For Gohan and co, the next few days were nice for them all as they all managed to have a bit of downtime which was much needed, especially after what had happened recently with Issei's and Gohan's introduction to everyone, Asia's rescue and then of course most recently the rating game against Riser "the fried chicken" Phoenix.
Unfortunately for Gohan though, he was still being plagued by nightmares of Cell in the middle of the night, he would wake up in a sweat and immediately check to make sure if Rias was fine due to the nightmare showing Cell killing his girlfriend right in front of his eyes. However, it wasn't just Rias that was being killed, it was also Akeno which hurt Gohan just as much as seeing Rias be killed by that monster.
Recently Gohan had to try and understand why he was having similar feelings towards Akeno as he does have for Rias. Gohan would find himself being snapped out of a random stare that was aimed at Akeno while he was in class and when he was at home things had become somewhat awkward as they would both say a quick hello to each other and not really talk for the rest of the day. This didn't go unnoticed by the others though, specifically Rias…
Gohan had once again been woken suddenly by his nightmare, "I've got to do something about this…" Gohan was panting heavily due to the awful nightmare.
"Guess I will go do some training again…"
Gohan then turned and gave the sleeping Rias a quick kiss on her forehead as he grabbed one of his many gi's and left the bedroom and made his way towards the training room.
Meanwhile, in the room next door to Rias and Gohan's, a certain brunette was also having difficulty with her sleeping, "why…why is he on my mind so much...?" Akeno was just laid naked on her bed fidgeting as she was mentally trying to not think about Gohan, unfortunately for Akeno, it was a battle she was losing miserably.
"What am I going to do…" Akeno sighed.
Akeno then suddenly heard a door seem to shut, she looked at her clock that was on the wall which showed that it was 3:05, I wonder who that is…
Akeno grabbed her dressing gown and quickly slipped it on, she then went to her door and slowly opened it to see who was up and about now of all times in the morning. As she had a peek around her door Akeno instantly recognized the hair of Gohan and saw that he was holding his gi, he must be going to the training room but why now of all times…
Seeing as she couldn't sleep, Akeno decided once Gohan had gone into the training room she would go into the safe area and just watch on.
As Akeno walked into the safe area of the training room she could see that Gohan was now in his gi and doing some stretches before he would begin his training, Akeno then sat on the sofa so that she was comfortable watching Gohan while he was just setting up the clone machine, however, Akeno was soon in a look of shock and felt even some fear as she looked at the four clones Gohan had chosen to fight, they were all identical to the real from what Gohan had said about the monster known as Cell.
"I need to do this if I am ever going to stop these nightmares" Gohan muttered to himself as he looked on at the Cell clones that were stood in front of him. Gohan had not realized that Akeno was watching on as she was in the safe area.
Gohan then powered up to his maximum in his base form causing a white aura to surround his body but as he was doing this the Cell clones were also powering up to their maximum which made Gohan smirk as this is what he wanted.
For the next hour and a half, Akeno just watched in awe at the young Saiyan as she could hear and sometimes see the sheer explosive power that was behind each and every attack. Akeno could see that the normally casual and calm Gohan had been overcome by a much different Gohan as he was now fighting with such brutality towards the clones, without realizing it, Akeno was getting somewhat turned on by how aggressive and powerful Gohan was being in this fight.
Once Gohan had finally had enough of beating the crap out of the Cell clones he decided to do some meditation as Piccolo would always lecture him on making sure to train his mind for battle and not just his muscles. Gohan wanted to try and find a way to bring out this inner power that he could still couldn't bring out for some reason, however just as Gohan was beginning his meditation…
"Gohan… can you hear me?" a sudden but familiar voice interrupted his meditation.
"Hey Dad, it's good to hear your voice again!"
"Hey Son, how is everything?" a very happy Goku said.
Gohan started to tell his father all his recent fights and adventures, he even included the part that he now had a girlfriend much to Goku's astonishment.
"Wow, son! Well, your mother will be pleased to hear that" Goku beamed at the news his son had got himself a girlfriend, however, something about the way Gohan had spoken about one of his friends. Goku could just tell from Gohan's tone when he spoke about Akeno it was like he was talking about his girlfriend Rias.
"Gohan, is there something you want to tell about this girl called Akeno," Goku asked slyly.
Gohan instantly seized up at this question and began to blush, why do I feel like this, I have Rias…
"She's…ermmm just a friend Dad" Gohan mumbled in his reply.
"Gohan, I can tell from your voice that there is something more about this girl so be honest with me son"
Gohan pondered on what to say to his father about Akeno, heck, he wasn't sure what he felt for the girl himself. "Dad, I don't know what I feel for Akeno the only thing I know is that it's like what I feel for Rias."
"Gohan, I think the best thing for you to do is to speak to Rias about this and then go from there, I'm sorry I can't be of much help to you son, I'm probably not the best person to ask about relationships as I was either dead or off the planet most of the time" Goku was somewhat upset at the way he had treated his family.
"Oh, that reminds me Gohan, there are two things I need to tell you," Goku exclaimed.
"First, you are going to be an older brother and second, the others are going to wish me back soon so that I can spend time with your mother and help her but don't worry thanks to my instant transmission I will still be able to come up to King Kai and talk to you."
At this point, Gohan was somewhat stunned at the fact he was going to have a sibling even though he might never get the chance to meet them he was happy for his Mum and for his Dad to also be brought back to life so that he could keep his Mum company.
"That's great news Dad, do you think you will be able to take Mum and maybe even Piccolo to King Kai's next time? It would be nice to actually talk to them too…" Truth be told, Gohan was missing all of his family and friends greatly, he did love his new life with Rias and co but he still worried about them and missed them dearly.
"Of course! I will be alive again next time we talk so I will bring your Mother and Piccolo too if not the time after that as it may be a bit too much on King Kai" Goku answered while smiling at his son's enthusiasm in his voice.
"Thanks, Dad, thank King Kai for me to please." Gohan smiled to himself.
"Dad, there is two other things I wanted to ask you about, first, I keep having these dreams of Cell killing Rias and sometimes even Akeno and they won't stop, I don't know what to do about getting rid of them completely" Gohan confessed to his father, feeling rather upset at the fact that Cell still plagued him even after destroying him.
"Gohan, you need to let it go… let go off what happened with Cell, let go off what happened with me only then will they truly stop; besides, you are a lot stronger now I bet. Oh by the way between me and you, I have unlocked a new form I call Super Saiyan 3 and believe me when I say this it is very…different" Goku giggled like a little school kid at the fact he had managed to surpass another transformation and was showing off to his son, however…
"Wait, you managed to surpass Super Saiyan 2… that was the second thing I wanted to talk to you about Dad, I feel this power building inside but whenever I try and draw it out it just doesn't seem to fully come out. Do you have any tips for me?" Gohan was somewhat surprised by this bit of news, but then he realized who he was talking to.
"Hmm… well you need to find something your Saiyan instincts, remember how I told you with Super Saiyan in the hyperbolic time chamber that the power comes in response to a need, not a desire, well you need to let your Saiyan instincts take over just like you would if you turned into Oozaru and let them pull the power out for you." Goku didn't want to give the answer away easy to Gohan because he knew that Gohan would be able to find the answer soon enough.
"Oh, sorry Gohan but this is all the time I have for now as King Kai is nearly out of energy now, but I know that you can do it just like you did against Cell and I'm sure you will figure out what you need to do with your friend" Goku chuckled after saying the last part which made Gohan blush again, luckily his Father couldn't see him looking rather red.
"Okay Dad, thanks for the advice and say hello to everyone for me when you are alive again"
"I will Son, speak to you soon…" Goku's voice then disappeared from Gohan's mind.
Gohan tried to stand up from his meditation pose only to realize that he had been sat like that for a while now and had pins and needles in his legs. I guess this will do for today, best get showered and wake Rias up…
Gohan then made his way over to the safe area but just as he walked in he spotted a sleeping figure on the sofa in the form of Akeno, I wonder how long she's been here… OH, CRAP… it's a good thing mine and Dad's conversation was in my mind and not out loud…
Gohan decided instead of waking her up yet he picked her up bridal style, unfortunately for Gohan, due to Akeno being naked under her robe when Gohan picked her up the strap came loose and Gohan could now see quite a bit of cleavage. Gohan blushed at the sight and tried not to keep looking at her rather large chest, Is she bigger than Rias…AHH BAD GOHAN!
Gohan then left the training room with Akeno in his arms and made his way towards her bedroom, hoping not to run into anyone which luckily for him he didn't. Gohan opened the door and then proceeded to lay Akeno on her bed, yet when he did place her down on the bed and begin to walk away, Gohan heard a mumble that came from Akeno which just shocked him…
"Gohan…I...want you…"
She can't feel the same…can she? Gohan decided it was best to get out the room quickly and quietly before Akeno would wake up.
Later that day, due to the old school building which included the occult research clubroom having its annual clean, Rias had told everyone that morning that they would be having the club meeting at their home today.
"So… do you mind telling me why we are having the club meeting in my room…?" Issei muttered in annoyance.
"Well, why not?" Rias replied she had decided on Issei's room due to the fact it was slightly bigger than everyone else's rooms. This was because the house was originally Issei's and seeing as that was the case when the renovations were made to it, Rias made sure that he would be the biggest bedroom alongside his parents who were currently still on their trip around the world courtesy of the Gremory family.
"Anyway, to begin with, we will look at how many contracts each of you has completed" Rias announced to the group, she didn't miss the sudden look of concern on Issei's face though.
"So, Akeno has 11 contracts"
"That sounds about right, I would have had 12, however, the man was not very fond of me saying no to his rather peculiar request" Akeno did her usual and somewhat scary chuckle which made the men in the room shiver at what Akeno had probably done to the man.
"Kiba, you completed 8 contracts"
"Yeah, I had to turn down a few as they were also wanting something I don't think I'm old enough to give just yet, especially the older women" Issei and Gohan just looked at Kiba with their mouth wide open at what it sounded like Kiba was insinuating.
"Moving on, Koneko had 6"
"They were pretty easy requests, just cosplaying mainly" Gohan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at that, especially due to Akeno and Kiba's strange contract requests. Rias noticed this and giggled at Gohan's behavior towards Koneko, he really does see her as a little sister figure…
"Next, both Asia and Gohan managed to get 3 contracts" Rias smiled at them both comfortingly, she was mainly pleased that Asia had managed to get 1 contract let alone 3.
"Well done Asia" Kiba congratulated the blonde.
"Yeah, well-done girl, you're really getting the hang of this" Akeno smiled at her younger friend.
Gohan just smiled at her and nodded, Asia knew he was happy for her too just like everyone else.
"Lastly, Issei… you didn't manage to get a contract..." Rias wasn't really annoyed with her pawn, however, he really did need to start getting some contracts otherwise it would begin to be a problem.
"I'm sorry president..." Issei felt real down at this point. It didn't help that whenever he tried to transport to the summoners, due to not having much magic for some reason, he could never make the jump. Instead, he was having to cycle to the summoner only for them to question him being a devil due to the way he arrived.
"Issei, I'm not angry with you, but if you truly want to be a high-class devil you need to start making a lot of contracts. Only then will you be able to climb the ladder of devils hierarchy" Rias then went over to the depressed looking boy and gave him a reassuring hug.
"I know, you can do it Issei. Just believe in yourself more..."
As the group began to clear up Issei's room as thanks, Kiba was suddenly caught off guard by a picture that was on Issei's desk.
"Issei, can you tell me about this picture..." Issei walked over only to see the picture of himself and a light brown haired kid that he recognized as an old childhood friend.
"That was when I was 5, I can't remember the name of the other kid but we always played together when we were kids" Issei then turned to look at Kiba only to see a face of pure shock and anger.
"To think, you of all people would come across a holy sword"
In the midst of Issei's and Kiba's conversation, Rias and Gohan had seen the look that was on Kiba's face when he was looking at the picture. Gohan had seen that look too many times in his life, it was a look of anger and a need for revenge. Gohan then looked at Rias to try and get some sort of hint at why Kiba was acting so differently all of a sudden. Rias just mouthed to her boyfriend, I will tell you later…
"Kiba, what are you talking about the holy sword?" a confused Issei asked, only to be quickly blown off.
"It doesn't matter, please excuse me..." Kiba then quickly left a confused Issei and Gohan while Rias looked worried at what sort of mental state her knight would be in after seeing one of those swords again.
"So, you wanna tell me what that was about?" Gohan plainly said to his girlfriend, Issei nodded as he was also wanting to know. Luckily Akeno, Asia, and Koneko had left beforehand to clean up plates and cups that they had all had while having their meeting.
"It's not a pleasant story but seeing as you're both friends of Kiba's now I will tell you" Rias sighed at the sudden occurrence which had transpired all thanks to a random picture.
"Well..." Rias then told the story of how Kiba was taken in by the church and unfortunately put into a horrible project known as "The Holy Sword Project" that was run by a man named Valper Galiliei. Due to Valper not getting results in his project and being pressured by his superiors, Valper decided that the children that failed in his project were, therefore, useless and had them eliminated which resulted in Kiba's friends being killed which made Kiba loathe the Holy Swords and also Excalibur. Rias then told Gohan and Issei how Kiba had managed to escape thanks to his friends but due to the poison that they used to kill all of the "failures", Kiba was in a near death state when Rias found him and then reincarnated him as a devil to serve her.
"Wow, I can't believe that Kiba has gone through so much. I never would have expected that kind of background from someone who seems so laid back and kind" Gohan could in some way feel similar to Kiba due to the fact that he too had lost friends and family due to people who would stop at nothing to gain power, however, in Gohan's dimension they could always use the Dragon balls to bring those they had lost back to life.
"I feel like crap now for all the stuff I said about him before I got involved with devils and stuff" Issei was ashamed of himself for judging someone before he had even spoken to them and gotten to know them in person.
"That's past you now Issei, right now is what matters most and we need to be heard for Kiba as he is our friend and team mate too" Gohan reassured his friend by patting him gently on the back.
"You're right Gohan, I promise that from this day forward I will be there for Kiba! No matter what!" Issei stood up and puffed his chest out trying to stand proud, both Rias and Gohan chuckled at Issei's behavior.
Akeno at this point came into the room, "Issei, you have a summoner"
"Great this will be my beginning to becoming a better devil and better servant!" Issei proclaimed with much enthusiasm, "well I will be going now, see you guys later" Issei then disappeared out of his room with Akeno so that she could tell him where to go and so on.
"Well, this has been an eventful day..." Rias sighed.
Gohan walked over to Rias and instantly wrapped his arms around her waist, Rias was surprised at first by the random show of affection by her boyfriend, but she wasn't complaining at all as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his chest.
"Everything will be okay Rias, I will keep an eye on Kiba for a while, make sure he stays out of trouble" Gohan cooed into her ear making Rias shiver at Gohan's breathe touching her neck.
"Thank you Gohan" she whispered back before pulling away as their lips locked and they both shared an intimate kiss together.
"Hey Ddraig, you there…?" Issei called for his partner while biking to his summoners house.
"What is it partner?" a green orb appeared on Issei's hand and a rough voice came through which belonged to the Red Dragon.
"How can I become stronger…?" Issei randomly asked in a monotone voice.
Ddraig was caught off guard by the strange question, Issei had not really spoken much to the Red Dragon since his training with Gohan. Ddraig just burst out in laughter, "so you want to become stronger, well I shall give you a hint..."
While he was cycling to his destination, he paid close attention to what his partner would say next, "your emotions for the reason you want to be stronger, that is the key to becoming stronger partner. If you find what I say difficult to understand then you should talk to your friend who helped you train before, he will understand that more than anyone" Ddraig informed his partner, in truth Ddraig wanted Issei to become stronger as quickly as possible as it was only a matter of time until the white one would appear. Ddraig knew that Issei was nowhere near ready for that fight.
"What, you mean Gohan? I guess he would after everything he has been through"
"Not just because of that partner but also because I believe that your friend Gohan has yet to really show off his full power. From what I can feel from him, he could very well defeat me with ease at my strongest..." Issei was amazed by this information, he knew how powerful Ddraig could be seeing as Rias and the others had told him just how powerful the heavenly dragon truly was when he had no host.
Before Issei could reply to his partner though, he had arrived at his destination.
"This must be the place" Issei muttered as he looked at the huge apartment complex. Issei made his way up to the apartment of his summoner, getting he summon paper out as evidence that he really was a devil.
Issei then rang the doorbell and within a few seconds, the door opened to reveal a rather strange looking man in his bathrobe.
"Hi, I'm the devil you summoned. I know I didn't appear like most devils but here this is the proof that I am who I say I am..." Issei whined as he was expecting the man to question him, except the mysterious man just nodded to him and welcomed him in straight away.
"So what is it you want me to do for you?" Issei asks while observing the man's apartment.
"Just some company for a drink...that's all" the mysterious man replied as he walked into the kitchen area and grabbed some glasses and some sake.
"Well, I'm still a minor so I can't drink but water will be fine for me please"
"Fair enough, take a seat please..."
The two spoke for around an hour as the mysterious man swigged away the bottle of sake. Unfortunately for Issei, the man laughed at why he had not appeared like any normal devil would, through a transportation circle. Issei had to admit the guy was kinda funny to be around and seemed nice enough, eventually, time flew by as it was now close to midnight.
"So what do you want for payment? My soul, I guess..." The man casually asked as if expecting Issei to say yes.
"NO...NO definitely not! This contract isn't worth that much" Issei quickly replied while shaking his head.
"Well, I don't have anything of worth really… what about this painting? It's an original so I'm sure it will be worth something"
"Are you sure? Well, my master will be happy with that as an offering" Issei eyed the painting that was above the man's head.
With that Issei said his goodbye and strapped the now wrapped up painting to the back of his bike and set off for home.
"So that's the new Red Dragon Emperor… Vali will be curious with the boy I'm sure" the man looked on at the now disappearing form of Issei…
"Well, at least I managed to get the contract, but he was weird" Issei was soon interrupted by the vibration of his phone in his pocket.
"Oh, hey prez, what's up?"
"Issei, I need you to come to our location now, we are at the abandoned warehouse a couple of blocks away from Gohan's old house" Rias informed him, with a hint of seriousness in her voice.
"Stray devil again I'm guessing?"
"I'm afraid so and this one is of top priority"
"Okay, will be there in 5 minutes, bye" Issei then hung up the phone and quickened his pace to meet with everyone…
"Sorry to make you come out your way Issei, but we need all members available for this one" Rias smiled at her pawn, she then turned to the rest of her peerage, "right seeing as everyone is here now, me, Asia and Akeno will wait outside while Issei, Koneko, Kiba go in and draw the stray outside so that we can finish it off" Rias made clear to everyone, although one person was slightly confused.
"Wait, so what am I to do…?" Gohan asks confused by not being included in the plan.
"Gohan I want you to go in with them, but I want you to only watch and if completely necessary jump in if someone is in danger but only if they are in a life-threatening situation.
"Spoilsport..." Gohan pouted while folding his arms causing everyone but Kiba to laugh.
"Sorry Gohan, but I want the others to have a go at this and not just for you to end it all in one hit" Rias winked at her boyfriend, he's so cute when he's pouting…
"Kiba, did you hear the plan?" Issei inquired only to get no response as Kiba just seem to be in a daze.
"OI PRINCESS!" Issei shouted which seemed to do the trick.
"Oh, yeah, sorry" Kiba quietly replied.
Rias then turned to Gohan and whispered, "Keep an eye on him please" Gohan just nodded in response, "I'm still annoyed that I'm not allowed to fight anything"
"I will make it up to you later, I promise. Maybe we can continue on from earlier" Rias cooed into Gohan's ear like before which seemed to make him change his attitude.
"Right, come on guys lets get this done with!" Gohan quickly began walking into the warehouse making Issei, Kiba and Koneko quickly follow.
Akeno looked at the retreating figure of Gohan, she knew that she needed to confront her feelings sooner rather than later before she did something she would later regret. Unbeknownst to Akeno, Rias and Asia had noticed the look on Akeno's face as she looked at the retreating figure of Gohan, I need to talk to Akeno about her feelings and also speak to Gohan about his feelings for her too. I know he feels something for her but just doesn't want to hurt me…
Gohan, Koneko, Issei and Kiba made their way into the warehouse while keeping their guard up for any surprise attacks.
"I'll wait upon that beams above you all, good luck guys" Gohan then disappeared from Issei, Koneko and Kiba's sight as the three carried on looking for the stray devil.
"It's here..." Koneko announced as she could sense it's presence.
A sudden loud crashing sound caused Koneko and Issei to look in the direction of the noise only to see a naked young girl, "" the girl cried, she then fell to the floor and her once pretty face and figure soon changed as her body began to resemble that of a spider and her face became nothing like it once was.
"Woah! That's one nasty stray devil" Issei shrieked as he and Koneko dodged an incoming attack.
The stay devil then began to quickly move from wall to wall as if she was circling her prey. "Kiba, look out!" Koneko shouted as she ran towards her friend as an incoming venom projectile was about to hit the dazed teen.
Koneko pushed Kiba out of the way ad was then hit by the venom on her arm which burned her clothes and severely burned her arm.
"KIBA! WAKE UP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Issei shouted as he ran over to Koneko who was clearly in pain after that attack.
After hearing Issei's shout, Kiba soon snapped out of his thoughts and realized that Koneko was in pain due to her saving him. "Sorry, I will finish this off right now!" Kiba then charged blindly at the stray devil only to be caught off guard by the attack and fell due to a giant pipe on the ground, the stray devil began to get closer and was just about to finish Kiba off, until a certain onlooker decided to intervene.
SMASHHH… Gohan had come between the stray devil and Kiba and punched the stray devil straight up into the air which caused it to smash straight through the warehouse's roof, the sheer power behind Gohan's punch had caused the surrounding debate to seemingly disintegrate.
"Guess that is our queue..." Rias mumbled then looked up towards a flying Akeno, "Akeno if you would please"
"As you wish Rias" Akeno then hit the stray devil with one of her thunder attacks as the devil made it's way to a painful landing, it now was severely charred thanks to Akeno's attack.
"For being selfish and leaving your master, also for your crimes while in the Gremory territory, I Rias Gremory sentence you to death and will carry out the punishment myself" Rias walked over to the charred stray as it tried to crawl towards her feet. At this point, Gohan and the others and made their way outside and Akeno and Asia were now stood with them as they watched Rias obliterate the remainder of the stray devil.
"Oh, Koneko are you okay! Here let me heal you quickly!" Asia was in full panic mode after seeing the burn that was on Koneko's arm, she immediately called upon her sacred gear and used her powers to heal Koneko's burn.
SLAP… Everyone's heads then turned to see that Rias had just slapped Kiba, "Do you realise you put Issei and Koneko's lives in danger by being so out of it Kiba" This was the first time she had ever had to be angry at her knight as he would usually finish a stray devil with ease, Rias knew that this was all because of that picture he had seen earlier on in Issei's room.
Rias then put both hands on Kiba's shoulders and looked at him, "Kiba, this isn't like you, we are your friends, let us help you" Rias's voice at that point sounded soft and gentle, the others that were watching on all shared the same worry for Kiba.
Kiba shrugged off Rias, "I'm sorry president and everyone, I promise this won't happen again" Kiba mumbled, he then bowed and just walked away from them all.
"Wait..." Issei was about to chase after the blonde teen, however, he was stopped by Gohan who just muttered to him, "Leave him be, for now, I'm sure he will be okay later"
As Asia finished off Koneko's treatment with Akeno's help, Gohan walked over to Rias and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, he will be back to normal soon, I'm sure" Gohan tried to reassure his girlfriend.
"Gohan, can you do me a favor..." Rias still looking at the road that Kiba had wandered down.
"Of course!" Gohan quickly replied.
"Follow Kiba and just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid please"
"I thought you might ask that, okay I will see you at home then" Gohan gave Rias a quick peck on her head and flew off towards Kiba's energy that he could still feel was close.
Kiba was just walking down an alleyway after leaving the others, he was still in a daze thinking back to that picture he had seen and also to his friends from so long ago now.
"Well, well, look what shitty devil decided to walk into my neck of the woods" a foul repulsive odor soon made its way into Kiba's nose, Kiba soon recognized the smell and the annoying voice that with it.
"I'm in no mood to deal with you Freed Selzan..." Kiba spat out in disgust when saying the priest's name.
"Well, tough shit twinkle toes because now that you're here" Freed then pulled out his sword and began to charge at Kiba, "I CAN KILL YOU INSTEAD!"…