
Sage Dragon: Po

A soul reincarnates in an alternate Kung Fu Panda universe, see the rise of Po the Dragon Sage. This is a translation, my first language is Portuguese.

DaoistFallen · Cómic
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8 Chs

A hero always moves forward, but the villain also follows the same road.

"The system is a living mechanism Cain, as long as there are benefits there will be corruption, it's an endless cycle, you were blinded by your sense of justice! You were a fool who died in vain!"

"What about the innocents? What about the lost lives of my comrades? All the endless war, all the blood that flowed? What did you want me to do? I fought the system and died fighting, if I could I would do it all over again!"

"Ah Cain... You never learn, do you? You made a mistake and died a fool, you'll always make a mistake and lose it all again! That's just who you are! Wherever you go, darkness follows! And in the end , all that's left is the misery of everyone who believed in you!"

"Shut up ghost! I'm not the same anymore, I got a new life, a new hope! Now I will be the light that will guide the people's path! I am the Dragon Warrior!"

Suddenly there is an explosion of golden light that surges from within my body and expands through the dark world.

"Aaaaaah!" My ghost of the past begins to melt like snow in early summer. The world shatters like it's made of glass.

A soft light appears and I have to open my eyes. I realize that I am in the same place, still under the shadow of the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Lore.

Still confused by everything that happened, I hear a soft voice next to me.

"You look tired Po..." It was Oogway, I can feel his aura, it looks like a calm lake but as deep as the ocean.

"You know master... Sometimes I just want to be like the wind" I accidentally say in a melancholy tone.

"To exist or not to exist... You are very worried about what was and what will be, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present" says the wise turtle as I slowly left.

"Hahaha... You're right Master Oogway." I say in an excited voice.

I remember something I was ignoring, I really am a fool.

How could I forget... the System.

"Status!" I say in a firm tone, I think I'm acting like a military man again.

[Po, The Dragon Warrior]


Leadership - Lv: 7/10

Weapon Handling - Lv: 5/10

Killer Aura - Lv: 8/10

Drunk Rock Lee Taijutsu Style - Lv:1/10

Meditation - Lv: 1/10 ]

Man, I'm weak as fuck and I seem to have inherited some of my abilities from my previous life.

I remember that as part of an elite battalion I am excellent in handling weapons, strangely in my Status this Skill is at a ridiculously low level.

Looks like I have a long way to go to defeat Tai Lung.

I start training my Taijutsu, I enter a deep state of focus, my worries no longer make sense, the world around me ceases to exist, all I see is my movements becoming more and more fluid and so the hours pass without me noticing.

Meanwhile in Shogun Prison, a tiger was breaking its chains...

Desperation sets in, the poor messenger almost faints. But his fear seems to be greater than his weakness forcing him to stay awake.

"Archers fire!" Said the leader of the Prison.

Firing several spears towards him, Tai Lung looks like an easy target.

Unfortunately his enemy is a complete monster, Tai Lung easily dodges and grabs the spears and fires back towards the archers.

Rhinos are killed as if a wolf were in a herd of sheep. A tiger actually.

Using his last spear as a springboard, Tai Lung hurls himself towards the top.

Scaling the walls with its claws, it continues upward.

"Archers!!" Arrows are fired like lightning towards the tiger.

It's too late, he already jumped under the elevator and that became his shield, all arrows are defended. Demonstrating frightening combat awareness.

The elevator chain is cut, the guards laugh like fools thinking that Tai Lung fell with the elevator.

Tai Lung was already at the top, hiding on the elevator platform, jumping towards the guards. They have their heads ripped off with claws, and their bodies are thrown over the cliff.

Using the elevator's chain as a swing, your body is thrown onto one of the bridges leading to the exit.

Guards are easily dismembered, nothing can stand in their way.

Finally the tiger arrives at the last bridge.

Guards in front of the last gate with only a bridge separating them from their newest nightmare.

"We are dead!" Said the messenger in despair.

"No, not yet, archers!" Archers shoot explosives towards the huge stalactites on the ceiling.


The rocks fall onto the bridge, breaking the path that connects them.

Tai Lung fell along the bridge, but can that really stop him? Using the wreckage as support, the tiger climbs up with extreme ease.

Using one of the explosives stuck in one of the wreckage, Tai Lung throws it towards the guards who were guarding the gate.


Most of the guards are dead, and miraculously, the messenger survives!


The duck has its neck hanged by Tai Lung.

"Go and tell Shi Fu I'm on my way!"