
The end of the war between humans and demons/Tanya's choice.

"Tanjiro! Come back to us!" Kanao yells as she finally manages to stab the demon antidote into 'Demon King Tanjiro' and he yells uncontrollably and pushes Kanao away. Tanya coughs up more blood, she watches and feels worthless right now. Her wounds from the battle against Muzan had left her as almost purely an observer while everyone else who could still stand fought their hardest to bring Tanjiro back from Muzan's control. "Come on Kamado, you're more stubborn than that, ack." more blood came out, she was confident that she could not survive much more strain. "Stay still Tanya…I don't want you dying just yet." Mary of all people said that as she held Tanya back a little. It was shocking, even though Mary did put aside her hatred after remembering her previous life and what Tanya did during the war on said life, Tanya never expected to be told such a thing from Mary. "You have to trust that the others have this…I don't want more friends dying." Mary looked over at Kaigaku's body, who was grinning like he had when he drew his final breath by telling Zenitsu to help his friend. Zenitsu himself was barely managing to stay on his feet, he and Inosulke had helped Kanao reach Tanjiro's body so she could inject the demon antidote into him, and even then she had to sacrifice one of her eyes to do it. 


"Don't listen to them Tanjiro! I can give you absolute power. Since you resist the sun you can never die!" Muzan yelled as Tanjiro's demon tendrils started to fade, yet some seemed to be getting stronger. However, Tanjiro's wounds stopped healing. He was keeping them from being healed. "T-Tanjiro?" Kanao said nervously as everyone looked at him. Giyu held a stump where his left arm once was. Granz was unconscious but alive. Sanemi was still unconscious while Genya is on one knee trying to force himself to stand. Mitsuri and Obanai had already passed on, Misturi lying in Obanai's arms. Shinobu held her position, standing in front of the injured but still alive Gyomei. While Nezuko runs up to Tanjiro as he starts to fall teetering between his humanity and Muzan's influence, a sudden burst of flesh whips burst out and threaten to hit Kanao, Zenitsu, and Nezuko. 


"I REFUSE TO LET IT END LIKE THIS!" Muzan's voice is heard through Tanjiro's mouth as it flies toward the three in range. 


"Water breathing; tenth form…" Giyu starts to say as he protects Nezuko despite being one-handed now. "Blessed breathing; fourth form…" Mary is able to protect Zenitsu just in time. "Keshin breathing…" Tanya's injuries make her falter as she goes to protect Kanao, she is able to stop and cut down most of the tendrils, but a few get through her body. "Tanya-Nee!" Kanao shouts she grabs Tanya before she falls to the ground. "Go get him…" One of Tanya's eyes is closed as she watches Nezuko about to reach Tanjiro. 


Tanjiro was falling, he feels its either he dies or he lets Muzan's influence take full control. Of course, he wants to protect everyone, all of his friends, and make sure no one else has to suffer because of demons ever again. Muzan keeps trying to coax him, but Tanjiro feels his body giving in. 'I am sorry everyone…' 


Before he lets his soul slip from his body he hears a lot of voices shout out "TANJIRO!" followed by the feeling of someone holding him up. Though he could not see it, he felt everyone he knew who lost their lives fighting demons and Muzan. Kyojuro, Wilibald, Weiss, Tamayo, Muichiro, Mitsuri, Obanai, Kaigaku, and the members Ubuyashiki family who did not survive. He felt like they were lifting him up. "BROTHER!" Tanjiro sees Nezuko reaching down for him, and very slowly he reaches his arms up. No matter how much Muzan yelled at him, no matter what the former demon king said, Tanjiro drowned out his voice. And he took his sister's hand. 


The demon part of Tanjiro was now gone, while Nezuko hugged her brother Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Kanao ran up to the same. Even as injured as they were. Tanjiro was alive but badly wounded. 


After a little while, the Kakushi started dealing with what they could. Trying to help the wounded remaining slayers and respectfully covering up the dead and saying a silent prayer. Despite her own wounds, Shinobu would do her best to help out on the bandaging side. Taking a long time on Giyu while she scolded him for fighting while he was missing an arm. Though the Water Pillar was oddly smiling as he berated her back for still working instead of letting the Kakushi do all the work since she was still wounded from her fight with the Upper Two Demon, Douma. After a few seconds of joint silence, they both laughed. Laughed the best they could while strained by wounds.


Gyomei was alive but worse for wear, had it not been for the work of the Kakushi with instructions from Shinobu he would probably have succumbed to his wounds shortly after the fight was over. Still, for a moment, he felt like he was dying, and as he looked up, he could for the first time in his life see someone without using his senses. There he saw his earth-breathing master, Ruderkodia, and his friend Weiss smiling down at him. He shed no tears this time, just smiling back before his vision faded again and the visions of the two went away.


Mary stood over Kaigaku's body while Zenitsu was kneeling down, he had put his Haori over their fellow thunder students' bodies. Zenitsu also held one of Kaigaku's magatama necklaces in his hand. "I think master will be proud of him. Of all of us." Mary while trying to say something positive right now, though she did not relish telling the old man of Kaigaku's passing soon. "I don't think…no I know he did not like me, at least until that day we dueled a little bit ago. He had every reason to hate me." Zenitsu started to say as he stood up, smiling as he remembered the times Kaigaku and him worked together after Tanya took Kaigaku under her wing. Helping protect Nezuko from Zettour, going to bring Mary back after her own fight with Tanya, and against the one-eyed biwa-playing demon who nearly killed them. Zenitsu never imagined the two working together, but he was glad Kaigaku and he became allies. Became proper friends, before Kaigaku's death. Both Mary and Zenitsu bowed to Kaigaku and Zenitsu placed the necklace around himself. "I am going to go check on Nezuko and Tanjiro. See you around." Zenitsu then walked off while limping a bit.


Mary by herself soon spotted something that made her eyes widen. She rushed over to a tree a little further away from everyone else. Where Tanya was laying against it, having gone over there after all the chaos was done. "Tanya von degurechaff!" Mary yelled out in a mix of anger and also a tinge of worry. "Heh, still using that name?" Tanya grinned up at Mary, ever since Zettour somehow restored Mary's previous memories the girl took every opportunity she could to call Tanya by that old name whenever others were not around. Mary thought it was a way to remind Tanya of the monster she was even while they were working together to rid the world of demons. But it made Tanya happy oddly, she came to the conclusion it was out of a painful nostalgia for that life. 


"Congratulations Mary, seems I will die before you this time." Tanya said with a smile before coughing up blood. Mary's fists and teeth clenched as she very angrily said "y-you can't just say it so casually!" Tanya then grinned in a more devil-like way and despite being in much pain she spoke very dramatically "Well seems the angel has outlived the demon before her. When we meet again, I will not be so easy to die next time! So enjoy your victory. Next time I plan to be as brutal as possible my deal valkyrie!" angry though she felt Mary could not help but chuckle. She was made aware of Tanya's situation by Tanya herself after they talked when Mary was brought back by her friends. Mary also knew it was unlikely she would have her memories in the next life. 


"Fine we will meet again, I will kill you next time for sure," Mary said as while she smiled she also wiped away a small tear. Tanya nodded and said, "Though if we do end up at the same time again, I will not be opposed." Mary suddenly knelt down and kissed Tanya on the cheek, she blushed and quickly moved away "d-don't get any ideas. I just owe this world's version of me that. For whatever unfathomable reason she loved you after all." Tanya was blank-faced for a moment and smiled "Gosh, its always the one head over heels that act the most difficult. I can relate." she looked back up at Mary "Can you do one last thing for me?" Mary did as Tanya asked, and got her adoptive sisters, at least Kanao and Shinobu since Aoi and the others were still back at the butterfly mansion.


Kanao was crying a bit but tried not bawl to much. "I- you can't- Tanya-nee" Kanao tried to speak as Tanya could not even muster the strength to lift her hands to comfort her. Shinobu was silent for a little bit before she comforted Kanao and told her to lean on Tanya's shoulder, while Shinobu laid on the opposite shoulder. "Can't believe despite everything I did, thinking I would die, you are the one that will see Kanae first," Shinobu said with a somewhat forlorn tone. "I can't believe you'd think I would let you die like that." Tanya talked to her family, for once feeling a full connection with a family, and smiled. But she knew she would not see Kanae again in the afterlife, and she would not see Kyojuro either and his stupid smiling and handsome face, but the thought was nice. "Thank you for being my sisters…tell that to the others as well." silence remained until Tanya passed on. And Shinobu and Kanao could cry over her without her telling them it was pointless. 


Tanya stood watching them, time frozen and slowly the world around her disappeared. It was an empty void, for her only, time started moving for those still there. And Tanya was still able to watch thanks to a small viewable window left for her seemingly. But she found it pointless. "OI! We are done now. I won! Whats next!" but nothing answered. She could feel their presence, she always got a spark down her spine caused by her annoyance of Being X and Being Z. but none responded. So for now, she just watched. Watched everyone live in a world without demons. 


As expected, Tanjiro and Kanao got married and had children. As did Nezuko and Zenitsu. And Inosuke and Aoi, all three stayed at the Kamado home. Gyomei would open a new orphanage shortly after Kiriya disbanded the corps. Sanemi and Genya would return to their home village before traveling all over Japan, and even ventured into China and Russia for a couple of years. The two would settle down sometime back in their home village. Tengen and his wives had many children. Shinjuro and Senjuro would visit their family's graves, both saying prayers for Kyojuro and Ruka Rengoku. They even stopped by the Kocho family burial site and paid their respects to Tanya as well. 


Giyu and Shinobu would get married a year after the disbandment of the corps. Despite the damage she did to her own body Shinobu Tomioka was able to give birth to two children, though one was blind and the other had some physical health issues which Shinobu was certain it was due to the state of her body. But even if that was true, Giyu never blamed her. The children would be played with by the now older Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho. they would tug on "grandpa" Urokodaki's hair whenever he visited. The Kamado's, Agamatsu's, Hashibara's, and Tomioka families often visited each other as well, sometimes with the others as well if they were around.


Mary would finally head over to her mom in the United States, the woman cried, and their reunion. Mary would become a reporter, and even with her female status, she gained fame for her bravery in exposing corruption and heading into battlefields in the middle of warfare. Victoria and Erya would never legally be married but were able to get unofficially married without the Japanese government's knowledge thanks to Gyomei's blessings. The two adopted a few children from his orphanage as well. Granz would settle down in a village near Urokodaki's home, he would marry, and then have twin daughters. 


Tanya thought it all was sweet, but, she almost felt jealous. But she could have all of this and more, assuming she wins the game against Being X. "I see you've learned to admire that which you would have otherwise despised in your previous incarnations." a voice, monotone in speaking, was heard by Tanya. "You…you're not.." Tanya slowly turned, a glowing orb behind her. 


"I am neither Being X or Being Z. for the sake of consistency, you may refer to me as Being Y." The voice said as Tanya's mouth was open a gap and then she sneered "so that's now THREE quote-on-quote 'gods' now?!" the voice sighed "call us what you will. I only appear when Being X and Being Z have broken the set balance. And it appears you are the cause. Changing history of individual worlds. It is a mockery of our existence." the way this 'god' spoke was oddly hitting a cord with Tanya, he spoke like it was a job, and she could understand wanting to rid of something or someone that was impeding your job. Only now it was her. "Your own existence was supposed to be removed due to having failed the qualifications for reincarnation. However due to his own impudence, X ruined that flow. And then Z got involved which disrupted the balance." since Tanya could not hear Being X or Z she assumed the two were silent because Being Y was far more powerful then them. 


She was about to speak when Being Y continued. "However, you did meet those qualifications in this life. In addition, when beings such as ourselves make a deal it is wrong to go back on them. Even if it was out of greed. So I will give you a choice…" Tanya saw two light doors open. One she could see the vague outline of Kyojuro and Kanae. "The first door will take the afterlife, where you will be for a short time before reincarnating through your current life. You will retain no memories following this reincarnation. In addition, I will punish X and Z for breaking their own roles. However, if you wish to continue your deal, go through the other door. I will make slight alterations, which will be explained after you walk through. If you are curious about what kind of world my fellow higher beings planned for you. I will explain it by simply saying, no matter how much you try in this fantasy world, there is only one overlord in that world."

Tanya was not sure what to say. On the one hand, she could be given a free pass, be with Kyojuro and reincarnate peacefully. Plus Being X and Z would be punished, certainly not as severely as she would punish them, but punished nonetheless! However, she would not get guaranteed reincarnation and plus, she knows she can make her own perfect life, with everyone. She stepped forward…and made her choice….


The end…except…




It was going so terribly. "Can't believe despite all this damn prep work to invade the tomb our guild still lost!" Tanya griped out, gripping the unique weapon that was exclusive to her glass, that being a gunslinger mage which she was sure Being X was getting a kick out of. Still, her guild had invaded the famous tomb of the guild known as Ainz Ooal Gown. they were the first to make it all the way to the throne room as well. In fact, they were the first to ever make it passed the first floor. Defeating almost every single NPC and guild member. But they could not bring their own NPCS into the tomb so their numbers were already at a disadvantage. Still thanks to her tactics and understanding of YGGDRASIL Tanya was able to keep the guild going and pushing. But by the time they made it to the throne room only Tanya, and two remaining members of the guild, The Imperial unit remained. 


But the ones known by their user names as Touch Me and Tabula made easy work of her remaining members. While Ulbert and Punitto Moe remained nearby to back up either Ainz Oowl Gown member. Tanya was in a losing fight and could just barely handle the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown alone. That being her target of this whole venture, Momonga. 


"Indeed. But I commend you for being the first and likely last to stand before me. As the leader of Ainz Ooal gown, I commend you, Argent Silver." Momonga used her username, as he much like her with his, he did not know her name. Tanya grinned, she remember grappling with which username to choose from when Being Z kept pestering her about not using her real name. Still, it seemed Momonga was playing in character for now, as the fearless commander of her guild, she should reciprocate in kind. Especially since now her riskless easy goal was gone. 


Even though her game model was limited she could still make use a devil-like grin, only slightly less scary than her actual one. "We have only lost for today. But my words, Momonga. No. Ainz Ooal Gown. there will come a day you regret this."


"Holy crap I knew you were hardcore Argent but damn." Momonga accidentally said in his normal voice before clearing his throat. "Well I look forward to this day. Hahahahah, as our supposed rivals, your loss will mark our place for sure. Goodbye, Argent Silver!" with a high-form fire magic spell, Tanya was wiped out. Instead of choosing to respawn. Tanya sent a DM out to her guild that it was over, and thanked them for trying so hard regardless. She was infamous in the game for her fearless and fear-inducing attitude with her guild. But her guild was loyal, because win or lose, she always complimented hard work. She said her good-byes, before noticing a dm from the one with the username "Major Lherich" of course, she knew from how his avatar looked in the game he was likely the reincarnation of Rerugen. 


The message read that he was sorry he was held up at work and could not make it, he promised to make it up to the guild tomorrow. Tanya just messaged him back with a stern message but was not too harsh as she knew even if he was there their loss was already likely to happen.


She logged off and took off her gear for the virtual game. As she moved off the chair finally felt all the frustration. Being Y had given her two goals. Beat the whole guild of Ainz Ooal Gown in the game by conquering their tomb, or by killing Momonga as Ainz Ooal Gown when they are both brought to the new world. It would take to long for Tanya and her Guild to be prepared for another raid, and enough time for the other guild to be back up to where they were before the raid. Seems the second goal for this life was more likely goal now, even if it meant she could actually die that time.


"I meant what I said Momonga. Because undead man or human, for making me wait longer for a peaceful life, I'll make your life hell in that world."