any info about our next move?"

"No, just Marquis Kebab the Lithuanian Foreign Minister up to no good...ah what a disgusting and nothing new."

"Simon, you should stop reading tabloids."

"Yes, Lord Ignacius, we should stop knowing about our Foreign Minister shatting all over the place."

"Whahaha, he is no good. I know about it."

"I think we should do him SAS style."

"No, it stinks too much."

"We then lick his possy."

"You said it brother. The first meal after a long way home."


Our Sakura Uto's heroes, the three samurais from White States, have fallen in danger once more. They need assistance.

"Kawaii my ronins."

"Ah ranin? Is it a bad joke in foreign language?"

Simon Says finish his can of black fizzy drink.

"Let's roll this dice and see fear in the enemy's eyes."

"Magnum Mage say something."

"It is magnetic when you talk about taking him in and slaughtering him."

"It would be Lord Ignacius' wedding pig."

"You guys must talk about Ignacius stag night too with Foreign Minister's family."

"Shhh...you keep quiet about it."

"Not kawaii at all."

Sakura laughs out loud


When Ramolskis and brother Jack reappear to save the day from evil polish.

"It's like the times we nailed the Tabor chief Large Dick and his mental brother to the first apartment door with his wooden leg."

"Nope it will be like we felt his wife in the back of our car seats."

"Yeah, we spread and butter her over there."

"She was such a lick I thought she had her jaws open all day all over my Dick. It felt like dying off."

"Yeah and I had to hold his two kids hands behind the corner until you finished in the freezing Klaipedos cold."

"Yeh Memel memo fun."

"I squeezed right hard in her avoiding your seamen on her lips. It took some time to drill open. I think he has cockles dick or something."

"Yeh, what a loser. I had to pound her for two hours until this fake blond felt enough."

"Yes, I took a snapshot of her red bottoms."

"Yeh, keep a picture, it will last longer than such whore."

"Hahaha, what a fun time. We should kick her longer, like a can down the road and visit her to pick these losers kids after school to give her lift back."

Ramolskis spat on the floor.

"It is like on her possy."

"Hahaha...you're right."

"Is this the best Klaipeda has yet?"

"I am not sure yet."

"I think he has a brother in prison, a proper prison rat."

"Yeh, I hope he has a good chick to share too. You know they turn lonely and their vacuum closes after a while."

"I would love it to slide open."

"Yes, brother Jack."


Simon let's pass his guard behind his back to see a hanging window shard to see him charge from behind.

He was holding his handgun under his armpit to blast opponents skull open in a blood splatter.

"I hate these voodoo dolls." Lord Ignacius shouts in his shorts outside their hotel window to Simon Says.

They shot a Polish war criminal attempting to assassinate them in an alleyway.

Simon was walking in the evening to bring a couple bottles of Soju back when he noticed a suspicious male in his forties following him.

In 166 street he took left to walk past their Tamagochi Tools to walk faster ahead of his drawing his handgun out.

He stabs him in the neck holding on his hand Simon slowly pushes a glass shard in his neck the whole of his body down lowering dying body to floor looking in his eyes to keep him silent.

He takes a look at the glass shard in cold body's neck six meters apart and can see another killer.

He lets his arm in armpit and fires a fatal shot.

"You look guys? Do I have only myself to clean up all this shat?"

They close their windows and do not respond.

"I was only willing to bring a few drinks now but I have to disinfect two bodies before this cheap hotel concierge comes back."

Ignacius shouts out his window. "You blame this Polov Dune!"

"I swear I cut his balls out."

"Can we bring back Bibi Bit?" Magnum Mage spoke outside his window with Simon.

Sakura Uto did not pay attention and continued to sleep under sounds of homicide.

"Why?" Simons shouts back.

"I think he will have his cousin Ugis Tako let Lord Ignacius have his wife while the Polish loser enjoys his bubble bath."

Lord Ignacius opens his window suddenly. "Really?"

"Yes and let's not shout in poor Seoul because we do not know how many Lithuanians can live here."

"Ya, let's head back to Bavaria once we finish our beer."


When our Simon is reading Daily Bong News and reading in between pages he bad mouth their trails of crime making them look stupid.

Lord Ignacius treats him to one punch he finally shuts up.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut."

"I know this duty stress gets to us all but next time choose your nickname to Smok Sensei."

He brushes his jaw after a straight punch and takes a drink from his water bottle and collapses to the floor.

"I think those Polish assholllleeeesss will pay."

Ignacius casts his bottle aside picking up Simon off the shopping mall floor.

"I hope you will not make me late for my date. I am so steamed up, I bought a XXL size packet of condoms."

"You live my life my son." Simon attempts to speak with him before he drifts asleep.

They place narcotics in some of teammates' items to subdue them.

When Mage clears the path of the smoking gun.

He walks straight behind them firing vital shots in the back of their heads wearing black bomber jacket, jeans, baseball hat and medical face mask.

He kills two killers from Poland sitting in an indoor mall near them walking by their coffee table when he points his barrel to the third.

He presses it on his eye forcing him to press head on the table and fires a shot.

"This is what I call the demonic eye." Lord Ignacius looking stunned at Magnum Mage grabs Simon Says and makes his run.


Ugis Tako opens the hotel room 218 door and walks in, placing his service keys in his black suit pocket.

"Boss, are you there?"

Ignacius is checking his hair style and checked shirt open collar to stay neat in the elevator mirror taking it up to the second floor in the hotel facility.

We dedicate it to School Street 23, Klaipeda. Thanks City Mayor for the support.

The Hiroshima Office Press

Audrius_Razmacreators' thoughts