
Gohan's and Issei's Rage

The time was 3:00 am, Gohan couldn't sleep thanks to everything that had happened yesterday as it was still fresh in his mind, he had missed his training yesterday due to the incidents with Issei and then his conversation with Rias so decided that now was a good a time as any to do some training. Gohan slipped out of bed trying not to disturb the peaceful slumber that Rias was in, he then grabbed one of his many gi's and then left the room. Gohan walked into his training room and got changed quickly to try and get as much time in for training as he possibly could before he would have to go to school.

"GRAVITY CONTROL X80" Gohan bellowed out to the gravity control system. Gohan had really upped his training over the last few days he wanted to make sure that he was in top condition for anything that may happen in the future. The young Saiyan then powered to maximum Super Saiyan 2 form and created his clones using the multi-form technique and then returned to his normal state. It had been a lot harder on him doing this type of training due to the constant increase in gravity. He had something else he wanted to try today as well in his training just to see how far he had really come.

After a good 3 hours of fighting his copies to the point of near exhaustion again, he had the gravity return to normal which was a relief to his body if only for a moment as it was about to be increased by a lot.

Gohan planted his feet to the ground ready for what he was about to do and then transformed into Super Saiyan 2. I feel I've definitely mastered this form now but I still have this strange sensation deep within my energy… Gohan had a hunch that there was a higher form than his Super Saiyan 2 form but was still not sure how to bring it out, he had been trying for days but I felt like something was missing. Oh well, right now I wanna see how far I can go in this form with the gravity…

"GRAVITY CONTROLS x100 INCREASE EVERY 10 SECONDS BY 10" Gohan bellowed out again. As soon as he said that he felt the pressure hit him, he could still move easy especially in this form as he kept disappearing and reappearing all over the room.

After about 5 minutes, Gohan could really feel the weight on his whole body, his face was all scrunched up because he was concentrating so much on not dropping to the floor due to the overwhelming weight that was pushing down on him. I think that will do now, I'm beat…

"GRAVITY CONTROLS RELEASE!". Gohan then dropped back down to his normal state and decided it was time he went for a shower and to wake up Rias so they could get ready for school.

Issei was walking on his way to school when hearing a shriek of a girl behind him, as he turns to see what the noise was all he sees is a bright white pair of pants. Oh man, it must be my lucky day… Issei thought with blushing cheeks and a slight nosebleed to go with his perverted face while gazing at the girls bum.

"Hey, are you okay?" Issei asked as he held out his hand to help the poor girl up.

"Oh thank you" the girl then grabbed Issei's hand and pulled her self off the ground but as she did this her veil got blown off by the wind revealing her long blonde hair and beautiful green eyes to Issei.

Wow, she is… she's… just wow… Issei was felt absorbed when looking into her amazing green eyes. As Issei was doing this the wind picked up again and blew her veil away to which he ran after and grabbed just in time before it ended up in the mud. He then passed the veil back to the young nun and introduced himself, "Hi there, I'm Issei" he smiled and then held out his hand again ready to shake her hand he hoped.

"Hello my name is Asia" she bowed then shook Issei's hand while smiling back at him. Maybe he can help, he seems nice enough… "I'm sorry to bother you Issei but I'm kind of lost could you maybe help me" she enquired with a smile hoping the boy would help her.

"I'm guessing from your attire, you are looking for the church" Issei stated as it painfully obvious that's where she would be heading.

"Yes, can you show me where it is please?"

"Well I can lead you near it but as I am on my to school I cant take you all the way, unfortunately, but you will be able to see it once from where I will have to leave you" Issei happy to help the beautiful girl that he was entranced by.

"Oh, that will be great thank you so much!" Asia was happy that she could spend a bit more time with the boy that had been so kind as to help her.

As they were walking along they both heard a crying child and as soon as Asia had seen the boy crying she quickly ran over to him to see if he was okay.

"Hey Asia, wait!" Issei followed her quickly.

"There there, you don't need to cry. Big boys don't cry now do they" Asia soft and gentle voice calmed the boy down from his crying as Issei was watching on smiling at the scene, he was then shocked by what he saw as Asia brought her hands up above the scrape on the boys legs and a soft green glow could be seen covering the area of the scrape on the boys knee.

What is that light and owww why is my arm suddenly burning… Issei clutched at his left wrist but just as Asia had finished treating the boy the pain in his wrist simply went away. Hmm that was weird…

"Now you be careful and try not to cry because you're a big boy aren't you" the kid then nodded his head and thanked Asia and was soon on his way again. Asia then turned to Issei, "sorry about that I just..." Issei then interrupted the nun, "don't worry its fine but hey that's quite the power you've got there" Issei noted wondering just what exactly was that power she used.

Asia picked up her bag and replied, "Yes I like to think that it's a gift, a truly wonderful gift..."

Issei noticed the long lost look in her eyes as she spoke about the powers she had shown, Why that look, surely she's treated greatly especially having that power and being a nun… also what is going on with my body I feel like I'm burning all over… Issei was slightly worried by this feeling he was having.

"Ah, there it is!" Asia could finally see the church she was looking for.

"Yeah, it's the onl..." As Issei was talking his whole body started getting even more painful, it was as if his whole body was being burned by a raging inferno.

"Sorry Asia but I've got to go now or else I'll be late for school." Issei was trying not to let the pain in his body especially his left arm get to him as it was literally shaking while holding his briefcase.

"Oh okay" Asia looked down at having to split from Issei so soon, "well I guess it can't be helped. If you're ever in the neighborhood please stop by and say hello." Asia smiled softly to Issei. "I hope we meet again".

"Me too Asia, me too.." with that they both waved good-bye to each other and went their separate ways

"Listen to me Issei, you must never go near the church let alone inside as it could be bad for both us and the Angels..." Rias sternly told her pawn. "You must have felt your Devil instincts telling you not to go anywhere near the church?".

"Oh, that's what that feeling was. I thought it was weird." Issei casually played off.

BOINNNK!… "OWWW what was that for Gohan!?" Gohan had been listening to the conversation when he could tell Issei was being to laid back about the situation so he hit Issei on the head.

"Take this seriously Issei, Rias is only looking out for you so you don't go and get yourself killed". Gohan was slightly annoyed at the fact he was being to laid back about what Rias was trying to tell Issei.

"I'm sorry" Issei mumbled out, he then walked off leaving Gohan and Rias alone.

"Was I too hard on him?" Rias asked feeling rather down about being so strict with her new servant.

"No you weren't Rias, Issei needs to know these types of things, heck I didn't even know about that either and I've flown past the church a couple of times but I never had the same sensation as Issei said he did" Must be something to do with the pieces inside me that Ajuka mentioned about… While Gohan was too busy inwardly thinking he hadn't realized that Rias was chuckling at what he had said and was now brought out of her depressing mood thanks to Gohan.

"Thank you, Gohan"… Rias whispered while smiling and looking at Gohan, who was just in deep thought and didn't realize.

I guess I can't see you again Asia, I'm sorry… Issei was sad that he wasn't allowed to go see Asia again because she was at the church but suddenly had a thought, well If I can't go and see her at the church then maybe I could see her in town instead… Issei inwardly beaming at his genius then came to him every now and then.

Later that day once school had finished, Issei made his way over to the clubroom to see everyone else, I hope they're not still pissed at me, especially Gohan he sounded really annoyed with me… Issei made his way inside and opened the door to the clubroom only to find that nobody was here yet, "wonder where everyone is.." just as Issei asked himself, Akeno walked in and saw Issei now sitting on the sofa.

"Hello Issei, are you okay? I heard from Rias what happened earlier" Akeno asked as she put her bag down and went to sit next to Issei.

Issei's face dropped slightly as he wondered if he really did upset them all now because of his actions. "Oh, you heard that".

"Issei, Rias is just worried about you is all, seeing as you're new to all of this she has to be strict with you so you don't get yourself hurt again." Akeno could understand how Issei had felt due to her past experiences.

"I know, I'm sorry" Issei uttered silently.

"There is another reason why it's only us here, Rias has a meeting soon with some higher class devils which I'm just about to leave for too, Kiba and Koneko have contracts that they must do tonight and Gohan has gone to do some too. Rias wanted me to let you know that she wants you to hand out some flyers" Akeno then walked over to Rias's desk and seemed to pull out over a hundred flyers that help with making contracts with humans.

Issei grimaced at all the flyers he would have to hand out, must be my punishment… he chuckled. "Okay well may as well get started as soon as seeing as there are so many" Issei then put the seemingly endless amount of flyers into his bag.

"Bye Akeno, see you later" with that Issei left and made his way into town.

Eurgh, nobody will take these flyers and if I don't hand all these out, Rias will probably be mad at me again… Issei sighed thinking about what more punishment he would have to go through. Just as Issei passed by the fountain in the middle of the town his eyes seem to catch something which looked very familiar to him, wait is that… Issei picked up what looked to be a similar looking veil that Asia was wearing before.

"Ah excuse…" Issei hearing the now very familiar voice turned around to see the girl he was hoping he could see again.

"Issei! Fancy seeing you again" Asia chirped, happy that she was seeing Issei for the second time.

"It must have been fate that we would meet again, are you okay?"

"Asia! Nice to see you again and yes thank you" Issei was inwardly ecstatic at seeing the long blonde haired girl again.

"What are you doing here Asia, I thought you would be at the church doing work or something?" Issei questioned while smiling at the girl.

As Issei asked this question Asia looked away with a slightly sad look on her face, not really wanting to tell her friend what the people there were up to, "Well, I just wanted to get some fresh air seeing as the weather's so nice today."

"Oh okay well I'm finished with what I was doing" Issei blatantly lied, "Do you fancy spending the rest of the day together?" He nervously asked.

Asia blushed at the sudden question, "yeah, I would love to!".

Issei and Asia then set off on their way, they went to the arcade first to play on some of the games to which Asia had never played before so she was very clumsy with some of the games however she, much to Issei's surprise was very good at the dancing game. Afterwards they went to a picture booth and enjoyed some of the different pictures that would come out with their faces on. Asia was loving all the new experiences she was feeling and glad that she got to spend this time with Issei. Issei too was enjoying himself, it was the first time in a while, even before he was turned into a devil that he had managed to cut loose and just enjoy himself, Issei was also really glad that he could spend this time with Asia. With it starting to get a bit late and street lights now turning on, both Issei and Asia decided to sit down and chat near the pond in the middle of the park.

"I really enjoyed myself today so thank you Issei" Asia very quietly muttered under her breath.

"I enjoyed myself to Asia, it was nice to just to relax for the day" She really is pretty… Issei thought when looking at her emerald green eyes.

Asia how did you end up coming to Kuoh Town of all places," Issei asked curious to know more about Asia.

"When I was the baby I was left outside the front of a church in Europe by my parents, according to the nun's there who raised me I wouldn't stop crying, so they took me in and raised me" Asia explained while Issei was now listening intently to her story.

"When I was 8, there was a puppy that had been hurt in my village so I prayed as hard as I could and then a miracle happened, the puppy was healed instantly. Once the church heard about this they sent me to a larger church where thousands of people came after they heard that I could heal any injury or illness."

"However that all changed due to me healing a devil..."

"Wait! You know about devils!?" Issei abruptly said making Asia jump.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, the truth is Asia I too am a devil as I was recently reincarnated into one" Issei was worried now, I hope this doesn't change her opinion of me… Issei inwardly prayed which ultimately led to him feeling a sharp pain in his head.

"I hope this doesn't change anything between us"

"Issei it doesn't matter to me, I see you as Issei Hyoudou, my first friend..."

"Well...well... isn't this sweet..." a very rough old man's voice said.

Asia and Issei then turned to see a seemingly middle-aged man land on the pond with his black feathery wings on show. Dammit, why now of all times… Issei was genuinely worried at this point for both his and Asia's safety.

"You must be Asia Argento" the old man deduced.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want with Asia!" Issei demanded of the winged creep.

"My name is Dohnaseek and I've come here to take Asia back with me to where she belongs, as one of my servants" Dohnaseek announced while licking his lips.

"Issei the reason why you saw me earlier was because I ran away from these people who wanted me to help them do some horrible things to humans and devils alike, I was going to leave town before I saw you" Asia was now tearful at the fact that she may have put her first friend in danger and wanted nothing to happen to Issei.

Issei at this point was pissed off to the max, "SACRED GEAR" Issei shouted hoping that this time it would work for him. With that, a green light shined from the back of Issei's hand and a gauntlet engulfed Issei's arm, "ALRIGHT it worked!" Issei happy that he had something to try and help defend himself and Asia with for the time being.

"So boy, you believe you can take me on" Dohnaseek laughed loudly at this.

Dohnaseek then noticed that this boy was one the one Raynare had gone after and failed to kill. "YOU BOY!" he yelled out to which Issei looked at him. "You were there when Raynare died weren't you!".

"Yeah so… good riddance to the bitch" Issei replied with a look of disgust at hearing that woman's name.

"What is the name of the boy who killed Raynare, if you tell me I may let you live, so long as Asia comes along quietly.

He must not know that it was Gohan… "What's it to you!"

"Wrong answer..."

SQUELLCHH… Issei looked down again only to see another spear of light sticking through him for the second time in the space of a week. God dammit… Issei then fell to the floor in a puddle of his own blood.

Asia was horrified at what just happened to her friend and immediately started to heal his wound while Dohnaseek was just laughing at the worthless devil boy.

This is amazing, is this Asia's powers, I barely feel the sting from the spear… Issei was shocked at the sudden healing from Asia but grateful more than anything.

"Thank you, Asia"

"Issei I'll go with him, I can't watch you get hurt again so please just stop" Asia cried out with tears falling down her cheeks.

"NO I won't let them take you, Asia, you're too good for those bastards!" Issei then felt an immense power boost from his gauntlet and ran at Dohnaseek ready to inflict some payback on the rotten fallen angel.

"Pathetic..." Issei was then hit into the air by one of Dohnaseek's wings. Dohnaseek then jumped in behind Asia and grabbed her around the waist before the scared girl knew about it then flew away with her before Issei could get back to his feet.

"GOD DAMMIT!" Issei bellowed from the pit of his stomach as he started punching the ground in frustration. "Why am I so weak" Issei just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground. NO I refuse to be weak and not be able to save those I care about!…

SMACK… the sudden slap caused each person in the clubroom to be surprised by what their King just did, as each of them except Gohan had known Rias for longer and knew she would never hit any of them unless it was really needed as a last resort of misbehaviour or just plain disobedience.

"What did I tell you Issei!" a rather miffed crimson haired devil said with a look of annoyance towards her newest acquisition.

"You told me not to go near the church, you didn't say anything about meeting Asia away from the church and besides she saved my life! It's not like I'm that important anyway all I am is your simple foot soldier..."

SMACK… this time the slap had come from Akeno which really did shock everyone in the room. "Issei do you not remember what I told you earlier! Rias is only thinking of your well being, how about asking us for help." Akeno shrieked. "Pawns are one of the most powerful pieces on the board due to being able to get the powers of the other pieces once inside enemy territory". "Add to the fact that when Rias resurrected she had to put a block on your power due to it or else your new devil body wouldn't have been able to take all that power". Akeno had finished her rant and then stood by Rias, Akeno hated people judging her best friend as she had done so much for herself as well as Koneko and Kiba.

Issei was shocked at hearing this and in a way a bit happier to know he wasn't total useless devil, "So does mean if I went to the church I'd be able to get…." Issei was cut off by the look both Rias and Akeno were now giving him. "Look if you're not going to help me then just cut ties with me, I will not let Asia be those fallen angel bastards toy for whatever they have in mind!" Issei was trying to stand his ground against his King, however, a sudden knock at the door interrupted their argument.

Akeno went and answered the door to find a note that had been left, as she looked at, it she smiled somewhat glad that it had come just in time. Akeno looked back at Rias and gave her a nod as she also knew what it was about.

"Something has come which I and Akeno have to go and deal so we will be back soon" Rias then looked at Issei only to still see a rather annoyed look and just smiled, "Issei, I'm sorry but it's for the best..."

Rias and Akeno said goodbye and left to do what they needed to do. "I'm going.." Issei announced very calmly, he didn't care what they said he was saving Asia he felt he owed her that much.

Gohan who had just been stood by the window the whole time turned to look at Issei's back walking away from them. "It's suicide to go alone Issei and you know it".

"So... I don't care, I have to do this" Issei bit back at Gohan's remark still with his back turned to them.

Kiba then stood up facing towards Issei, "didn't you hear what Akeno said Issei why don't you try asking for help".

"FINE" Issei snapped, "Will you all please help me in saving my friend Asia" Issei turned to look at them all and bowed as he finished asking.

"Yes Issei, I will help you" Gohan casually replied. Besides, it will be good to fight someone other than myself… Gohan's Saiyan genes kicking in at the possibility of a fight making him excited.

"As will I Issei, we are friends after all," Kiba said while pulling out a sword ready for some action.

All three boys then looked at Koneko and waited for her reply… "Someone has to keep you three out of trouble so I guess I'm coming along too" Koneko, as usual, sounding very bored at the idea, but Kiba and Gohan could tell that she wanted to help out her fellow peerage member even if she didn't want to admit it.

While Koneko, Kiba, Issei and Gohan were on their way to the church, Rias and Akeno had already arrived in the forest that was near the church. "Are they both around here Akeno" Rias asked her friend, however before Akeno could reply a spear of light was thrown at them both. Akeno quickly shot into action and deflected them easily much to the fallen angel's annoyance.

"I totally hate devils who just won't die" a small girl in a Lolita outfit squealed.

"My servant told me you were around here somewhere, so is the other one going to join us or just hide all night?" Rias said trying to antagonize the fallen angels.

"Well, it seems we have some devils who want to be turned into dust Mittelt" a rather buxom woman announced finally showing herself.

"Totally Kalawarner, shall we give them what they wish for!".

"Akeno will you please finish these off quickly I found them most unpleasant and annoying especially the blonde one" Rias ordered with a devilish smile appearing on her face.

"Of course Rias" Akeno then put her hand to the sky as a storm seemed to appear and a thunderbolt engulfed her, suddenly Akeno's clothes changed as she had gone from wearing her school uniform to now wearing a white and red miko outfit which seemed to hug her rather large bust and slender figure.

Mittelt and Kalawarner threw several light spears at the priestess of thunder which was just simply deflected. Neither fallen angels had very much in their arsenal other than flying and throwing light spears which were really boring for Akeno, "you too are so boring I'm not even the least bit wet by this fight" Akeno claimed with no look of shame as Rias just laughed at the comment. Rias had always known Akeno was a bit of a lover for S&M play, I feel sorry for anyone who gets involved with Akeno when she's like this…Rias chuckled at this as she was not bothered by it anymore as it was just apart of Akeno.

"Akeno I think that's enough toying with them now, we need to go see how the others are doing" Rias was still worried about the others and how they would get on. Be safe everyone we will be there soon…

Issei and co had finally made it to the church and walked in slowly keeping their guard up just in case of ambushes. As they walked in Gohan sensed someone with malicious intent and saw a sword being thrown their way, "MOVE" Gohan shouted which made everyone dodge the incoming projectile.

"Well fuck, I was hoping to get one your scummy devil heads" a foul-mouthed boy not much older than themselves then came out of the shadows into the moonlight that was shining though the windows.

"Ahh, it would seem we have the company of a priest, "a priest?" Issei confused by this. "Yes Issei but never mind that now stay on guard this is one is a slippery one so I've been told" Issei realizing that Kiba was right stood ready to fight, "SACRED GEAR" again the green light engulfed Issei's hand and the gauntlet appeared on his arm.

"Where is Asia!"

"Oh, so you're here for the little devil loving wh…" BOOOOOM…. Issei had punched the priest with enough might to send him flying into the alter which revealed a flight of stairs. "Take that you bastard..." The other's were surprised by Issei's sudden boost of power and speed, "Issei, how did you..."

"I'll give you that one you shitty devil, that actually hurt. My name is Freed Sellzen remember it when I'm ripping the flesh of your body!" Freed charged at Issei first with his light sword and gun, he fired wildly at Issei while Issei just dodged them.

"PROMOTION KNIGHT" Issei's speed suddenly doubled thanks to the promotion and managed to gain some distance while Kiba had begun to trade blows with the crazed priest.

"Here catch" Koneko plainly muttered as she picked up objects around her and threw them at Freed.

Freed dodged all the incoming objects with ease only he didn't realize that there was one other person waiting for his moment. Gohan had appeared next to Freed with his fist cocked back and then smashed the foul-mouthed priest straight in the jaw sending him flying out the window with hopefully quite a few teeth missing.

"Quick we need to get downstairs and find Asia" Issei ushered his friends.

They quickly made their way downstairs only to see a horrible sight, Asia was pinned up to the wall on a cross by chains while Dohnaseek was standing next to her with Asia's ring now on his finger.

"ASIIIAAAA!" Issei screamed with a look of horror on his face, I'm too late again…

"You're too late boy, I have taken her sacred gear from her and now she will die" Dohnaseek laughed maniacally.


"EXPLOSION" everyone turned their attention to Issei's arm only to see the gauntlet had now covered most of his arm and was engulfing his body with a green light "BOOST" the voice echoed through out the room.

As this was happening nobody had realized that Gohan was getting just as angry as Issei, he had seen the horrors of fights that ended with losing loved ones on many occasions but the way Issei's friend Asia was hung up on that cross just seemed to really piss him off. Gohan's power level was rising but everyone was too busy looking at Issei, "PROMOTION QUEEN!" Issei shouted as he felt the rush of power course through out his body.

Issei rushed at Dohnaseek and punched him in the stomach causing him to be slightly winded by the attack, Issei followed up with multiple punches to Dohnaseek's stomach then with all the power he could must punched him as hard as he could in the face which sent the fallen angel into the group of fallen angel servants that were also in the room with them.

Issei quickly got Asia's unconscious body and ran back towards the entrance to which they came in from only to be blocked off by several lower class fallen angels…

"NOW I'M MAD!" a new voice made itself known to everyone in the room, Gohan had finally given in to his anger and engulfed the room with a bright golden aura as he had transformed into his Super Saiyan form.

While everyone was too busy looking at what just happened to the boy he suddenly disappeared and then reappeared in front of a very shocked looking Issei. "Issei take Asia and go and don't look back because believe me you won't like what you see, NOW GO!" "That goes for you to Koneko and Kiba!" All three devils just listened to what he said and simply took his advice, they figured it would be best not to piss him off even more than he already was so as Gohan sent the lower fallen angels flying with nothing but his energy the three devils back upstairs.

"So you're the one who killed Raynare" a now recovered Dohnaseek stated.

"Yes I did but don't worry, you'll be joining her soon!..."

Issei, Koneko, and Kiba had made it back upstairs only to see their King and Queen stood there waiting for them. Issei then laid Asia back down on one of the benches and looked up at Rias as she slowly walked over to him.

"Rias I'm so..." Issei was suddenly pulled into a hug by the crimson-haired girl, "No Issei I'm sorry I was so hard on you" Rias pulled back from the hug and just did a reassuring smile which helped put the boy at ease.

"Rias please save her" Issei started to cry as he looked at the immobilized blonde haired girl. "I will need her sacred gear returned to her first before I can do anything"...

A thunderous blast then came right through the floor to reveal Dohnaseek body looking a complete mess, his left wing had been severed by the looks of it, he had cuts all over his body, his arm was just loosing flopping beside him, it seemed to be dislocated and he was just a bloody mess all round really.

A golden aura could now be seen rising from where Dohnaseek had just been smashed through to reveal a somewhat calmer but still very pissed off Gohan. Rias and Akeno were in complete shock at the transformation that Gohan had gone through, with his hair now more spiky and blonde along with his teal colored eyes. Both Rias and Akeno had the same thought while looking at him… Is it me or does he look even hotter than before…

Issei ran over to the mangled mess of a fallen angel and ripped the finger off Dohnaseek's finger before he could try to use it while Gohan landed right in front of Dohnaseek's head.

"Here Rias, please save her I'm begging you!" Issei handed the ring over to Rias as the others were all still looking at the amazing sight of Gohan, "Well, I could really do with a healer on my team so I shall make her my bishop". As Rias began the ritual to reincarnate Asia into a devil, Gohan was just about ready to finish off the middle-aged man.

"Yoou'rrree aa monstterr" Dohnaseek spluttered out while coughing up blood from his severally damaged internal organs. "No you're the monsters.." with that Gohan lifted his hand and blasted Dohnaseek into nothing but dust, as the others looked on thankful it was finally over were all simply amazed by what they had seen from Gohan. They knew of his story but were just in utter disbelief at the power difference. Just how powerful are you Gohan… Rias pondered while trying to finish the ritual.

Gohan powered back down to normal and went over to see how Issei and the others were doing. Rias had finally finished the ritual, "Issei she will be fine now she just needs some rest, we all do I think after tonight's unrelenting stress problems".

Issei was now sobbing while holding Asia's hand, "Thank you Rias, I promise I'll make up for this".

Issei picked up Asia bridal style and everybody walked out together happy that tonight had ended on a happy note.

"So Gohan gonna tell us about the sudden change you went through earlier" Koneko of all people asked still somewhat plainly….?" Everyone then looked at the young Saiyan and nodded in agreement also wanting to know.
