
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasía
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52 Chs

C8 - Elroy

"What, Shane the new slave, interesting, I didn't know he had such strength, he was supposed to be your manservant when you get to the Academy" Ellen sighed and sat back on her chair and asked "What did you do to him and where is he" suddenly remembering that she ordered someone to take him to her room, Genevieve jumped up from the sofa and wore her robe before she hurried out of the room.


Inside a large room with weird paintings, inside the room, Shane opened his eyes, his vision was blurry and a sharp headache violates his head "What the fuck happened, jezz my head is killing me," Shane got up and looked around, he was surprised to see that he wasn't in his room, this room had a lot of weird paintings and the ceilings were midnight black with dotted shining stars, it was like looking directly at the night sky.

In Shane's previous life, he had a thing for art, at least that's what he told everyone, but deep down he only got into the liking art phase of his life because of a certain someone that he was trying to impress, he was a 30+-year-old, who still lived with his grandparents after he began "liking art" he realized that he truly admires art.

Seeing this work of art, he wanted one, Shane was snapped out of his daze by the sound of the door opening, he panicked, not knowing what to do, Shane jumped back onto the bed pretending to be asleep, the door was pushed open, Genevieve entered into the room, she paused her step, looking at Shane lying on the bed, she squint her eyes and smiled " Get up, I know you are not sleeping, there's something I would like to ask you, so get up and let make this snappy" she said to Shane.

Shane realizing that he was already busted, got up from the bed and stood beside the bed that was a few feet away from Genevieve, he only had one question on his mind,

----what kind of impression should I give out, I can be the male butler, since am already wearing a butler's uniform, or I could try the drug addict slave approach, Let's not do that, I will go with the butler---

While Shane was still thinking about the perfect impression, he should give off Genevieve just stood there looking at Shane, after looking at Shane's face for a while she had to admit, that the young man standing right before her could only be classified by one word *BEAUTIFUL* his black hair fit perfectly with the blue strands and the color of his skin followed by the butler uniform.

"What are you thinking about, if you are thinking about escaping, you are wasting your time" Genevieve spoke out, making Shane snap out of his train of thought, he placed one foot in front of the other and performed a half-bow with one hand on his chest and the other one spread sideways.

"My name is Shane Myers, how would I think of escaping in the face of such treasure, I was only mesmerized by your beauty, please allow this humble slave to have the honor of knowing thy name," Shane said while feeling joyful about his performance, he felt it was a 10 out of 10 performance.

He could see the blushing face of the lady standing before him, he was waiting for her to say something but it looked like his charm worked too well because she couldn't say anything only looking at Shane's face.

Not wanting to waste any more time here because he was still feeling tired and he was feeling a little bit sleepy, he stood back in an upright position "How may I serve you lady Genevieve, if I am not mistaken, you are lady Genevieve right?" Shane asked feeling a little bit uneasy because he could feel the energy this young lady was emitting, he didn't want any more trouble.

"Yes I am Genevieve but you can call me Eve, and you are my maid, you will work directly under me, till I figure out if you are useful or not, if you turn out to be useful you will follow me to the academy if not you will continue working here, is that clear" she said as she sat on the long sofa stationed at the other side of the room.

Shane on the other hand was quite happy that she didn't turn out to be one of those slave masters that treat their slaves badly, if working extra meant his safety for now he didn't mind, so he bowed and said "Understood Ma'am I will use my ability to the best to prove useful to you ma'am".

After hearing the proclamation Eve yawned and lazily lay on the sofa, with her eyes slightly closing, she had been out adventuring for the whole day so she was extremely tired but Shane was oblivious to this fact, but years of taking care of his grandparents in his previous life, he knew what to do "miss eve, I am going to take off your extra clothing please don't panic" Shane said while kneeling beside the now sleeping Eve, he could not believe he was kneeing beside a girl that was nothing more than 19, his pride as a self-proclaim Alpha male took a dive.

He took off the boots and robe Eve was wearing, folded them perfectly beside the bed, and carried Eve from the sofa onto the bed as he lay down Eve he could see her beautiful face, 'she looks so defenseless right now I could even kill her now if I wanted to but that would just cause more problem for me, I still need to gather enough information about this new world, and I still don't know why I got transmigrated into this world as a slave but that will help me for the moment' Shane thought as he arranges the bed sheet and cover Eve's lower half.

He then stood there for a few minutes before he turned around and left the room, he opened the room door leading out to the courtyard, and he was already walking away when he heard a voice from his back "Hey you, did lady Eve give you the permission to excuse yourself" the owner of this voice was the young male maid that carried Shane into Eve's room.

Halting his steps, Shane turned around, and he saw a young man standing beside the door, he hadn't seen the man earlier when he came out ' Was that a skill, so he hid himself completely' he looked around and it was already dark nobody outside and some light rune was already turned off "no... But she was already asleep before I left, so I think it would be fine" he had no worries because he could feel that it was the right thing to do.

The maid on the other hand just sighed while saying "It would be for the best if you wait inside her room till she tells you otherwise, if you value your life" he stepped out of the shadows and Shane could finally see the maid's face, he had blue fur covering his skin with two pointing ears and a hairy tail moving from left to right.

"Wow you are a Beastkin, cool what tribe are you from" Shane couldn't contain his excitement as he said out loud walking closer to the Beastkin.

Shane's question made the Beastkin flinch a little "What the hell do you mean, what tribe am I from, can't you see clearly that I was a member of the ice wolf tribe" the Beastkin replied immediately, with surprise written all over his face 'how would someone not recognize an ice wolf kin, as he been leaving under a rock' Shane on the other hand didn't know, so he just asked.

He walked closer to the Ice wolf kin attempting to touch the wolfkin's pointy ears, the wolfkin backed away from Shane and asked "What the hell do you think you are doing" Shane realizing what he was subconsciously about to do smiled, taking a few steps back.

"Am really sorry, my name is Shane nice to meet you" He went for a handshake with a long smile planted on his face "My name is Elroy, Member of the Beastkin race" he accepted the handshake and smiled.

Shane and Elroy spent most of the night talking, mostly shane asking questions and Elroy replying, When Elroy asked Shane about his past, Shane told him that when he woke up a few days again he had no memory of his life, he didn't even remember his own name at first and how he remembered nothing about this world.

Elroy felt sad for Shane and he decided to provide Shane with enough information about the current world until Shane felt the same sharp headache assaulting his brain again but this time the pain was doubled the previous ones.

He bid Elroy goodnight and entered into Eve's room, he sat on the sofa and dosed off