
Issei's Beginning's

Issei shot up from his deep slumber panting heavily, looking at his surroundings he realized he was in his room at home which he found confusing. One minute he's on a date with Yuuma then… All of a sudden a river of emotions and memories suddenly came into his head as Issei remembered what had happened. Yuuma stabbed me didn't she didn't she with that weird looking spear… as soon as Issei remembered that he quickly lifted his t-shirt up to check for any scarring or just any sign that what he was remembering of Yuuma was real. Issei then checked his phone only to find that Yuuma's contact details had been erased or were never there, to begin with, he was just so confused right now about everything. Issei decided it was time to get up and see if his parents knew anything of what had happened.

Issei slowly made his way downstairs and into the kitchen to see three people in the dining area, his Mum, Dad and for some unknown reason the new "King" of Kuoh Academy known as Gohan. When Issei's mother turned around and saw her son walk into the kitchen she nearly burst into tears and hugged Issei which surprised and confused her son.

"Mum what's wrong!?". Issei worriedly asked as he grabbed her shoulders and looked at her face which was a mess thanks to the tears in her eyes.

"Oh my baby, let me get at look at you! Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" his mother pushing and pulling all over her son trying to see if he was okay everywhere which ultimately made Issei snap.

"MUM WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Issei trying to get his Mum to stop poking and prodding his face, everything really didn't make sense to him now.

"Issei, you've been out cold for at least 36 hours now, Gohan here found you unconscious in the park". When Issei's Mum said that Gohan had found him in the park of all places unconscious no less he couldn't help but feel that it was too big a coincidence.

"Hey there Issei, it's nice to finally meet you, your parents have told me a lot about you" Gohan now introducing himself to the boy he felt like he had let down. "I wanted to have a quick word with you about something so can we go outside quick?" Gohan smiled asking the confused boy in front of him.

"Ermm yeah sure man, I won't be a minute Mum just going to talk to Gohan about something" Issei then followed Gohan outside the front door to speak in private.

"Right, well I'm sure you have lots of questions Issei but I'm not the one that can answer all those questions however I can answer any to do with how I found you at the park" Gohan reluctantly told Issei, truth is Gohan wanted nothing more than to tell him about everything that happened but under Rias's strict orders he was told not to as it was her duty to let her new pawn know.

"Ooookay…. Well first, do you remember a girl named Yuuma and if she was at the park when you found me?" Issei asked dying to know just what had happened that night.

"Well, I guess I can tell you that, she was not who she said she was Issei her real name was Raynare and she only got close to you so that she could kill you because of something you didn't have any information about," Gohan said while trying not to give too much away.

"Why was she trying to kill me" Issei looked genuinely sad about this and lowered his head so that Gohan wouldn't see the few tears escape his eyes.

"All will be revealed tomorrow when you come to school Issei I promise, I will come and collect you from your class at the end of the school day and take you to the person who will reveal everything to you". Gohan did, however, notice the tears coming down Issei's eyes, he reached out and put his hand on his shoulder trying to reassure the boy.

"I will see you tomorrow Issei, remember all will be explained tomorrow". Gohan then left the Hyoudou premises and then made his way home leaving a still confused Issei, I wonder who this person Gohan was referring to is…

Gohan was home quick enough due to not living to far away from Issei's house, as he made his way inside the very quite apartment he noticed a note on his kitchen worktop, Gohan opened it up to see it was from Rias, Gohan, I will see you tomorrow at school as I have some work I have to do with my peerage tonight and thought you could do with a night off. Rias G x.

Gohan decided to get a workout done in his training room which lasted for about 3 hours so when he came out it was now 9 pm. Gohan made his way into the kitchen and cooked up three steaks, five bowls of rice and two plates of vegetables which didn't last very long because of Gohan being starving from his training. He then had a quick shower and went straight to bed.

Issei had barely slept at all and looked very rundown, his eyes were puffy and had bags under them and he couldn't stop yawning. As usual, he would get glares from girls looking at him as if he was the plague walking the earth while getting to school, he had to admit after the whole Yuuma thing he was starting to feel somewhat withdrawn from peeking on girls mainly due to his feelings towards Yuuma that were still lingering.

Issei's thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard the familiar voices of his friends, Matsuda and Motohama as they were approaching him.

"Hey man, where have you been all weekend?, we tried calling you but there was no answer". Matsuda asked Issei, Matsuda was a strange guy he would go around self-proclaiming himself as a lolicon but Issei considered him a good friend just like he did with the "Three Sizes Scouter" known as Motohama, he was just as strange as Matsuda but all three had gone to the same middle school together and now were together in high school.

"YEAH! I bet you were jacking off watching porn all weekend weren't you". Motohama declared to nearly all those walking down the street. Issei was too tired for their crap today and could just tell that it was going to be a long ass day.

Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama walked into the main building of the school still arguing over why Issei had ignored them all weekend, however, he didn't see the three people stood on the upper floor looking down on them.

"So why this one Rias," asked a young woman in her late teens with short black hair and violet colored eyes also known as the Student Council President Sona Sitri. She is also Rias's long time childhood friend and rival.

Well, the fallen angels were desperate to have him killed because of his sacred gear being so dangerous to them so that's something. Plus when I reincarnated him it took 8 pawns to do it so there must be more to him than we think". Rias pondered just what exactly was his sacred gear while cupping her cheek with her hand and she looked on at Issei without him knowing.

"Besides it feels like I've gained a little brother" she laughed while turning towards Sona and walking off to class with Akeno in tow.

Gohan was just sitting at his desk when he felt a set of hands rest upon shoulders, he turned to see Rias stood over him with Akeno next to her.

"Oh morning Rias and you too Akeno, everything okay? Gohan asked with a toothy smile on his face.

"Yes thank you Gohan, did you get my note last night then? I missed my personal body pillow last night to". Rias said with a very alluring look on her face while teasing Gohan as he began to blush a little.

"Yes I did, have you seen Issei yet?

"Yes we have Gohan, remember I want you to collect him and bring him over to the clubroom after school" Rias reminded Gohan as she removed her hands from his shoulders.

"I know, I've already told Issei that I will be collecting him after school today so that everything could be explained to him. He was still upset about the whole Yuuma thing that happened." Gohan sadly looked away from Rias and Akeno as he just couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault.

BRRRRRRRIIIIIIIING….. Their conversation was cut short as the bell rang and the teacher came into the class making everyone take their seats for another long school day.

Issei could barely pay attention to any of his classes thanks to feeling so tired and just being plain bored. He was also thinking about what was about to happen after what Gohan told him yesterday saying that everything about Yuuma and what had happened would be explained in detail to him.

Screams and shrieks of girls could be heard from outside the classroom then Issei recognized the reason why which was because Gohan had arrived to collect him unknown to everyone else in the room including a certain perverted duo. "Yo Issei, you ready?" Gohan asked while paying no mind to the looks people were giving him for being friendly with one of the perverted trio.

"Eww Gohan stay away from him he will infect you with his pervertedness" proclaimed one girl trying to ward of Gohan from going near Issei. Issei just ignored the comments that were being said and grabbed his bag, slung it over his shoulder and walked out the room with Gohan, leaving a shocked and confused classroom.

"So Gohan, where are we going?" Issei asked curious as to where he was going and what was going to happen.

"The Occult Research Club." Gohan plainly stated to Issei.

Once they made it to the doors Gohan opened it up for them to walk in and then lead Issei to the main clubroom they used. Gohan opened the door and let Issei walk in.

"Ahh hello there Issei, welcome!" Akeno politely said while motioning to the others to introduce themselves to the new member.

Issei was astounded by who was in this club, first there was one-half of the most sought after girls in the whole of school one Akeno Himejima, next was one of the "pretty boy's" as Motohama would call him which was Kiba Yuuto, then there was the school's mascot as people would call her, the cute Koneko Toujou and last but not least the most famous girl and the other most sought after girl throughout campus, Rias Gremory. Issei was shocked by the people that were here and wondered what they had to do with Yuuma and what had happened over the weekend.

Welcome Issei, this is the Occult Research Club. Make yourself comfortable as we have a lot to go over" Rias said getting herself ready to explain everything that had changed in Issei's life in the past 48 hours.

Gohan had sat down at this point ready for any questions that would come his way and Koneko had soon taken up position on his lap, much to the jealousy of Rias as Akeno, Kiba and Issei saw with that scowl that was no on the President's face.

"First off Issei, you need to understand that everyone in this room except Gohan is a devil.." Rias announced to the boy.

"Devils that's what you expect me to believe that..." Issei chuckled off the comment not believing it for a minute.

After Issei's remark, Rias then stood up and sprouted out her long deep black leathery wings which caused Issei to soon shut up and have to pick up his jaw that had literally just hit the floor.

"Okay so devils…., but why isn't Gohan one?" Issei asked still trying come to terms with being surrounded by devils.

"Well I'm a special case Issei but we will get to that later just listen to what Rias has to say to you" Gohan replied with a smile while rubbing the top of Koneko's head.

Oh, I am definitely staying at your house tonight Gohan just so you can play with my hair… Rias thought while she looked on watching what they were doing.

Rias then turned her attention back to Issei, "That includes you Issei, you are now a devil too". Rias said to Issei.

"Wait….. you're kidding right?" Issei's face dropped hoping Rias or someone else in the room would just say it was a joke.

"I'm afraid not Issei"

But why…?" Issei dropped to his knee's at this sudden revelation with a look of pure shock and hurt on his face.

Gohan felt sorry when looking at the depressed face of Issei, he didn't know what he was going through but to have a girl who you really liked suddenly take your life over something you had no control over and then be reincarnated as a devil was just something that Gohan couldn't imagine going through.

"Issei, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but you're not alone each person here has their own story of pain and regret I'm sure. Take me, for example, I gained this amazing power increase which ultimately made my ego too big and because I didn't end my opponent when my Dad told me too, I ended up losing him because of it..." Gohan reluctantly said with a deep pain in his chest. "But I vow to never let that ever happen again to anyone who is precious to me" as Gohan looked around the room at each individual his gaze stopped on Rias and he smiled at her as if to reassure her that nothing would ever happen to her.

He considers me as someone precious…. Rias was inwardly beaming at the thought as Gohan then turned back to look at Issei who picked himself off the floor at this point.

"Issei, that girl that you went on a date with yesterday is what we call a Fallen Angel. You see they are Angels that wish to serve God, however, cannot be normal Angels anymore because of their dark emotions and misguided thoughts." Rias explained to the new devil. Gohan was listening intently at this as he was still unsure about the whole politics side of things to do with Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils.

"But what is it that I have that would make these Fallen Angel guys kill me?"

"Sacred gears are very powerful Issei only a few people have them and most of them become very important people thanks to their sacred gears" Akeno declared to Issei.

"Issei hold up your left hand and then try and think of the strongest thought that comes to mind" Rias then stood up from her chair and walked round to the front of her desk and stood with her arms crossed looking more interested in what kind of sacred gear that Issei may posses. Issei lifted his left arm and tried as hard as he could to think of something strong however he just couldn't and nothing appeared on his left arm much to his disappointment.

"Don't worry about it Issei, I'm sure you will get it soon" Akeno said while reaching her hand out and patting him on the shoulder trying to console her underclassman.

I'm so weak..." Issei muttered under his breath.

"You are far from weak Issei, the fact that you stand here now not going completely crazy at the information we have told you proves that. Plus the fact that a fallen angel deemed you dangerous enough to kill you also means that you have something very powerful inside you that they didn't want falling into devils hands." Rias asserted making Issei somewhat surprised by the shift in tone.

"Now it's time for some work" Rias made known to her other servants.

Koneko suddenly got up from her seat on Gohan's lap, "Rias I'm overbooked, I have to two people who want my services" she uttered to her King.

"Ah that is perfect, this will give you a chance to try out a pact Issei" Issei picked up at the word pact and wondered what it entailed.

"What do I have to do?" Issei inquired nervously thinking about what he might have to do now that he was a Devil.

"Usually the guy just wants me to dress in cosplay and act out his favorite manga scenes" Koneko openly said.

"There is NO WAY I am dressing up for some weird otaku..." Issei made clear with a frown on his face. He then wondered what Koneko would look like in cosplay, I wonder if she would look good in a cat outfit… Issei tried to picture it in his head but was so rudely interrupted by a knock on the head courtesy of Gohan.

"Pay attention Issei, you don't want to look bad on your first job do you?" Gohan asked with a sly grin on his face trying to get a rise out of Issei.

"Fine, I'll do it.." Not wanting to disappointment or anger his new friends and new King.

Once everyone had left on their jobs via the transportation except Issei as he couldn't make the jump yet thanks to his power being low as he was only just reincarnated. We find the club room down to 2 members left Rias and Gohan.

"So what do you want me to do tonight Rias" Gohan happily asked waiting for instructions.

"Gohan tonight you will be taking me to your house and we shall be having a little chat over dinner about what you meant earlier when you said to Issei about losing your father and blaming it on yourself!" Rias declared to Gohan who now had a big toothy grin on his face because he realized Rias had heard what he had said.

"Ah, you heard that then..." Gohan replied as his face slowly turned into a sad smile which Rias saw.

"Yes so come on let's go" Rias grabbed her bag and then Gohan's arm and pulled him out the club room door.

"Wait I really cannot be bothered to walk so we are going by different means..." Gohan then made Rias stop and picked her up bridal style with ease which surprised the crimson haired girl.

"WAIT! Gohan what are you doing!" Rias squealed at the sudden touch of Gohan's hands on her legs.

Gohan then started to hover in the air and shot off with Rias in his arms heading towards his home. Rias was amazed that he was flying without even having wings or anything, she had seen him do it in the fight if you could call it that against Raynare but even then she was surprised by this.

"How are you doing this Gohan!?" Rias quizzed the boy while brushing the hair away from her eyes no thanks to the wind.

"Just one of my many hidden talents" he winked at Rias as he said this and chuckled to himself. "We're here now anyway" Gohan then slowly and softly landed right outside his front door and let Rias get down much to her disappointment as she was enjoying being in his well defined and muscly arms.

The pair then went inside Gohan's apartment turning on the lights as they did. Rias noticed that the apartment was very clean for a teenage boy that was living alone. "Gohan have you always been such a clean person?".

Gohan laughed, "It's probably because my Mother was so strict about me keeping my room clean, I guess it just comes naturally because of it which I'm kinda glad she drilled into me so early on".

"Well, I'm sure she would be proud to see that you are staying so clean even with her not around..." Rias suddenly realizing what she just said looked at Gohan to see that he was in deep thought with a look of sadness on his face.

I wonder how everyone is doing without me, I hope they are okay especially Mum…. Gohan trying to keep his emotions in check while in the presence of Rias. Rias threw her bag by on the sofa and walked towards Gohan, "Oh Gohan I am so sorry, that was so insensitive of me" Rias reached out to Gohan and pulled him into a hug and buried her head into his chest with her arms wrapped around his body.

Gohan felt the sensation of Rias's hug and proceeded to return the hug. "It's fine Rias honestly, I know you didn't mean it to be". They both stayed holding each other for a good minute or two until Gohan's belly decided to remind him that it was feeding time. This seemed to turn the depressing mood around as both Rias and Gohan burst out laughing at the sudden noise.

"I think it's time for some dinner, don't you think?" Gohan asked with his usual happy go lucky grin now back on his face.

"Yes, I believe it is" Rias replied with her own alluring smile. She was just glad that Gohan was back to his normal self.

After Gohan had cooked up a feast for them both, knowing how much he now ate Rias wasn't surprised by the seemingly endless plates of food that Gohan just seemed to devour within seconds which she did find pretty funny. They moved to the sofa and started talking about how they thought Issei would do with his first assignment to which Gohan laughed and said, "I wonder if he has to dress up in whatever Koneko did".

Elsewhere, "AACHOOO, eurgh some hot girls must be talking about me" Issei speculated but was very wrong. "Ah well, time to head home..."

"Gohan, what did you mean earlier by what you said to Issei about your father?" Rias decided to ask now hoping that she wouldn't upset Gohan with her question.

"Well, it's just as I said earlier, I had just gained a new and hidden power that I had deep within and when I was fighting Cell I got carried away due to the difference in our power" Rias was listening intently to his story as she got slightly closer to him on the sofa. "The power had rushed to my head and when I had the chance to end it all after my Dad told me, I ignored his plea and just kept toying with Cell. Eventually just as I was about to really finish him off, he made himself into a giant bomb and said that he was going to destroy the planet".

At this point, Gohan had a few tears in his eyes while he was just staring intently at the floor as he was recollecting what happened that day. Rias seeing this grabbed his hand with both of hers and gently stroked them trying to comfort him while he was talking about the experience.

"Then in typical fashion, my Dad jumped in to save the day as always. He told me he was proud of me and that no matter what he always would be, with that he used a unique technique similar to your teleporting, however, he could cover great lengths of distance within just a few seconds. With that he… disappeared" Gohan then broke down in tears finally letting all the emotions that had built up ever since then just pour out. Rias pulled Gohan's head into her chest and told him to let it all out.

Oh Gohan you will never be alone again I promise… Rias declared to herself.

Once Gohan had calmed down a little he carried on, "I thought it was all over with Cell and that he was finally gone, yet it wasn't… Cell returned even stronger and then it really was up to me to destroy him. Dad had died for nothing and I blame myself for it." Gohan muttered beneath his sobs.

"Gohan, look at me..." Rias sternly said to him.

Gohan was nervous to look at Rias only due to thinking that she was ashamed of him. Rias reached out and clutched Gohan's face and pulled it up so that he was looking at her face to face. Gohan looked her only to see a happy and loving expression upon her face, he was surprised by this that he just couldn't look away from her beautiful blueish-green eyes.

"Gohan, it wasn't your fault..." Rias softly spoke with a smile on her face and her eyes slightly watery because of hearing Gohan's story.

There it was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, the words that Gohan had been so desperate to hear for so long now had finally been said by someone who he was truly starting to care for more and more every day.

"Thank you..."

Rias and Gohan then realized the time, "Wow it's late, want me to walk you home Rias?" Gohan offered.

"No, I'm staying here tonight" Rias announced looking like a small child determined to get her way. "After your little stunt earlier with rubbing Koneko's head when we were in the clubroom, I'm not taking no for an answer!"

Rias then stood up and stormed off into Gohan's room leaving a stunned Gohan at the sudden turn of events, "What did I do wrong…?" poor Gohan just didn't understand the concept of women sometimes. Gohan then followed and went into his room only to see Rias was already in his bed wrapped up. Well, guess I don't get a choice in the matter… Gohan then went into the bathroom, got changed, then joined Rias in bed. Rias was still facing away from Gohan, she reached for Gohan's hand underneath the covers, once she found it she placed it on her head and waited to see if he would understand what she wanted him to do.

Gohan knew what she wanted now so he decided to just go along with it and started to stroke Rias's long silky smooth crimson hair… Soon enough both teens were asleep after such a long and emotional day for the pair…

Meanwhile, at the church at the top end of Kuoh town, a trio of Fallen Angels was waiting for Raynare to return.

"Where the hell is she, this is taking too long," said a petite young cynical blonde haired girl as she stood against one of the church walls while twirling her hair with her finger. She was wearing a black Lolita dress that had white frills, a large black bow at the front which also had a green jewel embedded onto the collar, some white thigh-high socks with black shoes.

"Mittelt shut up" replied a very buxom woman with long, navy blue hair that seemed to obscure her right eye that she brushed out of the way. The woman known as Kalawarner was wearing a deep red trench coat like top which she exposed showing off her rather large assets which would cause any man a rather heavy nosebleed if they dared to look, she also wore some black heeled shoes.

"Now now girls I'm sure she will be here soon enough" a very rough sounding voice then made himself known as he came wandering into the church, this man known as Dohnaseek was a middle-aged man with short black hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a pale violet-coloured trench coat, black pants and shoes along with a black fedora hat.

"Well she should have been here by now, she only had to take care of one lowly human boy!" Mittelt sharply pointed out.

Mittelt's right, Raynare should have been here by now… Dohnaseek being the more mature Fallen Angel couldn't help but agree with the annoying brat.

"SIRRR, SIRRR!" screamed a random servant who was panting heavily after running as fast as he could to return to tell his superiors from the middle of town.

"WHAT IS IT" replied a bitter Dohnaseek as he was in deep thought before being interrupted.

"Raynare has been killed by some boy sir"

"WHAT!" a now distraught Dohnaseek shouted while Mittelt and Kalawarner were shocked by the news.

"One of the other's said they saw Raynare being killed by some boy who was also seen with Rias Gremory" the random lowly servant nervously told them.

This is troubling news, especially seeing as the nun will be arriving tomorrow and we need to get her sacred gear before she disappears off somewhere else!" Dohnaseek was now severally pissed at the plans derailment all because Raynare couldn't take care of one boy.

"We will continue as planned, and deal with the Gremory girl later" Dohnaseek asserted himself now as the leader of the group. Mittelt and Kalawarner not wanting to piss off the middle-aged man any more than he already was just nodded in agreement.

"Now you!" Dohnaseek pointed at the lowly servant that had broken the news of Raynare's demise to him, "tell me what did this boy look like..."