
Chapter 41: In Which They Are Stranded Part Two

After a while which felt like an eternity to Isla, Alexander returned, his coat swing over his shoulder, and sweat was visible through his white shirt even though it was very cold.

She let loose a sigh of relief at the sight of him as he approached her.

"They left, at least for now" he announced, and she nodded thankfully.

"Help me down please" she said trying to reach the nearest branch.

"Wait, let me get up there and yet you down" he said, and she patiently waited as he made his way up.

He helped her to the lower branch before wrapping one arm around her waist, lifting her and jumping down with ease.

"I need to get me some of that army training too" she mumbled making him chuckle as he placed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Do you have your phone on you?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"I left it in the car" she said.

"Damn it, so did I" he caused letting out a frustrated sigh.