
Chapter 25: A Promising Lead

The cool night breeze blowing in through the open roused Shinlak Fin from his peaceful slumber.

It was far too cold for the window to be open at this time of night, so Fin got up from his bed wearing nothing but a shirt and underwear and quickly shut the window.

With his hand still on the latch of the window, a thought slowly crept into Fin`s mind: he was certain he had shut this window before crawling into bed.

{you should really keep everything locked tight before you go to bed Fin}.

Hearing a sudden voice in his bedroom caused Fin to jump out of his skin in surprise.

Fin, now wide-awake with shock, turns to see a figure shrouded in darkness, wearing dark clothing and a hat, as if ready to commit a robbery.

Fin was not about to let this figure get away with whatever it was looking for. He readied himself for a fight, preparing to act against the intruder.