
Chapter 18:Battle

Hannah had quickly charged forward towards the sick Shinlak Fin who could not hardly stand on both feet.

Her water created a large syringe that covers her entire right arm that also acted as armour for her right arm.

Fin had barely been able to pick up his own weapon SharkBite it was only a dual blade but to Fin it was like picking up a fully grown man with just a single hand.

And Fin struggled to move it to his shoulders to act as cover for the upcoming assault.

To make matters worse for Fin.

Shinlak catches the eyes of Hannah once again.

Her eyes were turning clockwise.

He became even more sick.

he struggled His breathing became difficult he became pale as a white blanket his noise was running with blood and he became dizzy.

But even being sick and dizzy and struggled to lift his weapon.

Fin was just able to block Hannah's water syringe attack to was aimed for his skull.

The two weapons colliding was just too much for Shinlak Fin to even handle.