
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
69 Chs

Mugen Train Arc: Good Evening, Kyojuro and Tanya



Tanya and Kyojuro were inside a rather barren ramen shop, Tanya was only on her first bowl while Kyojuro went through a sizable amount. "DELICIOUS!" he shouts out as he did for the other bowls of ramen he had eaten. Most people would not be able to eat after seeing what they saw, but they have been demon slayers for a while, and in Tanya's case she has actually been through a war. So what happened last night was not even enough to make her flinch. 


'What was odd though was she was still alive.' Tanya thought to herself, they had come here to investigate recently missing persons from this village. Along with a murder on a train a few nights ago, it led them to believe the same demon that caused the Mugen train incident, where forty people went missing. But the woman being kept alive, it put a hole in that theory that they were the same demon. At least Tanya thought so. "DELICIOUS!" Kyojuro yelled again as the ramen shop's doors opened again, entering in was a slayer who was tasked with helping the Kakushi and the injured woman.


"Mr. and Mrs. Rengoku, sorry if I am late." the slayer had mistaken them as already married when Kyojuro first introduced both of them, as rumors have been spread about a married couple fighting in the corps. Tanya grumbled "I told you, Kocho, only he is Rengoku." the slayer apologizes for the mix-up, Tanya crossed her arms, she had no doubt either Viktoriya or Mitsuri had spread the rumors, or at least said something along the lines of a future marriage and those words got misconstrued, either way, she's sure if it was either of their faults. 


Kyojuro orders another bowl of ramen and an extra for the new slayer. "How is she?" Tanya asks to prevent her boyfriend from asking with a mouthful of noddle. The slayer gives a small smile "she has been patched up, the Kakashi says she will still need a few days of recovery, but she is otherwise fine." Kyojuro swallows the last bit of noodle from his previous bowl of ramen and shouts out "GREAT! That is reassuring!" 


As the ramen shop owner walked up and placed a ramen bowl by the slayer and a new bowl for Kyojuro, Tanya asked "is your shop usually this empty?" the owner sighed "ever since the slasher news hit this place it gets scarce close to sundown, I even had to fire my employees due to slow business." the owner did not mean to sound so downtrodden, especially since Kyojuro has already eaten enough to cover weeks worth of customers, not enough to make up for his losses caused by the slasher, but it helped. "That is sad to hear! Tanya will have another" she did not appreciate Kyojuro asking for another bowl for her.


They would finish eating a few minutes after sunset, Kyojuro was still hungry but Tanya practically pulled him out, telling him they can eat more later. He knew they had a mission to complete, and once he saw it was indeed night out he was mission ready. As they walked out the slayer with them thought 'he kinda seems like a clueless husband with her.' he did not speak those words, he already feared Tanya enough.


At the train station, a little girl sighed, holding an array of bento boxes and bean paste bun in her hands. "Another night without a single bento box of mine sold." the girl said with a sigh, her grandmother, Tomi, smiled "eat your bun Fuku, it is not your fault. Maybe you can start working the earlier parts of the day instead." Fuku frowned "I can't stop working now either, thanks to the slasher father's business is not doing so well. And mother is pregnant. I have to help make money somehow." 


Tomi shakes her head "leave that to the adults Fuku. maybe you should rest for the night before the demon strikes." Fuku was somewhat perturbed by her grandmother "I don't believe in demons, but that slasher, whoever it is, will probably kill you, grandmother, if you are alone." 


Kyojuro and Tanya approached the stand, having overheard the two talking while the other slayer stayed slightly behind. "Hello! We are looking for a demon! Have you seen any?!" Kyojuro yelled the question at them, Tanya sighed, and she looked at the Grandmother "sorry, we are here to find the demon who is behind these attacks" Kyojuro nods "if you have any info on this demon please let us know!" Tomi felt like she recognized the uniforms, especially Kyojuro's but could not recall why. Fuku stands up and angrily grips her bean paste bun "There is no such thing as demons!" she hucks the bun and it hits Kyojuro directly in the face.


Kyojuro slowly took the bean paste bun off his face, his smile was still ever present on his face as he bites into the bun "DELICIOUS!" Tanya sighed and turned to the two, Fuku flinched a little as Tanya looked at her. "I am going to presume much like the local ramen shop and other businesses nearby your stand has suffered due to the demon. We only need information, then we will leave." Fuku still did not seem pleased by the usage of the demon, but just turned her head away. "Fuku they were just trying to help," Tomi says with a smile, calming down her granddaughter. "I am sorry for throwing that at you."


Kyojuro finishes off the bun, with a bit of it still in his mouth he laughs. "Do not worry! I took no offense! We shall be on our way." he and Tanya planned to take a train heading for a repair yard where the Mugen train was, though they did not know what their cover would be on the train. "E-excuse me. Do you want to purchase some bento?" Fuku asked nervously since she threw a bun at one of them just now. Kyojuro enthusiastically nods, suddenly getting an idea for the cover. "Yes! In fact, we will take every bento box you have!" Fuku was shocked, as was Tanya until she would hear his plan the thought 'is he really that hungry?!'


After paying for it Kyojuor handed most of the Bento boxes to the slayer "take this to the corps, they will make excellent gifts!" the slayer struggled to carry the pile of Bentos by himself. Tanya grabbed one of the smaller cloths full of bentos while Kyojuro grabbed the other. 


Later, way further down the tracks, when on the train a worker noticed them seated in a train cart obviously meant to be empty. He quickly slides open the door and sprints towards them "w-who are you two? And what are you doing on this train?" he asked nervously. Kyojuro undoes one of the cloth sacks and shows stacked boxes of bentos "we are a couple who sells bentos as vendors." Tanya was not fully on board with that phrasing, even though the only lie in that sentence was the part where they are bento vendors. 


"We are headed to sell on the Mugen train." Tanya says calmly, while the train conductor seems confused he says "b-but this isn't the Mugen train. No one is meant to be on board, we are heading to a warehouse" he says as Tanya and Kyojuro nod, the latter saying "We know! We are heading there on this train while it's under repairs." the conductor shakes his head "but it's not at the same facility we are heading towards. In fact its set to go back into activity soon, it's just being prepared by one of the nearby repair yards. That one." the conductor points at the train yard they were about to pass. "I SEE! Then we will get off here!" Tanya knew what that meant but that did not mean she was excited about it, and she knew they had to get to the train fast.


The two went to the very end of the train, the conductor followed them wondering what the two were going to even do since they were on a moving train. "Ready?" Tanya nodded and the two Hashira's jumped from the back of the train as it moved. "h-HUH?!" the conductor watched as the two of them landed far away from the train, and without even a second wait ran towards the repair yard, it even somehow looked like they would get there before the train passed it. The conductor was not sure what just happened "maybe I need to sit down for a moment."


Tanya and Kyojuro arrived at the repair yard mere seconds later. As the two entered the head worker noticed them "who are you? Sorry but only staff is allowed here." Tanya walked forward "we were told to deliver these bento boxes to the workers here, sorry if our timing is inconvenient." Kyojuro held up what was enough bentos to feed the whole repair staff and even a few more people. The head repairman looked at one of the other workers and shrugged, he then turned to the other workers and yelled out "hey, they brought bento boxes, quick break."


While the workers ate, Tanya and Kyojuro looked at the train in the station 'Mugen Train' it showed on the front. The two had sensed it the moment they walked in, but now they were sure. There was the faint presence of a demon coming from the train. "So what is happening with the train?!" Kyojuro may have asked a little to loudly, but he was pretty sure up till now the Mugen train would have been put out of commission due to forty people going missing on it as well as the recent strikes by this 'slasher' that attacked and killed on the train as well.


The head repairman looked up at the Mugen train "oh she will be up and running soon, a day or two maybe. We're just doing the last checks to make sure it will be ready, so far it seems in great shape." Tanya was about to ask why it would be put back into activity so soon after what happened, but then everyone heard screaming coming from the back. They went to see what was happening, the demon, the Slasher is holding a boy who was working in the back. the Slasher wrenches her face "disgusting!" Slasher stomps on the bento box the boy had "ever since I became a demon human food disgusts me." he looks at the boy he was holding making the boy cry a little as it looked like the demon intended on eating him.


"Let the boy go!" Kyojuro shouts, as Slasher looks at the two demon slayers he grins. "Hah, you can't attack me. Just try." it was Tanya who stuck, but suddenly her purple flames only hit the floor as the demon speeds around the two hashira, when he stops his marks stop shining. Clearly, he could enhance his speed. "Nice try small slayer, but even if either of you gets close enough to attack you'll be attacking this boy as well." the boy in his hands shakes with fear, not wanting to die. 


"You are quite fast!" Kyojuro does not drop his smile or seem worried "but you should never be too cocky, against me or Tanya, or anyone else." Tanya had been a little angry when she was called small by the demon, but she was able to focus back on the demon. 'This is not the demon responsible for the Mugen train incident, Kyojuro can sense it as well I bet. Which is I figured the slasher and demon from the Mugen train were different, we should take care of this one quickly'


Kyojuro continued to speak "you're the demon that cut up that woman last night weren't you?" Slasher grins maliciously "yes, I cut her up until I got bored and I left her for dead!" he taunted but Kyojuro shook his head "we found her, her injuries were rough but she has been treated and is healing well, she will probably be fully recovered in a couple of days even!" 


Slasher was angered by the fact that Kyojuro did not seem phased by his threats or taunting. He then realizes he recognizes the bento boxes by Kyojuro's feet and he grins "you got those from the vendors, I was not planning on attacking them soon, but why don't I go right over and kill them just for the fun of it?" Slasher can sense the anger from Kyojuro now, "but first." he aims to kill the boy in his arms, but suddenly those arms were cut off by a flaming slash from Kyojuro. The demon tried to use his speed enhancement to get away, but an attack from Tanya took out one of his eyes though she was obviously aiming for the neck. The demon sped away as his limbs healed. 


"Mister Rengoku miss ren- I mean Miss Kocho!" the slayer from before runs in with a few Kakushi, the workers had no idea who they were but Tanya let them know they were here to help with the boy's injuries. After giving them a rundown of the situation Kyojuro and Tanya were set to leave and chase down the demon before he killed the bento vendors. "But wait how will you catch up?" they were gone before they even answered his question.


A little further away back at the train station Fuku and her grandmother were heading back to the stand, as it would be sunrise soon and Fuku insisted they should set up early. "Slow down Fuku, people won't be here for the train for a little while" Tomi sighed, she admired her grandaughter's tenacity but she was not young enough to move around this early. 


Meanwhile, Slasher was using his blood demon art to speed down the train tracks 'those slayers will never catch up in time, I am too fast. Maybe I'll eat the remains in front of them!' he stop by the train station, he smelled the air and gave an evil smirk. They were here. He could not smell the demon slayers, he presumed they were much too far away for him to worry about.


Tanya and Kyojuro ran down the tracks, using a continuous 'Total concentration constant' form to pick up their speed an impressive amount. 


Fuku wiped the dust off her hands "there we go." she had gotten it set up quickly and with most of the bento boxes and other food items set up all that was left was for her grandmother to return with the rest. "Hello" Fuku turned her head and saw a smirking Slasher. Her eyes widened, "seems I'll be able to eat one of you quickly as well." Fuku wanted to yell, but she felt almost frozen in fear, his eyes and fangs really scared her as she backed away and fell. "I enjoy it when they know to be scared" suddenly a couple of bento boxes hit Slasher in the head and his back. "Grrrr, this smells horrible," he said as the sauces spilled onto him. "Run Fuku!" Tomi yells to her granddaughter


Slasher sped up and knocked Tomi down. He looked back to see Fuku gone but he could smell her going towards the tracks. "This old woman I can in a second." he speeds over to Fuku and she trips right into the tracks. Fuku looks up fearfully, as the demon laughs at this fear. "Don't worry your death will be quick" 


Before Slasher can attack Kyojuro uses the first form of flame breathing 'unknowing flame' and Slasher's heels are cut leading him to fall over. "How did you get here so fast?!" he yelled as Kyojuro helped Fuku up. "The same way you're going to die," Tanya said as she smirked at him from behind, he limped as he backed away. "Because you are too slow" Kyojuro finishes Tanya's taunting.


Slasher's eyes bulged in anger 'what the hell did they just say?! I am the fastest!' his heels formed back together. "Slow? Me?! I'll kill that old woman before you even know it happens!" his insults made little sense as he activated his blood demon art, but at the same time, Tanya prepared a breathing technique. "Keshin breathing, Second form; Blitzkrieg" a mix of blue and purple flew inside the train station, as with one second had passed Slasher found his arms cut, without him even noticing. As he opened his mouth to speak a final slash cut through his neck, decapitating him. 


Tomi blinked as she only saw the beheading part. Slasher's body disappeared. Kyojuro brought Fuku back to her grandmother. "Thank you both" Tomi said as she hugged her granddaughter close. "It is our job, but your welcome" Tanya said with a smirk while Kyojuro walked up to her. From here Tomi saw his backside. Her eyes widened when the look of Kyojuro's hair, uniform, and Haori made her remember the first time she was saved from a demon. "I-it's you." Kyojuro looked back at Tomi. 


"you saved me and my daughter, Fuku's mother, all those years ago I can't believe I forgot. But I will always recognize the man who saved my family." Tomi was wiping tears off her face. Fuku could not believe what she was hearing, no wonder her grandmother always mentioned demons, and after the encounter today she cannot believe she dismissed it so quickly. 


"That was my father I believe, these used to be his," Kyojuro said with a proud smile. "I see, I am glad that you've saved me as well." Kyojuro nodded "yes, I try hard every day to follow in my father's footsteps. Knowing that he saved you all those years ago, fills me with great joy!" Tanya knew that Shinjuro used to be a hashira as well, the former flame. But even though he is the one who originally taught her flame breathing she mostly just remembers him as the sour drunk old man, who berates his sons. 'Including Kyojuro' she thinks to herself, so she cannot feel as proud as Kyojuro does. 


"Um.." Fuku walks up to them "I am sorry I dismissed demons so quickly. And that I was angry at you for even bringing it up." Kyojuro shakes his head "don't be!" he shouts loudly and continues to do so while speaking. "It is better to live without knowledge on demons, so please continue living your life as such knowing people like the two of us will take care of them." Fuku nods with a happy smile as the sun rises.




Kyojuro and Tanya bid the slayer farewell, Kyojuro told him he did well today. They stood on the platform ready to board the Mugen train. "Hello again" Fuku and Tomi approached the two of them. "I see you two are leaving." Kyojuro nods while Tanya says "we have another mission." 


The two vendors push forward a carrying stall full of bento boxes "please, take these for saving our lives." Kyojuro grabs one as does Tanya. "Thank you! But please let me pay for it." Tanya stares at Kyojuro, they were being given it for free. Fuku shakes her head "please it's just the thought that counts." Kyojuro nods "very well we shall take these…and Pay for the rest!" Kyojuro ended up paying for the rest of the bento boxes, only the first two they grabbed were taken for free. Tanya did not fully agree, but she just knew it was how Kyojuro was. 


She smiled at him, and he just smiled back. They said goodbye to the two vendors and entered the train. As they entered a man bumped Tanya's left arm. "Hey, watch it." the man in a business suit looked over at her "oh, my bad. Sorry about that." Tanya just decided to let it go. As he walked away though and sat down at his seat in the next cart his eyes shown with a crossed out 'lower 2' he said under his breath "first, I'll deal with the lower ranks."


Tanya and Kyojuro sat down, with Tanya sitting by the window. "DELICIOUS!" Kyojuro shouted as he already started to eat. "Already Kyojuro? It is not going anywhere you know." Tanya stared at him, just as he was about to put another bit of rice in his mouth. "Yes! We have quite the ride and I am starving." Tanya sighs and looked over at the Bentos. 'Maybe I am hungry as well?'


"Hey let me get a look." she scooted over so she could find a bento box they they were all mostly the same. Suddenly she felt Kyojuro kiss her on the forehead, her face went pink "what the K-Kyojuro!" she huffed as he laughed loudly "you seemed like you wanted something!" Tanya grumbled "yeah a bento not that. Besides…" she gets more on her knees, grabs Kyojuro's face, and kissed him on the lips.


After she pulls away from it it was Kyojuro's turn to be flustered. "You did it in the wrong place," Tanya smirked though she could feel the eyes on her, not that she cared. Kyojuro then says with a wide smile "DELICIOUS!" Tanya's face became many shades of red as she smacked him on the head "Idiot! You ruined it!" she huffed and went back to her place by the window. Her face remained flustered as the train started moving.


While it moved Kyojuro finished his first bento box. "Tanya, want me to get one for you?" Kyojuro was already reaching for another bento for himself anyways. "Yeah sure," she grumbled, seeing the sunset while the train moved before night had now arrived, which meant the demons they were after would be coming out soon. 


"Thank you though," Kyojuro said as he started taking two bento boxes out. "I love you, Tanya, after this mission let's go to the hot springs!" he did not have to say it so loudly but Tanya could not help but smile. Kyojuro had taken out the bento boxes and handed one to her. "I would like that Kyojuro" Tanya agreed as she takes the bento. The two smiled at each other and began to eat. The next mission has just started, and they would take the demon down, whether of lower or upper rank. Just as they always have done.