
Sage Dragon: Po

A soul reincarnates in an alternate Kung Fu Panda universe, see the rise of Po the Dragon Sage. This is a translation, my first language is Portuguese.

DaoistFallen · Cómic
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8 Chs

The Strings of the Past

Randomly wandering the territory of the Jade Palace, I notice that I am next to a familiar cliff. I remember an iconic scene from the original story, sit down next to the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Lore, and begin to meditate.

When I close my eyes, darkness surrounds me, however, I can feel the brightness of the moon guiding me, feeling the soft breeze on my face, I sink my chaotic thoughts into a calm lake.

Wandering through the void, I hear a sarcastic voice.

"Looks like you got used to it, doesn't it?"

I see a very familiar figure, how can I forget? This is me, or rather the old me.

A military man in a black uniform, his serious face makes it look like you owe him money, his eyes sparkle with madness, and his entire aura emanates violence.

"What are you doing here? You're just a shadow of the past."

"Hahaha did you forget? I was your hope, I brought you glory, but what did you do! You abandoned everything for a foolish and impossible goal!"

"The only thing I regret is not being able to get rid of all the Crows!" He said angrily as he squeezed my fists.

"See! See what a fool you've been!"

The dark world that surrounded me starts to change, reproducing my memories, seeing the scenes of my military operations, how many people I killed, the friends I lost, how many families cried. I always move forward, even if the path I walk is dirty with blood.

I see my friends, some I thought I would no longer be able to see their faces, down on a mission.

Ah... The Hyenas, my battalion, where I was leader, famous for their excellence in accomplishing missions, war-mad soldiers with smiles on their faces in the midst of combat.

By the way, I think that all Hyenas have a similar fate, not much different from my friends, I also died in an operation.

I still remember that day...


"Hello Commander! The superiors sent us on a mission".

"What is our objective?"

"Hostage rescue! It's a joint operation with the Crows."

"Crows... Those bastards are good at tracking, but they're a corrupt bunch."

"Sir, why do the superiors keep them? Even though they know these bastards are corrupt."

"The whole system is flawed, it's not just the Crows who are human trash, they only act that way because these damn politicians turn a blind eye."

"It's not just gun and drug trafficking that generates an absurd amount of money, politicians buy our equipment at a high price, but look at our weapons! Our equipment is the same as it has been 10 years, where do you think it all goes the money?"

"Although the Hyenas and Crows are both special forces, they are independent battalions, don't trust anyone outside soldier... It could cost you your life"

"Yes Commander!"

Some hours later...

central bank

"Hello Commander Cain, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, our team has already reconnaissance and we know the location of the criminals and the hostages". Just look at that bastard's smile, Commander Rocha, leader of the Crows, a corrupt military man who does any atrocity for a promotion in his career.

Having received a bank map with highlighted targets, I carefully study the possibilities of failure, create a detailed plan for efficient operation in a few minutes. With everything ready, I give orders to my subordinates.

"Alpha Squad! Your objective is to invade silently from the roof, I need the snipers to be ready to open fire on my command".

"Delta Squad! Cover the area avoiding any escape routes!"

"Yes sir!"

My teams soon disperse, and go to fulfill their objectives.

Everything was going according to plan, until...


An explosion, an intelligence error...

Putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I realize I'm involved in a conspiracy.

"What does that mean, Commander Rocha?" I say in an enraged tone.

" You stood out too much Commander Cain, you harmed the interests of superiors, Hyenas in general have always been a thorn in the side... In the middle of an election year we don't need a massacre, you know how important public opinion is, hahahahah! ".

Those bastards...

With a quick movement I try to grab my gun, but it's too late. The Crows were already in firing position.

"Fire!" Commander Rocha said

I am shot in the chest and fall to the ground.

"Hahaha, goodbye Commander Cain!"

If I'm going to die, I'm taking all these bastards with me.

As my vision is going dark, I bite my tongue to force myself to stay awake. I quickly grab one of my grenades from my belt and pull the pin with my teeth.

"No, kill him!" I can finally see the desperation on this pig's face.