
Chapter 29: SharkBite Challenge

{what’s all this about Aqua Blood}.

Shinlak Fin questions Renta Henns.

{its what they have been looking for}.

Henns replied.

{there you go again, who are this they you have been talking about}.

Fin had asked Henns. Fin was starting to lose his patience with Henns and his mind games.

{its what they always needed an Aqua Blood, being an Aqua Blood like yourself an Aqua Parasite can latch onto your brain without any type of struggle so for you it will be painless, you and a Parasite will be as one. an ultimate life form, that’s why currently that Aqua Parasite in Tez`s brain wants to get out of the teenager’s skull so much, if that boy was awake right now the pain will be far too much for him to handle.}.

Henns tells Fin.

{so, you have been killing people with these Aqua Parasites, so you can find this ultimate weapon, all this so you can destroy the Sea Rescue platoon and then maybe the rest of the world}.