
Sage Dragon: Po

A soul reincarnates in an alternate Kung Fu Panda universe, see the rise of Po the Dragon Sage. This is a translation, my first language is Portuguese.

DaoistFallen · Cómic
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8 Chs

A Warrior's Heart Is Like Water, So Let Your Will Drown your Enemies

The next morning at the training ground...

[Congratulations you went up a level!

Congratulations you've moved up a level!

Congratulations you've moved up a level!

Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style - Lv:4

Meditation - Lv: 4]

As if I'm waking up from a dream I'm a little confused, I realize that I'm in the courtyard of the Training Hall.

What? Did I train all night? Strangely, I don't feel tired.


[Po, The Dragon Warrior]


Leadership - Lv: 7/10

Weapon Handling - Lv: 5/10

Killer Aura - Lv: 10/10

Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style - Lv:4/10

Meditation - Lv: 4/10]

So this strange state counts as meditation... I suppose if I had to train normally it would take weeks to reach that level.

My predecessor really was an incredible genius, or maybe it's Master Oogway's words that enlightened me, however, I can feel my great increase in strength and speed.

"We have to find the panda!" Shi Fu? I hear the gates open and I turn slowly.

"There you are Po! We looked for you in your room, we thought you had given up."

"Give up? No matter how strong Tai Lung is, I will defeat him even if it costs my life." I state with a firm tone, my eyes glowing with a faint golden light.

But only Shi Fu notices, getting scared for a second, but quickly recovers.

"Well done panda, so let's see your skills, go Viper!"

Viper comes towards me at incredible speed. I get into a fighting stance calmly awaiting his attack.

Viper is jumping towards me, I throw a simple punch, she wraps around my arm and runs towards my neck. Surprising her for a second, I grab the end of her tail and throw it to the ground.

When I was about to finish it, Monkey runs towards me giving a kick, I grab one of his legs blocking his attack but in an unexpected movement, Monkey turns his body in a strange movement trying to deliver a kick with his other leg towards the my chin.

As if I were falling backwards, I easily dodge her kick, taking advantage of my false fall movement, I kick him in the back. He is sent flying towards the Training Hall gate.

Placing one of my hands on the ground and pushing the world down, I jump several feet.

The Crane was already flying over towards me, for a brief moment our eyes meet, I give a cruel smile and concentrate on releasing a minimum amount of Killer Aura. It was enough to paralyze him for a split second. That's all I needed, I grab him by one of his wings and immobilize him with a well-known blow.

Ah... What a nostalgic feeling.

[Congratulations! You learned a new skill!]

[Font Lotus!]

Yes, that's right hahahahaha!


With an explosion of dust covering everyone's vision, I slowly stand up completely untouched.

The dust clears, and all there is is just a panda and a Tigress.

We stare for a few seconds, and simultaneously run towards each other.

Our punches meet, making the wind bend, I can feel a whole new sensation in my body, like I can finally control something.

My eyes sparkle with madness and a wild smile stretches across my face.

Tigress having inferior physical strength is forced to retreat, not giving her any room to breathe I punch her in the face and she is thrown on top of Mantis.

Only now do I realize his existence. It's time to end this! With a burst of speed I run towards them, but as if it were lightning a shadow appears in my vision.

"That's enough panda!" It was Shi Fu, with movements fast enough for me not to keep up. His finger touches the center of my eyebrow.

My body is immobilized easily. That old man really is something.

With my willpower, my eyes glow with a golden light and I finally gain control of my body.

I unconsciously get into a fighting stance.

"That's enough panda! Focus!" Said Shi Fu in a firm tone.

Acknowledging what just happened, bringing my fists together in a respectful position, I bow slightly.

"All stand down!" Said Shi Fu in a hurry, for a moment I see his eyes, there's remorse, guilt and a little... Fear?

As if it were a shadow, Shi Fu disappears.

Some hours later...

Shi Fu is meditating in the Jade Palace, with a frown on his face, it's clear that the old fox is having trouble concentrating.

"Ah Po... Since you two look alike, I just hope you don't go the same way."

Quack! Quack! Quack!

Bang! A duck in a hurry has just crashed into one of the windows.

"Ah Zhang, I hope you bring good news." Said Shi Fu trying to calm down.

"It's Tai Lung! Quack! He escaped from Shogun Prison!" Duck said while choking on his own saliva.

"What?! That's... Impossible! The prophecy has come true. I need to let Master Oogway know." Said Shi Fu as he hurried out of the Jade Palace.