
A new start

After explaining to Gohan just where exactly he was, Sirzechs along with Grayfia and Ajuka had started explaining to Gohan the events that had happened from when he first came through the hole in the sky.

"So what you're saying is that I just fell out of this hole that suddenly appeared in the sky here?" Gohan was amazed and shocked at what he was hearing from these three people. I wonder what must have happened when I went unconscious, I hope everyone is okay…

"Believe us Gohan, we are just as dumbfounded by all of this as you are" Ajuka stated with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Gohan, seeing as we've told you what we know can you tell us your events leading up to somehow arriving here?" Sirzechs asked, wanting to know more about this boy.

"Well, I guess it's only fair..." Gohan then proceeded to tell the three devils about his fight with Cell and how after he had destroyed him he had lost consciousness and had no idea what had happened afterward.

While Gohan had been talking about his events, Sirzechs was trying to hypothesize just how Gohan had gotten here until he finally came to a conclusion all be a very far off one, "From what you have told us Gohan I believe that yours and this Cell's powers somehow warped time and space to create the hole in your dimension which you must have fell into after losing consciousness" Sirzechs pondered just how someone so young could create that amount of energy and power to cause such a phenomenon.

"Do you think there is any way for me to get home at all?" Gohan asked with a look of worry on his face and tensed up hoping that there was some way to just let them know he was okay at least.

"I'm not sure, to me it sounds like you've come from a distant place that's within the void of dimension travelling and trying to find the place you call home would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack I'm afraid" Sirzechs said answering the young boy's question, however when he looked at the boy he saw his face drop at the news and felt somewhat bad for him. Maybe I could play this to my advantage in some way… A sudden devilish thought came into the crimson-haired Lucifer.

"Gohan I will try and help you find a way home and I'm sure Ajuka here will help me too." Sirzechs confidently said with a smile on his face, trying to reassure the young boy while hiding his true intentions.

"If what Sirzechs said is true Gohan it could take some time to find you a way home if there even is way to find your home in particular, although right now I am very curious to know how someone as young as yourself managed to create enough power to cause such a phenomenon" Ajuka curiously asked as if picking up on Sirzechs earlier thoughts.

"Well…." Gohan then started to explain all about his past starting from his father being from a different planet known as planet Vegeta then telling them about Frieza and his time on Namek. Gohan then told the three Devils about Cell and what had transpired leading up to the events of their epic battle.

While Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Grayfia listened to the young boy's tales of his past they were beyond astounded at what he was telling them and just how calm he was while explaining how multiple times he had come close to death.

"Gohan can you demonstrate the power that you used to defeat this Cell you spoke of?" Ajuka asked while both Sirzechs and Grayfia nodded at Gohan wanting to see just what he was capable of.

"Well, I don't see why not sir" Gohan replied politely not wanting to be rude to the people that had saved his life.

"Please Gohan no need for formalities with us, you are a special guest and will be treated like family in this house" Sirzechs warmly said with a smile on his face.

"I think it would be best if we went outside somewhere for this I'd rather not destroy your house by accident" Gohan laughed while pulling the famous Son grin.

With that Sirzechs lead everyone outside again, however, this time to some open fields far enough away from anything that could potentially be damaged beyond repair.

Gohan stood away from the tree devils just to make sure no harm came to them while showing them his hidden power. "Okay well to begin this is my normal state." All three nodded towards Gohan, as Gohan began to make his power level rise a few storm clouds could be seen hovering above all of them especially Gohan. As if an explosion had occurred around Gohan, all three devils had to shield their eyes due to a bright golden light surrounding the young Saiyan, as their vision began to come back they all looked at Gohan and couldn't believe the change that occurred to him.

"This is what we call a Super Saiyan transformation, I'm the youngest of what remains that can pull off this legendary form" Gohan boasted. He was proud of his accomplishment when he finally pulled off the transformation the very first time with his Dad in the hyperbolic time chamber.

"This is incredible Gohan, I can literally feel the power that radiates from the aura surrounding you" Sirzechs in shock at what he was feeling.

"What a transformation in both power and appearance" Ajuka stunned at what he was feeling and seeing.

"So this is the power you used to defeat Cell then Gohan?" Sirzechs asked not knowing that Gohan was about to stun them even more.

Gohan laughed while smirking when hearing what Sirzechs had said, "Sorry Sirzechs but this power I'm showing you now was nowhere near enough to defeat Cell..."

"Wait, you mean…." just as Sirzechs was about to finish what he was saying he looked up at the storm clouds that had already begun to get thicker above Gohan started to get darker and then….

BOOM… this is what the three devils could hear and see as wild lightening strikes began to create craters on the ground in random places all around them and the wind picked up all around them too. All three then looked at Gohan…

HAAAAAAAAA!" Gohan shouted with a look of deep concentration as he was trying to push the energy that was hidden deep within him out to complete the transformation. Again the three devils were blinded by a golden light and had to regain their vision only this time knew something had just happened with Gohan.

As all three devils looked at Gohan they were just astonished by his change in appearance, mostly with his hair now standing completely up except one strand hanging down the front of his forehead along with his muscles now bigger but also leaner as if someone had carved his body out of stone. Grayfia had to hide a blush for the second time today thanks to the boy in front of her, due to the site of the young boy who was still in the clothes he had arrived in however missing the bloody top she had taken off him and now getting full view of his incredible body and overwhelming power.

"And this is what I call Super Saiyan two, I am the only Saiyan as far as I know to ever get to this form." For some strange reason though Gohan felt something within him that was telling him that there is a higher level he can achieve… hmm, will have to pick up my training now I'm stuck here for a while.

"Thank you, Gohan for showing us this" Sirzechs said grateful to Gohan for showing them his power and also trusting in them somewhat too as Gohan could of quite easily said no about showing them anything. Sirzechs then came back around to his earlier thought of how Gohan being here could help him for events that would occur in the not too distant future. You could be a big help to me Gohan and my sister...

After Gohan had powered down to his normal state and the three devils regained their composure of what had just transpired they started to walk back towards the Gremory house and once inside, sat down in the main hall to talk some more until….

"GRRRRRRRGRRRR..." the noise echoed throughout the whole room.

"What was that!?" Ajuka shouted while on edge thinking something was about to attack them.

Gohan blushed and slowly raised his hand "Sorry about that it was my stomach I haven't eaten in what feels like years." Gohan blushed while pulling the famous Son grin as Sirzechs and Ajuka laughed and Grayfia just chuckled inwardly trying not to laugh out loud.

With that Grayfia went off to make some dinner for the three of them, meanwhile Ajuka had explained to Gohan about the evil piece system that he created and how his new set that he had only just finished had for some reason decided to gain a will of their own and enter Gohan's body which ultimately saved his life.

"So would does this mean Ajuka?" Gohan inquired wanting to know more about what these "evil pieces" had done to him.

"Well, physically I can't say because of your already very big build of muscle it's hard to say, I should imagine it may have boosted your power somewhat". Ajuka really was unsure what those pieces had done to him as he had never had anything like this happened before. "Gohan I want you to try and will a pair of wings on your back" Ajuka was curious to know if Gohan had actually turned into a devil at all.

"Okay, I will try and give it a go" Gohan stood up from the table, closed his eyes to concentrate and with just will alone try and manifest some wings… However after several attempts with nothing to show for it he gave up trying.

"Hmm, that's strange, usually once you've been reincarnated as a devil you're able to call upon your wings with ease" Sirzechs was surprised that Gohan couldn't do it but was also now wondering the same thing as Ajuka, Just what have those pieces done to him...

A little time later Grayfia returned with plenty of food for all three people or so she thought. Gohan in true Saiyan fashion had devoured all the food put in front of him while Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Grayfia looked on in slight disgust and mostly amazement that he could eat so much and not gain weight what so ever.

A few hours later, Ajuka decided it was time to leave. As he said his goodbye's he told Gohan that he would have the technology department have a look at how he got here and if there was a way to get him home but also warned him that it could take a long time. Gohan thanked the High-Class Devil and with that Ajuka teleported away.

"Gohan can I speak to you about something please?" Sirzechs politely asked the young Saiyan.

"Of course!"

"While I am trying to find a way for you to get home, would you help me by joining my sister's peerage and protect her from what could happen in the future?" Sirzechs asked sheepishly, hoping that Gohan would say yes.

"Well, I don't see why not as I'm probably going to be here for a while and plus you guys have done so much for me already, it would be the least I could do to show my appreciation" Gohan happily replied smiling at Sirzechs.

"Ohhhh thank you Gohan, I promise I will do everything in my power to find you a way home!" Ecstatic that Gohan said yes Sirzechs ran up to him and hugged Gohan much to his surprise.

"Is there anything in the meantime that I can provide you with to make your stay a bit easier?" Sirzechs asked.

"Now that you mention it there are two things I would like very much. First, if I draw a picture of my father's gi that he always wore would you be able to have a few made for me, seeing as I have no clothes right now. Second, is there any place I could train without destroying Hell itself?" Gohan asked hoping that his requests would be easy to fulfill.

"As for the first request, Grayfia will be able to help you with that as she is very good at creating clothing and such. As for a training area, I will have a special room built onto your apartment that you will be staying at while in the human town where my little sister currently presides. I will make the room indestructible for you too, is there anything you would like the room to have in particular to help with your training?"

"Yes actually, could you have a gravity manipulator installed so that I can change it as I see fit to?" Gohan asked

"Yes, that can be done easy enough" Sirzechs replied, happy that all was going well.

Three days later everything was ready, Gohan had his father's gi on thanks to Grayfia making a few perfect replica's of it which made Gohan very happy indeed. Sirzechs had been good to his word and made the indestructible gravity room that would make even Vegeta jealous thanks to the sheer size of the room and all the equipment that was inside it too. So as Gohan made his way towards Sirzechs and Grayfia by the front door he wondered about what life was going to bring him next, more strong opponents? Maybe, new friends but his own age? He hoped so, love? He doubted it very highly, however, Gohan would soon come to realize that love was what was going to cause him to become the strongest Saiyan to ever live…

"Are you ready Gohan?" asks the calm and collected Sirzechs Lucifer with his queen stood next to him.

"ALL SET" Gohan excitedly replied with the famous Son grin on his face.

"Well then LET'S GO…!"