
Maria woke up; Saitama's Training

"Is there any food to eat here?" Saitama decided to change the topic as he heard grumbling noises coming from his stomach. It's almost been a day since he came to this world, so many things happened yet he still hasn't eaten yet.

"Should we eat out?" Bob recommended, he took out 'his' money pouch and added, "I only have 1 gold and 17 silver, also exclude the expenses in this inn."

"Well let us head out then. Mittle, know any cheap restaurant near here?" Saitama looked at Mittle and asked.

"Having 1 gold coin is enough for us to eat at a luxurious restaurant though. I knew such restaurant kilometers from here." Mittle replied.

"Kilometers? I'd rather eat then sleep, look it's almost evening." Saitama grumbled.

"You are all hungry? I can cook some food here, although there are not that many ingredients it'll be enough for the 4 of you." Adel can be seen coming down the stairs from above and recommended himself to cook for them after hearing their conversation.

Saitama glanced towards Adel, "Oh you're back. You don't need to cook for us, I'll cook. I'll just use whatever ingredients you have available and will buy more tomorrow." Saitama offered to cook. Back on earth, before Genos came he's been cooking foods all by himself and for himself, learning to cook some humble plates.

Adel nodded, a bit surprised by a customer offering to cook themselves, "If that is so, then follow me to the kitchen area." Adel pointed out one of the doors in the room, which lead to the kitchen of the inn.

The group of Saitama went into the kitchen with anticipation especially Bob and Revant who having the pleasure of eating their Big Bro and Master dishes.

For the dinner, the atmosphere was warm as they ate happily, satisfied with Saitama's humble cooking.

After eating and giving thanks to Saitama, all of them went to their respective rooms and slept. Even Bob who doesn't need to sleep slept like a log.


"No-mom, dad, save me please! Dont-dont give me to the slave traders. NOOO!" Maria woke up suddenly, drenched in sweat.

She realized she was dreaming of past events that became a nightmare and woke up in the middle of the night.

"Where am I? What happened?" Maria muttered to herself, clutching her head in pain as she tried remembering what happened recently.

"Right, Young Master Lloyd took me out to hunt a tier 2 beast, but left me to buy time for them to escape when they realized the beast was a tier 3." Other than feeling sad and betrayed, Maria felt more relieved than ever as if the shackles binding her all her life was undone the moment her young master left her to die.

'After that, was I saved by someone? Or was i-" Maria hastily inspected her body but upon seeing her intact clothes and finding no discomfort in her body, she calmed down.

'Then was I saved? Wait, that bald monk?' Maria vaguely remembered a handsome looking bald monk, supporting her body from collapsing, then falling unconscious after.

She stood up and walked outside the room clutching her head. As she went out she saw a young-looking man meditating silently.

Feeling a gaze from someone, Adel opened his eyes and glanced at Maria, "Good Morning my name is Adel, you must be the sister that mister Saitama saved." He nodded and greeted first.

Maria first observed Adel and then nodded back, "Where am I? What happened to me?" She questioned.

"As what I've been told, you were saved by a group of people, including Saitama that then came here carrying you and putting you in bed for you to rest," Adel answered in detail.

"Is that so?" Maria muttered, "Where are they? Can I meet them?" She queried.

"I am afraid not, it is still the early hours before morning, after midnight and before dawn. There are still a few hours before sunrise. So everyone might be sleeping." Adel said.

Hearing that, Maria doesn't know what to do, does she sleep again? Wait for the morning? Wait for anyone to wake up?

Seeing the restless state of Maria, Adel added, "Well as of now, Mister Saitama is now in the backyard training, very diligent."

"Oh," Maria muttered in understanding.

"May I know your name first?" Adel inquired.

"Maria." She replied.

"Go in that door, it leads to the backyard." Adel pointed out, guiding her.


Maria went to the door Adel pointed and went out. There she saw the man that saved her, the bald monk with a pleasing countenance.

She saw him doing some slow push-ups with no efforts and very slowly.

Saitama was now wearing a casual dirty white shirt and brown pants. His costume was now in his spatial ring.

Saitama noticed her and stopped.

"Oh hey, you're awake." Saitama greeted first. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, a bit of a pain in the head but pretty much alright." Maria smiled. "I heard that you saved me, I would like to thank you." She bowed in gratitude.

"Well even if I didn't come, this cat would've saved you." Saitama pointed in Maria's feet. "I just acted faster."

Maria was confused about the cat part, she followed where Saitama was pointing and found a cat snuggling in her feet in which she didn't feel a bit of anything at all.

"Wait, 'this cat would've saved me'?" Maria look confused, she scrutinized the black cute fluffy cat nestling in her feet.

"Yep, apparently it followed us all the way here and stayed with you. Pretty cool too because it can hide in shadows, silently following us." Saitama said.

The Phantom Cat, when fighting with Maria wasn't serious at all, it only became panicky due to the incoming attack of Lloyd which can hurt the beast but cannot severely injured it. Upon unleashing the sword point attack, the Phantom Cat planned to block it with it's body to protect Maria and apparently it somehow knew that Maria was just being ordered around to fight it. Evidently, it possesses intelligence.

Upon hearing that, Maria picked the cat up and looked at it gently, "Thanks little one." Maria hugged it, the Phantom Cat accepted it and snuggled back while licking her face.

"Awww such a cute sight." Someone remarked with emotions, as if moved by the current scene.

"Eww Bob, are you a creep? You've been observing for a while." Saitama jokingly acted as if he was disgusted.

"Wha-Master, you've misunderstod. I just came and was greeted by such a cute sight." Bob was flustered and waving his hand restlessly.

"Well you've been here even before I started training, why deny." Saitama shook his head.

Maria giggled as she felt amused by the skit of the two.

"Training Master? You will not cultivate?" Bob curiously asked.

Maria felt confused upon hearing the middle aged man calling Saitama a 'Master' which the former is clearly older than the latter.

"I just wanted to try doing my past training. Haven't done it in years, and I don't want to be stronger than what I currently am today so I stopped." Saitama answered. "And just as you said, I have a low talent for cultivation, so why bother." He shrugged, cultivation do nothing to him other than wasting time, besides he's already strong and doesn't want to strengthen even more further. The lack of thrilling fight made him that way.

"Training? You dont cultivate?" Maria was clearly startled of this information, a person that saved her doesn't cultivate? "Then do you train Body Strenghtening technique?" she questioned.

"Body Strenghtening Technique? You can say it that way." Thinking of his training regimen in the past, then it can be considered as a technique.

Bob curiosity was also piqued when he heard his master traianing technique, "Mind telling us your technique master?"

"I don't mind, in the past I excercised 100 squats, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups and 10 kilometers jogging every single day for 3 years." Saitama said.

Bob and Maria was clealy startled at the information.

"This kind of training regimen stopped the attack of the 'Sword Point of the Sword God' skill?"

"Just this training made you this powerful?"

Both said in the state of bafflement, what a joke that is!

"I've seen your expressions before, if you don't believe me then don't." Saitama just shrugged it off. Back when he revealed his true training to Genos and the people from the House of Evolution, his confession was met with complaints and disbelief. Both of their expression was the same as the past.

"This-" Bob was still in disbelief, a Martial Immortal like him was defeated by his master that only trained that simple regimen?

"Well, I stopped my training years ago and haven't trained again. The training right now was for nostalgic sake. I stopped training because I don't want to get stronger anymore and right now after training, I indeed felt a bit stronger than before." Saitama said with a deadpan face.

"Then how did you become so strong?" After regaining her composure, Maria asked.

"I just did that and became strong." Saitama once again shrugged nonchalantly. "Anyway, enough of this. It's almost sunrise, we don't have any more ingredients to cook." Saitama added, "You know where is the supermarket here? Where we can buy food ingredients?"

Maria raised her hand "I know where, let me come, treat it as an expression of gratitude."

Fortunately, Maria easily blend in with them.

Saitama nodded. "Give me your money, wait it's not your money in the first place."

Bob smiled sheepishly and handed Saitama his pouch.

Together, Saitama and Maria went to buy some food ingredients for breakfast.

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