
RWBY: The Beginning Of The END

The first and therefore strongest Enderman was supposed to be killed by the scourage of its race but instead woke up in another world very different from its own. What was it to do? Its creator was dead, its home was destroyed, and it couldn't teleport to any location it had previously known, so what was it to do? Obviously, steal anything and everything. (I'm going to have a lot of fun with this story) (Rwby AU + my own Minecraft lore)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Cómic
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7 Chs

1.2 - Hollow

Stuffing the man into his mouth the first chewed away at his body, the man's bones crunching and skin tearing as the First consumed the man's body like a starved animal, though his body looked like he needed some fat on his bones never once did he ever actually eat anything nor need to.

That didn't stop him from devouring the body.

Finally finished fitting the entire corpse into its mouth clothes and all save for a bronze pin dropping onto the ground. The First gulped down the body and stared off into the distance for a couple of seconds before standing tall and going back to its motionless state, and as it stood still the chunks of meat fell down into the pitch-black pit dimly illuminated by a ball of purple light that was the First's stomach.

The body started breaking down piece by piece, and cell by cell in the pool of sludge below until the only thing left was the low quantity of fleshy bits not already dissolved. The bits that survived being broken down flew into the ball of light where Endergy core rested.

The flesh was dragged into the core and broken down into its core components until only a glowing red ball of light was left. The ball of light was then torn apart by the Endergy and assimilated.

As a result of the assimilation, a purple-ish black aura flashed over The First for a split second and then The First's shadow started growing, it started expanding outwards in a circular fashion and the grass that was encompassed by the shadow turned black letting go minuscule amounts of purple motes of light into the air.

The shadow got bigger and bigger but stopped right before it hit the tree line, though all that it covered turned black, the grass, the dirt, and the leaves that fell into the radius all turned midnight black and let loose a purple pollen-like substance into the air that decorated the shadowy area.

And then, without so much as a twitch the shadow receded, the grass, dirt, and leaves all returned to their normal color, and the purple particles all vanished into nothing as The Firsts hollow eyes started to light up a dim violet glow.


(The First pov)


Huh? Where am I?

I woke up once more with a slight gap in my memory.

I looked around to see if I was back home.

But unfortunately, the trees are still...Unblocky.


Though the trees are the least of my concerns.

I want to know why did I blackout? There was no indication, no warning, and no enemy with strange powers at least I think so, everything just went black after I found I couldn't teleport back home.

Oh, that's right.

I can't go home anymore.



Maybe this place is affecting me more than I thought.

I had expected to go into a made rage and destroy everything that I could lay my eyes upon, either that or completely shut down and go into drone mode where I wander the black space forever as my body goes on automatically when I realized I couldn't go home, but instead, all I have is this phantom pain that constantly attacks my chest.

It's barely noticeable and can be ignored easily, but what caught my attention was the fact that I could actually feel this pain. Normally, only high-end enchanted weaponry such as -Thanostruck4457-'s sword can cause me pain but there was no such weapon here, there was only me...alone in a world not my own with no way home.

As the phantom pain flared up momentarily I was stunned for a second. Why did it suddenly get so intense? Was it because of what I said? No, that's impossible, words can't cause pain like this, it must be a coincidence or something.


Letting loose a sigh I look toward the bright blue sky and just think.

Despite living in the End the sky in the overworld always calmed me down for some reason. There was this one spot at the peak of a snowy mountain where I would always teleport to when I wanted alone time or just time to think about stuff, and gazing at the sunset would always put me in a peaceful state of mind leaving me with a foreign sense of nostalgia.

But what should I do now?

What is there to do now?

Mother is dead, my brethren are dead, and my home is gone so what am I to do now? I have no purpose now that everything I had is lost, I have no place to return to now that the tether has dissolved, and I have no idea as to what I am supposed to do now that I have no one to command me.

For all my life I served, my first conscious thoughts were to follow the commands and orders of mother to the letter, even if it resulted in my death and now it just ended so abruptly that I'm lost. I am lost without a leader, a master...A mother.

Is this how -Thanostruck4457- Felt? Always alone in a world that wanted him dead is this how he felt? No, he couldn't have felt this way, he was much too happy and giddy to slaughter, pillage, and explore.

So then why was he--no how was he so happy to be alone? To be hated? To live without a purpose? Without a leader?

It doesn't make sense to me.

He was always being chased after, he was always on the cusp of death whenever he ventured out into the world as monsters wouldn't ever relent. They were vicious and hungry for his demise, and horde after horde came after him, yet he found a way to survive even if it ended with him in a half-death state he lived, and that was seemingly enough for him as he always shouted at the top of his lungs in pure joy when he did.

So did he find meaning in killing?

Did he live to rip the life out of others?

Or did he just enjoy surviving in the midst of an otherwise impossible situation?

I don't know. And now that there is no way for me to go home I might never know.

But maybe I could take a page from -Thanostruck4457-'s book and quill and find something worth living for.

It's a waste to just give up after miraculously surviving that blow.

As the phantom pain slowly started subsiding I took that as a sign that I should find something worth chasing after, just like -Thanostruck4457- did.

Mother always said that doing as your gut tells you is a good idea, and even though I don't know why the pain still lingers in my chest I pushed it to the back of my mind as I now have a goal in mind.

I shall do as he did and explore, kill, and collect until I find meaning.