
Military Co-operation: Protecting Takoi village



A constant clinking and clanking sound is made as both Tanya and Rengoku are forced to hold off a near-ending barrage of Iron barbs. 'Damn it why won't he let up? Is his blood demon art really endless?' Tanya thought as she slashed away almost ten more at once. Anson meanwhile was standing comfortably no less than ten feet away from the two, he seemed disappointed. Not that Tanya had much time to focus on him. 


"Err-" Rengoku stiff as he feels a bit of pain coming from his knees. A few Iron barbs get close to him "Kyojuro look out!" Tanya yelled loudly as she quickly used jumped up to defend him from the incoming iron barbs, notably using fourth form flame breathing to deflect them away from Rengoku, and then right afterward second form flower breathing to defend herself from three iron barbs that immediately rushed at her. Rengoku laughed a little "thanks, and this is the first time you've called me by my first name, I think." 


Tanya sighed heavily "that's the part you focus on? Really?" the two stood back to back, they could see the iron barbs and were just waiting for them to be pelted at them. Tanya could focus on defending both of them, but if she left it was only a matter of time before Rengoku's knees got him killed! 'He should have just remained at the base' she thought to herself, but now it was too late. She felt a hand on her shoulder, followed by Rengoku saying "let's rush at him, don't stop unless you have to, not even for me." she was surprised by this at first, but then remembered Rengoku's selfless nature "fine, but focus on defending yourself as well." 


The two stood still, they moved a little, prompting Anson to activate his blood demon art and make iron barbs fly at the two once more. But they used that to their advantage and were able to run for him as most of the iron barbs were aimed for where they were standing first. "Being clever kids does not mean this will be easy!" Anson shouted as he summoned more iron barbs and fired it at them from all directions. Rengoku took this to ready his sword "Flame breathing, fourth form; blooming flame undulation!" he slashed at the iron barbs, notably defending both himself and Tanya. 


But then he grunted once more, with the flames still engulfing his sword his body began to kneel over. More Iron barbs came rushing at them 'crap' Tanya thought as she was not sure she could defend in time. She heard a large breath coming from Rengoku, immediately he was able to recover, more than that he was able to keep up his total concentration techniques as his blazing sword slashed away all barbs from the two "KEEP GOING TANYA!" he shouted loudly. While she was unsure what he did to keep going despite his obvious knee tension she quickly kept up her pace. She got her sword ready for an attack as they got closer to Anson who started getting desperate with his attacks. 


With Rengoku keeping up his constant flaming defense Tanya was able to get close. "Flame breathing, first form; unknowing flame!" Tanya rushed forward with a large slash, however, Anson was able to react quickly and jumped away at the last moment, both his arms got slashed off and parts of his clothes got scorched, but he was fine otherwise. "No! I was so close!" Tanya yelled in frustration, watching as Anson's arms grew back. "Seems I underestimated you two. No longer." 


Rengoku caught up with Tanya, she turned to him and asked "what was that back there?" he shook his head "don't know, just used my concentration breathing to help the stiff joints in my knees from stopping me, I could keep going with it. But I am unsure of how long it will last me." Tanya nodded, something like that sounded useful, but for now, they had to focus on Anson. 'Just need to take him out quickly, I'll use a stronger breathing technique next time!' 



"Grah!" the scaly female demon yelled as it just barely moved out of the way of another attack coming from Viktoriya. "You two humans are so annoying!" she snarled a little at Mary and Viktoriya, who kept going in for attacks but could not land a hit as the demon would just slide on the ground as if it was a sheet of ice. "This one is slippery, I can't land a hit on it." Viktoriya said as she grasped her blade tightly, trying to look for a way to corner the scaly demon. 


Mary was also quite miffed, she missed with her fourth form breathing twice now. And just not she used the second form blessed breathing, light to blind the wicked, to try to give Viktoriya an opening but the demon just slipped away multiple times till its vision came back. But watching the demon she could tell it moved linearly when just one of them moved on it, 'I don't like to use it, but the third form is the way to go.' she turned to her fellow demon slayer "Viktoriya, keep its eyes on you when I say so moved and get as far away as possible." though she did not know what Mary's plan was she nodded and rushed in. 


"One at a time? Works for me, I'll let you watch as I kill your long hair friend!" the demon slipped in near Viktoriya, the latter yelling "flower breathing, fifth form; Peonies of futility!" she slashed forward and around herself nine separate times, the demons slippery abilities allowed it to dodge out of the way each time, but it backed up and its neck was nearly cut off. "Grrrr, I'll eat you alive!" it rushed forward directly at Viktoriya, slipping towards her fast, it was then she heard Mary yell out "now!" 


Viktoriya quickly moved as Mary came in to replace her in the spot she stood. The demon was taken aback and stopped dead in its tracks. 'I got it!' Mary thought as her sword began to shine and spark "Bless breathing, Third form; Holy voyage!" suddenly multiple slashes of light brust forward towards the demon, "gah why- urrr!" when the demon tried to move out of the line of slashes its arms got cut off "how?!" the strikes of light spread out into a line, Mary rushed forward while the demon was shocked and quickly sliced off its head. "No! Noooooo! This wasn't supposed to happen, mister Ze-" the demon yelled as its head flopped on the ground and its body disappeared before it could finish its words. 


"That was amazing Mary!" Viktoriya said with glee as she seethed her sword and Mary did the same. Mary rubbed her head as her cheeks dusted pink a little "t-thanks…oh no" she looked at her hand and saw a little blood trickling out of the back of it. "You're bleeding? Here I brought some bandages." Viktoriya said as she used some white bandaging to wrap around Mary's hand. The girl sighed "I have to be careful when using the third form of the blessed technique, it can cut me as well, luckily this time it was only the back of my hand." Viktoriya seemed concerned by the 'this time' comment. 


After her hand was wrapped up Mary found she could still use her fingers. "Alright, let's find more demons." Viktoriya seemed unsure "maybe you should just head to the medical tent at the edge of the village, a demon could be there as well." Mary gave the older girl a 'seriously?' look. "I am fine, really." before Viktoriya could say more to dissuade Mary they both heard multiple clashes of blades and yelling not too far away, they were both too focused on their own fight to realize it was happening at the same time till now. 


Mary looked at Viktoriya who sighed and nodded "okay, After this then" Mary smiled and nodded, the two would run over as fast as they could. 



"Wind breathing, first form; dust whirlwind cutter!" 

"Water breathing, first form; water surface slash!" 


Granz and Wilibald shout as their blades are covered in turquoise gusts and blue flows respectively. "Blood demon art, arms of bloody sharpness." The long silver-haired demon said calmly as he parried each of the blows with his arms, even nearly knocking Granz off the roof they were fighting on. "I was hoping two on one would be a challenge, and yet here we are." the demon said in a pompous mocking tone. His arms shined as if they were blades themselves, much stronger and sharper than the Nichirin swords the two demon slayers were holding. 


Granz clenched his teeth and yelled "I won't let you hurt the family!" he then rushed at the demon, "wait!" Wilibald tried to warn him, but the water breather had tunnel vision at this point, his strikes of flowing water parried, this time the demon kicked him sideways, as he fell off the roof. "Crap" Granz adjusted himself and looked down as he fell, raising his sword he yelled "Eighth form; waterfall basin!" he used the thrust of downwards flows to soften his fall, and allow him to quickly recover to his feet. "Wait up there Koe! I will get back up there." 


"No, wait down there and follow us from down there. I trust you will know why soon." Wilibald looked down at Granz, who seemed confused. "Trust me Granz." though he was uneasy leaving Wilibald up there himself, he nodded back up. The demon chuckled "what's that? Trying to save your friend? I am just going to kill him after you." Wilibald smirked "Nah, with him down there I no longer have to hold back." the demon blicked as Wilibald suddenly seemed to disappear as he rushed forward and struck at the long-haired demon, who just barely managed to save her neck with her arm. 


"So you're fast? Big deal." The demon said sarcastically. Willibald smirked, "oh you have no idea" he suddenly twisted the blade as it slide across the arm and then jumped up "seventh form; gale, sudden gusts!" he arced the blade down slightly, swinging his blade fast, but slicing above the demon. This created a strong gust of wind that pushed the demon off the roof. "Why you- I'll just-" 


The demon only remembered Granz was still below him when it was too late. "Second form; water wheel!" Granz quickly slashed upwards, the demon could not react in time, and the circular flow of the blade cut directly through his neck. Granz planted his feet on the ground as he landed back down. The demon's body and head landed with a large 'thud', dust covering the area. "Defeated by amateur swordsman…." the demon coughed out before its head disappeared along with the rest of its body. "Well done!" Wilibald yelled from the rooftop. Granz smirked and gave him a thumbs up. The two would make sure the family the demon attacked was okay. After that, they would leave in search of any more demons attacking the village. 



"Stone breathing, first form; Serpentinite bipolar!" Weiss shouts as he swings his large sword out at Gunner, who just barely moved back, and fires back at Weiss his blood demon art. Only for that to be blocked quickly but the side of the blade. "Come now, I thought humans run from demons, not the other way around," Weiss smirked loudly as he stared at the increasingly peeved-off demon in front of him. 'This human, he overpowers me at every turn! He's not a hashira either, am I really so weak?' Gunner thought to himself as he charged up another shot of his technique. 


Weiss kept up his grin as he did not run, but walked towards Gunner. The demon's eyes twitched "don't mock me! You're just a human who got lucky! Blood demon art; Blight blast!" a large blood-powered beam fired forward towards Weiss. The man took a deep breath in and out, "third form; stone skin!" Suddenly he started rushing forward, unleashing a series of slashes to deflect the large beam as he got closer and closer to Gunner. "Just die already!" suddenly Wiess was just about to be on him, Gunner moved away quickly but as Weiss went in for a slash with his word, he released it as it kept moving with him due to his chain. The final slash lurched for Gunner. Planting itself firmly into the ground after that.


Gunner was not done, but both of his arms, as well as half his face, had been relieved from his body. They slowly began to heal, but he was in disbelief. 'I guess I really am weak, I was counting on mister Sue for so long…' he looked at the ground, his mouth smoothed over with shame. He was no match for this demon slayer, he was sure of it. 'I am sorry Anson, I wish I could have helped you see your daughter one last time….' he closed his eyes, prepared for a final blow from Weiss which never came. 


"Come on you stupid sword." Gunner opened his eyes to the demon slayer struggling to get his large blade out of the ground that it had crashed into after hitting him. His arms had healed, he had the opportunity to attack. 'No, use it to get away!' he quickly dashed off, leaving through the hole in the tall fence he had unintentionally made when fighting Weiss. "Hey get back here!" Weiss yelled as Gunner ran towards the forest. After finally getting his blade free he looked past the hole in the fence. Gunner was out of sight. "He's likely not too far away, but I can't risk chasing after him. If he knows what's good for him, the demon won't come back." 



Tanya and Rengoku continue their attempt to take down Anson, they both stop to catch their breaths. "We've gotten close many times, it's only a matter of time before we catch him off guard," Rengoku said enthusiastically, he usually looked on the brighter side. But Tanya wondered if that was true. She could tell that even with the concentration breathing technique he was using, Rengoku was at his limit. Sure Anson's iron barbs were easy to read, but he just had to be ready to move at any time when he saw they were getting close. 'This man is an even greater annoyance than he was in my previous life.' 


Anson readied more iron barbs "I applaud you keeping a positive outlook, but I will end you two before you can end me." he spoke coldly, he was done with this fight. The two flame breathers clenched their sore hands around their swords. suddenly though, Anson seemed to freeze. His mouth went agape and he backed away slightly, looking as though he was trying to obfuscate his face. The two of them were confused, till they heard "you guys okay?!" Tanya looked behind to see Mary and Viktoriya running towards them. 'No! Why now?!' Tanya thought in frustration if Mary was here that would only complicate things!


"ah THANK GOODNESS! With you two here we can cover more ground and surround the demon!" Rengoku said loudly and confidently, unaware of the little chaos that was about to unfold. Tanya said nothing, already preparing for the worse. Viktoriya cleared her mouth of heavy breathing "we came as fast as we could, well after we took care of our own demon." Mary gave a confident smile, especially now that she was near Tanya again. "Yeah let's take care of this demon, right Ta- I mean Miss Kocho!" 


Tanya nodded, her eyes fell to Mary's hand. "What happened? You are wounded." Mary hide her wounded hand with her other one "y-yeah but It is nothing, trust me I can still help." Tanya sighed, there was really no way of getting Mary to leave. All four of them heard a small, barely hearable word. "Mary…" it came from the demon, Tanya winced, seems it was now to late now for sure. Mary crossed her arms "huh? What you know my name?" suddenly her eyes flared, she pushed past Rengoku. "The only way you would know that is if someone told you it, you… you were the demons that attacked my family, that killed my father!" she took out her sword again "Weren't you?!" this was the first time anyone had seen Mary this angry, except Tanya, though the last time she saw Mary this angry was before all of this. 


The demon remained silent. He started walking forward "if only…I actually was dead." Anson stepped out so that his face could be seen more clearly. Everyone stared and did nothing. Mary shook, her eyes softened, and tears went down her face a little without her even knowing it. "Father….no why?..." she seemed to struggle to find her words. Rengoku and Mary were shocked, giving their own "huh? What? Her father?" while Tanya did not. 


Mary stepped forward "you're a demon now? Father why?" tears flowed from her face and dripped to the ground. Anson's eyes closed "it was not my choice….I see you did not go to America with your mother. I had hoped you would never see me like this." his eyes were full of shame and regret. But Tanya stepped forward "we don't have time for this! Mary, he killed people here. The iron barbs from the reports came from him, he killed a soldier tonight before he found us!" she yelled at Mary, who was already struggling for words enough. 


Though he did not agree with Tanya's way of just yelling at a girl who just found out her father, whom she thought was dead, is actually a demon now. Rengoku did agree they had no choice but to slay him. Viktoriya was frozen in place now, quite unsure of what to do. She felt far to bad for Mary to do anything right now. Mary made a 'tch' noise and walked in front of Rengoku and Tanya once more, facing them instead of her father. "No, Miss Kocho, Mister Rengoku, we can't! he's my father!" despite the desperation in her words, the two demons slayers did not agree. And neither did Anson. "It's against corps rules to protect a demon Sue, move." Tanya more so commanded than asked. 


"NO! I won't see my father die, not again. Not ever!" Tanya raised her sword, seeing Viktoriya frozen and unsure what to do she turned to him instead. "Rengoku…" his smile was gone, replaced by ambivalence. "I got it." Suddenly the two demon slayers split up on either side of Mary. she could not stop both of them, but she went for Tanya. Their swords clashed as Tanya defended herself against Mary. "Stop it please!" for once she felt sympathy for Mary, but she could not let that stop her. "I can't, if you don't stop you'll be breaking two corps regulations!" she shouted as they sliced and clashed their blades against each other. 


Rengoku ran for Anson, his knees bothered him once more but he was able to keep going. Anson fired iron barbs at him, but they seemed slower and fewer in number. "First form; unknowing flame!" he was able to cut all iron barbs in front of him and was able to make it to Anson. "Second form; rising-" he stopped as he forgot to keep up his recovery breathing, his knees gave out for a second, allowing Anson to summon five iron barbs around him. "WATCH OUT!" Tanya came in and used the fourth form of breathing to cut away the iron barbs. Rengoku chuckled "that's twice now, guess I owe you one. But what about Mary?" Tanya sighed "Viktoriya came through." 


Behind them Viktoriya and Mary were clashing blades instead, the former ensuring the latter could not interfere with their fight with the demon. "Viktoriya let me through, I just let him die!" Viktoriya had tears in her eyes that matched Mary's. She clearly was not enjoying this "sorry Mary, but we have to. Even if he recognizes you he could still kill you. Wasn't the main reason you joined the demon slayer corps was because you wanted to save as many people as possible?! What about all those people he killed in this village!" Mary grunted and yelled "I…" she shook her head, now unsure of what to do. 


Meanwhile, Tanya and Rengoku were still fighting Anson, though it seemed the demon had lost most of his strength after seeing his daughter. "I. am getting sick of this!" Tanya turned her blade. As iron barbs came for her Rengoku used the fourth form again to defend her. She jumped in the air, knowing Anson would use this opportunity to try and attack her mid-air Tanya used that to her advantage "flame breathing, blazing universe!" she cut through the air and iron barbs, as she got close from her downward facing attack she saw Anson was moving away. She used a different breathing technique to throw him off, but so while blazing universe was still in effect so she could have its power flowing through her blade. "Flower breathing, first form; orchid blossoming!" a flow of pink seemed to combine with the flames, a look of scorching petals appeared out from it. He did not expect two entirely different breathing styles at once, the new combined move was fast, and before Anson could get away Tanya's blade sliced right through his neck!


Tanya landed on the ground, Anson's head did the same. "Father!' Mary yelled, Viktoriya did not stop her as she ran forward and dropped her sword. Anson's body seemed to keep moving to head for Mary, Rengoku did not stop it. Mary hugged the body as it was disappearing "Father no, don't go! Don't leave me again!" Mary shouted through her tears. Though his body was slowly disintegrating it hugged Mary close. His head was still close enough that she could hear him. "Mary, I- I am sorry that it ended up this way. Truthfully I was waiting till a demon slayers killed me. Because the truth is told, I was more scared of something else if I just let it happen. I never wanted you to see me like this, I never wanted to be this!" 


As the two family members hugged and cried none of the others said anything. Rengoku stayed by, his arms crossed. Viktoriya just looked at the ground. Tanya looked away from both of them, but she did think to herself 'are you proud of yourself being X? Making these two suffer once more? What a worthless 'god' you are.' she knew the damn Thing could hear her thoughts. Suddenly she heard "you, what's your name?" she turned to see Anson's half gone head speaking to her. "Tanya….Kocho." over Mary's cries and wallows the demon smiled as tears went down his own face. "I see, Tanya Kocho, thank you for stopping me. And if you will allow me a last selfish wish. Please, protect my daughter. I know she acts on her own and often without thinking. But please…" Tanya closed her eyes, she gave a simple nod. With that Anson said "thank you…" his head and soon the rest of his body was gone. The only thing left was his dark blue yukata. Which Mary was still hugging. 


Everyone remained quiet. Letting Mary have a few more moments of mourning. 



Lehren ran and hide, "damn it, what's going on here?" he was hiding in the main yard inside the military base. He saw some of the soldiers fighting other soldiers, those that were attacking the others had black colors outlining where their veins were and had blank eyes. He adjusted his glasses "Janoi, damn it." he thought back to just ten minutes ago, a person with grey skin, a demon, had found its way into the military base where Janoi and Lehren were finishing up paper work. Janoi stayed behind so that Lehren could get the general. Only for all this to break out shortly afterward. 


"Well no hiding now~" Lehren looked up to see a demon with a long tongue standing above him. It pinned him against the wall "I am ordered to kill any humans who have not fallen under the blood art of my master. So, I will do so…slowly! Ahahaha" Lehren closed his eyes, suddenly though the demon was picked up and thrown away. Landing by another demon that was thrown to the ground. "Lehren, I see you are okay. Good." he looked up to see general Ruderkodia. He was holding a lance of some kind, not one that Lehren had seen before around the base. 


The two demons slowed "more muscle means more fun. Get him!" the two demons leaped up to pounce on the large general. "Duck," Ruderkodia said to Lehren, who did so as the lance was spun in the general's hands. "Stone breathing, fifth form; Arcs of Justice!" suddenly a barrage of large slashes made by the lance in an arc crushes the demons, as well as the, creates and walls behind Ruderkodia. The demon's bodies fly away in many parts, but start disappearing as he did indeed behind them with a special lance that had a Nicirin edge at the end of it. 


The two of them made their way to the entrance of the base, avoiding their fellow soldiers fighting each other. As they did Ruderkodia filled Lehren in on what happened, leaving out only the name of the demon who did it. He adjusted his glasses "so a demon of the twelve Kizuki is here? If they are as strong as you say they are we will need those demon slayers here as soon as possible." the general nodded "which is why you need to get them, I will hold off the soldiers and the demon while I can. I killed four demons here so far. The moon demon is all that is left. So go!" Lehren nodded and began running. Unlike most soldiers, he was not very athletic, but he made quick haste down the hill. 


Ruderkodia heard clapping "well done old friend, despite all this time and having joined the military you still seem quite handy with your special weapons and breathing styles." Zettour said as he walked forward. The two-faced one another. "I have no words to say to you anymore," Ruderkodia said as he pointed his blade forward. It was then that Zettour smirked "ah I see, you've been resisting the effects of my blood demon art thanks to total concentration breathing right? But you sent that glasses-wearing human off to get the demon slayers here instead of yourself because even you know you cannot hold off much longer." 


Zettour pointed to his own cheeks, Rudekodia looked at noticed black was reaching up to his face through his veins, slowly but they were getting there. He was slowly losing control of his body. "Once my blood reaches your brain I'll have full control." Ruderkodia clenched his lance, Zettour would be able to outlast the time. "I'll put my trust in those demon slayers. I trust they will get past me and beat you Zettour!" the blood was spreading closer to his brain, so he shouted what he could. 


Zettour just laughed "oh, I am hoping they come here."