Over the next several hours and a number of quick glances at each other between Rias and Gohan it was finally lunchtime. Before Rias and Akeno could go and have a chat with Gohan he was gone leaving the two girls to wonder where he had disappeared off to in such a hurry.
Gohan was famished and was making a beeline towards the cafeteria, however once he got there, there was a huge cue for food much to his annoyance but there was nothing he could do but wait. Half an hour later he finally got to the front of the cue and asked for his food. The poor chef was in shock at how much this kid was ordering as was the rest of the cafeteria, then they were in even more shock when they saw him eat all of it as quick as anything and ask for seconds.
As the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, Gohan made his way back to class quickly remembering that he still had to talk to Rias. When Gohan sat at his seat he saw a piece of paper hanging out of his bag, what's this… Gohan wondered. Gohan please come to the Occult Research Club near the old school building at the end of classes please. Rias G. X… Once Gohan had finished reading the note from Rias he looked over towards her seat and saw her looking at him and then winked at him and smiled which caused Gohan to blush. Not going unnoticed by a certain dominatrix devil in Akeno, oh this is going to be to easy…
The rest of the day was pretty boring for Gohan just because everything that they were covering he already knew by the time he was 7. Gohan thought it was strange how similar the work in this dimension was similar to the work he did at home but he wasn't complaining.
Eventually school had finished for the day and everyone was starting to leave, as Gohan was getting ready to leave he noticed that Rias and Akeno were not in the classroom, huh when did they leave Gohan thought. The young Saiyan then left the classroom and went of to find the Occult Research Club. After getting lost and having to ask for directions from a teacher he eventually found the building where the club was meant to be. Gohan walked into the old building and made his way towards a door that he could hear voices on the other side.
Gohan knocked on the door twice then opened it, "excuse me is anyone here" he asked nobody in particular.
"Oh Gohan! Welcome, please come in and take a seat everyone will be here soon and Rias is just cleaning herself up." Akeno welcomed Gohan warmly into the clubroom with a smile on her face.
"Thank you Akeno."
Just as Gohan sat down the door opened to reveal two more people walk in. "Oh you must be our new student that everyone is talking about" said the blonde boy. "My names Kiba, it's nice to meet you".
"Like wise Kiba it's nice to meet you, I'm Gohan" Gohan eyed the young boy in front of him while replying to him politely.
"This is Koneko, she is a quite girl but onc…." Kiba was cut off as Koneko walked towards Gohan, looked him in the eyes and sniffed around him slightly then to the surprise of Kiba and Akeno sat on Gohan's lap as if it was second nature to do so.
"You smell like a monkey" Koneko plainly said showing no emotion.
Kiba and Akeno had a deadpan look on their face thanks to the strange comment made by Koneko however, Gohan was amazed in a way that she said Monkey of all things.
"I'm amazed you think that Koneko" Gohan laughed as he stroked the top of her head randomly which made Koneko have a look of happiness on her face surprising Akeno and Kiba as Koneko was never really the type of person to let anyone but Rias do that to her.
"Wait you mean Koneko is right about you being a Monkey?" Kiba said trying to understand what was happening in front of him.
"Well in a way yes but I will explain it all once Rias is here" Gohan smiled at Kiba.
A few minutes later Rias joined everyone else and sat down in her chair. She then noticed where Koneko was sat and was confused by that but Akeno just looked at her and said, "I'll tell you later".
"So I see you've all introduced yourselves then, good because I think it's about time we hear why my brother has had you join my peerage Gohan because my brother wouldn't tell me anything yesterday" Rias stated as she wanted to know just what was going on.
"It may take a while so get comfortable..." Gohan then began to tell them the story of how he wasn't from this dimension, how he got here while also telling them everything about himself as well as his family, friends and his past just like he told Sirzechs and co.
Once Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Kiba had come out of their shock and awe at the information overload they had just endured from the young Saiyan. One thing stood in all of their minds and that was just how had this 15 year old boy gone through so much in his short life and managed to stay a sane, carefree, happy and gentle spirit. All four devils have had rough pasts but it was nothing compared to what Gohan had been through I mean saving the world from a power hungry android monster was just crazy talk for them.
"Can someone tell me where the bathroom is it's just I cannot stay in this uniform any more" Gohan desperate to get out of his uniform and into his gi.
"Second door on the left" Rias said
While Gohan was in the bathroom getting changed, the others were all still amazed at what they had just been told.
"He really is something special" Rias said out loud not realising everyone heard her.
"Ohhhh does our King have a crush on our new team-mate?" Akeno teased Rias as she noticed the blush that was now forming on her best friend's face.
"NOOO I JUUSSTT…." Rias stuttered trying to regain her composure.
"I saw how you both looked at each other when Gohan introduced himself to our class Rias" Akeno stated trying to tease Rias even more. Kiba just chuckled listening to them both while Koneko was just eating a sweet and not paying attention, she just wanted Gohan to hurry up and come back so she could sit on his lap again.
"I'm back, sorry about that I'm just not familiar with these uniforms we have to wear they're so uncomfortable." Gohan said announcing himself making everyone turn to look at him.
As Rias looked at Gohan she just couldn't help but stare at all of Gohan's very defined muscles that were now on show. Gohan was now wearing his gi that Grayfia had made for him which was a replica of his Dad's. Oh what I'd to be wrapped in them arms right now...WAIT WHAT! Rias shocked at her own sudden thoughts of Gohan. Luckily for Rias, Akeno was too busy staring at Gohan just as much as she was.
"What's wrong do I have something on me?" Gohan questioned being oblivious at the sort of looks that both girls were giving him. Both girls just shook there heads while keeping their eyes on his body as if he was prey they were about to pounce on.
After Rias and Akeno had finally stopped gawking at Gohan, Rias then started telling Gohan all about what they do as devils and how the club was just a front for them to complete their devil work in private. "I think that will do for today's activities" Rias stated, she was mentally tired from all the information that had been thrown back and forth.
"Gohan there is something I would like for you to do as your first assignment for me personally" Gohan perked up at this wondering what Rias was going to ask him to do.
"What would that be Rias?"
"There is a boy in the year below us that we believe may have a sacred gear, his name is Issei Hyoudou. We know that a fallen angel has made herself known to him as of today by pretending to be in love with him, however it is just a front and we think she will try and kill him this Saturday when they go on a date together." "I want you to keep an eye on him during that time to make sure she doesn't try and kill him and if she does I want you to stop her by ANY means necessary!" Rias said with a hint of venom in her voice.
"Okay Rias, I will not let you down" Gohan replied while pulling the Son grin causing Rias to blush again.
With that everyone decided it was time to head home, except Rias as she was still trying to process everything that she had learned about Gohan and also why she was having these random emotions when thinking about him. Rias then decided she would give Gohan a special welcome present that only he would ever receive and hopefully never forget either with a very alluring smile on her face she got ready to leave for a certain someone's bed….
While heading home with Kiba and Koneko walking beside Gohan suddenly felt a chill run up his spine which didn't go unnoticed by Kiba.
"What's wrong Gohan? Kiba asked.
"I don't know I just got a sudden chill that someone was thinking of doing something to me" Gohan replied wondering what the strange feeling was, not knowing of what he would soon be waking up to….