
Rehabilitation Training arc: The Hashira Meeting



Tanjiro was lying down, unconscious. He had been out for a while, not remembering anything after his eyes closed while hugging Kanao and his sister. "Tanjiro, get up." he heard the voice of his mother and siblings. Slowly his eyes started opening, and he heard shouting "hey wake up!" the voice came from a slayer in an unfamiliar uniform, it looked different than the usual ones. He did not know it was a Kakushi. 


"Where am I…who are you?" he looked up, seeing a few people he recognized and others he did not. He was hit on the head by the same Kakushi. "You will only speak when told to! Don't you know who you are talking to?! These are the hashira! The ten strongest slayers of the demon slayers!" Tanjiro's stiffed, the hashira? 'Those were the people that Tanya and Rengoku mentioned! The strongest of the demon slayers corps! These are who these people are?' he thought to himself, seeing Tanya, Kyojuro, and Shinobu who he did not know as well but did recognize. He had no idea what to think of the others, but he saw Giyu standing away from the others, by himself. 


"It is fine young Kamado, you are merely here to stand trial!" Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira spoke loudly. "We already know that, though I would not talk about a trial as if it was something casual." Tanya Kocho, the Keshin hashira felt sweat go down her head. Giyu had taken the fall as the only one who knew of Tanjiro traveling and protecting a demon. Saving her and Kyojuro. But Shinobu came to her before the meeting, passive-aggressively asking to tell her everything she knew after the meeting. Which confirmed to Tanya that Shinobu knew, but she had no idea why she was not reported as well. Maybe it was sisterly caring? Or maybe it was to see her sweat as much as she is now? With Shinobu, for Tanya, it felt like both were equally true.


"What an unflamboyant display, to act disrespectfully in front of the hashira." Tengen Uzui, the sound hashira spoke with a hand by his forehead and his head leaning back. 'What a brave and cute boy, he really traveled with a demon this whole time?' Mitsuri Kanroji, the love hashira had her cheeks brimming pink. Meanwhile, Muchiro Tokito, the mist hashira, was not even focused on the boy and just thought to himself 'what was that cloud I saw yesterday? What was its shape again?' while Giyu Tomioka, the water hashira stood silent. 


"This poor soul…" Gyomei Himejima, the stone Hashira said as tears streamed down his face. "Perhaps it would have been better had he never been born." despite the crying what he said was quite dark. Shinobu Kocho, the insect hashira smiled and tilted her head "sorry for your less than Ideal circumstances Kamado, as our dear flame hashira said you are here to stand trial." Shinobu spoke sweetly, contrasting most of the other hashira. Kyojuro was remaining silent, his duty conflicting with his promise to Tanjiro. Tanya stayed silent as well, Giyu had opted to take the fall but if either her Kyojuro speak too much to Tanjiro's defense they risked being exposed as knowing of Tanjiro's crimes as well. Tanya was certain that if Kyojuro had not been convinced earlier he would have suggested a drastic punishment, one which she would have agreed to as well.


Unfortunately, some were not willing to wait for the master to arrive so they could do the trial, as Tengen started speaking. "Forget the trial, I shall execute them in a stupendous way!" he spoke in a certain matter, shaking Tanjiro and filling him fearfully as he struggled to his knees. 'No way, you so coldly kill an adorable boy?' Mitsuri thought as she was worried for them. "It is sad, but it must be done. He shall be executed along with the demon he protected." Gyomei rubbed the prayer beads still crying for the sorrow he felt for the poor boy.


Tanjiro was struggling to find the words, to say anything. 'This is bad, I won't fight the other hashira.' Tanya's eyes peered over at Kyojuro, he had made a connection with Tanjiro after the fight. Her partner was conflicted, but neither of them could help Tanjiro. He would have to save himself but the hashira were not even letting him get a word in. 


"Forget the boy what about him?" Obanai Iguro, the serpent Hashira spoke while laying from a branch on a tree pointing at Giyu. "he is just as guilty as the boy, Tomioka not only knew of the demon but if what Kocho said is to be believed, he actively took actions to prevent her from slaying the demon." Suddenly Tegen raised a hand "which Kocho? The short one? Or the even shorter one?" both Shinobu and Tanya shot the sound Hashira a glare for his joke, the man sweated and turned his head and pretended he did not say anything. Meanwhile, Mitsuri gushed over how sharp-tongued Obanai is, and then also gushed about how stoic Giyu looked standing over there by himself and not arguing back. Obanai could not read her thoughts, but she gave the water hashira only angered him more.


Shinobu cleared her throat as her usual smile returned "considering he came without a fight we can think of a punishment for him later, for now, Tanjiro." she approached the boy who tried his best not to show how scared he was "why don't you tell us your side of the story?" Tanjiro tightened his fists while his arms were bound by some rope behind his back. "She's my- gah." Tanjiro started coughing, he did not realize how dry his mouth and throat were before trying to speak. "Easy, here drink this. Your throat must be dry" she offered him a gourd full of water. Tanjiro had to drink from the gourd awkwardly, as his hands were still tied behind his back. 


Tanjiro took a few breaths of drinking, and then began "that demon, she's my sister!" he shouted desperately and started saying more "my family was attacked by demons, and I could not save them…Nezuko is the only one that survived and she was turned into a demon. But I swear, she had never attacked or eaten a human!" Tanya managed to keep a straight face, Kyojuro was struggling too but he did as well. "I won't believe a word from your pitiful mouth, she is your sister, of course, you would defend her" Obanai spoke pessimistically, while Gyomei spoke sadly "this boy, let us end his life and free him of his cursed existence."


"I Joined the demon slayers in hopes of finding a cure. My sister has been a demon for over two years, and not once has she attacked a human!" Tanjiro kept the time she attacked him as a separate time. "Tch, your arguments are lacking flare. She has never killed anyone, so she never will? If you are pleading your case and making terrible points, at least make them entertaining ones." Tengen found Tanjiro's lack of argumentative process boring, at this point he just wanted something interesting to happen. 


"I don't know though…" MItsuri started to say "I find it hard to believe that the master knew nothing about this." Tanya finally saw this as an opportunity to speak "exactly, which is why we should wait for him." she stared between the main proponents of Tanjiro's execution along with his sister "unless you all think we were called here to act without the master's knowledge." Obanai and Tengen physically flinched, Gyomei did not but he had no reaction other than rubbing his prayer beads more. 'Even though she is acting firm, Tanya still looks so cute with a frown!' Mitsuri swooned as she had with the others. Shinobu giggled "I am so proud that my sister has been a hashira for only a little bit, and yet already knows how to act as one." this sweet yet passively aggressive tone was a slight to all the present hashira who could tell Shinobu was talking about them. Tanya because she was a new hashira and was speaking out of line, and the other hashira except for mitsuri and Kyojuro were trying to pass judgment without the master being present. 


Tanjiro wanted to say anything to sway them "I swear, my sister can work alongside me as a demon slayer as well! She has helped me before against other demons!" soon some loud footsteps crunched against the pebbles of the garden "I doubt that." all of them turned to see Sanemi Shinazugawa, holding up a box. 'Those new scars make him look even hotter!' Mitsuri swooned more. "Please don't take that Shinazugawa sir!" a new Kakushi said as she finally caught up with the Wind hashira. Shinobu stood up, taking a moment to calm herself which made Mitsuri think about her fellow female hashira 'even when angry Shinobu is cool. Both she and Tanya look cute when angry though' 


Shinobu turned to the Sanemi, "Shinazugawa, what do you think you're doing?" Sanemi grinned, he looked over at Tanjiro "what was that you said? Something about your demon sister being a demon slayer? You know what we call that?" Sanemi took out his Nichirin blade "complete and utter bullshit." he quickly stabbed his sword into the box and into Nezuko causing the demon girl to grunt loudly. In anger, Tanjiro managed to pull away from the Kakushi who was near him. "Stop!" he seethed in anger "if you are incapable of telling good demons from bad ones then you don't deserve to be in the hashira, to begin with!"


Sanemi chuckled and pulled the sword out from the box, and swung his sword around but a decent amount of Nezuko's blood remained on the sword "Is that so?" Tanjiro could not contain himself after seeing the blood and began running at the Wind hashira. Sanemi had been fully prepared to cut Sanemi down. "Enough, the master will be here soon!" surprisingly it had been Giyu who shouted this out, Sanemi hesitated for just a second. At that second it gave Tanjiro to see where the sword was swinging from, and he jumped into the after Sanemi slashed at him. Tanjiro slammed his head down and loudly headbutted him, a large sound was heard from the impact as both of them fell to the ground.


Mitsuri could not keep herself from laughing, she covered her eyes as Tanya and the others looked at her "s-sorry" she stuttered out. Obanai was impressed 'Tomioka's outburst may have been a distraction, but he did get a hit in on a hashira.' quickly while Sanemi was still recovering Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko's box and held it behind him "anyone who hurts my sister answers to me!" Sanemi was pissed now, he gripped his sword "you little brat, I am going to cut you up." but before he had the chance to they all heard "the master has arrived." from two girls, who started leading a man closer to them.


Tanjiro saw suddenly everyone was in a line and kneeling, before he could even ask or say anything Sanemi grabbed his head and forced him to the ground, almost like a bow but not exactly since he was right against the pebbles. After Kagaya was led up to the sunlight he spoke softly but audibly "it feels like a good day, perhaps nice and sunny." he looked in front of him, assuming all the hashira and Tanjiro were there. "Hello my children, it is a pleasure to see you all here at the semi-annual hashira meeting." 


Sanemi looked towards Kagaya "it is good to see you well Master, we all wish for your continued well-being." Tanjiro was a bit shocked, given his actions just moments ago he was unsure if Sanemi was even capable of pleasant greetings. Mitsuri whimpered 'aww, I wanted to be the one to welcome the master.' Kagaya smiled "I thank you." Sanemi kept looking at Kagaya "Master, may I inquire what this young boy is here for?" by "young boy" he meant Tanjiro whose hair was currently stuck in his grasp. The other Hashira were also awaiting to see what the master had to say.


Kagaya looked as best as he could at Sanemi "for Tanjiro and Nezuko, they have been sanctioned. They are to be protected, and I would like for all of you to agree with that." everyone went silent, and Gyomei brought his hands up higher "I am a sorry master, but even if it is a request from you I cannot abide by that" the stone hashira was not pleased. "Agreed!" Tengen spoke loudly. Shinobu stayed silent as did Giyu. "as for me, I will do whatever you say, master." Mitsuri said happily while Muichiro gave a non-answer "I'll just forget the next day anyways."


"Orders are orders," Tanya said as a way to seem neutral. "I remain uncertain!" Kyojuro announces loudly, he wanted to say more, but this case was getting to the flame Hashira's head. "I won't do it, I despise these demons" Obanai spoke in a threatening tone. "The job of the corps is to slay demons, how could we possibly agree!" Sanemi spoke the loudest, being more against it than even the hashira who already were. 


"I see, I do not want to make it seem like I am making this decision without reason. The letter if you will." Kagaya said as he motioned to his daughters, one walks forward and takes out a folded letter. She then says "this is a letter from Sakonji Urokodaki, the former water pillar." she then began reading, "master Ubuyashiki, I know this may be sudden, but I ask that you spare Nezuko Kamado. As crazy as it is to believe, despite two years having passed since she became a demon Nezuko has never consumed a human. Should she ever harm a human, I, along with Tanjiro Kamado, and Giyu Tomioka, will atone for it by committing seppuku." 


Tanjiro slowly turned toward Giyu, who was remaining without many reactions. The boy's eyes filled with tears, he was accepting of the fact that he would have to atone for Nezuko. But he never expected others to do it as well. Tanya's eyes twitched 'I am way too close to this even if I was left out of the promise.' Sanemi was not convinced "who cares if they would off themselves, hanging, burning, Seppuku. It does not take away the fact that we can't take back the life this demon would kill! What are we to do if she does this?!" 


Kagaya nodded his head "yes, there is no way of knowing if Nezuko would ever harm or kill a human. That is a risk." his smile grew "but at the same time there is no way of knowing if she ever will attack a human. Here is what we do know. She has gone two years without consuming a human, and we have three people willing to vouch for her. Unless someone can provide a reason to reject this, then I see no reason to continue this talk." 


Suddenly Kyojuro raised his hand "if I may master." Kagaya looked at Kyojuro "yes my child? do you have a reason we should doubt Nezuko and Tanjiro?" for a moment, Obanai and Sanemi thought the reason was the flame Hashira had been so passive till now was that he was thinking of an amazing rebuttal. But that was not quite it. "No, the opposite Master." Tanya's eyes widened, she was certain if they both remained silent they were in the clear. 'What is this idiot doing?!' she could already feel Shinobu staring at her directly. 


"Please, go on." Kagaya urged Kyojuro, to which he obliged. "Young Kamado is an amazing swordsman, so I do not wish to lose him. But there is more to that, for his sister." he stared directly at the box, weeks ago he stood over that box and nearly killed the demon, though he was not going to mention that. "Kamado joined me on a mission to save Tanya where she killed the lower two. During the mission, he had that same box with him." he pointed towards Nezuko's box. "Not once, did I ever sense demon blood lust coming from it. No before, or even after, the mission. When we all were bleeding, and weakened, not when we slept, never once did she attack us. I believe he is telling the truth that his sister would never attack a human."


Tanya knew what he was doing, he was saying the truth without revealing everything. "If I may as well master?" she asked respectfully to which Kagaya nodded. "While I cannot speak to Nezuko's abilities, Tanjiro's would not be impeded by his sister being there. It is quite possible that she has fought those demons, no I believe it is." she stared upwards "not only that but he along with Shinobu's Tsuguko slayed a former kizuki demon." she looked over at Tanjiro "he even held put against the lower five long enough for Tomioka to get there and finish the job. Do we really believe he could have done so alone?" she was trying to indicate that Nezuko helped him than, against a demon, a ranked one at that. 


Kagaya grinned "there you go, two more who would vouch for the siblings." the other Hashira said nothing, it was hard to come up with an argument against them at this point. "In addition, Tanjiro here has encountered Muzan Kibutsuji." all the Hashira's eyes widened except Tanya. "Seriously?! Even the hashira never see him!" Tengen said in shock. 


They all looked at Tanjiro "what did he look like?" asked Gyomei asked while Tengen shouted, "what were his powers?!" Tanjiro was not able to answer because Sanemi was shaking his head "did you find his base? Where the hell is it?!" Tengen gripped his own uniform "screw that tell us what his powers are!" Kagaya put a finger by his mouth and almost instantly everyone went quiet, Tanjiro was stunned that the master held this much respect for them all to stop without him needing to outright demand it. 


"Along with this, we know Muzan has sent pursuers after Tanjiro. Whether this was to silence him or for some other reason I do not know. But I believe it is because something is happening with Nezuko that Muzan never predicted." Kagaya spoke with a certain tone. "In addition, lower 5 must have had a reason for his brash actions that garnered our attention. If incidents like mount Natagumo and Asakusa are similar, I believe it means Muzan is not near mount Natagumo now. Whenever he needs to leave somewhere quickly, he causes a distraction like those two. This means Tanjiro and Nezuko are targeting him, but he is too nervous to stay in places he finds them without leaving soon after." he smiled widely "I believe they can be used to draw him out."


"That's enough!" Sanemi shouted out "if she had been human no doubt would we spare her and protect her. But she is a demon! How can we do such a thing when thousands of us have been killed by these monsters?" Sanemi knew his words would fall unheaded, so he grabbed the box from Tanjiro and stepped over it. "I'll give you the proof right now if you need it." he suddenly cut his arm, Sanemi knew his Marechi blood would be extra enticing for a demon. His actions shocked everyone, he let the blood drip into the box through the small hole he made. "Come on out. I know you want it." Obanai shook his head "it is sunny out, the demon won't come out without at least shade." 


Sanemi looked at the area behind Kagaya. "Forgive me master for my actions, and what I am going to do." he grabbed the box and rushed behind Kagaya into the patio, and threw the box a little ways away from him. "Nezuko-" Tanjiro was cut off when Obanai slammed down on him, almost fully crushing his lungs. "Obanai you are pressing down too hard" Obanai chuckled at Shinobu "only because he is trying to get free." Shinobu stared down at Tanjiro and warned him not to make use of a breathing technique or else his lungs would burst. 


The box shook and flung open. Nezuko slowly came out of it and stared at Sanemi, not only had he stabbed her but he was bleeding. His blood was extra enticing along with his arm. "Well? Come and get it." Sanemi egged her on as she started walking closer, and he thought to himself 'say your final prayers, boy and Tomioka.' he heard a familiar voice, Kanae's voice telling him to stop. 'Shut up, I don't hear the dead. I am not crazy!' he yelled out in his thoughts, Nezuko right by him as saliva dripped out from the bamboo that covered her mouth. 


Tanjiro broke out from the rope that held his arms and used them as leverage to yank himself out from under Obanai. Before Obanai could grab him Giyu gripped his wrist, getting a glare from the serpent hashira. Tanjiro ran up "Nezuko!" he shouted out his sister's name, barely able to keep himself steady. 


Nezuko stared ahead at the bleeding arm of Sanemi, hearing her brother yelling her name brought back memories. First of when he protected her from Giyu and Tanya, begging for her life. It went back further, she saw her mother preparing supper, smiling at her. She noticed her other siblings who have passed playing in the snowy yard in front of their home. And finally Tanjiro, the only family she had left. No, the only blood family she had left. 'All of humanity is your family, they are to be protected.' she stared at Sanemi a little 'humans are to be protected, demons are the enemy!' and against what everyone expected, Nezuko closed her eyes and turned her head away. 


Sanemi was shocked, as was everyone else. Tanjiro was emotional and overwhelmed by joy. Obanai pulled his hand away from Giyu. Kyojuro just smiled, while Tanya was just relieved this might actually be done with. "Would you explain what happened?" Kagaya asked, even though he could already venture a guess. His daughters started explaining "Despite not defending himself, and having his bleeding arm wide open, the demon Nezuko turned her head away, refusing to attack or bite his arm." Kagaya smiled and turned back towards the Hashira. "There you have it undeniable proof that Nezuko will not attack a human." even the many who were against accepting the demon could not deny what they had witnessed. 


Kagaya looked in the direction he heard Tanjiro screaming, where luckily the boy still was. "Tanjiro, some of them may not accept her right now. It is up to you to prove it to them, and fulfilling your duty in doing so." Tanjiro blinked, he felt calmer just hearing Kagaya's voice. He bowed his head 'his voice, is that why I feel so calm and warm on the inside now?' with newfound determination, Tanjiro looked back up "of course. I promise, Nezuko and I will work together! We find and take down Muzan Kibutsuji! And end this cycle of misery he has caused!" he sounded incredibly serious as well. 


Kagaya tilted his head and smiled "while I appreciate the enthusiasm, why don't we focus on beating an upper or lower Kizuki demon for now?" Tanjiro blushed a large shade of red from instant embarrassment "r-right master." Mitsuri, Tengen, Gyomei, Shinobu, and even Tanya found it hard to hold back her laughter, just barely keeping it inside. "Oh, and Iguro and Shinazugawa, try to be a little easier on the younger ones." both bowed their heads, "yes master." Nezuko was back inside her box but she was still a little mad at Sanemi.


"Tanjiro, the Hashira are amongst the highest swordsman and swordswoman in the demon slayer corps." Kagaya spoke some more "they have trained themselves to the brink and have slayed demons of the Twelve Kizuki. They have done well to earn their spots and the trust of their fellow hashira. They are shown special treatment for their actions and dedication to the corps. So try your hardest as well." Tanjiro once again bowed and thanked the master. 


Shinobu raised her hand "in that case since this is done. May I offer my home to house these two while Tanjiro recovers?" Kagaya nods to approve, even though most slayers have already recovered at the butterfly mansion. But this helped indicate that the trial of the Kamado siblings was settled for now. The insect hashira clapped her hands "let's get them the estate then." the male Kakushi bowed and quickly picked up Tanjiro who did not even get to ask where they were going. The female Kakushi with a little bit of hesitation managed to seal the box and carried it off with Nezuko inside it. "With that why don't we finally start the meeting-" 


"Wait!" Tanjiro came running back with the Kakushi right behind him trying to stop him. He slipped and fell to the ground, but raised himself up a bit. "Please master, allow me to headbutt the man who hurt Nezuko again!" he pointed at Sanemi who quietly stared back at him. Before he could say another word or even do so without permission. A pebble impacted Tanjiro's face and caused him to stumbled back down. "Silence, don't interrupt the master when speaking," Muichiro said as he held another pebble in his hand. The Kakushi bowed and apologized frantically, picking up the dazed boy. 


As Tanjiro was carried away he heard Kagaya say "oh and Tanjiro, say hello to Tamayo for me next time you see her." Tanjiro gasped a bit but the Kakushi started to run so as to not let him interrupt the Hashira meeting further. Tanya noticed Kagaya was staring directly at her, it was not threatening in the slightest but it told her he knew more than even her. 'Just who is the master?' she respected the man no doubt, but she wondered if he was possibly hiding something. 


After making it to the butterfly mansion the Kakushi looked around to find someone while carrying Tanjiro and the box that held Nezuko inside. Eventually, they came across Kanao, when Tanjiro noticed her he was happy "Kanao!" her eyes widened, and she looked over at him, he was still covered in wounds. She had been so worried when he was taken away without being partially treated for wounds. "Tanjiro you're okay!" she ran up and hugged him best she could, the Kakushi carrying Tanjiro felt awkward stuck in the middle of it. 


After she pulled away she asked "what happened? Are you and Nezuko okay?" Tanjiro nodded "yeah, Nezuko will be safe now." Kanao smiled. "As much as I hate to break up this happy Reunion miss Kocho asked us to bring him here so he can be treated and recover his strength." Kanao nodded and told them where to go. "Zenitsu and Inosuke are also there." the Kakushi nodded. Tanjiro stared back at her "why don't you come with?" Kanao shook her head "later, you three should focus on recovery since I am almost back to full strength." while Tanjiro was carried away he thought 'she smelled of guilt, did something happen?' while Kanao thought 'I need to talk to someone before I talk to Inosuke, Maybe master or Tanya next I see them.' 


"Take the medicine!" Tanjiro heard a girl with a blue butterfly hairpin berate Zenitsu as he entered the room. "AHHH, BUT ITS SO DISGUSTING!" Zenitsu yelled loudly. "Zenitsu? What happened?" Zenitsu looked up and Tanjiro and hugged the Kakushi holding him "IT WAS TERRIBLE TANJIRO! I almost got turned into a spider which is why my limbs are so short!" Kakushi shivered and said, "let go of me!" Aoi slammed the cup beside Zenitsu "which is why you need to take your medication!" 


While Zenitsu griped more about how disgusting it was Tanjiro saw Inosuke laying on another bed. "Inosuke! I am glad to see you are okay!" the boy just grumbled and tiredly said "shut up…" Tanjiro blinked, normally when Inosuke says something like that he says it more loudly and demandingly, now he sounded like he barely was even requesting it. "What happened?" Tanjiro asked as Zenitsu shrugged "I don't know all the details, but apparently his neck was nearly crushed and he had been saved by miss Tanya. If she had not also knocked him out he likely would have overworked his throat yelling at her." Zenitsu started chuckling "it's kinda funny." Tanjiro was not happy that Zenitsu found some amusement in Inosuke's pain.


"Sorry…" they heard Inosuke say. "Sorry for being so weak." while respecting Tanya's skills, seeing her not only easily take down a demon that nearly killed him and then having her subsequently easily knock him out, he felt weak. And he hated being weak. "Hey don't keep yourself down Inosuke you can come back stronger than ever!" Tanjiro tried to cheer up his friend "yeah! You can do it!" Zenitsu joined in. but Inosuke turned to lay on his side so that he could look away from them. Tanjiro sighed, he hoped Inosuke would cheer up soon. 



Kagaya and the ten Hashira saw inside now, discussing the recent incidents. "Tch, if there is one thing the incident at Mount Natagumo proved is that the threshold for demons slayers has lowered drastically. The cultivators must have become blind!" Sanemi griped as the massive losses were more than most demons have caused the slayers for a while. "I don't know, the kid earlier did get a flashy hit on you," Tengen said with a grin but Sanemi grumbled and did not acknowledge the sound Hashira's attempt to annoy him.


"As the population grows it becomes harder and harder to control them, we cannot always expect the best due to this. Especially in this era." Shinobu said to fill in her piece. Tanya grinned, it felt like something she would have said. Gyomei gripped his prayer beads "there are those who joined us because they wished to avenge those who were taken from them, and there are those that come from a long line of demon slayers. Outside of those two categories, it is too cruel to expect the rest to fight like us" he spoke passionately. 


Tanya felt she should say something "the other problem is most of the time slayers don't learn to work off of others. If a slayer dies on their own that is one thing, but groups of demon slayers were sent and almost all of them were wiped out." Kagaya nodded at her, and she continued. "Though they got separated at some point. Kamado, Kanao, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were the other ones able to deal with or hold off the demons before we got there. I believe this is because I had them train together. And due to this, I propose we instigate a training regime that will have trainees train together regardless of styles before heading to final selection." 


Kagaya smiled "very well, let us discuss this at a later time. But it is quite interesting." Tanya bowed her head and thanked him. "Another thing to consider is this boy, Kamado, not only faced Muzan but a lower rank! Even we rarely get to face one!" Kyojuro said proudly, that he had wanted to ask Tanjiro to be his new Tsuguko, but he would wait till he could ask him a little more privately. 


"Yes, times are changing. Muzan is starting to make mistakes. We should capitalize on this and aim to take him down once and for all." Kagaya stared proudly at the hashira, though he could not see them, he knew they were ready to do what was necessary of them. "I believe before me, are the best collection of Hashira I have gathered. On par with the first breathing swordsman of the feudal era." 


Kagaya started looking between them, somehow finding their exact spots out of pure faith that they were sitting where he stared. 

First the sound pillar "Uzui, Tengen." 

then to the flame pillar "Rengoku, Kyojuro."

then to the love pillar "Kanroji, Mitsuri." 

then to the wind pillar "Shinzazugawa, Sanemi." 

then to the serpent pillar "Iguro, Obanai." 

then to the mist pillar "Tokito, Muichiro." 

then to the water pillar "Tomioka, Giyu." 

then to the stone pillar "Himejima, Gyomei" 

then to the Insect pillar "Kocho, Shinobu." 

finally at the Keshin pillar "Kocho, Tanya."


 Kagaya smiled one last time "we shall aim to end this once and for all, My children."