
The Mausoleum & Repeating adversaries

Albedo continued to stare with confusion at the form of her creator, Tabula. The only supreme being here was Ainz, no others had come here with them. So why was Tabula in front of all three of them? But Albedo could feel it, this was not truly her creator, but a mere copy. A mockery of her great creator, Tabula. "You are not my creator," Albedo said sternly as she glared at the false disguise in front of her. "It does not matter if you look like him. Or have similar stats. You are not Tabula." with the intention to harm the fake Tabula she would say "How dare you copy a supreme being's look." luckily Ainz managed to speak up before this got violent and they ruined the lobby of the treasury. "That is enough Pandora's actor." Ainz essentially requests his NPC to drop the act. 


The flesh and clothes of Tabula change as if they were all part of the body until a new humanoid takes its palace. With a flashy military outfit that included one half of the jacket not having an arm in it, Pandora's actor appeared before them all, the holes where an eyes or mouth were appearing but yet felt normal. "Thank you for coming all this way…." Pandora's actor quickly brings his feet together in a German solute, bringing one of his long-fingered hands to his head "...My creator, Lord Momonga!" he calls Ainz by his original player name as he was unaware of the name change. Trying not to react much from the mirror of what he used to think was cool Ainz would say "You look well." now Pandora bows before asking his creator "So, what is your business here this time?"


"I've come for some world items," Ainz said plainly, as aside from their regular equipment he also held his former party member's world items in the mausoleum. What he did not expect was for Pandora's actor to make such a big deal. "Ah! WORLD ITEMS!" Pandora declares in a rhythmic tone, singing it even. He dramatically continued by lifting his hand and looking at it while bringing it back down "They can change the world. Immense power! The supreme being symbol of greatness~!" as Pandora continued to talk Albedo and Yuri Alpha gave him strange looks. Sure they all praised the supreme beings, but the way he did it seemed weird to them. Pandora moved so his back was facing them, he would hold the rim of his hat with his fingers while looking over his shoulder and ask in a deep voice "Are you saying their power will finally be released?"


'Woah! He is so lame!' Ainz thought shamefully to himself if only his past self had more self-awareness back when he made Pandora's actor! His racial emotion limiter kicked in and so his self-imposed shame did not last long, at least not as much shame was felt for the time being. So Ainz was able to talk again now that his NPC's dramatic speech was done. "Yes that is correct. I plan on taking Avarice and Selfless, as well as Hygieia's Chalice, Billon blades, and Depiction of Nature and Society." that finished the world items he wanted to leave with, some of them were not even being taken out for him but to help counter any other world items in this world. "I understand lord Momonga" Pandora's while also somehow managing to nod in a dramatic way. "Also my name is Ainz Ooal Gown now. Call me that from now on." 


"Understood. Lord Ainz!" Pandora holds one hand to his chest and holds another hand out as if it was the most important thing he has ever done, even though no hand movement would have been necessary to just say you understand. Ainz could see the less than impressed look on Albedo and Yuri's faces 'Don't look at my dark part with such cold eyes!' once again his inhibitor kicked in, that's twice in less than a couple of minutes now all because of his own NPC. 'I set his clothes and actions like that because I thought it was cool. Well…I still think the outfit is cool at least' Ainz thought to himself. Though upon remembering what the Imperial Unit's outfits were, a mix of old and new to make a military outfit that fits with the fantasy genre, he kinda wishes he had one of those for Pandora's Actor. 'Maybe as an alternate outfit. Perhaps Argent Silver would have let me have one if I had asked back then…wait don't go down this road again Ainz!' he told himself as his inhibitor kicked in yet again though this time due to his own thoughts. Even now his embarrassing past self still haunted him. 


Ainz decided to just walk toward the Mausoleum now, Albedo and Yuri followed after him. As they did Pandora's actor would salute and say "Have a safe trip, Lord Ainz and Ladies." this made both of them stop and look back at Pandora. Albedo would say "Ladies? I am the head of all guardians. Yuri is the second in command of all Pleiades. Do not address us so slightly." Yuri would adjust her glasses and say in an equally commanding tone "I request you not do the same as well." Pandora lowered his hat "I apologize, I could not help myself in front of such beautiful roses as yourselves." Ainz stopped because he just could not take it anymore. He turned around and grabbed Pandora's actor and said he would be right back. 


Ainz pulled Pandora's actor into the armory and pinned him against the wall. "I'm your creator is that right?" Ainz said after leaning closer and whispering. Pandora nodded so Ainz would say "Then this is an order from your creator! Will you stop saluting like that?" the NPC would say in a confused tone "Huh? Why?" Ainz would respond by saying "Yes. I mean how should I put this? It's weird." surely that was how Albedo and Yuri felt seeing it, and him as well. "The military outfit is fine because you're strong. But can we stop with the saluting?" he wondered if Argent Silver had to deal with this. Meanwhile, still under his clothes, the fairy Yuukal thought 'I kind of like his outfit. Maybe General Silver would appreciate the design. I should bring it up at the next meeting.' 


Pandora would then say, in perfect German, "But it is the will of my god." Ainz pressed more and said in a louder voice "Was that German?! Don't do that in front of me either!" again Yuukal thought while listening in 'aww. But it's the language that General Silver sometimes speaks in.' though the fairy did not know till now that it was called German. After that Ainz rejoined Albedo and Yuri, he would then say "Sorry for the wait. Now Albedo, this is just temporary, but give your Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to Yuri." even though it was only temporary Albedo still hesitated to give it up, it was after all the ring her beloved Ainz gave her! But eventually, she gave it up, for now. 


As they walked in and Albedo reacted with surprise at all the statues of the supreme beings around them, Ainz would explain why he requested her to take it off. "You cannot teleport to the Treasury without the guild ring. But if you enter the mausoleum with one the golems here will attack you." The Golems were the statues of his guildmates, each with the equipment of the respective members they were constructed after. "They are created in the likeness of the supreme beings" Albedo had noticed that. Ainz looked at the one of Ulbert "I created them in memory of my old friends. Not too shabby right?" they were not perfect, in fact only fully represented them from the arms and head, sometimes around the torso as well. 


Albedo after hearing that would come to a conclusion. "You called this the mausoleum. And their likenesses are here. Could it be the other supreme beings have perished?" it was not a comforting thought, the supreme beings being dead felt worse than if they simply had just left, at least to Albedo. She respected her creator too much to want him to be dead even if he left. "No that is not it…" Ainz then looked at the statue of Peroroncino 'No that may as well be the truth.' they had each handed him their items, telling him that he could sell them if he wanted before leaving for good. 'But I could not do that' he had always held onto a hope they would see each other in YGGDRASIL again. 'Even now I want to believe they are somewhere in this world.' it was a silly thought to have, some hope that any of his former Guildmates were somehow in this new world. But the only player he knew was in the world, was a rival, Argent Silver. That did build his hope but unlike Argent Silver, none of them were online when the game shut down. That was probably the only reason she was here as well. 


Ainz could see Albedo was worried so he quickly pointed at an empty spot on the line of golems "S-see there is an empty spot right there. That is where I plan to put my statue as well." Albedo gasped "D-don't say such words Lord Ainz!" her voice sounded shaky. Ainz turned and saw tears in her eyes. "The merciful Lord Ainz who stayed behind with us. Please rule over us forever! Please! please!" Albedo got on her knees and bowed her head while begging. Ainz walked up to her and kneeled down, using the sleeves of his cloak to dry her eyes "Forgive me." Albedo then continued to beg "A-Ainz-sama. Please P-promise that you won't leave us. Don't toss us aside as well!" Ainz shook his head "I'm sorry but…" Albedo cut him off "Why won't you promise me!" 


Ainz was silent for a few seconds before saying "The world item control over Shalltear is absolute. We must use our own world Items to defend against it. In fact, there are world items back there, one of the twenty. Those twenty are so powerful that they disappear after one use, now that I am aware of world items in this world. I hesitate to use such a trump card, but it is the best chance to defeat and save Shalltear." he would then say "Because I plan to fight her myself!" Albedo quickly said "NO! I agree leaving Shalltear in her current state is foolish. But why much do you face her yourself? We should use overwhelming numbers!" 


"There are three reasons…" Ainz started as he stood back up. "One, I am unsure of myself as a ruler. I had considered the possibility of players being in this world, and Argent Silver being here adds to that theory. However I never once considered the possibility of world items being in this new world. Can an ignorant mistake make me any less than foolish?" Albedo would say "We would accept you with or without flaws Lord Ainz-sama!" Ainz would continue with his reasons "The second reason is if this is a trap. If the enemy is waiting for us to fight Shalltear then I could never forgive myself if another one of you came under their control." Ainz looked at the statue of Shalltear's creator "And the third reason is Peroroncino and I were close friends. So this battle was settled before it began. I stand the best chance of beating Shalltear." 


Ainz looked back at Albedo "I will prove here and now to you all that you were not wrong to view me as your leader." it was also a way to prove to himself he was worthy of that as well. Shalltear herself was a divine magic caster, which put him at a huge disadvantage. But he knew Shalltear's abilities, equipment, and spells. In fact, he knew almost everything Shalltear had, due to being the first floor guardian players faced he did well to remember everything she did during encounters. Aside from Pandora's Actor, it was Shalltear out of all the NPCs knew what he could do against them. He would win, simply because he had to. "Just…" Albedo placed her hand on her chest "Promise you will return. That you won't be killed by Shalltear." Ainz held out and lifted his hands "Of course, that I will promise you, Albedo." 



Tanya was walking at a slow pace even after she had left the capital of the empire, she could still feel two people following her even now. 'Are they trying to follow me back to base? Well, they are trying to follow me somewhere that is for sure.' Tanya looked over her shoulder, not director at where her pursuers were as she did not want to give away that she knew they were there. 'I am far enough' She stood still and suddenly began to float "Message" She casted the spell again while preparing to fly off, wanting to confirm that Terranian had reached the location she asked. She planned to head there so they would never find the base of the village near it.


"S-she's flying?" Quaiesse said while stopping the warhorse he had tamed from the empire. While he would have liked to summon a creature of his they were too close to Tanya so it would give them away. From what Quaiesse could tell, at least until now, their target had not noticed them yet. It was possible she did know. "I-is she like me? No impossible an Angel would never so heartlessly kill an entire group of knights, especially one led by my good father." Mary was a little Bias when she had that. "She probably just cast fly Mary. though…I did not hear her say the spell." the beast summoner said as he watched Tanya closely.


The more Quaiesse watched Tanya the more he thought it would be beneficial to capture her instead, if not for research then for the thriving Slane Theocracy elf slave trade. But Mary would not let Tanya live so he pushed that feeling down, for now, it was better to see what an actual angel could do. "Quaiesse she's flying off!" Mary shook the man as Tanya started flying west. "Chase after her!" Quaiesse commanded the tamed horse as he pulled the reames and forced it towards the flying elf. "Mary, listen, I can summon a Crimson owl to assist you in combat since I lack the fly spell-" Mary would quickly say "NO!" she held tighter onto his waist "I…have to be the one to kill her. Or rather won't rest easy in heaven." Quaiesse sighed but again not unexpected of the single-minded girl "Fine. But I will intervene if you start struggling." 


Mary huffed and her cheeks puffed out "Your continued doubt of me hurts." Quaiesse sighed yet again "Listen Mary. you are the Slane Theorcracies greatest hope. Prove of our divine providence…" he needed to get serious and so he dropped his usual charming act. "I-I know that. Which is exactly why I will be fine." Quaiesse looked up at Tanya, she was so far ahead that she was barely in view, he wondered if this would be an easy battle for Mary. "I will take care of any underlings she has as a member of the Black Scripture anyone doesn't stand a chance against me. But your life matters more than petty revenge." he had to make sure not to lose sight of Tanya so he could not look back at Mary "if the tide turns against us. Then no matter what, even for me, get away." 


Mary stared at the back of Quaiesse's head. Her eyes loomed over with bitterness at both Tanya and now him even suggesting the gods would let them lose. She was decent of the angel hero after all! "Fine. but you promise the same." Mary said before huffing again. Quaiesse meanwhile had a sinister look on his face while he thought to himself, 'Oh my sweet angel. So long as you come into my control later you'll finally be useful to the Black Scripture. But for now, an observation of just what an angel can do.' he planned to wipe out any subordinates first if there were any, and since he was sure it would be quick for him all he had to do was watch Mary's fight. "Of course, Mary Sioux." 


Tanya flew until she arrived at the exact coordinates and she could see that the Lord Knight Terranian was already waiting. Due to his race being based on Hercules Beatles the insectoid creature's large outward pointing horn was impossible to miss, that and his noble outfit. "Grand General Silver, I apologize for not having a table ready for you. I assume you just wish to observe as I kill these pursuers." Terranian was as gentlemanly as ever. 


Tanya shook her head "That is unnecessary, I have a feeling I may have to deal with one of them myself." given her recent "talk" with Being X and Being Z she had a nasty feeling that despite avoiding killing a certain man, a girl was coming for her as always. Tanya then grinned nastily "But feel free to kill the other one. Just make sure we can still give the body to Banaita final for study." Terranian saluted "of course, grand General." 


"They are here," Tanya said as shortly afterward the sound of hoofs halting filled her long pointed ears. Coming off the Horse, just as Tanya had expected, was Mary Sue, or at least her current reincarnation which used 'Sioux' this time. Tanya preferred that version of Mary's last name if she was being honest. "YOU!" Mary shouted as she looked with fury towards Tanya. Just as Tanya figured Mary was angry as always. "Of course, you should get more unique being X" Tanya said as she pulled out her magic rifle while Mary already had her sword out, the same one Tanya saw Antoan have before.


"Are we already jumping right into fighting?" Quaiesse said while smiling and tilting his head. Tanya did not know who this man was obviously, but she was willing to bet he was here to make sure Mary was brought back to the Slane Theocracy. "That depends on your pissed-off friend there, I only took out my weapon because she seems to want to kill me." Tanya pointed out as she spoke calmly. Mary made a "tch" sound and pointed her holy sword at Tanya "You seriously don't know why I am mad at you? You killed my father you evil elf! How could you, Tanya?!" Quaiesse sighed and summoned a Gigant Basilisk "Not that I want to stop Mary from killing this elf anyways."


Tanya was not sure how Mary got her name if her father was killed before he could make it home, but the reason seems it lead to Mary thinking she was the culprit. "Of. fucking. Course." Tanya grumbled under her breath. "Mary Sioux, your father told me about you." Tanya grinned widely looking at Qauiesse who flinched when she said "Did they ever tell you the real reason your father was sent here?" Mary nodded "Of course, he was sent to meet with officials in the Baharuth Empire, for talks of an alliance." 


Tanya shook her head "In actuality he was sent here to instigate war between the empire and the Re-Estize kingdom. And yet despite having been responsible for the death of innocent villagers, I let him go." Tanya was using a fake disgusted voice mixed in with a look of innocence. "You liar!" Mary barked at Tanya before angelic white wings appeared out of her back. "My father would never do such a thing? The Slane theocracy would never do that either!" she was unaware of the full darkness of her country it seemed. "How dare you try to lie and not take responsibility, you murderer!" 


Mary flew towards Tanya with impressive speed, for her at least. Tanya however easily dodged the incoming slash and just as easily pushed away the second one with the butt of her rifle, she was floating now as well thanks to her class. A vein had popped on Tanya's forehead and her innocent look dropped and was changed to one of anger "I am not lying. Out of respect for your father, I won't kill you if you leave right now. And only right now." Mary held her father's sword readily "Never!" 


Terranian looked at Quaiesse who ordered his Gigant Basilisk to attack the "bug" as it looked weak. But Terranian just let it bite down on him. "Huh! Not even a-huh?!" Quaiesse's victorious cheers stopped as he saw the Basilisk back away, blood seeping from its mouth as all its teeth broke against Terranian's natural armored body. Lord Knights already were unrivaled when it came to natural defense capabilities, their resistance to weapon damage and resistance to most magic types made them tough opponents for ever-prepared players. But Terranian had much higher defense than regular Lord Knights. Following this the Gigant Basilisk had a giant hole burst into its body, it died instantly. Terranian had done this with his large horn. "Better not let the blood stay, it might drip onto my clothes." as a "noble" insect he took out a handkerchief and used it to clean his horn. 


"What?" Quaiesse could not believe this, one of his Gigant Basilisk's were destroyed in one hit! And now this…this insect was cleaning its horn?! "Heheheheh" Quaiesse's face turned cold "I've decided to tame you, insect. Be proud I deemed you worthy." Terranian continued to clean and only paid Quaiesse any mind by saying "There is only one person in this world worthy of commanding me. My Grand General" After he was done Terranian folded up the handkerchief and placed it in a pocket. He then undid the cloth wrapping of his weapon, a Glaive with a stunning red rose vine design going around the handle with a similar vine coated into the metal. "And she's given me orders to kill you."


After Tanya dodged for the tenth time she would say "The same old song and dance. Three times." but Mary heard that and said "What the hell do you mean by that devil elf?!" and there she was, calling Tanya a devil. Even when they had gotten along in her previous life with the demon slayers, there was still a moment where Mary tried to kill Tanya, for the same exact reason as well. This time Tanya stopped the sword with her rifle "Mary. I will make this clear only once. If you still try to kill me after that then my attempts at negotiation are over." 


Tanya stared directly into Mary's eyes, not letting Mary even so much as look at anything else. "For the first time, I did not kill your father." she sneered "So for once, why don't you not try to kill me over it!" 


Mary backed away suddenly and held her head, it started to hurt like she was getting a headache. "What the hell are you talking about? Devil…elf?" Mary asked while the pain subsided. Tanya prepared to fire her magic bullet, no longer willing to go on the defense if Mary attacked again. It was now or never, if Mary was as stubborn as always then a fight it would be. Tanya will not let Mary be the reason she dies, again.