
So it Begins.

The celestial tapestry that once adorned the Faradras System, a mantle of stars that whispered cosmic tales, had been vanquished. In its stead, the lone radiance of the sun system bathed the Saiyans, stationed outside the formidable space station, in its unforgiving glow.

The colossal edifice, stretching for dozens of kilometers, rose defiantly with a haunting beauty in its gothic architecture. The aged walls, etched with the scars of time, reflected the piercing sunlight. Within its expansive corridors, bunkers, defenses, and turret positions, the station's workforce stood resolute. Their gaze fixated on the impending cataclysm, their stalwart forms standing sentinel against the encroaching maw of doom.

The ships dispatched by Inquisitor Gannicus assumed a strategic distance, their presence pivotal not only in delivering orbital support to the ground troops but also in alleviating the burdens weighing upon Seleri and the defenders stationed aboard the space station.

The Blazing Feather, an ominous vessel under the command of Gannicus, bore armaments capable of unleashing torrents of devastating firepower.

Yet, in the face of the vast armada of bio-vessels hurtling towards them with an insatiable hunger, the solitary frigate and its escorts seemed a mere spark against an encroaching tempest.

Before a panoramic window, adorned in a fusion of Saiyan armor and a breathing mask to inhale the life-giving oxygen, stood the five warriors of the proud Saiyan race. Lords of Faradras, their very existence embodied the last hope of the imperiled humans in this sector. Across their faces, scouters displayed intricate numbers and data, their eyes locked onto the abyss beyond.

In this profound silence, broken only by the beeping sounds of scouters and the ambient hum of the machinery laboring within the space station, Aprit couldn't contain a murmur. "Those vessels are colossal," he remarked, his gaze fixed on the data unveiled by his scanner. A bio-ship, visible thousands of kilometers away, stretched an ominous three kilometers in length.

Nodding solemnly, Rucule couldn't help but utter with a stern tone, "And there are millions of those ships." An uneasy tension lingered in his demeanor as he grappled with the staggering scale of the impending threat.

Within each Saiyan, blood surged with heightened fervor, and instincts flared wildly.

The oppressive aura exuded by the Hive Fleet clashed against their warrior nature, and the unyielding arrogance in their veins yearned to confront the monstrous entities that dared to brandish their fangs. The air crackled with anticipation, the Saiyans itching to launch into battle. Yet, for now, they held their ground, a silent yet volatile storm awaiting its release amidst the cosmic maelstrom.

Ramela, an animated blur of energy, leapt and weaved on the precipice of anticipation. Her nervous energy, a tempest within, compelled her to exclaim, "The nervousness is killing me! I can't wait to destroy all of those ships with my bare fists!" Her words reverberated with more than mere bravado; there was a palpable, raw intensity to her, a Saiyan spirit eager for the brutal symphony of conflict that loomed on the cosmic horizon.

In stark divergence from Bann's calculated approach of unleashing energy blasts, Ramela, much like Rucule, embraced an alternate strategy. She envisioned harnessing her endowed physique and kinetic energy during flight, a swirling force of destruction ready to tear through everything at hypersonic speeds, leaving nothing but chaos in her wake.

While Ramela reveled in her anticipation, Seleri, the stalwart defender entrusted with the monumental responsibility, scrutinized the data displayed on her scouter with unwavering seriousness.

The weight of the impending battle bore down heavily upon her shoulders. Her mission was clear: defend the space station and stem the tide of the encroaching swarm from inundating the planet's atmosphere. It was a Herculean task, uniquely suited to her unparalleled prowess. With ki reserves and control second only to Bann, she stood as the linchpin for this formidable undertaking.

The flickering numbers on her scouter, a mesmerizing display registering in the dozens of millions, prompted Seleri's mind to race with intricate calculations. She meticulously estimated the time required to decimate the looming threat, her tactical brilliance shining amidst the impending storm. The gravity of her duty lingered in the air, and she bore it with the poise of a seasoned warrior.

Sensing her intense focus, Bann, a pillar of support in the face of cosmic adversity, offered words of encouragement that reverberated through the tense atmosphere. "Remember, today you're not allowed to die. Do what you must, but unleash a torrent of hell upon them." His words, laden with the weight of the impending struggle and camaraderie forged in the crucible of shared destiny, elicited a grin from the Saiyan female.

It was a fleeting moment of connection amidst the cosmic chaos, a testament to the indomitable spirit that bound them all together in the face of an uncertain fate.

As the yawning gap between the two cosmic forces gradually diminished, the ominous bio-vessels drew closer, their grotesque forms looming on the edge of the void.

The weapons flanking the Frigate and its vigilant escorts, sleek instruments of impending destruction, aligned with ruthless precision. Within the hallowed bridge of the Blazing Feather, Gannicus, his figure radiating stern command, stood amidst the remaining officers from the navy.

Their collective focus fixed on an array of panels, each displaying vital information about their adversaries — the sinuous dance of their weaponry, the pulsating life force within bio-ships, and the intricate functions of the mighty vessel, all meticulously overseen by a legion of servitors.

A symphony of orders echoed through the cavernous bridge as the crew moved with seamless discipline, preparing the colossal 1.5-kilometer vessel for the cataclysmic clash that lay ahead. The resonant clang of metal echoed through every corridor, a harmonious prelude to the imminent storm that awaited them in the cosmic abyss.

"Milord, weapons are ready," reported an officer, his arm raised as he scrutinized the data slate wrapped around his forearm, a repository of tactical insights and critical updates.

Gannicus, his gaze unwavering, fixed upon the ominous Tyranid strangler displayed on the panoramic screen and various holograms. In that moment, the bridge held a collective breath, anticipation thickening the air. The weight of responsibility bore down upon Gannicus as he drew in a deep breath. His voice, when it finally resonated through the bridge, carried not just the authority of command but also the solemn acknowledgment of the daunting task ahead, "Open fire."

His command, a seismic echo through the ship's various vox-speakers, initiated a symphony of unleashed devastation. Lances, sleek beams of potent energy, and torpedoes, harbingers of explosive doom, were unleashed into the cosmic void. The very metal of the ship quivered under the force behind each projectile, a testament to the unleashed power at their command.

Volleys of destruction and building-sized torpedoes hurtled through the vast expanse at colossal speeds, traversing the remaining distance in mere heartbeats.

The two-kilometer-long strangler, a grotesque behemoth, found its demise in the merciless onslaught as the lances sliced through its monstrous form. The torpedoes, fiery emissaries of obliteration, erupted behind the obliterated bio-ship, engulfing a larger void in a cataclysmic explosion.

The radiant shockwave not only consumed the primary target but also swept through the surrounding swarm of drones, scattering them like ashes in the cosmic wind.

The ensuing spectacle, a transient dance of brilliance and destruction, mirrored a small supernova. The bridge, bathed in the ambient glow of monitors and holograms, held its collective breath. In this moment of cataclysmic beauty, the crew bore witness to the unleashed fury, a prelude to the tumultuous battle that awaited them amidst the cosmic tapestry.

Observing the explosive initiation of the cosmic conflict from the vantage point of the space station, Bann's stoic gaze bespoke a foreboding recognition. "So it begins," he muttered, his voice resonating through the labyrinthine corridors as he raised his breathing mask and gracefully ascended into the weightless void.

Addressing his companions, who were transfixed by the unfolding spectacle, Bann rallied them with a voice that echoed through the station's metallic confines, "SAIYANS FROM PLANET VEGETA, TODAY WE STAND, TODAY WE FIGHT! In our blood courses the pride of our ancestors, the pride of our race. Let them behold, let them fear, for us, the Saiyans, shall show them no mercy." His words, a clarion call to battle, elicited fervent yells and shouts from his comrades, who promptly followed his lead.

Floating in close formation behind him, their breathing masks securing life's breath, the Saiyans' eyes blazed with a fiery intensity. Taut muscles bespoke readiness, a testament to the indomitable might of their warrior lineage. With a final, resounding shout, Bann propelled himself away from the space station, his voice thundering through the entire structure, "FIGHT WITH ME TO THE WORLD'S ENDING! DEATH!" The air itself quivered with the intensity of his roar as the Saiyans, a formidable quintet, flared their ki and echoed his cry, "DEATH!"

Like five cosmic comets streaking through the cosmic tapestry, the air around the Saiyans steamed with the potency of their ki auras, engulfing their bodies in an ethereal blaze. Soaring through the void, they cut through the inky expanse with meteoric speed, small meteors colliding with their bodies, creating explosive bursts of energy in their wake.

Their unwavering focus fixated on the encroaching bio-vessels, eyes burning with pure fury and the insatiable thirst for battle. Accelerating with each passing second, they halved the distance against the first wave of Tyranid bio-ships that opened fire in a desperate attempt to repel the approaching Saiyan onslaught.

Bio plasma and acidic assaults were hurled toward the Saiyans, who effortlessly danced through the deadly barrage, leaving trails of blueish and greenish energy in their wake. Dozens of thousands of drones, with the proportions of large aircraft, followed in their wake, like a swarm of voracious insects.

Ramela, fueled by unbridled eagerness, accelerated to even greater speeds, breaking through a thousand times the sound barrier. Colliding head-on with the first wave of drones, she unleashed her kinetic might, rending through the hard carapaces and transforming the swarm into a bloody maelstrom. Her trajectory left a trail of destruction, an unstoppable force of nature carving its path through the swarm.

Explosions erupted in the void as spheres of pure destruction akin to the ones of the torpedoes, added a cacophony of brilliant detonations to the cosmic ballet of war. The space around the Saiyans became a canvas of chaos and fury, the clash of titans reverberating through the emptiness of the cosmos.

The stage was set for a cosmic symphony of destruction and defiance, and the Saiyans embraced their role as its unrivaled orchestrators.

Seleri and Bann, their formidable ki pulsating like cosmic supernovas, became avatars of destruction as they surged through the undulating wall of biomass created by the relentless swarm of Tyranid drones. The release of their ki attacks painted the vast expanse of the cosmic void with brilliant explosions, each detonation echoing with the devastating yield of dozens and hundreds of gigatons.

The shockwaves from their onslaught reached for hundreds of kilometers, transforming the once serene vacuum into a chaotic battlefield where radiant bursts of energy vaporized thousands in the blink of an eye. Yet, the unyielding Tyranid horde, like a relentless tempest, continued to pour forth from colossal bio-ships, challenging the Saiyans in a cosmic ballet of annihilation.

Rucule and Aprit, inspired by Ramela's audacious approach, became celestial juggernauts hurtling towards the heart of the Tyranid swarm. Their trajectories, etched with the destructive brilliance of their ki auras, left trails of devastation in their wake as they collided with the first of the colossal bio-ships.

The seemingly impenetrable armor covering the bio-ships, a testament to Tyranid resilience, proved futile against the indomitable force of the Saiyan onslaught. Rucule and Aprit, with sheer might, cleaved through the armor as if it were nothing more than an ephemeral barrier.

Amidst the cosmic chaos, Rucule's maniacal laughter resonated through the void as he taunted the void beast, "EXPLODE, YOU VOID BEAST!" A charged ki attack, an embodiment of relentless power, surged into the prowler, disintegrating hundreds of thousands of bioforms within. The resultant detonation, a cosmic fireworks display of destruction, expanded outwards as Rucule, undeterred, propelled himself towards the next target.

Aprit, adopting a more strategic and cautious approach, meticulously carved a gaping hole into the gigantic prowler. Methodically, he directed precise ki attacks into its innards, systematically dismantling the bio-ship as dozens upon dozens succumbed to the relentless barrage.

Acidic and plasma attacks were deftly dodged, and smaller bio-drones were crushed beneath the force of Aprit's calculated strikes.

The cosmic expanse around Faradras transformed into a chaotic theater of destruction, where the symphony of explosions blended with the relentless tide of Tyranids surging forth to confront the Saiyans.

As the brilliance of the explosions, each reflecting the devastating potency of their torpedoes but now multiplied in the thousands, bathed the space around Faradras, an uneasy tension gripped Inquisitor Gannicus and the souls aboard the Blazing Feather. The capabilities displayed by the Saiyans surpassed even their direst expectations.

"By the Emperor's bones! If they can unleash such devastation, what grim fate awaits our fleets?" The alarmed voice of an officer resounded, quickly hushed by the urgency conveyed through the gestures of his peers.

Forcing down the weighty knot in his throat, Gannicus redirected his gaze to the unfolding cosmic theater of war. Urgent orders echoed through the bridge, "Focus on the ships escaping the Saiyans' onslaught! Do not allow them to approach the space station so swiftly!" The frantic coordination continued as the Frigate and its escorts seized the opportunity, unleashing relentless salvos upon the retreating bio-ships, while the fighter squadrons prepared for the imminent clash that awaited them in the vast expanse of the cosmic battleground.

Within the chaotic maelstrom of nightmarish creatures and unrelenting assaults, Bann found himself submerged in an overwhelming sea of Tyranid drones. His movements, executed with a fluidity that defied the laws of physics, cut through the swarm like a tempest of destruction. Each punch and kick was a testament to the unstoppable force that was a Saiyan in the midst of battle.

The surge of adrenaline pulsed through his veins, drowning out rational thought as he tore through the nightmarish horde with an indomitable will.

In every direction Bann turned his gaze, grotesque Tyranid forms loomed with their nightmarish claws, mouths, and tentacles. His fists, wreathed in a blinding white ki, became instruments of relentless precision, obliterating each foe with a brutal efficiency that seemed to freeze time itself.

In the midst of the chaotic sea of enemies, Bann moved at a speed that left the Tyranids unable to react. Dozens fell with each passing second, yet the ceaseless tide of Tyranids, like an unyielding cosmic force, continued to replenish their numbers.

'I guess is time.' Sensing the impending escalation of the threat, Bann knew it was time to unleash a devastating attack. Gathering ki around his left hand, he executed intricate maneuvers with the other to obliterate everything in his immediate path.

Balancing the need to conserve ki with the desire for a potent strike, he accelerated his speed hundreds of times faster, distancing himself from the encroaching sea of enemies.

With unwavering determination, he pointed his left hand towards the staggering count of seventeen million Tyranids, unleashing the fearsome blue sphere with a thunderous roar, "BIG BANG ATTACK!" The silent explosion that followed, thousands of times larger than his previous assaults, swept through the enemies in a devastating display of destructive force.

The blue sphere, a colossal manifestation of raw power, spanned more than a thousand kilometers in length. Its scorching temperature obliterated everything in its relentless path, creating a void of devastation in the once serene expanse of space. The very name of the attack did justice to its colossal impact, as it resonated through the cosmic battleground.

Though the Tyranid numbers dwindled at an alarming rate under the relentless onslaught, Bann was not content to merely witness the aftermath. With a relentless focus, he continued gathering ki, launching salvo after salvo towards the colossal bio-vessels of great length.

Each attack, meticulously charged and unleashed, displayed enough potency to dismantle the looming threats, leaving behind cascading explosions that marked the Saiyan's unwavering resolve.

In the silent vacuum of space, the battle for Faradras' survival unfolded beneath the blazing explosions of countless ki attacks and torpedoes. The initial clash saw the Saiyan race ruthlessly eradicating over two hundred million bioforms in the first wave of the Tyranid fleet. However, this loss paled in comparison to the never-ending swarm yet to reach the Saiyan position. The true force of the Tyranid menace had yet to be unleashed against the indomitable Saiyans.

The echoes of this cosmic clash reverberated through the vastness of the galaxy—the indomitable Saiyans versus The Darkness that devoured everything. The battle for Faradras had only just begun, and the fate of the sector hung in the balance, a cosmic dance between the unstoppable force and the relentless tide of darkness.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon. /Sr_Devoxero

The interactions with the nivel died down, don't know what happened but it sucks I guess.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts
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