
Saitama saves the damsel in distress

"Maria, stand back." Peter coldly muttered.

Peter was resolute in adopting Maria and making her part of the Martel Clan, he saw something in her that can meld his broken heart, he saw in her eyes a new life and happiness. He has a foresight of this girl bringing him happiness throughout his life, a happiness that he already lost when his wife died and the baby stillborn, the supposedly baby sister of Lloyd.

Upon hearing the cold order of Peter, Maria shivered and slowly backed up in fear, but she has this instinct in her that want her to be with this man, maybe it is an instinct of wanting a parental love, a love that she once experienced dearly albeit only for a short moment.

"Are you sure about this brother? If you are, then I applaud you for challenging my authority, the authority of the Patriach of this Clan, the Martel Clan!" The Patriach shouted angrily as he release the overwhelming power of his cultivation, the power of quasi-Diamond Core Formation.

A mighty power overwhelms Peter as he struggled to hold his ground. Peter only has a cultivation of Peak Silver Core Formation, how could he challenge a cultivation two levels above his?

But still in the face of constant pressuring, Peter stood strong as he protected Maria from the pressure behind him.

Eventually a blood trickled down in the corner of Peter's lips, causing the Patriach to waver as he looked at his brother's current pitiful state.

Maria behind Peter crying now, she fully knew that Peter protected her right now, her tears mixed with joy and sadness.

"Fine, she can stay and carry the name of the Martel Family, under one condition. She will be a battle slave, if you still stubbornly refuse then SHE WILL DIE." The patriach presented an ultimatum.

Upon hearing the ultimatum, Peter face contorted, pondering the matter greatly.

Eventually Peter gave in.

"I am sorry little girl, this is the best I can do for you."

From there, starts Maria's life as a battle slave.

For 10 years she's been rigorouslu trained.

Experienced countless tortures.

Enhance her skills.

And uses her for the Clan's bidding.

Peter still visited Maria but only once a year as per added in the ultimatum.

Then finally, Maria was assigned by Lloyd, the very own only son of Peter, by the patriach.


A resounding explosing emerged after Lloyd fired the 'Sword Point of the Sword God' skill.

A great amount of smoke appears after the skill landed.

Lloyd was very sure that both the Phantom Cat and Maria would die in the attack, he doesn't care though as the Clan still has many Battle Slave being trained and some are probably more better than Maria.

Even a few minutes after the skill landed, the smoke vanished. All Lloyd's fellow disciple already gathered around him, patiently waiting for the smoke to disappear so they can get the beast core, the proof of the quest being completed.

"Who the hell are you guys?" An imposing voice came out. It was a 13 year old boy, with a vicious look in his face.

It was Revant, appearing outside from the smoke. Then completely stopping a few meters in front of them.

Lloyd and the other 6 looked warily towards Revant.

After inspecting Revant and finally knowing the boy in front on him only being in the Peak Enhancer Stage, all their wariness disappear and was replaced by vicious grins and expression.

"You, a peak body enhancer, dare to utter a word in front of me?" Lloyd was now spitting killing intent from his eyes, the other 6 was also doing the same.

Having a peak body enhancer talk to them in that kind of words is akin to slapping them in the face, humiliating them.

The 6 of them never thought deeply as of why Revant came out of the still existing smoke where Maria and the Phantom Cat has been.

All in their thoughts right now are them being talked down by a brat, a level lower below them.

"Yeah. Atleast I'm not the kind of person that just happily sent one of their people alone to fight an opponent they cannot possibly defeat" Revant uttered coldy, slapping them again with words but this time more powerful

"Yo-You lowly ant! DIEE!" With the sword in his hand, Lloyd slashed it downwards, aiming to slice Revant's body in half.


A huge thump sounded, as if something landed on the ground.

The sword in Lloyd's hand was in complete stop as he saw a big black figure behind Revant's. It was angrily growling at them, creating a terrifying growl that can make one shiver.

"It-It's the Phantom Cat?! God damn it, this Phantom cat is actually a Tier 3! Run!" Lloyd started to run himself first, even knocking the useless and baggage female disciple. He was then followed by the others in great speed, leaving behind the girl who he knocked down.

The girls' countenance was pale and she was shaking in fear.

Revant and the Cat didn't do anything towards the escaping people.

"Are you part of them? Are you also the kind of persont that will sacrifice your own people for own benefits?" Revant started interrogating the girl.

As if the trembling girl didn't heard Revant's question, she replied with a question herself.

"I-is big sis alright?" The girl, although still trembling in fright upon still seeing the Phantom Cat behind Revant looking at her, still expresses her concern.

Seeing the concern of the girl's eyes, Revant eyes softened as he offered his hand towards the girl.

"Big sis is fine, don't worry. Don't mind the cat, it wont harm you. What is your name?" Revant asked after affirming her the Maria is safe.

The girl sighed in relief.

"My name is Mittle, an inner court disciple of the Sword Dance Sect. Those that ditched me are also my from the same Sect, my fellow disciples." Mittle said with teary eyes, still sad by the sudden betrayal of Lloyd.

"Well they're ruthless aren't they? Come with us then." Revant offered after making a remark.

Mittle nodded as she accepted Revant's hand and walked towards the site, which the smoke already vanished.

There he saw a bald man with a weird looking outfit, in his left hand the unconscious Maria and on the other is the illusionarry sword attack from the 'Sword Point of the Sword God'.

Mittle was startled as she clearly felt the overwhelmingly power of the attack Lloyd releases but to think that the attack was completely stopped and even grabbed by a man was hard to imagine. But nevertheless, she was mostly relieved that the big sis was fine.


Maria felt the world falling apart again as she witness her own master firing a deadly attack without regarding her, didn't care whether she will die in the process or not.

Dropping the sword in her hand, Maria cannot help but just give up as the deadly attack approached them. She completely knew the devastating attack from Lloyd's, she once witnessed it being used by an Elder of the Clan, crumbling down a small hill in the process.

Knowing that she won't have a chance to survive, she just dropped her sword and closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

But it didn't come.

Instead she felt a warm sensation on her waist, supporting her from falling, it was a hand wrapping around her waist, as if giving her hope, warm and peace. She opened her eyes and glanced towards the owner of the hand, seeing a man with the same age as her, a bald man with a handsome and sharp looks, a look that can give comfort to her and that's all what she needs right now.

Feeling the gentle hands of his in her waist, Maria succumbed into unconsciousness as her body shut down to finally have a proper rest after a decade of living such a life.

She prays, in her very soul, that let this be the moment, the beginning of her peaceful life.

And fate heard her, in the future no trouble will come close to her as there would be a man shielding her from all the storms and calamities that may soon to come.

The First meeting of Saitama and Maria ??.

If you like the story please vote tehee~

Also please give some criticism on where to improve so I can meet the expectations and request of our dear readers. Wil be greatly appreciated. Much love!

If anyone is interested, you can add me on discord = tsumina#3887. I don't know how that works, please tell me ?

tsuminacreators' thoughts