
Sage Dragon: Po

A soul reincarnates in an alternate Kung Fu Panda universe, see the rise of Po the Dragon Sage. This is a translation, my first language is Portuguese.

DaoistFallen · Cómic
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8 Chs

An old master always brings new challenges

"I don't accept this defeat... I don't believe this fat panda can defeat Tai Lung!" Said Tigress jumping out her bedroom window.

Running at high speed through the roofs of the city she is surprised by four shadows in front of her.

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to stop me!?"

"It seems we all had the same idea, but what a coincidence." Crane said as he scratched one of his wings with his beak.

"The panda won't make it alone, maybe if we fight together we can beat Tai Lung!" Macaco said looking at his companions waiting for an answer.

"I have nothing against the plan, but we have to be quick before Shifu stops us." Said Mantis as he looked towards the Jade Palace.

"So let's go!" As soon as Viper's voice ceases, everyone moves towards their objective.

The next day...

I open my eyes and realize that I'm on the shore of a lake, this is the Lake of Holy Tears, this place has a special aura, it's like my mind is calmer, in fact an excellent place to meditate.

Speaking of which, Shifu is sitting cross-legged meditating on top of a rock. His aura is as calm as the lake, he suddenly opens his eyes and speaks in a calm tone.

"It was here that Oogway understood the mysteries of harmony and concentration, this is the birthplace of Kung Fu".

Jumping onto a stone pillar, Shifu says:

"Do you want to learn the mysteries of Kung Fu? Then I will be your master! Come panda, I will show you the way!" With the sun illuminating its body, its aura expands creating a strong pressure capable of moving the wind around it. The current image of Master Shifu looks like a being from another world.

"Yes Master!". Bowing slightly, I pay my respects.

He then jumps on the ground and gets into a fighting position, following his example I do the same, everything is silent, being possible to hear only the roaring wind.

We stare for seconds as our auras expand creating the feeling of two swords clashing.

After a brief clash of our wills, we charged towards each other at high speed.

An exchange of punches ensues, sometimes forcing him to retreat due to his inferior strength, but this old fox is faster, landing blows after blows into my body.

After several minutes of fighting, no major damage is done to Master Shifu, but injuries accumulate on my body.

Sometimes for a brief moment I gain a small advantage by relying on my unpredictable fighting style. After all, where is the drunken panda supposed to attack?

Slowly but surely more complex techniques are used, I am forced to retreat constantly, demonstrating the disparity in combat experience.

Deciding to end the fight quickly Shifu changes his fighting style, slowing down his body moves strangely, for some reason I can't land any of my strikes.

Without realizing it I fall into one of his traps, with a burst of speed Shifu twists my wrist, grabbing one of my fingers, he says with a smile:

"It's over Po". Ah... That move, Shifu had simulated it in our first Jade Palace meeting.

Recalling that fight it's clear that Shifu wasn't serious at all, in fact, at that moment he didn't even consider me an opponent.

Coming out of my daydreams, I take a respectful position and say:

"Thanks for the master advice!"

"You have an hour to rest, I'll be back later to continue your training."

Then he disappears as if he never existed.

Man, I really want to learn how to do this!

[Congratulations you went up a level!

Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style - Lv:5/10]

Oh? I feel the improvement in my technique but there is still a long way to go.


[Po, The Dragon Warrior]


Leadership - Lv: 7/10

Weapon Handling - Lv: 5/10

Killer Aura - Lv: 10/10

Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style - Lv:5/10

Meditation - Lv: 4/10

Chi Control - Lv: 1/10]

Jumping onto the stone pillar where Master Shifu was earlier, I sit cross-legged and begin to meditate.

Simulating my fights in my mind and realizing my mistakes, little by little I improve, having new ideas for techniques and judging their viability in battle.

I start to get excited about strategizing, something I used to do in the past.

But time waits for no one, the minutes go by without me even noticing.

"Hey, Po! I brought you presents!" I hear Master Shifu's voice, I feel he is up to something.

I slowly open my eyes and am amazed at what he has brought.

"These are weights, a special kind actually, which can be attached to wrists and ankles, thus making mobility difficult."

"With the weights equipped you'll have a hard time standing up, but with the training completed you'll have a huge leap in strength!"

"Let's go panda! Your training is just beginning!" Said Shifu in just one breath.