
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
52 Chs

C25- Poison breathe

Part of him felt ashamed that he had allowed a puny being to challenge him in his house but why would he care he needed to hurry out of this cave in case other wyvern hunters were nearby.

As he surveyed the people before him his eyes almost jumped out from their sockets, it wasn't out of fear or the numbers of the wyvern hunters it was because of the transparent screen in his vision, the screen displayed his Health, Energy level, and Stamina bar, there were displayed in the bottom-most part of the screen.

That wasn't all he could see looking over at his enemies he could see their levels, and among the 9 remaining hunters before him seven had the word [Mortal] above their heads, the strongest among them was a [level 6 Mortal] while the other two had different words one had the word [Apprentice] and the other had [1st – Circle], Jay had no idea what those words mean but he plans on learning about it later as his life was on the line now.

As he snapped out of shock he noticed the hunters looking at him weirdly 'Is it because I didn't fall for the Minotaur's taunt, bhwahahhaha' he laughed 'Since I have been given a new chance to live, I willn't make the same mistake, that fucking ungrateful backstabbing bastard, just you pray I don't find a way back' as jay thought back to all he had done for his killer, his anger increased.

The adventurers could feel the change in the atmosphere, the green moss around the cave began to emit a faint green mist. The adventurers didn't take note of the mist as the cave was filled with green plants so they focused on the wyvern, 'maybe the wyvern is weak too weak to move, if I can kill or capture this wyvern, my statues will elevate, I might even get a new position in the Adventurers Guild and people would finally take me serious' Mazs thought.

Although he was given the title of Party leader that didn't mean they thought he was stronger than the rest it was because of his *INNATE SKILL- BATTLE IQ* which helped him come up with a plan for any kind of situation on the battlefield, it had helped them a lot in their journey to the cave.

Innate skills are rare types of skills that only a selected few can awaken especially among the human race, it was rare for a commoner to awaken any type of innate skill, but Mazs had a secret that no one knew about he wasn't a commoner as he made every believe he was a noble who got banished from his home, since then it had become his live goal to gain enough fame so that his family would realize their mistake, he wanted them to come crawling back begging him to come back.

And what better way than owning or slaying a wyvern to make his name spread far and wide, so before anyone could attack again Mazs took the initiative *Void Slash* his sword moved at a very fast speed that no one saw the attack, it was like the sword had cut through void, the space before Jay cracked up and a dark slash attack appeared out of the cracked space.

Jay was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the attack, but he couldn't react in time, the attack went through his left wing causing a long tear on his wing, jay roared in pain and anger, he had been too focused on his thought that he had forgotten himself, his left wing was dripping green blood and as it touched the cave floor it melted, jay almost lost himself to his anger somehow he felt his pride hurt by the attack.

Before he could respond Mose the Minotaur, the only one in the 1st-circle stage launched towards Jay, he swung his hammer *BAM* the hammer connected with Jay's already injured wing, the effect of the hammer kicked in knocking Jay back three steps "Let keep it up guys, it just an oversized lizard, Bella prepare to use your water dragon soon so save your Mana, mages try to keep it in place make sure you don't lose focus on your spells" Mazs shouted out to the Adventurers.

Among the nine adventurers left, they had 4 mages, three [Mortal] rank mages, and one [Apprentice] rank mage at that was Bella, it wasn't a starch to say she was the strongest among the party as mages were far stronger than warriors, but as a [Apprentice] mage Bella control over her water creation magic wasn't that great although she could dish out massive attack it would drain her Mana quickly so Mazs had to make her wait in the sideline for a while till they were sure the wyvern was on its last leg or they need help to escape.

While the other mages being in the [Mortal] stage, who had not reached the level to focus on one type of magic means they could use any lower mortal rank spells, they quickly used *Earth bind* altogether, jay felt the ground under his feet turn moldy, his feet began to sink into the moldy ground, he panicked trying to look for a way to get out of this means he tried using the attack every dragonkin possesses.

It came to him instinctively, he felt his energy move towards his chest area before opening his mouth "Take cover it's trying to use a breathing attack" Mazs shouted but inward he was as anxious as he hadn't calculated that the wyvern would be able to use breathe attack as it was rare among ability wyverns, as rare as an innate skill for humans.

Which made Mazs desire to capture the wyvern increase tenfold, as the energy finished gathering in within Jay's chest he released the energy in the form of his breathe attack as he opened his mouth a thick green mist poured out from his mouth filling the cave, Mazs heart almost sank to his feet as he realizes the type of breath attack it was "Everyone uses your energy to protect your body, don't let the mist touch you" he said but it was too late for some as the extremely poisonous touched the unsuspected adventurer's skin, a different scream could be heard inside the cave.

"Haaaaaaa, it burns"

"My eye get it out please"

Screams of pain filled the cave as skin melted off bones and the smell of rotten flesh filled the cave, the adventurers were too stunned to move allowing Jay to break free from the *Earth Bind* spell.

He charged at the closest person to him which happened to be the Minotaur, he used his tail to slam the stunned Minotaur *BAM* Mose was slammed into the cave wall by the force of the wyvern attack, jay didn't try to attack again as he realized that he had a golden chance to escape and he wasn't going to waste this chance as he ran towards the cave entrance not caring for anything he step on along the way.

*THOUSAND WATER SWORD* thousands of water swords appeared, hovering above the blue-haired lady with blue skin, jay was too focused on escaping that he did not notice a watery dome covering three people, one was the [Apprentice] and the other two were [Mortal].