
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · Fantasía
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69 Chs

A boy and his sister: The Kidnappers Bog



Tanjiro was almost to mount Sagiri, he was exhausted from the journey. "Huh, thankfully I am nearly there, I went through my food very fast." as he approached the nearing figure of the mountain he wondered who would be waiting for him. He was distraught by the thought of Nezuko being asleep still, but he could at least be happy that she was okay beyond that. "I hope Kanao makes sure to tell miss Kocho thanks, though I plan to tell her in person when I can." 


The walk up the mountain was a bit straining but Tanjiro managed. He audible gasped when his downed mood was instantly lifted when he saw Nezuko exit the hut. "n…Nezuko?!" he ran down towards his demon sister, she ran up to him. He ran his arms around her "Nezuko how could you sleep for all that time? I was so worried!" he said through large tears. 


Urokodaki noticed the two, and most notably that Tanjiro had returned. He dropped the chopped-up wood he was carrying, and he ran up and hugged the two. "You made it back. You did not die." for the first time in a long time, Urokodaki cried. Both he and Tanjiro wept, Nezuko stood at the center, happy to see her brother back but unable to join in the tears of joy. 


Giyu was also there, having exited the hut shortly after Nezuko. But he did not join in the hug, merely gave a small smile. 

~~~~~~~~~~~Butterfly mansion~~~~~~~~~


"Oh, Kanao you look so cute in your new uniform!" Shinobu said with a bright smile. Aoi nodded "yeah you do, try not to dirty it too much." she was doing some laundry while saying that. "You. look. Amazing." the three girls, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho said one after the other. The three Finish up their semi-sentence with "and beautiful!" Kanao nodded, her usual blank smiling seeming genuine right now. The swordsmiths had dropped off her sword a few moments ago. Shinobu already had Kanao's uniform ready as well, for obvious reasons she had ensured it was a less revealing uniform. 


"Yes, you look good, very well done on making it back," Tanya said, as she was sitting next to Shinobu. Kanao nodded "thank you, master, thank you onee-san." the girl wanted to say more, she wanted to tell Tanya about Tanjiro's gratefulness. She wondered if she should take out her coin to do it, but she mentally shook her head. "T-Tanjiro wanted to thank you for your training. We are all grateful. Working together saved us." Tanya smirked, "as I figured, after you three have gone on a couple of missions yourselves, I plan to have you three go on a proper mission as a unit as well." Shinobu was busy giggling, as she had noticed how nervous Kanao was when talking about Tanjiro. "You will be joining me on your first mission." Kanao nodded, aware Shinobu planned on making her a Tsuguko under her. 


"Caw!" a crow, Tanya's crow squawked as it flew above the three. "The Kakushi has been directly reported of a demon's whereabouts, near the outskirts of Tokyo! Tanya is to head out immediately!" the girl sighed as she stood up. "Good luck out there Kanao." as Tanya left she sighed "I wonder if I even can get a demon slayer unit going. I never met the leader of the corps, I need to become a hashira soon then." she huffed slightly in frustration. She was going to make her unit plan official, but she would need permission first from the leader. Kyujuro said only Hashira and a select few are allowed to meet with the master. She hoped she was close to fifty demons slain because she has not encountered even a lower rank demon since Zettour. 


"What is wrong Kanao?" Shinobu asked after Tanya had left. The girl sighed "I wanted to ask Tanya something. But I will have to try and do it next time I see her." Shinobu raised an eyebrow "oh? I can try to help you if it is a training question or something else." Kanao shook her head, she sorta looked embarrassed, which was odd to Shinobu since the girl normally only has one expression on her face. "It is only something Tanya can answer." Shinobu was about to ask why, but then Kanao said "because, unlike my other sisters, Tanya is the only one with a boyfriend." not only did a vein pop on Shinobu's head, but also Aoi's who was nearby still doing laundry. Kanao shook, feeling she had without meaning to make her master and sisters mad. 

~~~~~~~~~mount Sagiri~~~~~~~~~~


Tanjiro sat down, Giyu beside him. Across from the two were Urokodaki, and Hotaru, a swordsmith. Tanjiro was still weirded out by the same, his strange Hyottoko mask aside he had come in insisting that Tanjiro's hair was good luck due to him being a 'child of fire', whatever that meant Tanjiro did not know. Earlier he had also gotten his uniform, beneath his green and black haori it was quite durable and flexible as well. Which was good for missions. 


Tanjiro took hold of the Nichirin sword. Hotaru gleamed over "oh I bet it will be red and fierce, like fire! Don't you agree Urokodaki?" the old man gave no physical response "it is possible." Tanjiro grasped the blade, the Nichirin swords, and the weapons used to slay demons also known as 'color-changing swords' as they change depending on the person holding them. He held his sword, as it started to change color. Not an expected color like red, or blue as he was water breathe user. No, it changed black. 'Black?' he thought to himself. 


The other three in the room audibly gasped. "Huh? What's wrong? Does the blade turning black mean something wrong?" Urokodaki shook his head "no it is just quite rare." Giyu crossed his arms "yeah, not many people with black blades have been around much. They are often seen as a bad omen. But that does not exactly mean they are bad in general." Tanjiro did not really feel that much better given the bad omen part. But then Hotaru suddenly jumped on him "this is the second time I've expected burning red colors only for it to become a color that is so out of the loop! What did you do you brat?!" Tanjiro gasped and tried to get free of the surprising strong man. Giyu and Uorkodaki were able to get Hotaru off him. The swordsmith eventually left after finishing his tea. His very loud grunts of fury could be heard all the way down the mountain. 


Now Giyu and Urokodaki were standing side to side across from Tanjiro. "You're a demon slayer now Tanjiro, make sure you are careful out there, it is a dangerous life as one," Giyu spoke bluntly, it was a trait he shared with his master. Tanjiro nodded "yes, I will be careful." he wonder how long Giyu had been a demon slayer though, he spoke far to knowingly. "Listen Tanjiro. About the demon who turned your sister.." Urokodaki looked at Giyu, who nodded indicating it would be okay if he knew. "There is only one demon with the capability to make a human into a demon. Muzan Kibutsuji. He is likely the one that killed your family and turned her." 


Tanjiro nodded, looking determined "I will find him, more than that I will find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human." his sister was listening in from the room next to them. She was still hiding out despite Hotaru leaving a bit ago. Urokodaki made a 'hmm' sound "I am certain you will. As for your sister." he brought out a box with straps in it. "This is a box I made for you to carry her around in during the day to avoid sunlight. I used Mist could Fir. and coated it in rock painting. It is durable and will keep her safe from the sun." 


Tanjiro gasped excitedly "really? Wow its so light." he said as he brought it over to his sister. As he coaxed Nezuko in, Giyu said to his master "are you sure he should carry her around? She would be safer here." Urokodaki nodded "I agree, but I also know Tanjiro would not want to be separated from Nezuko. I knew that going in, which is why I made the box." after Nezuko got in, Tanjiro's crow would land on the window sill. The loud cawing shook Tanjiro a bit. "Mission! Mission! A demon has been spotted, people have gone missing!" 


Tanjiro would say goodbye to the two of them, with Giyu and Urokodaki seeing him off carrying the box with Nezuko inside it. However, as he got to the foot of the mountain, he sniffed the air. He would notice Giyu had followed him. "Mr. Tomioka?" the man had a thoughtful expression on his face. "When you left, you said to thank and say goodbye to Sabito and Makomo. Urokodaki told me that much like Sabito, Makomo had died at the final selection." Tanjiro gave a somewhat saddened look "yeah…" he had only found out the two, as well as many others, were dead and killed by one demon out of revenge against Urokodaki. 


Tanjiro's smile returned, as he stared at Giyu. "Sabito and Makomo helped me with my training. Had it not been for them I would never have cut that boulder. I did not know they were dead, not until I encountered the hand demon." Giyu's eyes widened, his fist clenched as the memories came back, for a moment he thought Tanjiro was like him, that he ran away. But Tanjiro's smile did not falter "thanks to my friends, and the training Sabito and Makomo put me through, and even Tanya's training. I was able to cut the neck of the demon. Giyu… their souls can finally be at peace." it took Giyu a moment to realize that he was crying. He wiped his face, and with a very genuine smile, he said "thank you Tanjiro." the two bowed to one another, Giyu watching Tanjiro leave. Giyu looked up at the sky "did you see something special in Tanjiro, Sabito?" 



As Tanjiro entered the town, he sniffed the air. While most of them seemed to just be going about their day he could tell there was an undertone of worry and despair. Though he could only see physical evidence of that when he saw a boy, maybe a little older than him walking wearily down the street. He had marked and dried blood on his face indicating he had been beaten earlier. Tanjiro could hear a few people talking about him nearby. "Poor Kazumi, his fiancee was taken last night." another one grunted and said "but that story he said about her just disappearing right next to him, I don't buy it. The two of them should not have been out, to begin with!"


Tanjiro looked over at Kazumi, he could tell the boy heard every word. "Hey kamado." he heard someone call over his name, as standing near him was Mary sue, Zenitsu's senior student of thunder breathing. "Miss Sue, what are you doing here?" he would ask with a warm smile, happy to see someone familiar. "I have a mission here, I assume we must be on the same one." Tanjiro was slightly more at ease that he would not have to do this mission alone. "I think someone can help us find the demon then." 


He would approach Kazumi, he tapped the disheveled boy's shoulder. Causing the edge person to shake "h-huh? What do you want?" he had expected more scolding or well-meaning but what felt to him like empty words of sympathy. "I know this may sound hard to believe, but we are here to help. The demon that took…" Mary started but was not sure if it was 'girlfriend.' or 'fiancee' but Kazumi would say "Satoko, just call her that." he felt unworthy of being called the kidnapped girl's anything. Tanjiro gave the poor boy the same look he had been given all day "if you have something, I can help find her." 


Kazumi was not sure what to say. He saw the two of them were hiding swords, he just happened to be close enough to see. He rubbed his chin, he hesitantly took out a handkerchief. "How can we use this to find her?" Mary was not sure how a cloth could be used to find a missing girl. She had forgotten about Tanjiro's impeccable sense of smell. As the boy suddenly smelt the cloth. He would then sniff at the air, and then against the ground. Which gained a concerned look from both Mary and Kazumi, who looked over at Mary and whispered "what is happening?" to which the girl just shrugged. She just hoped they would find the demon sooner than later. The sun was about to set, and it was only a matter of time before another girl was taken. 


They followed Tanjiro all around the town, both of them very aware of the observers as they passed them. Soon though night rolled around, and Mary sighed. Just as she was starting to lose hope, Tanjiro stopped. "Here," he said simply. Kazumi once again looked at Mary, who once again, shrugged. Tanjiro could smell it. Not only that, he could smell a human as well. As the figure stopped below him, he breathed in and suddenly slashed down, causing a large splashing of water in the area around him. Mary observed as Tanjiro lept back, an unconscious girl in his arms. Kazumi gave a small gasp, though he could not recall the girl's name, he recognized her from around town. Mary took out her sword, and a water-like hole appeared on the ground. And a three-horned figure popped its head and upper body back. "Give her back," it said in a threatening voice. 



Tanya was nearing Tokyo, in truth despite it being not exactly like how it was in her first life she still remembered the way there. Her crow, Nasaku, was really just helping her find the exact location. The sun was setting, and she wondered what demon she would encounter. "Supposedly, a bandit has been spotted along this path," she said to herself, as some people she passed had warned her to take a different road to the capital. But of course, the mission was set on this road, and she had a feeling this "bandit" was really just the demon. 


Tanya stopped, she heard rumbling beneath her. "Crap…" She jumped up as a hole cracked below her. She landed down and looked at a demon with a whited-out eye, and long curved claws and its hands and feet. "Should have known a demon slayer would have found me out sooner rather than later." the demon was less looking directly at Tanya, and more so her general direction. "Fine then, you will be my last target before I switch up my spot." he smirked widely "this spot was getting dried out of humans anyways." 


Tanya sighed, she rushed at him and took a breath in and out "first form; unknowing flame." as she slashed at the demon, it suddenly and very quickly dug underground with its claws. She made a 'tch' noise and kept a lookout. When she heard rumbling she lifted her sword up "water breathing, first form. Fire breathing, fourth form; surface flame undulation!" the moment the demon popped its body out a circle surrounded Tanya with flowing flames. Nearly getting the demon's neck. But much like before, right after its right arm was cut off the demon quickly burrowed underground. 


"This is starting to get annoying." Tanya grouch a bit. Any preemptive strike she could make would be pointless since she had no guarantee of a strike on the demon's neck. She heard rumbling getting closer below her. But she also heard someone shouting "Blood demon art, Blight blast." a large red beam of light hit the ground right next to Tanya's right side. "Gah! The heck?!" the demon sputtered as it was blasted out of its small tunnel underground. Not one to waste an opportunity, Tanya jumped at the demon, who was too far above the ground to instantly burrow "third form; blazing universe!" with flames around her blade she cut through the neck of the burrow demon. The head fell into one of the many holes the demon made, while the body remained above ground, disappearing along with the agitated head below. 


With her sword still out Tanya stared at the figure who had helped her just now. He stepped more out into the moonlight. He was obviously a demon, she had recognized him. Both from Takoi village and all the way back to the shrine, though he was no longer dressed in army attire, more so a business one. She had also remembered he worked under Zettour and Mary's father. She was still guarded for all those reasons, even if he did just help her. "Finally, A slayer I recognize. Listen, Tanya, right? My name is Gunner, I am the one who informed your corps of the demon's whereabouts. Have been doing it for many demons actually." Tanya raised a brow "why? So you could snuff me out in a trap?" Gunner sighed "no. while you were not the exact slayer I was hoping for, the fact that I know you make this easier. Please…" he paused for a second "we need your help." 



The swamp demon's teeth ground together, causing the three people near him to wince from the sound. "She will go stale if I don't eat her soon! Give her back right now!" he once again demanded on Tanjiro. "What do you mean stale?" the swamp demon growled a bit "girls are not tasty when they live past their prime. So we like to get them while they still have all the tastiness they could have!" suddenly, a figure that looked almost exactly like the other demon, popped out of a separate swampy hole. "Other me calm down, we can still get a hold of her." the first swamp demon grumbled, "screw you other me I want her now!" 


Kazumi, unable to wait for Mary or Tanjiro to do anything asked with a shout. "What did you do with Satoko! The girl you took last night!" he sounded desperate, which was understandable. The second swamp demon chuckled "I have eaten many of this town's sixteen-year-old girls." he pulled out his clothes and revealed the collection of hair bows, pins, and brooches. "If you recognize somewhere here of hers, then I am afraid she has already been consumed." Kazumi's face contorts and his eyes widen, as he spots Satoko's brooch amongst the collection. 


Mary was not able to take this anymore "blessed breathing…" her sword lit up, and she was about to strike one of the swamp demons when a third one popped up, and she just barely dodged a cut from his nails. All three swamp demons ground their teeth together, making an ambiance of noises. Tanjiro handed the girl over to Kazumi "please, keep her safe." he and Mary went in to strike one of the demons, but all three doves into their swamp under them. Tanjito and Mary looked around, trying to see where they would pop out from. When the first swamp demon jumped out and rushed at him. "Look out kamado!" mary shouted out, but suddenly the box that Tanjiro was carrying was pushed open, and a foot came out and kicked the demon away, causing him to slide and skid against the ground. 


Stepping out Nezuko stood behind Tanjiro. "Why was your sister in a box?" Mary asked Tanjiro in a worried tone, the boy looked worried for multiple reasons. 'No no, I should have put her box next to Kazumi as well.' now that Nezuko was out, he knew Mary would see momentarily what nezuko was now. Nezuko looked over at Kazumi and the unconscious girl in his arms, and then Mary and her brother. See three figures as her some of her passed away siblings. Tanjiro remembered what Uorkodaki told him 'I have used hypnotic suggestion to make Nezuko see every human as her family, this will hopefully prevent her from ever attacking them.' 


Nezuko looked at the swamp demon, her claws sharpened, her eyes grew, and her viens popped a bit. She growled and started rushing at the swamp demon. Mary shook a bit her eyes moved to Tanjiro, "hey…Kamado…is your sister a-" she stopped when she noticed Nezuko, despite being a demon, was fighting the swamp demon that had been attacking them. Tanjiro observed the small swamp hole where the demon came out. The others were still below. He clenched his fist "miss Sue, I need you to trust me and my sister. Help her please and do not kill her. I can explain later…" he looked at her pleadingly, though she had many questions, she would save it for after the swamp demon was dealt with. Tanjiro went into the thick layer of water, slowly falling in. he would leave the one above ground to his sister and Mary. 


Nezuko and the swamp demon had been fighting the whole time during that conversation. "Grrr, how is she stronger than me?" he was pissed that this demon girl was not only helping humans but getting in his way. 'Her attack patterns are easy to follow, she is to inexperienced!' she away her fist "mrm" Nezuko grunted, he was going to cut up her arms with his nails. When suddenly his hand was cut off by Mary. "no!" he tried moving away, but Mary closed the gaps quickly "Blessed breathing, fourth form; divine smite!" her sword cuts through the demons neck like butter. 


"No…no…" the demon sputtered as it started to disappear. Mary looked at Nezuko, he looked back at her. Despite being a demon Mary did not feel threatened by her. Not sure what to do Mary patted Nezuko on the head "good job?" she tried to do what her mother did when she did her chores as a kid, and Nezuko seemed to brighten up a bit 's-she is kinda cute. Really cute!' 


Meanwhile, Tanjiro was in the swamp, he could see the many Kimonos and clothes of the girls the demon had consumed. He did not have many stances as he was still falling slowly through the swampy water. As the two swamp demons rushed at him, Tanjiro prepared to strike, but due to his less than balanced position, the demons easily moved out of the way, fast as well. 'Makes sense, they could move faster in the water than above-ground.' he tried keeping track of the swamp demons as they swam around him. He grasped his sword 'but most water forms are at their strongest when underwater.' 


he started turning his body, 'I will use the form that works even when I do not have clear footing.' the swamp demons encircled and prepared to strike at Tanjiro from either direction. Seeing the opening thread Tanjiro started turning his whole body 'sixth form; Whirlpool!' with a large twisting of the water around him the demon's body and neck were cut up and caught in the whirling water that seemed to engulf nearly the whole space they were in. as he was going up Tanjiro managed to grab something from one of the demons clothes as their body disappeared. He went above ground, and just in time, as he saw Nezuko going into her box. He walked up to her, and patted her on the head "you did well Nezuko." as the sun was starting to come up he closed the box so she would not get harmed by it. 


"Thank you, Sue, for protecting her," Tanjiro spoke gratefully towards Mary. The girl nodded "it was no problem, if you want you can just call me Mary." Tanjiro nodded, he looked around, the swamp demon was gone. 'I was hoping to ask the last one about Muzan.' he sighed, he would have to wait for the next demon to try asking. Tanjiro approached the crying Kazumi, the unconscious girl was laying against a stone wall. He took hold of the grieving male's hands and placed the brooch he had managed to take from the demon before the swamp disappeared. "I am sorry." was all he said, he walked over and lifted up the box, placing it around her shoulders. 


As Tanjiro and Mary were about to leave Kazumi shouted out "what am I supposed to do now?! Satoko…she's gone." both Mary and Tanjiro wanted to say something, but they knew nothing would be able to stop his grief, they had not really gotten over their own close losses. Tanjiro looked back at Kazumi after he heard "of course, you don't understand, you're just a kid." which was obviously directed at him, not Mary. Kazumi's watery eyes noticed the look in Tanjiro's eyes, he could tell the boy had lost far more then him. It did not stop his grief "we are trusting you to bring the girl back home safe." Mary said with a sympathetic smile, Tanjiro gave the same. The two walked away without another word. 


Near the edge town, Mary placed a hand on Tanjiro's shoulders "please. Explain your sister." Tanjiro looked over at Mary, he had seen this coming. 'I have to know..' Mary thought to herself, in a way she could understand Tanjiro not killing Nezuko, but she wondered how long the girl had even been a demon, was she one the whole time? Even when she was asleep with all those demon slayers there? And who else knew?


Tanjiro gave a deep sigh "where…do I even begin?" he told the story of losing his family, all except Nezuko killed. He told the part where when he begged her to snap out of it his sister cried. He talked about protecting his sister from Giyu, and how Giyu choose to spare Nezuko and told Tanjiro to head to mount Sagiri. Mary could surmise that both Giyu and Urokodaki knew that Nezuko was a demon. Putting aside the corps betrayal, and the fact that a little over a week ago multiple demon slayers had been in the same home as a demon, and yet none noticed anything. Mary felt something was off with Tanjiro's explanation. "Tanjiro, I won't report you or your sister, nor will I report your masters. But you left something out, didn't you?" 


Tanjiro gave a small nod. "If you want me to trust you and your sister, you need to trust me. Please tell me the full truth." he would, with minor hesitation, tell her the gaps that he left out. Such as Tanya not only knowing of Nezuko being a demon. But having actually helped them both. "Giyu told me that if we are ever caught to only mention him, as he wanted to be the sole person taking blame…Mary?" 


Mary clenched her fist 'Tanya…knew?' she thought to herself. While from Tanjiro's story it seemed obvious that Giyu had convinced her. Mary could not help but feel a mix of emotions. "Why?" she whispered out, which confused Tanjiro "w-well I am not fully aware of how she was convinced, or why. But I am grateful she was. I owe her and Mr Tomioka a lot." it did not make Mary feel any better 'why was Nezuko spared…but my father wasn't?' she clenched her Haori, made from her father old yukata. 


Suddenly, two crows flew above them, their Kasugai crows. "Ah, a demon has appeared in Asakusa, Tokyo!" Tanjiro's crow started, as Mary's crow finished "both Mary sue and Tanjiro Kamado are to head over immediately!" Tanjiro griped a bit "already?" his crow flew down and started pecking him hard "YES NOW!" Tanjiro held his head "fine! Fine…" he looked over at Mary, who was still conflicted but nodded att Tanjiro "you can tell me more on the way. I need to understand everything." Tanjiro was happy she would not tell anyone so he obliged, telling her everything while on the way to their destination. 



The moon was still up, and Tanya was still staring down Gunner. "What do you mean, 'we need your help', what are you talking about?" Gunner sighed "I've been an anonymous informant, handing messages to those corps members I've seen who don't fight. I've done this in the hopes that one of the demon slayers who come would be one of those who stopped the attack on Takoi village. Who stopped Zettour." though her guard was not lowered, she was curious about his reasoning for this, he was a demon after all. "Please Kocho…my friends are in danger, one of them is a fugitive, not of the corps, or of the municipal police. But of Muzan Kibutsuji." 


Tanya had to think about everything Gunner just said, and responded "Muzan? Wait, I thought demons could not say his name." Gunner nodded "those with the curse yes. Someone helped me remove it, and they are in Danger of Muzan discovering them in Asakusa." she was thinking now 'a chance to face Muzan? Tempting, but do I even stand a chance right now?' she wondered how strong the leader of the demons was, she doubted he was someone she could easily handle. And it was not like she could behead him to begin with. 


"I know Muzan if he knows the slayer corps knows of his location. He will leave. Maybe not right away, but at the very least if he is not around my friends can either remain safe in Asakusa. Or leave without the threat of him knowing." Gunner sounded desperate, he had been trying for months to get a slayer he recognized, and now one had come he needed their help as soon as possible. Tanya rubbed her chin 'this could be a trap. But the chance to kill Muzan, or even see him, probably will not come again for quite some time.' 


she looked at Gunner "just so we are clear if this is a trap. I am killing you first." the demon gulped and nodded. Tanya sheathed her sword "then lead the way. Bring me to the bastard." with a nod from Gunner, both of them started to head towards Tokyo, it would take another day to get there since the sun would be up soon so Gunner would have to hide. But they would get there, as Gunner knew where in the city Muzan was. Meanwhile, Mary and Tanjiro were heading there as well for their own mission. 


All on their way to Asakusa.