
Sacred Gear Creator (English)

Story translated by google tratudor. Sacred Gear Creator, is the first Sacred Gear created by God as a tool to make others, but no being in his universe could use his powers, so when he died a part of his power added to Sacred Gear in search of a Host. I posted this fanfic on this other site and decided to see how to get out of here. https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/sacred-gear-creator-20411360 https://www.wattpad.com/story/240038941-sacred-gear-creator-pt-br

L4DR1X · Cómic
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32 Chs

Peace Treaty

Since the Maou sisters took over the management of Kuoh, mansions have been prepared for them and their nobility to live together, each having its own residence. The conference would be held at the residence where the final terms of the peace treaty between Heaven, Youkais and the Underworld would be signed and discussed.

Kuoh was chosen mainly because it is part of Yan's territory, which is considered to have good terms among all the factions that attended the conference, therefore the best place for the speech they should have, this meeting being known throughout the supernatural, to the misfortune of many that it does not have enough structure to prevent the treaty from being interrupted.

Since the day of the death of Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegake, relations between the Church and the demons have deteriorated considerably, after all the romance between demons and exorcists is considered a taboo punishable by the death penalty. The past few months have been filled with casualties where the church has been constantly attacked and its faithful kidnapped, some of its nuns and saints being decommunicated after getting involved with demons.

That is why the meeting was brought forward a year before the agreed, to prevent the fragile relationship between them from being destroyed even before the agreement could be signed and the appropriate measures taken so that crimes committed in the future were punished and cases such as Clelia's were not the same fate, but this should be a gradual change, as there will be opposition from all sides, especially from the upper echelons of the church that since its creation fights demons.

"They're all here, I presume," said the only redhead in the conference room that was set up in Yan and Sona's mansion, where the main leaders of the three Factions were gathered, two golden-haired Kitsune wearing white yukatas, representatives of the Kyoto Youkai Faction , three Seraphim, two with blond hair and one with black hair, a man wearing a golden cloak over white armor and two women wearing long black dresses close to the body, being the most powerful and with the greatest influence in Heaven and in the Church, lastly but not least the three other Maou, Serafall wearing his blue floral Yukata, Fabium in a gray suit and black cape, and Ajuka wearing a dark green closed overcoat. Yan, Chloe and Sona are present in the room, with him and Chloe in their combat clothes,

Ravel, Rias and their nobility were not allowed to participate as they had nothing to add to the speech, in fact Koneko was invited to participate, but decided to stay home and eat something instead of listening to elders talk about politics, if their mistress knew about it. I would be extremely angry.

"I think you forgot to send my invitation", upon hearing the voice reverberate through the room, all the leaders who were seated looked for the speaker around the round table. "Sorry I'm late", said a tall man with black hair and golden bangs, from his back came six pairs of wings of endless blackness, "Gabriel, how long have we seen", he said smiling lewdly and a little saliva dribbled from her mouth upon noticing the presence of what is considered the most beautiful woman in Heaven, but who lost her post to Serafina a few months ago when her breasts grew from a B cup to a C.

"Brother Azazel, thank God you are in good health", the demons present suffered severe damage when Gabriel finished his sentence, but it was not because of the mention of God or the sacred power that briefly flowed from her wings when she was overjoyed to see her brother after a few hundred years, but because of the innocent and bright smile the girl expressed.

Seeing everyone's reaction made Serafall almost instinctively attack her, but stopped when he noticed that Yan didn't have the same ecstatic face as everyone else, even Yasaka licked her lips and drank some water to calm her thoughts, but there there was Yan without any particular reaction, just looking with some interest towards Azazel, ignoring the existence of Gabriel and even Serafina.

Yan was perhaps the only one who could feel something of Azazel, something he shouldn't have, but he did, after researching a lot about the top leaders of other factions, Azazel's name was easily found in countless documents, books and websites of the Underworld, the Leader of the Fallen Angels or Grigori, formerly responsible for the celestial technology wing and probably the only one who saw God make the Sacred Gear Creator, after a few months in Avalon, visions of the past started flashing in his mind, not always going from something like a photo and at most hearing whispers, "So it was you who should have been the bearer instead of me", thought Yan as his eyes met Azazel's who smiled before turning his attention to the table.

A few moments of greetings later Azazel sat in a chair next to Miguel who didn't want to let a fallen one, even if it's his brother, corrupt Gabriel's mind, ", there was no surprise when the words came out of Azazel's mouth, since the fallen angels took heavy casualties in the great war he and his subordinates did not engage in big battles and just lived mostly in peace, just like the demons, angels The fallen have some difficulty reproducing, but they can increase their ranks by corrupting angels.

Azazel's presence was already expected by those present, as during the hundreds of years that passed after the great war he was the only one who cherished peace, only reacting with violence in cases of extreme attack, hence the barrier that protects the meeting place was modified to allow his passage, obviously it was Ajuka who changed the barrier settings and predicted that he would appear, thanks to his Kankara Formula. "Before I forget, could you release my son's entrance?", the fallen angel's words made the eyes of those present widen, the most lecherous fallen angel had finally got a son, who even after lying down with the most beautiful women since their fall has never been found a descendant of Azazel.

Miguel and Serafina were happy for the blessing that their brother had gotten after a very long time of "struggle" to produce an heir, while their reaction was more restrained, Gabriel's was extremely explosive, jumping with joy and a radiant smile she ran towards Azazel and gave his brother a hug and said, "Congratulations! Where is this my nephew? I want to see him right now!", Azazel, who was in paradise for the first time in a long time, couldn't reason and passed out with a nosebleed, the total fault of Gabriel who rubbed his breasts over his head stimulating him far beyond what he would ever have imagined in your life.

Everyone present except Miguel gave Azazel a thumbs up, congratulating him on his reward, Karma exists on earth and Azazel's was reset in just a few seconds, but if anyone asked him if he was sorry his answer would be "no, but how much Karma do I need to go beyond?". A few moments after Gabriel was taken off Azazel, not understanding much of what had happened, he woke up as if he had woken up from the happiest dream of his life, the once thick skin became softer and brighter, the face rejuvenated a few years, summarizing the Gabriel's breasts have unknown powers that can affect those who touch them, even over the top of their clothes or Azazel is just a pervert.

Azazel came out of his stupor and coughed a few times before answering the questions Gabriel had asked, "He is not my blood child, he was adopted by me and therefore I would like to introduce him during the conference", as he finished his words to the living room door opened and a child slowly entered.

The boy has lifeless blue eyes and tousled silvery white hair, his clothes consist of a black V-neck shirt and black pants, no accessories and plain white shoes. As he entered Azazel introduced his adopted son, "This is my son, Vali introduce yourself", there was no better time than this to introduce your son, all factions present wish for peace and any attack could mean a show of disagreement after all no one would want to contract with someone they can't trust, in other words, killing Azazel's son could mean the start of a new war.

The boy stopped a few meters before the table and said, "My name is Vali Lucifer, adopted son of Azazel and bearer of the Sacred Gear Divine Dividing", upon hearing Vali's words everyone was surprised, a descendant of the original Lucifer, even the Maou Lucifer is unrelated to him and assumed only the title of his predecessor, but Vali not only had the blood of the original Lucifer but also a Longinus where Albion is sealed, one of the two Celestial Dragons, making him a very important asset for the future, but he ended up escaping from the spy and information networks of everyone, except Azazel who actually found the boy at random.

Miguel did not repeat the same mistake twice, he would never let something that left him have nightmares repeat itself throughout his life, regardless of the looks of disapproval and dissatisfaction, he used all his strength and power, something that never happened since the great war when he fought alongside his father and brothers, focusing on his arms and legs and strengthening to the limit of what was possible.

Everyone feeling the high concentration of power looked at Miguel who was writhing in pain from using so much power, Vali, Sona and Yan couldn't handle the pressure and fell to the ground because of the pressure Miguel exhaled, but unlike them Azazel was laughing a lot of the situation or better of Miguel who was holding Gabriel's arm who with all his strength was trying to run and hug his cute nephew as he said, "He's so cute! Let me go, I'll take him to Heaven with me!".

"At least this bitch isn't after my Yan," whispered Serafall, in an inaudible tone, only Serafina understood her words as she read Maou's lips and smiled, finding it amusing her change of attitude when it came to Gabriel, happily laughing of a fight was no longer considered punishable or she would have gone down right now, one of the perks of being the chief administrator of the heavenly system.

After some time, tempers calmed down with Gabriel giving up on hugging Vali and the meeting continued as it should from the beginning, the discussion lasted more than two hours, until they found the most favorable terms possible for everyone, but before anything could be said Azazel took the floor, "So, we're all gathered here today, so I'd like to hear what future generations aspire to the future, certain White Dragon Emperor, Vali, and heir to Heaven's premier weapon the Sacred Gear Creator, Yan', the leaders nodded in approval at his words.

Yan, hearing his name called for the first time since the meeting started, got up from his chair, after taking Chloe off her lap, who straightened up after the speech started and walked over to the table, Vali did the same, but in reverse. Yan who walked with confidence and showed power, he was clenching his fists until he let out a few drops of blood and his head was bowed, "My wish is to get revenge on my grandfather and my father!" forces to remember all the moments of pain and suffering that his father made him suffer with the encouragement of his grandfather, if not for his mother maybe he would not already be among the living.

This time Miguel did not try to hold Gabriel who ran to the boy and started to heal his hands, the healing magic of angels works on demons even though it is based on sacred energy, which served as the basis for some of the Sacred Gears that God made. The boy felt someone healing him and when he looked up he saw the blonde haired beauty and for a second he remembered his mother and hugged her instinctively, Azazel was for the first time envious of a child, but he didn't show it, everyone took time the child calms down before Yan can speak.

Vali returned to her seat, while the Maou and the rest of the audience were satisfied with the boy's response, revenge is not a good emotion for a child of about nine to have in his heart, but it would be easier to manipulate it and stop it. from joining the Faction of the Ancients which his relatives are part of, "Okay, now you can speak Yan," said Azazel, giving the floor to Yan who was thoughtful.

Ele nunca havia pensado muito sobre seu objetivo pessoal, claro que matar Trihexa e salvar o mundo são essências para a sua sobrevivência e de todas que ele ama, há o desejo de ser aquele que governa sobre todos os demônios um verdadeiro Rei Demônio e não essas falsificações que parecem mais capachos de seus súditos, menos Serafall, ela é uma Mahou Shoujo, um verdadeiro sonho era inexistente e isso o jogou em um ciclo aonde os pensamentos se repetiam, até que a voz de Azazel o tirou de seu estupor e a mente caótica ficou mais calma e encontrou os olhos de Serafall antes de olhar para Sona e Chloe.

A smile appeared on his face, he didn't have a goal, but he knew his girls, Sona always wanted a society without prejudice, even if it was only in her school, Serafall, to be a Mahou shoujo, Chloe, a family that Love her, Ravel, ultimate political power, and Koneko, being able to live with her sister, different desires that Yan would make them come true, "I want to make my family happy and become a true Demon King!" Yan's words reverberated around the room making everyone think, "What would be a true Demon King?", only Serafall and Yan knew the answer to that question, after all no one knows a Demon King better than the Mahou shoujo who conquered it.

"Hahahaha! I liked this boy!" Azazel and Kanon, Yasaka's husband, were laughing at Yan's words, openly declaring in front of the four Maou that he would take their places was the same as a declaration of war, contrary to the purpose At this meeting, the three Seraphim were saddened by the boy's words, thinking that the heir of God does not want to go to heaven and does not even show interest, just before the meeting started Miguel asked if he would like to visit heaven and received an answer Yan was positive, but he didn't show much emotion when he agreed, which made all three sad.

The Maou were very happy with Yan's words, even though he didn't show it on his face, "Finally the day I'm going to get rid of all the paperwork is coming", "How many years until I can concentrate on my research?", "How old will I have to sleep to make up for the days of work that I lost my sleep?", "I'm a Mahou Shoujo and that BITCH is not a Mahou Shoujo! Mahou Shoujos are awesome!" thought the Maou upon hearing Yan's words.

Moments after everyone calmed down and Yan returned to his seat, the peace treaty was successfully signed, the alliance of the 4 factions was established under a single flag, everyone's face was cheerful except Vali who couldn't stop blushing at the looked at Gabriel, "Vali-kun are you okay?", asked the blond-haired Seraphim after noticing the nervousness of the boy who coughed a few times, very similar to Azazel, and then gave the first excuse that came to his mind, " I'm just really looking forward to fighting someone strong my age and I didn't know how to challenge Yan", he said solemnly, "Was that the best excuse I could come up with?" he thought without stopping to stare at Yan.

Gabriel was going to say that fighting is bad, but Azazel took the lead and encouraged the fight, "Hohoho it seems the kids are energetic! Too bad you can't do that now, but how about a month from now?", he had already seen the fight between prodigy phoenix and Yan, the current Vali would never win, but in two months even he couldn't win in a battle of wear, which the power of the Sacred Gear of Vali took full advantage of.

"Of course, I'm always up for a friendly battle," Yan replied, smiling, after two years of working directly in Avalon to create Sacred Gear: Stigma of the Seraphim, which produces the Master cards that would be used as a catalyst to materialize seven cards. classmates capable of reviving humans in Angels, "Now that I remember that, take it", he casually tossed a bright pink orb towards Serafina, "With this you can reincarnate humans into angels, the basic information will be relayed by telepathy every time a master is registered I won't tell you any further, she doesn't need a carrier, the name is Seraphim's Stigma, only those chosen by the Seraphim can use it", Serafina's expression lit up, the part of the system for creating life was beyond her power, so she couldn't produce new angels,but now everything was resolved thanks to Sacred Gear Yan made, "Thank you", said she ran to hug Yan, Miguel joined the hug with the boy being trapped in a sandwich.

When Gabriel started to run towards Yan to give a hug of thanks, a thin layer of almost imperceptible ice appeared on the ground that made her stumble and slide for a few meters with her face on the ground before stopping, "You have to be more careful Gabi-chan, we don't want you to get hurt today", who helped her up was Serafall who received a hug of thanks, taking this chance she whispered in Gabriel's ear, "Don't even think about hugging, sniffing, talking or even think about Yan or I'll kill you", Serafall's voice was cold and for the first time in his life Gabriel felt fear, his body froze in the same place without the need to use magic and his eyes watered, no one ever spoke like that to she, "I... I..., but I wouldn't do anything wrong...",she stammered as she ran into her brother Miguel's warm embrace.

That day was marked by the peace treaty between the Four Factions and also for the first time that a Seraphim will come to cry, but no one commented on what had happened. meanwhile inside the Sacred Gear of Vali a voice that no one heard said "Your wielder was in this town until recently, Ddrag".

End of volume 2

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