
Chapter 7: In Which She Climbs

Alexander groggily blinked his eyes open as he heard the chirping of birds outside. Opening his eyes wide and rubbing the sleep away from them his brows furrowed as he felt a strange weight on his lap and an ache in his neck.

Rotating his neck side to side in order to get the stiffness out he looked down to find Isla halfway curled up on his lap as her hands fisted his trousers and her hair sprawled over his shirt, she looked like an angel and the sight of her warmed his heart.

He had stiffly sat on the bed and fallen asleep beside her while sitting and somehow in her sleep, she ended up halfway with her head on his lap.

He took a glance at the time seeing it was 6 45 AM and it would be wise to get her back to the main house before anyone noticed her absence.

How badly he didn't wanna wake her up and just keep her with him forever but that would go against all rules and principles.

So, taking a deep breath he lightly shook her form.

"Miss Gambino" he called out, but she didn't budge.

"Miss Gambino" she only stirred and hurried head deeper on his thigh.

"Isla" he tried again while shaking her lightly, this time her eyes slowly fluttered open as he felt the ticklish sensation of her kind thick lashes on his thigh.

"Mhmm" she groaned, the sound going straight to his manhood, but he suppressed himself.

"You have to get up, I'll escort you back to the main house before someone notices you're gone," he said, and she very adorably rubbed her eyes open.

"Yea... okay," she said taking her time to sit up straight, still pretty sleepy. The sight was endearing.

He got up and offered her his hand to help her up as well which she gladly accepted as she still felt out of it.

With her holding onto his arm and leaning half her weight on him, they made their way to the main house.

She felt extra sleepy considering she slept very late last night and when that usually happened, she would sleep in than her normal time, hence, during the long walk to the main house she stumbled on anything and everything in her groggy state and if it wasn't for her bodyguard supporting her up, she would have quite a number of bruises.

This time when she stumbled on her own feet Alexander came to a stop and looked down at her. He was loving the close proximity.

"Miss Gambino, would you prefer I carry you there?" He offered hoping she'd agree.

"You'd do that?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yes please," she replied.

That was all he needed as he scooped her up off the ground with ease as if she was feather light which she in all honestly was. He held her to his chest bridal style as she welcomed the warmth, he offered in the cool chilly morning air.

"You're the best" she said as she dug her face in his chest and he started walking, a ghost of a smile gracing his face which he wiped away as soon as it spread.

She felt so right in his arms, yet it was so wrong.

He let her down on her feet once they reached the main house.

"I climbed the tree to get down the window, so I'll do the same in order to get back up," she said, fully awake now.

Alexander looked at the sturdy oak tree that reached her bedroom window. It was a strong tree and judging by the circumstances he met her the first time around he wasn't surprised that she was able to make that climb down.

He nodded and stepped towards her as she set foot on the lower branch pulling herself up. He held her by her waist with a wise grip as the whole time.

He gave her a little push upwards to the next one and she easily grabbed onto it from there it was pretty easy to grab onto the next branches and soon enough she made it to the open window climbing inside, the whole time he was ready to catch her just in case she fell.

She looked down at him from her window and flashed him a grin with a thumbs up. He only awkwardly cleared his throat and gave a nod of acknowledgment before taking one last glance and walking away to the pool house to change into proper attire before reporting to duty.

Alexander knocked on Mr. Gambino's study door. He was summoned by him when he was heading to the main house, probably another side job for him. In all honesty, he was annoyed but it paid graciously so he swallowed down his annoyance.

A 'come in' was heard shortly after and Alexander wasted no time in turning the knob and heading inside the study.

Mr. Gambino was standing behind his table with a map spread on his table as he peered over it.

"Do you see this big red circle, Alexander?" he asked pointing at the map and sure enough there was a big red circle made on the map with a marker.

"Yes sir" he answered.

"This is MY territory, the whole of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming comes under My jurisdiction, I worked for it, I earned it and now that bastard silver spoon Finneas Campbell wants to make a move to capture west Wyoming which has a common border with his Nebraska territory. He has Nebraska and Kansas under him, he is a powerful enemy to make but that fucker forgets that unlike him I actually worked my way up, he is a privileged man child who was handed power by his daddy" Mr. Gambino gritted out. He looked pissed and so Alexander kept his mouth shut and face void of any emotion whatsoever.

Mr. Gambino took in a deep breath in an attempt to break his rage. He then reached for a half-folded sheet of paper on the table and handed it to Alexander.

"I received this today"

Alexander opened the paper and read.


*Mr. Gambino,

I have a proposal for you regarding our territory dispute. If you want to hear me out then meet me at the Luxe bridge, neutral territory as we know it.

The person who haunts your thoughts day and night,

Finneas Campbell. *


The note was short, taunting, and to the point. Alexander could see why Mr. Gambino was pissed.

"The bastard wants to come to an agreement but I know his so-called proposal will be unreasonable but I still want to hear out just for the sake of not missing anything that might bite back later and that's where you come in, take as many men as you need, go meet him on my behalf, it's too risky for me to show up there and I know that bastard knows is smarter than that and already knows I wouldn't come, he's taunting me in a way and I don't appreciate it" Mr. Gambino ordered.

"Yes Sir" Alexander replied

"Just keep in mind that it will most likely get violent, that man is looking for no peace"