
Saiyan Overlord Naruto

This is fan-fiction. all the original characters and stories belong to their original author. this is just a wish-Fulfilment fan-fic. the MC is insanely OP. I just take some ideas from other fan-fic. Smashed them together then add some my idea. So I don't expect everyone to like this. Read if you like or find it interesting. and if you don't like it then don't read and comment. English is not my main language so there will be grammar and spelling mistakes. do point them out if you find any. I will try to edit them. constructive criticism is welcomed. but don't comment rudely.

AeTheSilent · Cómic
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18 Chs

A New Servant.

Chapter: 07

After I am done with Kurama's mind modification. I resumed the time and say goodbye to him. and exit my mind space.

When I come out it was already 6 am in morning. So I lay down and tried to get familiar with all the new energy. It was quite easy for me to access them. And it also seems god has also given me very good control over them.

Well, it's understandable depending on the wishes I had made. It would have been pretty unreal if I didn't get good control.

Then I summoned some shadow demons.

"Lord what is your orders" shadow demons with lots of respect.

"Go, fiend a map of this world and look for the Land of Uzushiogakure. And search that place for any intruders and secure that place. If there is any capture them. And look for any hidden place or valuables. When you are done inform me. Now go." I ordered them.

"Yes, lord Naruto. This shall be done." Shadow demons received the orders and despaired in the shadows.

Its feels good to have loyal subordinate to do my work. Now everything is done for now. I should check out the system that God has told me about. I should also change all the settings of Nazarick members that I don't like.

So I mentally willed for the system panel to open. And a transparent blue screen appears in front of me. And there are a few tabs present there. Appraise, missions, Shop, and Nazarick.

Let's check out missions first. So I mentally command for the missions tab to open. Wow, there is already seems some missions there. Let's see,

Hidden mission. Meet the nine-tail fox for the first time. Mission Reward: fifty thousand Ryo. Status: Complete. The reward is in the inventory.

Hidden mission. Meet your new parent's soul. Mission Reward: two hundred thousand Ryo. Status: Complete. The reward is in the inventory.

Hidden mission. Meet with the sage of six paths. Mission reward: one million Ryo. Status: Complete. The reward is in the inventory.

Mission: First time Summon someone from Nazarick. Mission Reward: well you already got the whole Nazarick what more do you want. Status: Complete.

What the fuck with the last mission. Well, whatever it not like I expected anything. But all the money that I got from other missions would be helpful.

Now it's time to change the settings. Let's see what should I change.

I then start to change things according to my liking.

First was albedos personality. I changed it the same way Momonga had done in the original.

The second is Shalltear I changed her settings so she will not lose control in the sight of too much blood. But she will get stronger the more blood she collects.

The third is Aura and Mare. Twin Guardians of the 6th Floor. I changed their crossdresser setting.

Then Pandora's Actor, the Treasury Guardian. I changed his weird way of speaking and behavior.

Then Entoma I changed her race from a bug-man to a human. I also did the same with CZ2I28 AKA "Shizu". Automaton to humans. And Solution from slime to human.

Then I added the ability to transform into a human form to all the key members of Nazirick. Also added the ability to resist any type of mind control abilities. This should be enough for now.

It's now puss 8 am in the morning. Someone can come any time to check on me. So just lay in the bed doing nothing. And after about twenty minutes a nurse comes to check on me.

"It seems you are awake. You must be hungry. I will go get something to eat for you. And also inform the head doctor." the nurse said and left.

After some time she returned with some food. And left after putting them on the bedside table. The food test was bland. But I finished all the food because I was really hungry. Altho the food was not enough but it will do for now.

When I was done eating the door opened again. And two people entered the room. One is in a doctor's uniform. I think he is the head doctor the nurse talked about. And the other is an old man. Who is obviously the third Hokage. In his Hokage uniform. Then the doctor did some check-ups on me and said to Hokage.

"Hokage-sama He is hundred percent heald. And there is no need for him to stay in the hospital anymore." said the doctor.

"Ok, then you can leave. I will take him with me." Hokage said to the doctor.

"So Naruto how are you feeling right now," asked Hokage.

"I am fine. There is no problem gramps." I replied to which he smiled.

"But I have something to talk about with you gramps and it is very important," I said again.

"Ok, then tell me what important thing you have to talk about," he said with another smile.

"Not here we need to go to some secure place. It's about a dream where I meet some people. And one of them is the Fourth Hokage." I replied.

When he heard about me meeting the fourth he instantly becomes serious.

"Ok, let's go to my office then. Follow me," Hokage.

And I followed him to his office which took us five minutes to reach. Then he ordered all the hidden anbu's to leave the office. After they were gone he activated some privacy seals.

"Now we can talk in privacy. So Naruto, tell me about the dream you had." asked the Hokage.

"Ok, even tho I told you this is a dream. But actually, It is not. After the accident when I was in a coma. I meet a person. But before telling you this let me ask you. how much you know about Uzumaki clan history. Do you know about the legend of Nazarick?" I asked him.

"Well, I heard the legend from Mito-sama the wife of the first Hokage. She was an Uzumaki," he replied.

"Then it will be easy to explain. The man I meet is the lord of Nazarick Momonga. And he made me his successor. Now I am the new lord of Nazarick and Uzu. He also thought me all his abilities and gave me all his equipment with many other items." I declared.

Hearing what I said he was shocked. And stayed quiet for a long time. And after getting out of the shocked state he then asked me to continue.

"He also told me about the nine-tail fox that is sealed inside me. When I went inside my mind space to see the fox. There I meet with my father Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. And after talking with them and sharing the story of how I become the new Lord of the Nazarick. I asked them if they would like to have a second chance to live. And after explaining my method they agreed." I then explained. And he was again in a dazed state.

"That is great news. But everyone knows that they are dead. And if the news gets out. That it's possible to bring the dead back to life. It will bring lots of trouble for you. Do you have any plan for this?" He then asked.

"Yes, I have. I will use one of Momonga's abilities. To make everyone believe that they never died. And only was in a coma after fighting the Kyuubi." I answered.

"Naruto it's not good to temper with others mind and memory." He retorted seriously.

"Oh, is that so. But making a kid's life a living hell was good. You have quite a great moral value gramps." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Hearing my replay the Hokage felt guilty. And tried to reason with me. To try some other methods to explain the miracle. Or lying to people by saying. That the funeral of the Fourth Hokage was fake. And he never died. It was done to prevent his enemy from attempting on his life. When he is unconscious after the Fight.

Well, it was not a bad idea. But it is impossible to fool everyone with a lie like that. Especially people like Shikaku, Shikamaru, Kakashi. there are also people like Danzo, Hamura, Koharu. Even all the high-ranking shinobi. And those who saw the dead body of the Fourth Hokage will not buy that bullshit.

And arguing with him is getting tiresome. And he also deserves some punishment. For not keeping his word to dad. And failing to protect me for the villagers. I will make him one of my loyal servants. This will also make my future plans go smoothly. So again I used time-stop and the scepter. And changed his mind to become my loyal servant. And with that everything become easy.

"Master Naruto I am extremely sorry to fail you. I will accept any punishment you want." my new servant/ Third Hokage.

"There is no need for any punishment. And address me like before in public. Also, ask Jiraiya to come back to the village. He will go with me to the land of Uzu. where I will revive my parents. and come back to the village and Jiraiya and I will act as escort for them. So prepare their body as well. I won't change your or Jiraiya's memory so you should explain things to him." I ordered.

"Yes, master I will do it without fail." He said with determination.

"Good, Inform me how long will it take for Jiraiya to return when you get his replay," I added.

"Yes, master," he replied. And I left his office.