
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
69 Chs

Journey and The Wise King of the Forest

Brita entered the pharmacist Lizzie Bareare's shop. There in the shop, along with the elderly owner, was her grandson, Nfirea. "Brita? Could have sworn you already bought a potion today." Lizzie said with a wide grin, having sold her the potion. "Well yeah but that's the thing It broke because some rowdy people in a tavern got into a fight with an adventurer." Brita rubbed the back of her head. "Well I can't give you a new one for free," Lizzie said sternly. "Come on grandma, no need to be like that. Brita would pay for it later anyways." Brita chuckled nervously "it would take a while for that. But luckily I don't need a new potion. The adventurer, Momon, gave me a potion as a replacement. But…the thing is." Brita took out a red potion which made both Lizzie and her grandson nearly fall over in disbelief. 


They took Brita to the back room, While Lizzie studied the potion a bit, Nfirea told her about how there is a reason most potions are blue. It is due to the way they are manufactured. He motioned to the large potion brewery in the middle of the room, it was also due to this method that made the potions so expensive. However, it is rumored that red potions exist that are far stronger than regular ones. They were called God's blood. And before today the Bareare's thought it was just a myth. 


"This Momon guy had it huh?" Nfirea asked while also having a thought forming in his head. "Yeah, he had full body armor too. Looked very expensive" Brita was a little jealous of how despite being lower ranked than her on the adventurer line, he still was better off than her. "Say…you can get quite the amount of silver coins for this." Lizzie smiled wildly "How about you consider selling it to me, Brita?" The girl in question looked a little nervous "W-well it was a gift though…" While his grandmother continued to try and convince Brita to sell it to her, Nfirea decided he needed to find out how Momon got this potion, or if he knew how to make it. Because if he learns how to make it himself, he may finally impress the girl he loves.




Ainz looked down at Nfirea, the rumored boy who could use any magic item. Tanya was staring down at him as well, due to Yuukal's ability she could not tell where the little fairy was hidden. It seemed Momon nor Nabe noticed either which was good. Nabe suddenly was in front of Momon and seemed ready to attack Nfirea, Vikki was ready to stop her but Tanya motioned her not to. As Momon had already chopped-hit her head to make her stop. 'That makes us suspicious Narberal!' Ainz thought to himself before turning his attention back to the potion brewer who had requested him. "Sorry I already accepted a job," Ainz said while crossing his armor-covered arms. "But Momon, it is a request specifically for you" After a bit more convincing Ainz agreed to at least hear him out.


After sitting down back at the table the group had their discussion before Nfirea started explaining what his request was for. "Basically I want you to help escort me to Carne village and protect me while I gather herbs. There is a forest near there with herbs my grandma and I need to make potions." Momon tapped his hands on the table "I see, and why me?" a fair question to Ainz, while he was very strong even in this form, he was still technically a copper plate. Nfirea rubbed the back of his head a bit sheepishly "Well I already know most other adventures in E-rantel. Since you're new, I figured why not give you a shot?" Ainz was not entirely sure, but he wondered if that was the full truth. 


"I apologize but I already accepted another job." After hearing more disbelief from Peter and the other Swords of Darkness team, Ainz would further elaborate "It is not proper manner to turn down one quest for another after you've already accepted it." Tanya did not verbally agree, but she did agree with what he said. In that cursed game YGGDRASIL, you were unable to accept more than one quest unless it was an event quest. Even then only if the event quest was of a certain degree of importance in the specific world the player was in. 


As Ainz thought further though he was very curious about the man who could supposedly use any magic item no matter the level. Plus the previous quest was on the way to the Carne village anyway. He could slay the monsters from the quest and do Nfirea's quest. 'Still, if I have to focus on guarding Nfirea as well…' he would cross his arms "On second thought, so long as we can complete the first quest on the way." Nfirea gave an understanding smile "I don't mind." Ainz, remembering that he is limited now without his Magic in this form and because he ordered Narberal to hold back for a bit he then said "Vikki, Peter, would you be okay if I hire you as well?" 


The leader of the Swords of Darkness was all for it. "Hmm, well as a Ranger I don't think you'll need both Lukrut and I. Vikki and I can focus on the first quest while you just take Nfirea's" Tanya smirked under her mask as she thought it was a brilliant way to have Yuukal keep an eye on both Nfirea and Momon. "Oh~ a fellow Ranger. Perhaps my true soul mate was this Elf. maybe when you're older." Everyone flinched at the sound of Tanya's hand cracking the wooden table, she had already told them she was not a kid! 


Vikki stood up "I believe we did establish the pervert's life was forfeit if he made another comment right?" Nabe also stood up "I shall help with this endeavor." Lukrut sweated heavily "W-wait I was only joking around." Ninya crossed their arms "I suppose our next quest will be reviving Lukrut. Though maybe he is not worth the trouble." Lukrut's eyes went white "No we can't turn against each other Ninya!" it took a while to clear up, and a negotiated kick each from Nabe, Vikki, and Tanya. Ninya "joked" about joining in as well. Had neither of the three intentionally held back, a single kick from any of them would probably have killed him.



The three adventurer groups walked around the cart that Nfirea was guiding. The back of the cart was empty as Nfirea planned to fill it with as many herbs as he could. Eventually, they reached where the monsters for the first quest were, not too far out of E-rantel. 


"Momon, Vikki, if it is okay with you we will do the front lines." as Goblins ran towards the kart. Dyne the Druid gave a buff to Peter and Lukrut, Peter used a warrior martial arts to power up his swordplay and cut through the Goblins while Lukrut picked off any goblins that went for Peter from his blind spots. Dyne hit a goblin that nearly made it to him but when two separate Goblins almost got to both Dyne and Lukrut a Magic Arrow killed them, which were both cast by Ninyan. 


"They are a good team," Ainz said while he did not think they were as good as his guild was, he did see how well their teamwork was. They know each other's weaknesses and downsides and cover for each of them. However, Ogres started approaching, it took the entire four from the Swords of Darkness to defeat just one Ogre but more were coming. "Tanya you may show them you're the best," Vikki said with a thumbs up. Tanya sighed silently, she was supposed to do as Vikki said for now, well so long as it was for their cover. "Yes, my lady" Tanya's quickness made her not notice Vikki's blush from being called 'my lady' by her. 


Momon and Nabe also ran ahead. Each took on different large groups from the larger Orge army. Tanya fired her arrows, instantly killing them with shots through the heads and chests. She would have preferred her rifle and magic bullets but because she wanted to keep "Tanya the Bodygaurd and adventurer" separate from "Argent Silver leader of the Imperial Unit Mercenary company" she had to just use ranger weapons and multiple forms of magic. She could still fly due to still being a "gunslinger Mage" but she would just cast fly even if it was unnecessary for her If she needed to fly that was. Momon similarly cut down each ogre in clean half while Nabe's chain lightning killed Ogres as they tried to flee from Momon. The Swords of Darkness practically had their mouths open wide enough to hit the group, mephorically. Vikki just hummed as she watched, Part of her wondered how Momon and Nabe were this strong, but she doubted they could beat her Mistress Silver.


"Mithril…maybe even orichalum level," Ninya said as her teammates nodded. They could see that these three, and possibly Vikki as well, were far stronger than their silver level, let alone the copper level. It took the four of them to defeat just one ogre and yet Tanya, Momon, and Nabe killed an ogre as if they were no stronger than goblins. It was amazing to them. 


They started collecting materials from the monsters. "The monsters don't have crystals inside them?" Ainz asked as he watched Ninya cut off a piece from an ogre, since in YGGDRASIL monsters dropped crystals. "Well no I never heard of a monster doing that. But if you turn in pieces from monsters you killed the adventurers guild will reward you." The same thought crossed Ainz and Tanya's minds, In the new world adventurers were mostly pest control for monster attacks it seemed. Most quests were just hunting monsters in a specific area or near a place where humans live or were guard quests like Nfirea's from monsters and bandits. It was a little sad even if it was understandable. 


"Wow, you all did amazing. Especially you Nabe." Lukrut, clearly not having learned his lesson despite still having the bruises said while putting his arm on the cart near Nabe. "You little-" Nabe stopped when Ainz put a hand on her shoulder. Lukrut rubbed his chin "Are you sure you two aren't a couple?" Nabe looked more cross now "That's impossible! Albedo already-" Ainz quickly stopped her as Nabe garnered everyone's attention, the doppelganger covered her mouth slowly. "I would ask you to stop looking into our personal lives from now on." Ainz forced himself to sound firm, Nabe nearly gave them away. Though if Tanya was Silver, would she even remember Albedo? She was one of the NPCs killed by Argent Silver after all. He looked at the short Elf, but Tanya was focused on cleaning her bow. Seems they were safe then.


Lukrut put his hands up "Sorry I didn't know Momon already had a woman. He's a lucky man." The group eventually had to make a camp as night fell. They made soup over a fire with a pot they brought. As Ainz sat he wondered 'How am I going to eat this?! Even if I put an illusion up I am still undead in all but appearance!' he saw that Tanya was eating but was facing away from the group while Vikki had sat nearby humming while she ate. Dyne noticed Momon and Nabe were not eating so he asked "What's the matter, Momon?" 


Ainz had to think of an excuse quickly and so he said "It is our religious beliefs. We hold that we cannot eat for a couple of days after killing." Everyone thought it was strange but decided not to press Momon on his beliefs. "Soooooooooooo, why do you call yourselves the Swords of Darkness?" Vikki asked pleasantly to Peter's group. "We are trying to collect the Swords of Darkness. Weapons held by one of the thirteen legendary heroes, the Black Knight! They are out there somewhere we know it. Till then though…" all four members pulled out tiny barely sharp knives that were their group's insignia, "these are our symbol." 


"Heh, you four remind me of my old friends." Ainz looked at the night sky. "We were the best there is out there. No one was ever as strong as them. They…were my closest allies." Ninya said with a smile "I am sure you can find another group like them" Ainz responded with an aggressive tone "That's impossible! And will never happen!" he stood up "Nabe and I will eat over there." he did not care if it constricted his earlier statement, he and Nabe moved a little bit away from the group. Tanya placed her soup down and finished. "I am going to check around the area in case any monsters are near my lady," Tanya said as she hopped off the rock she sat on and walked in the opposite direction Momon did. 


Peter and Lukrut looked at where Momon was "his friends are dead. People who lost those closest to them often give off that energy." While Lukrut was wrong, he was not fully inaccurate about how Momon felt. Ninya realized how much she messed up and looked at the ground. "What you said cannot be taken back. All you can do is try to make it better" Dyne said as he was not trying to defend Ninya, but help figure out what they could do about it. "It was probably why Tanya left to…" Vikki crossed her arms "She is strong because she had people with her. People who did not care what she was but who she was." This got their attention, especially Ninya though they all figured it was about Tanya being an Elf more than anything else. "So Tanya lost people as well?" Nfriea asked quietly. "Lost people…yes. But make no mistake. Perhaps I will tell you all a story sometime about those people she told me. After I can see you stop worrying about what she is as well." 


Tanya meanwhile waited after walking a certain bit away from the camp so no one could hear them. As she figured, Yuukal made herself known to her then. "Yuukal, what have you found out?" she as as the Fairy sat on her shoulder and whispered while explaining the whole blue potion, red potion from the brewery. And how it was Momon who gave it to Brita. Tanya's eyes widen "That Nabe girl mentioned someone called Albedo. It rings a bell. Wait, I think it was one of the NPCs! I have to message him about it. Yuukal, from now on till this quest is complete you are to watch over Momon and report to me if you see any others besides our group interact with Momon and Nabe. In addition, tell me all you hear from their conversations." Yuukal bowed before leaving. "Message" Tanya activated the communication spell to talk to a certain someone about Albedo.



The rest of the trip to Carne village was awkward and silent. Ainz could see everyone from the groups besides Tanya was avoiding looking at him, and even she was trying to as she was just constantly switching her spot on the cart to see if she spotted any monsters or bandits. Though unknown to him it was also because her theory of Momon being Ainz had pretty much been confirmed last night and so she was just thinking about if she should attack him now or wait so that he would trust her adventurer persona more. 


'Even though in every way physically and mentally I am now undead, I still acted emotionally…' Ainz wondered if he was maybe a little too harsh last night, Ninya just did not know how important his old guild was to him. Lukrut rubbed the back of his hair all over and decided to stop the silence with a topic that may get Momon to talk to Ninya "Say Ninya, you think one of those dragons you read about will appear here?" 


"Oh, I doubt that," Ninya said while shaking her head. "Dragons you say?" Ainz said as Tanya looked at Ninya as well. Ninya smiled a bit "Y-yeah. I read about them. Supposedly ice dragons and maybe other kinds live up at the top of that mountain." She used her staff to point towards the large mountain that was far away but overlooked them even from this distance. "At the top?" Tanya asked this time. The three continued to talk while Peter tapped Lukrut on the shoulder, nodding to him that he made a good move there. While she did not say it, even Nabe was impressed that the perverted archer was able to stop this awkward situation so easily with a simple question.


When they finally made it to Carne village greeted with a long wooden wall that seemed to be for defense. "Eh? This was not here before." Nfirea said in astonishment. The gates opened and Goblins suddenly came out. "Nfirea stay behind us!" Peter says as he takes out his sword and the rest of the group including Tanya ready their weapons. 


Momon already knows why these goblins are here. He as Ainz had given Enri a special horn item that summons a goblin army. It should still have two uses left this summon as well so eventually he planned to take it back, just not now while he was Momon. After the situation is explained by Enri the group splits off, Nfirea going with Enri as he wonders what happened in the village. The swords of darkness just stay by the gates, talking with even the Goblins. Momon and Nabe go to a small hill overlooking the village to wait for everyone to be ready to head to the forest. Tanya goes off with Vikki to discuss the news about their situation here.


Nfirea listened to the story about the raid on Carne village and tried to comfort Enri as she talked about how her parents were dead. "E-Enri i-if y-you and your sister need h-help I-I… well" Nfirea had wanted to say 'marry you. Take care of you in every way you deserve.' and much more but he was just a blushing mess and stuttered and was unable to say anything understandable. "We are fine. Ainz had saved us and even gave me this horn, it's what summoned the goblins" Enri placed the small horn down. Nfirea looked at her and then at the table "I-I see. This Ainz must be amazing. I don't compare to him…" Enri smiled and put her hand on Nfirea's shoulder "he even brought another strong-looking person with him." She tapped her head a bit "I think her name was Albedo?" Nfirea's eyes widened.


Momon and Nabe were standing there silently as Nfirea ran up the hill "Momon-san! You…" Nfirea stopped and caught his breath for a few seconds "y-you are Ainz right?!" After a brief second Nabe walked away so he and Nfirea could talk. "Yes, I am. Are you the only one who knows?" Nfriea nodded "y-yes." Momon looked more directly at him now "Please keep it to yourself. I have personal reasons for hiding my identity as Momon." Nfriea looked back at the village "Of course I will. I owe you Momon. You saved this village. Where the woman I love lives." he bowed to him "Thank you!"


After Nfriea left Nabe returned and bowed her head "I apologize Lord Ainz-sama." Ainz nodded "Yes, this was because you mentioned Albedo before." Nabe decided she should make up for his by cutting her own neck but Ainz stopped her "Just be more careful in the future." he needed them to be careful. While the Ogres were not a great way to tell, Tanya seemed to be quite strong. Argent Silver or not they still needed to be careful. 


Once they made it to the forest the groups stood staring at the many trees just a few feet away from them. This was where the rumored wise king of the forest lived. Ainz had been curious about it ever since he was told about it by Nfriea and the Swords of Darkness. But he could feel someone was nearby. "Nabe and I will go try and find the king and make sure he does not attack Nfirea while he is collecting the herbs." he figured just the two of them at least as a scouting party would be fine, but then Tanya walked forward "I would like to join in this. The Wise King of the forest might just be a rare species. Rare wild game is what I like." Tanya spoke like a hunter purposefully, it fit her "character" well. Ainz did not want Tanya to be there. But he was struggling to find an excuse to make her stay. If they tried to turn her down with Vikki as an excuse the bubbly rich girl would just want to come with as well!


Nabe sighed a little and said in a calm voice "We are scouting ahead, If we are not back in ten minutes then you may come to find the King as well. Is that fine Tanya?" Fortunately for them, Tanya motioned her hand "Yeah it's fine, but only ten minutes." Tanya had done that because she wanted Yuukal to see why they wanted to do it alone. With that Momon and Nabe entered the forest. 


After a little bit of time, Nabe stopped and reached for her weapon. "Wait stop Nabe. you can come out now" Ainz said as a small dark Elf came into view, It was Aura who smiled a little cheekily from her tree branch view. "Aura, in the future do not purposefully hide yourself from me. I might have attacked you" Nabe pulled her hand away from her weapon. Aura giggled childishly "Aww did I scare you?" Nabe's eyes furrowed "Maybe I still will attack you." Ainz stood between them, well best he could till Aura jumped off the tree. "Easy you two. I have a mission for you Aura, track down and lure the supposed Wise king of the forest to me." Aura saluted "I am on it Ainz-Sama." The Dark Elf ran off, and Yuukal flew back towards Tanya, she was told to report if Momon talked to anyone except for those that were in the group before all. 


As Aura ran through the forest she suddenly felt herself being picked up by her vest and then placed on the back of a furry creature. She realized she was on top of a Fenrir and there was also a giant chameleon-like creature, Itzamna, right beside them. "Fenn! Quadracile! What are you two doing here?" Quadracile's long tongue extended out and licked Aura's face. "Hahaha, I get it I missed you guys as well. Say Fenn can you catch the scent of this supposed King of the forest?" The Fenrir already was on it. It took no time at all for the giant black wolf-like creature to find the cave where the wise king of the forest rested. "Okay then, time to lure it out." Aura went inside the cave and as she found a giant figure its eyes opened and a long snake tail was seen by her.


Back by the swords of Darkness Tanya was leaning by a tree while Vikki went off about how maybe there was another creature in the forest Tanya could hunt. Her mouth was watering. The trait of loving food and eating loads of it was one Tanya copied from Viktoriya after remembering how much the girl could eat in one sitting. It was one of the few things Tanya could not explain so easily, and she still is not sure if science can fully explain how Viktoriya was able to eat so much. The swords of Darkness were hanging out by Nfirea just in case a creature did show up and they needed to defend him. "Lady Silver…" Tanya heard Yuukal's voice whisper in her long ears. 


Ainz and Nabe looked toward where they heard a loud sound coming in. Aura was successful even if it seemed she split off after she got the king close enough for it to notice Ainz. "How dare you enter my domain." Ainz was a little perplexed when he saw the creature "You are the wise king of the forest?" he sounded both confused and disappointed. "That is correct human! Turn around and leave if you know what's good for you!" the voice became less deep and more squeaky as what Ainz and Nabe saw was a giant Djungarian hamster with a long snake tail coming from where a normal tiny hamster's tail would be. "Hmm" Ainz did not respond fully was just not expecting this to be the protector of this forest. 


"What's wrong?" the creature asked and almost sounded too cute the angrier it looked. "Nothing it is just an old friend of mine who had a pet just like you." The giant hamster gasped "If there is another one like me out there I must know! I may be able to repopulate my species!" Ainz shook his head "With your size different that would not be possible." The king sighed "Well that is a shame. But regardless, if you will be forced to fight you if you do not leave!" Ainz looked at the round "I don't have time for this, it isn't even a challenge." he raised one of the giant swords up, even though he could not use spells he thankfully could still use his racial skills as an undead overlord. "Despair Aura level one" in one instantly, inflicted with fear, the giant hamster went down. "I-i surrender. I lose. Please don't kill me."

Ainz sighed deeply. He did not even have to use despair aura any higher than level one. It was a big disappointment. "Lord Ainz-sama. What should we do now?" Nabe asked as it seemed the wise king of the forest was not all what it was chalked up to be and would not prove much about how powerful they were as adventurers even if they killed it. "Hmm…well it is unworthy of being the king of the forest. Perhaps I will keep it as a pet. Or give it to Aura…is she there?" no response. Part of him has a bad feeling. But he thinks Aura probably figured Ainz still had regular humans nearby and did not want her being spotted, so she probably went back to Nazarick. 


Eventually, they brought the giant hamster to the group after they entered the forest with Nabe. "This…is the wise king of the forest?" Peter asked with a little bit of shock but also disappointment. 'I've been there Peter' Ainz thought to himself. "Yes, I have tamed it. We are free to forage as we please." The giant hamster backed it up by saying "I serve my master. I will help you all find herbs and defend you as well so long as my master orders it." Ainz wished that came from almost any other creature, it inwardly regretted not just saying he killed it. 


But then he noticed something. Vikki was now guiding the cart so that Nfriea could get out to find the herbs he needed. But besides them, only the Swords of Darkness group was there. Tanya was missing. "Hey, where is Tanya?" he asked Vikki of course. Vikki held one cheek and smiled brightly "My stomach was getting hungry again so my cute little elf went to hunt some wild boar or whatever in the forest. I told her not to go too far though so don't worry." Vikki's tendency to water at the mouth when delicious food is mentioned helped sell the lie as Yuukal fluttered near Ainz again, smirking while she could not be seen 'Foolish undead' she thought. Meanwhile, Ainz was not sure whom he should worry about more. But there was no way Tanya could find Aura right? Even if she did unless she was Argent Silver there was no way she could beat Aura, right? Tanya dying did not worry Ainz, it was the small thought that Aura could be hurt or worse by them that was eating him. He could not leave now either, with the rest of the group here he would draw suspicion if he tried to leave. 'If that is you Silver…please don't kill her. And Aura…tell me you're already at Nazarick please.' he thought both to himself.


Aura was hopping from branch to branch while Fenn and Quadracile ran across the ground far beneath her. She wished she got to see what Ainz was going to do to that giant hamster, she herself kind of wanted to skin it for its fur alone. "I wonder if I can still head ba-" As she talked she heard a sound and an arrow wizzed passed her, scratching her cheeks a bit. The moment she turned around to see what it was a foot landed and then kicked off her stomach. Sending Aura flying through some branches before her legs and back were stopped by two branches very close to one another "What was that. It…it hurt so much!" the dark elf held her stomach a bit as she looked up. 


Standing there was another elf, a lighter-skinned one wearing a mask. She had a bow ready with another arrow in her other hand. 'I remember this one. One of the few NPCs I remembered from my raid before cause I liked how they dressed.' Tanya thought as she stared down at Aura who managed to get to her feet on the branch. Aura however also remembered something as well. While Tanya was wearing a mask and different clothes, nothing could make Aura forget her hairstyle and those azure blue eyes. 


Briefly, a flash memory went by in Aura's mind. First was the other guild making it to their floor. Next was fighting some players with Mare while Bukubukuchagama fought this elf and then the next was Mare gone, her hp low, and Chagama's low as well. Finally, the shining look of those azure blue eyes as Argent Silver raised her rifle to Chagama again. 


Aura started to pant. As Tanya took aim with her bow again. "Were you Aura or Mare? well, I guess it doesn't matter just Don't run and surrender. Not that it matters either way."