
Chapter 3: opening our aura

I'm sorry for the short ish chapter I'm currently bed ridden with the you know what virus. So maintaining focus is pretty hard right now do I hope you can understand and let's get to the chapter!

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MC age: 4

<Yuki POV >

I was currently under my kitten embroidered covers thinking about my life so far a truly interesting life I had live so far.

'Hahaha if someone's told me a few years ago I'd have a loving family that I also love dearly I'd ask you what drugs you were on and then ask for a batch cause clearly it was clearly the good shit. However I now have a great family a loving doting father who is 'slightly' overprotective, a caring mother who got me addicted to fish and milk. and most importantly an awesome older sister and Who has a habit of fluffing my tail. Blake is a surprisingly sociable child to most people though she only considers a select few true friends she trusts.

At first I just viewed them as characters from one of my favourite series but slowly I began to view them as real people. It's honestly funny I planned a originally on using this world as a place to amuse myself and my more.... questionable desires. But though I still plan on doing that I will do my best to try and help those I now care about.

I've seen and overheard some of the goings on in menagerie and to put it simply, even in fantasy worlds humans are almost all disgusting trash who seek their own benefit above all else. Bribery, corruption and the slave trading of Faunus all of this is rampant within human society. Human nature to see themselves as superior to others. Just look at history people fighting over pointless things like religion, adultery and fights over women etc... but funnily enough the Faunus aren't like that they are some of the nicest people I could ever possibly imagine.

Adam Taurus (M) or in this world Ada (F) was hellbent on revenge against the humans for their injustice against Faunus. Sure his/her methods were HIGHLY extreme in the original RWBY but I honestly always saw him as someone who life had just pushed into a corner and had no choice but to push back twice as hard. Looking at Ada as a child she is one of the most innocent caring children you could imagine. She's kind, caring and like every other person on this island seems to have an addiction to hugging my tail!

But in all seriousness what could have happened to turn someone like this into a revenge bent villain? Maybe I should try and.....'

"Rise and shine Yu-Chan!!!" A loud and overly excited sounding voice reached my elongated ears. Before I could object the covers I was lying under were swiftly removed revealing me in my fox onesie that had a tail hole for my tails.

Looking up at the intruder into my comfortable rest I saw it was none other than Ada herself.... "grrrr what did I tell you about waking me up without warning Ada grrrrrr and don't call me Yu-Chan!" She looked at me and giggled "awwww is Yu-Chan upset come here let Ada give you a hug" I attempted to dodge but the difference between a four and five year old is very significant. She landed on me hugging me tightly from the front and a tingling sensation on my tails.

For some god damn reason everyone here loves my tails one time a adult stranger tried touching them! Safe to say I gave him a few scratch marks and left it at that, but then guess who came in? It was the over protective father himself Ghira who though he dislikes violence will use it if necessary in his opinion.... the man is now a cripple both down there and in the legs.

"Yuki get up! Don't forget Ghira is opening up our aura today! If we're late Blake will demand more mofu mofu time!" Honestly the first part had my attention but the last part straight up terrified me. Getting up as fast as my small 4 year old body could carry me i swiftly got changed into one of the few clothes I liked a black obi kimono with some small purple flower designs decorating it. Looking at Ada I saw she was wearing her classic black coat with a red shirt beneath it.

Funny fact was that Blake during her childhood was a bit of a tomboy refusing to wear anything that even slightly resembles a dress or skirt same as Ada. After putting on my outfit a swiftly wet my hair and flattened it. 'Fuuu time to get my aura unlocked I wonder if I have lots? Or will I have a strong semblance or maybe something linked to a nine tailed fox!'

Putting aside my excitement filled thoughts I quickly finished getting ready and sprinted out my room noticing Ada had already left to go meet dad. I ran through the hallway that was covered in photos of both me and Blake which admittedly is rather embarrassing. After running through the hallways I continued to run down the wooden stairs through the the hall and too the back door entrance. Quickly sliding the door open I could see Ghira smiling along with Kali.

"Your 10 minutes early Yuki along with Ada bahaha!" Chuckled Ghira. Hearing this I was slightly pissed since my nap time has been disturbed for NOTHING. NOTHING!!! 'I will get my revenge even if it's the last thing I do Ada even if it's the last thing I ever do'

Kali pulled a platter full of fish from only the brother gods know where possibly the void? "Come on Yuki don't be in a bad mood I've got fishies!" 'Ok maybe my revenge can be temporarily be put on hold but I will get it eventually Ada!' I thought before practically pouncing at the fish and devouring them swiftly today they were smoked fish (Salmon) in my opinion the best type of fish.

(A/N: I agree I'm fact I'm nibbling on some myself right now in IRL kukuku)

Whilst nibbling on my fish Blake had arrived with a hungry look in her eyes since clearly she had smelled the fish. After sharing the fish between me, Kali and Blake with Ada and Ghira only smiling wryly we begun the unlocking of our auras starting with Blake, Ada then finally me.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

As he finished his chant a purple substance emerged from Blake her aura. If I remember correctly her auras semblance allowed her to create clones of herself to trick and disorientate her opponents. 'Looks like one of the developers like Naruto' (A/N: semblances will be added at the end of the chapter)

The same happened for Ada: "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

Her aura was a crimson red like her own hair colour she was grinning happily. "Woohooo now I am strong enough to protect Yu-Chan from those disgusting perverts haha"

This made me blush slightly and stare at the ground slightly embarrassed since I reached this world I have realised I am into females....

"Yuki your next." Grinned Ghira in a fatherly manner looking at my embarrassed state. Then he repeated the overly long chant.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

My aura emerged it was a beautiful white and black colour that did not merges for become grey they were a completely separate colour each... perhaps this has to do with my reincarnation?

Suddenly Ghira chanted "let's god EAT using aura makes me hangry!" To which we all laughed forgetting our worries and drowning in fast food hehe.


Semblances: from wiki

Blake semblance:

Blake's Semblance, Shadow, allows her to create shadow-clones of herself. These clones push her in the direction of her choosing and can be used to trick and disorient opponents. Blake can use Dust to give her clones additional abilities, such as creating a fiery explosion or freezing an opponent's weapon in place.

Ada's semblance:

With his Semblance, Moonslice, Ada was able to absorb or block the energy from an enemy attack and re-emit it again in powerful red energy strikes. However, she could only do this with her weapon, as shown in her fight with Blake and Yang. This enabled her to avoid taking damage directly during absorption, but left her highly vulnerable if he was disarmed.


For those who wondered about the cover character change... fufufu that is an important future plot point I have already hinted too. Well see ya later

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Dao_of_Melancholycreators' thoughts