
Sage Dragon: Po

A soul reincarnates in an alternate Kung Fu Panda universe, see the rise of Po the Dragon Sage. This is a translation, my first language is Portuguese.

DaoistFallen · Cómic
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8 Chs

Dragon Warrior

I open my eyes slowly because the light blinds me, little by little my mind and vision clears.

I see a turtle pointing his finger at me, still a little confused I ask: "Where am I? Who am I?"

"You? You are the Dragon Warrior."


I hear thunder and countless unknown memories fill my brain with information.

With unbearable pain I see the whole life of a panda, its feelings, anxieties and doubts. I absorb everything, taking this new identity for myself.

[Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Divine Dao System, go and strive for greatness].

At Master Oogway's announcement drums are played, people jump and dance, a party takes place around me, but I feel strangely out of place. I feel like I'm being carried by a ancient rickshaw, these geese can't lift my weight, but some pigs come to help them, with difficulty I'm carried to the Jade Palace.

"Master Oogway! This must be an accident, it doesn't have to do with this panda being the warrior dragon." Said Shi Fu apparently nervous.

"There are no accidents, my old friend. The panda was chosen by the universe, he will bring peace to this valley and to you". Said the sage with eyes shining with wisdom.

I am left alone in the Hall of Heroes, looking around me, I realize that I am alone and try to orient myself, it seems that I reincarnated in the middle of the ceremony of choosing the Dragon Warrior.

My memories are in chaos, different scenes from the life of a human and a panda are sorting themselves out in my brain.


A system notification appears in front of me:

[Congratulations on becoming the Dragon Warrior, you will be rewarded for your efforts:

You obtained a skill: Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style]

My body moves by itself doing a series of punches and kicks, I feel like I'm relearning something that has long been forgotten. A strange feeling indeed.


By an involuntary movement I end up breaking a vase, a system notification appears in front of me:

I read in a low voice: "[Urn of Whispering Warriors - S-Rank Artifact - Legend has it that the souls of the Tenshu army are sealed in this vessel]"

"It's over... panda" I hear a voice that resounds throughout the hall.

"Oh fuck, and it didn't have a soul in there anyway." I quickly get into a fighting stance.

"Behind you stupid panda" I hear that voice again, but this time I can feel his anger.

I turn around slowly, and when i see the figure, I give an involuntary sigh and visibly relax

"Oh, it was just you." I say in a relaxed tone.

Ever wondered if it was a soul? How do you fight a soul? I don't know, and I don't want to know.

Good thing it was just Shi Fu. Wait a minute, Chi Fu... Oh Fuck.

"So you are the famous Dragon Warrior." Said Shi Fu with a slight smile.

"That's what they say..." I reply a bit awkwardly.

"No, you're not! At least until you know the secret of the Dragon Scroll!" Said Shi Fu pointing to the ceiling.

I see a statue of a dragon with a scroll in its mouth, apparently only the Dragon Warrior has access to the secret of unlimited strength.

"And how do I get it?".

"It is necessary to have the highest level of Kung Fu, something that is impossible for someone like you."

"Please enlighten me" I say in a respectful tone, but inside I'm suspicious of this old fox's intentions.

"Look at you panda, those flabby arms, that huge belly and the neglect of personal hygiene"

Man I can hear the disgust in her voice.

"Look here you old dog, it's not my fault I just came out of a kitchen and had to go up all those stairs." I just haven't had time to shower yet, who does that old bastard think he is.

"How dare you! Insolent panda!" With incredible speed Shi Fu bends my hand at an awkward angle.

I immediately recognize this move, a secret technique that is told in legends. It's not surprising that China's greatest master knew how to use it.

"Oh no the Wu Shi finger strike!" I say with an expression of terror.

"So you know." Shi Fu said with a condescending expression.

"And who doesn't? Legend has it that the user of this skill turns into Thanos and makes his opponent turn to dust". I say and try to escape from Shi Fu's handshake like the devil flees from the cross.

"Thanos? Who is Thanos?" asks A

Shi Fu with a slightly frowned expression, oh fuck I feel like I'm in an interrogation.

"What Thanos?" I say with an innocent expression.

"Don't make a fool of me panda!" I get kicked and go flying a few meters

I end up hitting a pillar and feel my whole body sore. I see the world spinning like I'm drunk, with a strong push of my foot, I punch Shi Fu.

The punch was easily blocked with the palm of my hand, but in a fraction of a second I kicked towards Shi Fu's head.

Shi Fu slightly moves his head away and the punch is deflected, but I hold the wrist of one of his hands and throw him towards the door.

"Enough! Very good panda!" Said Shi Fu in an excited tone.

"Let's go to the training room!". I can feel the excitement in this old man's voice, there must have been something very wrong going on.