
A double suicide

The Grand Magician Supreme Fearless smiled as his life was seeping out of his body. His mana has hit rock bottom, empty like a hollow flask. There would be no miracle. There would be nothing in this world that could change his destiny, not one of his millions magic spells, not one of the powerful artifacts he wore on his body, not even the love of Tiadra the goddess of life and death could spare him from his wretched fate.

He would die today, a true death, unknown and unseen to everyone. The Grand Magician Supreme knew that and allowed a bright smile appeared on his pallid lips. When was the last time he could contently smile like this, the Grand Magician Supreme searched his fading memory and finally remembered the day he held his youngest son within his arms for the first time.

Fearless smiled, willing himself to sit up with his wobbling arms. His bones were broken, his flesh charred black and Fearless could not find his legs anywhere. It did not hurt. He felt no pain. His broken body gave Fearless no more pain than the gentle wind that caressed his cheeks.

He was inside the once beautiful hall of Asagir, the golden hall of gods and goddesses. This was where he once pledged his love to Tiadra and married her as all the gods and goddesses gave him their blessing. Asagir was now broken, destroyed, burned, a rabble and a ruin of what it once was.

At the edge of his vision, Fearless found his nemesis, the Devouring Mad God Abominaton, lying flatly on his godly throne, more dead than alive. The corpse of Abominaton was dispersing like a fistful of sand in the winds.

Fearless reached for a stone on the ground and weakly tossed over the corpse of the Mad God. It hit him and there was no response. The place where the stone hit crumbled into dust. Fearless just wanted to check if the damn Mad God was truly dead. Of course, he should be dead after taking on three Level 99999 curses in his face and his sprit has been sent straight into the great Void. He should be dead.

"That's good," Fearless smiled, tossing another pebble at the corpse of the Mad God, "You talked a lot trashes, didn't you Abominaton? How does it feel to be killed by a mortal? Oh, darn it. I forgot. You are dead," Fearless cackled and tossed yet another pebble over the unmoving corpse as his trademark arrogant smirk floated on his face.

He truly wished that the Mad God was able to hear his mocking. He truly wished to see that expression on the face of Abominaton when he realized that he was killed by a mortal. Though, Fearless could hardly argue that he was just any mortal. He was the husband of Tiadra after all. However, aside from his millions of spells and magical artifacts he possessed and the fact he married a goddess, Fearless was pretty much a normal human. He still counted himself as a human. It's pretty satisfying to defeat a megalomaniac Mad God when he was nothing but a mortal.

Though, Fearless could say that it was more like a double suicide than him beating Abominaton. However, Abominaton died first so Fearless considered himself winning the battle.

Fearless smiled. He knew there would be a future for his children now that Abominaton was dead. There would be a future for this world. His wife would make sure that happens. Now that Abominaton is killed, Tiadra would wake up from her endless slumber. There is a future for this world, Fearless could not help but smile at that thought.

The Grand Magician Supreme smiled, weakly tossing yet another pebble over the corpse of Abominaton just because he thought it was funny. He then rested his tired back on the dirty floor, full of pebbles, chars and dust. His body was disappearing in the similar fashion as Abominaton. The two of them would share the same fate. Their spirits would be sucked into the Void of magic, completely removed from the circle of souls, removed from reincarnation, beyond saving.

Knowing that he would experience the true death, Fearless found comfort in the fact that he managed to drag the self-proclaimed Invincible God with him to the grave. This would be Fearless' second greatest achievement. Of course, marrying Tiadra was his greatest achievement. He lucked out on that.

After tossing the tenth pebble over the immobile corpse of the Demon God, Fearless stopped. The corpse of Abominaton has completely disappeared, faded out of existence so there was nothing for Fearless to toss pebble at.

"Bastard, you just have to annoy me to the end," Fearless clicked his tongue.

It was that moment that Fearless sighed. He wanted to at least see Tiadra for one last time. He wanted to see his grandchildren. Fearless sighed again. He tried really hard to not think about that, but darn it, he doesn't want to die. He still had many regrets. Darn it, Fearless cursed as he himself slowly faded out of existence just like his arch enemy.


Beyond the Void of magic, there is nothing. There should be nothing. Nothing goes inside the Void and returns whether it is light, magic, spirit, deity, inanimate object, or anything else. The Void travels around the universe and indiscriminately sucks everything on its path into its body, sparing nothing.

Luminore, the goddess of light and wisdom, or also known as the shut-in goddess among the gods and goddesses that walked among the hall of Asagir. She was Fearless' best friend. She has conducted zillions of experiments with the Void before and confirmed that theory with Fearless. There is nothing beyond the great Void but a wallowing chaos and destruction.

Fearless wanted to ask Luminore if she has ever tethered herself to the great Void. Nay, he felt like hitting her with his special Level 99999 curse and bound her to the Void to let her know that he was a fool to trust her.

"This is bad," Fearless was groveling, hitting his head against the ground and cursing.

He was sent back to Lazanith, the realm of mortal, worse, in his seventeen years old shell in his first life before he attempted to cheat the reincarnation system and got caught by his wife Tiadra.

He went back in time by a full millennium.

"This is really bad," Fearless clutched his head. His thought immediately went to Abominaton's whereabouts. He had to catch and destroy Abominaton before that bastard destroyed the world again.

"This is really bad," Fearless felt his nails were digging into his skull as he was lamenting. His eyes widened, glaring at his soul screen.

Soul ID number: B862d0028b95

True name: Fearless

Race: Human

Job: Sorcerer's apprentice

Level: 20

Fearless knew that he could never fight Abominaton like this.