
saiki kusuo with super idol girlfriend

He just gets back at his new world little by little get back his all ability op psychic powers... This not real deal but the first after Saiki wakes up, he was not just alone in his room. he sleeps visit with an adorable little girl What happens with his life now? Who her mother? Saiki just get said the first time is "Yare yare... She little girl with cute while sleeping... W-Who she is?" "Emm... Papa. Morning!" Little girl said "..." Saiki Speechless after hear this. 'What happened god make a joke with me?!!!'

Daunloco · Cómic
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25 Chs

thanks you are my best friend

"Our hina look so happy," Ichigo said excitedly

Saiki just nodded.

"Mom, look the duck can swimming quickly to hina place," hina get excited to play on the pool for kid

"You look hina... I try to find a place to we can eat quietly." Saiki said

"Good, just leave hina to me," Ichigo said happily.

Look little angel smile merry play with water. she no regrets and so happy can come together with them.

"Soon, it's time to gather... Hina, time to rest. Came with me." Ichigo said

"Yes mommy," hina said innocently


"Miya!!!" The girls yell excited

{She too similar as Miya version young girl.} Both girls stay amazed by this strange thing

{Aoi, ran, why they here?} Ichigo Murmuring in surprise

"Who they are, mom?" Hina asks curiously

"I don't know," Ichigo said softly. She starts acting. for someone being top idol this easy

{Hina have mommy, and look very close.} Ran think sad

"Hello, hina-chan... Your Aoi oneesan here," Aoi put her glasses for while.

"Ah... Aoi-oneesan, Ran-oneesan... I happy to meet you." Hina said excitedly

Saiki after comes back... look, hina play with ran and aoi. he asks.


"Alright, I think, they not knowing me is Ichigo her friends." Ichigo Whispering

Saiki just nodded his head

"My husband just tells me, Are you two idol?" Ichigo said

"Yes... we just enter the Aqua fantasy waiting Summer festival competition starts." Ran said Nervous. Her smile looks very mature.

"Oh... Aoi Kiriya and Ran Shibuki. I remember they want to prepare to enter the competition... This my wife. Saiki Miya." Saiki said calmly

"Hai starlight student, you two good to my hina and husband, right... So you can call my first name Miya... as a mother, Thanks for support my little miracle."  Ichigo said happily

"We just happy with cute little girl play together. She is good girl," Ran said seriously

"she new mascot cute and cheerful little girl very famous at starlight school. Many photos about hina at the website school." Aoi said give them look photo cute her daughter on the website.

Both Speechless look how much like her photo daughter and only now know about this

"I just know that," Ichigo said Wry smile

"I think to visit Principal ask about this, tomorrow," Saiki said seriously

"Look our daughter sleep so cute at this photo. That person must professional photographer." Ichigo said happily

{They like expert lolicon, I try to be more careful at the school.} Saiki thinks more annoyed.

Look hina eyes dims and continue to yawn

"Hina is time to your rest... can sleep to now?" Ichigo said gently

"Um," she quick sleeps at her mommy lap

"I sorry... Hina to tired for playing all day, for myself. We rarely play with together like this time... I want to make her happier as her new parents." Ichigo said smile happy

{New parents} Aoi think increasingly suspicious.

"What your job Miya?" Aoi asks

"That just between us... my job is a treasure hunter," Ichigo said calmly

{Thanks to Saiki get me full background and name before coming to this place.} Ichigo think happy

"At a young age has become a Treasure Hunter... Sure, you very good to find treasure... so what you treasure want to find Miya-san?" Ran ask curious

"I just rookie Treasure Hunter... so for start... I'll just find rare ingredients for cooking. Look like this blue grass and Blue Apple" Ichigo take two-item premium card

"Wow... really, rare ingredients," Aoi said excitedly... First time seeing rare food ingredients whose prices soared

"Where you want to go next Miya?" Ran ask.

"Grand canyon!" Ichigo said seriously

"Thanks to my husband... he says after back from America country... he said found a hidden place, I think trying to take a look at that place," Ichigo said happily.

Reality is Saiki and Ichigo finds a hidden cave at grand canyon. And finished walk that place they find a blue Apple tree.

"Sorry, we to interfere with your holiday family time. It's time we need to go stage aoi... we going," ran said seriously

"thank for food. See you next time Miya." Aoi said casually

"Alright, have fun," Ichigo said happily

see the girls have gone from their place... Ichigo finally leaves breathing with relief.

"This so tiring." Ichigo it's hard to lie to her closest friend.

"Good job and Sorry, I cannot much help you this time," Saiki said

"I know hero, not good acting... If you talk more will only make them suspicious" Ichigo smile mock him

"Alright... You can go to work, honey. Have fun." Saiki give kiss her Forehead

Ichigo gets Blushed and said happy

"Thanks. I will back. So wait for me." Wink her eyes

- - -

A few minutes later...

Ichigo meet them at backstage and says

"I sorry, I don't think you came first,"

"Alright, we meet someone today this place and she is similar to a younger version of your mother Ringo," Aoi said happily.

"Um, but she different job with us." Ran said they still don't believe in reality. Saiki has a wife.

{I want to say to them... yes that is me, of course, that fun joking to them and dead choice to me,} Ichigo just nodded her head

"Waw, if both you two can meet them someday that will good." aoi said naughty

"I will happy if can meet that girl next time," Ichigo said calmly

"Okay get ready everyone! 5 minute It's Soliel's turn to appear on the stage"

Soliel start...

They started to dance and sing.

[Bgm. Calendar idol - aikatsu song]

- - -

After the concert...

"Alright, today concert so happy," Ichigo said excitedly.

"I walk first to buy something." Ran said happily

"Okay ran. You can go... be careful" Ichigo said casually

{So Just the two of us now} Aoi Muttering softly

"Hina looks so happy with you, Ichigo," aoi said gently

Ichigo gets a little shake and quickly thought

{Since when? Calm down Ichigo... she just Guesses. not yet know the whole story.}

As knowing what Ichigo thought she says again.

"Little miracle, and your smell idol this can't fool me... Can you explain all about this Ichigo or I call you to miss Miya!" Aoi said naughty smiled

"Why you call me that very sure, she is me?" Ichigo asks

"We too familiar with others and also, I was number 1 your fans. how can I not know that red girl are you? I was right."

"Fine, you won Aoi... Wait to back home... I will explain everything to you." Ichigo said smile hopeless

"Good, you can go now... your hero waiting for you," Aoi said happily

"Thanks, you're my best friend. See you later." Ichigo said cheerfully. She ran back to Saiki and hina place

"Where is Ichigo?" Ran ask

"She gets back home... Will back tomorrow morning to Dorothy, let us back too, Ran." Aoi said cheerfully

Hello author daunloco here

daily chapter today

ran shibuki

aoi kiriya - aikatsu world

- - +

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see you next time

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