
RWBY: The Beginning Of The END

The first and therefore strongest Enderman was supposed to be killed by the scourage of its race but instead woke up in another world very different from its own. What was it to do? Its creator was dead, its home was destroyed, and it couldn't teleport to any location it had previously known, so what was it to do? Obviously, steal anything and everything. (I'm going to have a lot of fun with this story) (Rwby AU + my own Minecraft lore)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Cómic
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7 Chs

1.0 Unblocky?

'Impossible' my eyes widened as the trump card I had been saving this entire fight was just rendered null. The power granted to me by mother, the power that surpassed her own destructive and corruptive capabilities, my END-beam was nullified by the ultimate block.

My beam was supposed to reduce the one named -ThanosTruck4457- to elementary particles but instead, he managed to place down Bedrock and block my attack.

A feat that should have been impossible.

A feat that breaks the laws of nature.

He got a hold of Bedrock.

An indestructible, invulnerable, block that cannot be damaged nor destroyed by anything that exists, even mother and the whiter cannot destroy such a block.

And yet, the one called -ThanosTruck4457- had done something even the most powerful of us could not. Then again it's not the first time he has accomplished such a feat, he is always doing things like this, making the impossible possible. The fact that he even got here is proof of such.

Getting my bearings back I build up a large amount of END into my body from my surroundings to reinforce all my cells preparing for my next attack. This is going to be a hard fight if he has Bedrock but not an unwinnable battle, his Netherite armor is tough but there are gaps in the plates, if I'm careful and precise enough I should be able to finish him with one strike.

A flash of purple aura washes over my body and I'm left in a defenseless state for a short while. A price of the move I call END-Guard that increases my physical capabilities ten-fold, however, I didn't anticipate that he would shoot me with an arrow during the moment when I have no defense and the arrow, with a high pitched whistle as it flew, hit me right in the chest.

As I stumbled back from the force of the shot he took advantage of my shock to come out from his cover and charge at me with his glowing Netherite blade, in a last-ditch effort I swung my sharpened claws in a wide arch attempting to behead this vermin but he crouched down and blocked my attack sacrificing his shield in the process.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! I FINALLY GOT YOU, AFTER 4 HOURS OF BULLSHIT, GLITCHING, AND RNG I GOT YOU, YOU CHEATING SON OF A BITCH!" -ThanosTruck4457- exclaimed loudly as he swung his blade down and split me in twain ending my life in a single strike.

The last thing I saw before everything went black was the limp body of mother falling from the sky and exploding into a myriad of blue and green particles.

And the last thing I felt was a phantom pain in my chest cavity.




Wake up.




Wake up!





My eyes shoot open and I'm met with the sun?

No, that can't be the sun, it's too...Unblocky.

Finding myself laying on the ground I stare at the sky in a slight daze at the strange sight before me when something catches my eye, it's a cloud but it's...not right.

'What is this?' sitting up and looking around trying to find out if this is one of -ThanosTruck4457- tricks or not I see more and more foreign objects all too familiar that make my eyes widen in shock.

I had assumed he used more of his bizarre potions or found a way to revive and trap me in one of his confounded 'EXP generators' as he did the Whiter but I was wrong, and as I looked around it became increasingly clear that I had no idea where I was.

There were trees all around me just like in the overworld, but strange, off, a disgusting sight to be sure as it was...unblocky.

This is strange.

I raised my own claw to see if my own body had experienced any changes just as the world around me had and found that where my rectangular digits should be, a weird nonblocky finger was in its place.

So it wasn't just the world that changed.

I sharpened my claws, another ability to mine that allows me complete control over all my cells, makes for easy regeneration when in dire straights, I mold my hand back into its previous state, a blocky one, the bones in my hand shift around and set into place, the pain doesn't phase me as I can't feel it anyway, but as soon as the process is finished the mold falls apart and my hand reverts to its nonblocky state.

It seems that where ever I am reject my original form. Now things are starting to get annoying, not even the overworld had such a drastic change on my body, it had only sealed away a majority of my...powers.

Wait a second.

Do my powers work here?

I test out teleporting to around 10 blocks away from me, and in an instant, I'm standing where I was looking with an unblocky tree right in my face. Trying not to throw up at this ugly sight I deduce that my teleportation ability still works, and I had already tested out my cellular control so that needs no investigation, but what about my END absorption?

Calming my mind, and dimming my hollow eyes, I spread out my sense and search, and much to my own surprise there seems to be a lingering quantity of END in the air around me.

So this can't be somewhere in the overworld, as END is rejected by that plane, but if that's so, and if this wasn't an illusion then my death was real, though even if it was an illusion I distinctly remember being struck down by an enchanted Netherite sword. I can clearly recall the shine of the blade and the pain of getting my head split open all too vividly so that begs the question, Why am I alive? Why can I move? Why can I think? Why is everything not made out of blocks? Why is there END in the air? And most of all where in the Nether am I?

Before I can even start to think of some conclusions as to where I am a sudden rustle in the bushes catches my attention and I turn around towards the source. I can hear the sound of rushing footsteps and don't have to wait too long as a black figure jumps out from the shrubs and into the light.

It is also very unblocky.

Very Nonblock.

It looks like a variant of the wolves that -ThanosTruck4457- tamed enmasse, but this is not blocky and this one's fur is pitch black with bone plates covering its head like an unblocky mask, and bone spikes protruding out of its knees, elbows, and nails.

Though I do notice that it gives off faint traces of END.

It looks at me with its glowing crimson eyes and gives off a low growl before it stands up on its hind legs, standing only one block shorter than me it tried to intimidate me but fails miserably as I just figuratively and literally look down on it.

'What is this thing? And why does it think itself worthy of my attention?' I wonder as I inspect the wolf-like creature, nothing about it is familiar to me, and yet at the same time, it is, just like this forest that it isn't made out of blocks but it is reminiscent of the various forests that cover the overworld, and this fact is unnerving me greatly.

Laws dictate that everything must be made out of blocks and anything that is not, simply does not exist's so how did this creature, this ugly unintelligent beast come into being?

Seeing that it cannot scare me the wolf roars loudly and charges at me with its claws ready to slice my chest open, I can feel no threat from it, so I just let it continue on and when it swipes down at my chest, much to its surprise and not so much to my own its claws don't even make a scratch.

'Weak, just like its blocky counterpart' I raise my own claw, feeling slightly disappointed that it was so feeble, and faster than it can react I bring my hand down on its head completely splitting it into 5 parts, but it doesn't just fall to the ground like I thought, instead it disperses into shadows.

The questions just keep stacking up.

Well, they can wait until after I check on The End.




What is this?

Why...Why can't I teleport back to the End?