
RWBY: System

So i reincarnated in RWBY, it looks like im still fine after my death... Everything seems to be okay but... I have a system... ...And a stand? / / / / / Cover picture not mine. Though I edited it.

Toist_New_Moon · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: In my blood(2)

A/TN: I made chapter 2 a short one because I wanted to introduce more stuff into m y story,

So I guess I'm sorry for that.

And this chapter is probably going to be short too.

/ / / / /



The Apathy somehow evolved? leveled up? transformed? I dunno what to call it,

but I'm most probably fucked.


The Apathy's skeleton turned red and it's eyes glowed I'm a black tint

"Something is bound to happen."

The Apathy became taller, stronger... and probably the worst of all...

*H[][][]o* It spoke in a mechanical voice, too distorted for me to make sense of...

though, it's learning...

That thought sent a few shivers down my spine...

'Tsk... it's already almost goddamn midnight, I better end this quick.'

*Midnigh[]... Sal[][]... Dust...* It spoke clearer and less akward, though it's ramblings came to an end the very moment it saw me.

*RAAAHH!!!* {Ear Piercing Screech: Enemy}

It became really aggressive, though it seemed like it's resisting something.


- - -

[Alpha Apathy]

HP: ???

Type: Humanoid

Size: 4 meters

Abilities: [Ear piercing screech] [Willpower drain] [Aura] [Darkness] [Soul Eat]


The Alpha Apathy is almost the same as an ordinary Apathy, the difference is that they become stronger with more skills and their skeleton armor becomes red.

- - -

{Aura: Enemy} {Darkness: Enemy}

A big area of the forest became pitch black and a red light seems to glow inside of the apathy.

[Darkness: Enemy: De-buff -50% stamina]

[Condition Updated: Tired]

"Dammit, I can't win this without another power... up."

[Inventory: Food]

I kept eating food to keep my stamina and HP high, I also kept running and using Dash so I also kept my AP up too.

I first tried to escape the Alpha Apathy by just simply running away.

Unfortunately The Alpha Apathy could track me down and it seems like even in the Early morning (1am) they're still goddamn up.

*Sigh* "If only I was Isekai'd into a fantasy world instead of RWBY I would have probably been better off there."

My overall escape plans didn't work and I have no way of getting help from anyone in this forest so I tried to face it.

Face that damn monstrosity.

I first tried to fight it with my katana, though it already broke the moment I tried to slash it.

Though I think I have forgotten something.

Something that could give me an edge to this hopeless fight.

'Oh right... I forgot about that.'

[Bloodline: Joestar {Hamon} {Spin}]



"It's do or die."

I'll likely to lose but I'm not going to give up easily.

- - -

{Hamon: LVL 1}

The ability to generate sunlight like energy inside of the lungs. highly potent to Grimms

{LVL 1} The learning process is eliminated.

{LVL 5} All Hamon abilities that are present can be used to Jonathan's potential.

{Max} Biokinesis, Senses Overdrive and a stand will be added to the range of abilities.

- - -

/ / / / /


Then I faced the apathy, it tried to just kill me without using any skills,

*RAAAHH!!!* {Lunge/A}

The apathy lunged at me, using it's longer arms to grab me, it's going at extreme speeds even going faster than the Beowolf.

{Hamon} *Spark*

My eyes glowed yellow with my whole body generating lightning, with that light The surrounding darkness temporarily disappeared

[Darkness skill weakened -50(25)% stamina]

{Soul Eat: Enemy}

It's mouth became half as big as it's body

(2 meters) and my consciousness felt like it going nearer to it's mouth.

I fought that skill off using my Hamon to constantly zap myself to become conscious and not be affected by the soul eat skill.

It kept doing that for a whole minute until giving up and trying something else.

{Aura: Enemy: Aura Berserk}

It's body became filled with a dark red aura, it's movements became sloppy and uncoordinated... but it's 5 times stronger and faster, though looks like it's intelligence disappeared completely.

Now it's slightly more annoying and kept using Ear Piercing Screech all the time and running to me with extreme speeds.

{Ear Piercing Screech: Enemy}

{Lunge/A: Enemy}

{Punch/A: Enemy}

{Ear Piercing screech: Enemy}

{Kick/A: Enemy}

{Aura: Enemy}

{Ear Piercing Screech: Enemy}

{Soul eat: Enemy}

That's the general pattern I saw in it's movements.

"It's now too dumb to even try anything new."

I opened up the shop out of curiosity while dodging the predictable movements of the Alpha Apathy.

Though I was able to just stall for some time while on the trees, jumping from one tree to another until I've come up with a plan or until it breaks the trees down "Seriously... why can everything break down these trees so easily."

- - -

[Shop] Level: 1

-Status point- 100L

-Bloodline- 1500L

-Semblance- 1500L

-Random title- 500L

-Random weapon- 200L

-Food/water- 50L

- - -

[Random Weapon Bought] -200L

"Now... this is more of my style."

The katana was too weak to even deal any sort of damage...

Now this? this is gonna hurt.

[Large Silver Claymore]

{Hamon} *Spark*

{Lunge/A: Enemy}



"Oh ho~ it's finally my turn."

{Swordsmanship/P} {Dash} {Hamon}

*Woosh* *Woosh* *Woosh*

[Alpha Apathy HP: 18930/???]

I kept swinging my claymore, damaging it to my outmost abilities using all of my skills that boosted my stats.

Though I was already at my limit...

Though I kept pushing on, eating food to keep my AP and HP in check.

Most of my attacks were




In that order, though I did do different movement techniques so I wasn't all that predictable.

Though there was a point that the apathy went faster suddenly without me expecting it causing me to lose my strategy and lose most, if not all of my stamina.

[Condition Updated: Exhausted]

[Stamina too low to continue]

[Warning! Situation is-]


My head... felt light... and for some reason...

Energy flew inside of my body.

And I felt like I could run a marathon...

{Hamon: Sensory Overload}

*Zap* *Zap*

My body felt like it had so much stamina and strength so I held my Claremore and prepared for just one more strike

[Warning! Stamina Is Depleted]

"Just... one more..."

[Warning! Stamina Is Depleted]

I placed my legs into a battle position and swung my sword the hardest I could...

{Swordsmanship: Blood Swing} {Hamon}




The explosion cause my hearing and other senses to go haywire, making everything a lot harder than it already is.

"Gah!" I bit my lip in pain, my arm felt like it just broke, my hand bled and my veins destroyed, nothing happened to my arm though.

But I felt all of it...

What actually happened was the blood strike caused all of my veins to use all of it's power, as a result it exploded my veins...

But it didn't, I only felt like it did because of the gamer skill.

[Condition Update: Stamina Depleted]


The surrounding area was hit by a massive plasma shockwave causing mass destruction and most of the darkness skill being weakened.

[Darkness skill weakened -25(10)% stamina]

I dragged my legs to try and walk however it was a unstable, both of my arms felt unusable for combat right now so I thought I would escape before the apathy comes back-

{Lunge/A: Enemy}


[AP: 0/184]

[HP: 15(120)]

"Argh!" I'm... too late... I feel like I'm going to die "Fuck you Apathy."

I gave it the middle finger while pointing at it with my left index finger.

Then my left index fingernail flew right into the Apathy's skull.



[Enemy Condition: Stunned]

"Huh? what happened? The Alpha Apathy...

is stunned?"

My fingernail went into the Grimm's head and it looks like it's vibrating a lot on the inside.

- - -

{Spin: LVL 1}

The ability is to transfer energy from one place to another. not as effective as Hamon to Grimms however it is quite a menace to anything.

{LVL 1} The learning process is eliminated.

{LVL 5} Can use spin at the potential of gyro.

{Max} Able to use all spin techniques perfectly.

- - -

I sat up and pointed both of middle fingers at it "Pew, pew."


The Alpha Apathy didn't die yet, however with this much stun, it's safe to say it already is.




[Alpha Apathy HP: 1208/???]

"This is gonna take a while..."


/ / / / /


It took a while to kill the apathy,

I also took a lot of breaks in-between and waited for my nails to regenerate for my stun to work, I also dragged it towards my base to defeat it there.

But since my arms and legs were painful as fuck I didn't do much until I was slightly able to run.

And for the most part it was sorta easy...

Apart from I was still constantly fighting off other Grimms near my base...

I'm looking at you Boarbatusks.

- - -

Name: Rey Nights

HP: 90/340

AP: 130/540

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: None

Semblance: [Locked]

Bloodline: Joestar {Hamon} {Spin}

Condition: Tired

LVL: 5

VIT: 20(37)

STR: 14(32)

AGI: 20(34)

INT: 13(15)

WIS: 11(14)


Points: 10(25)

- - -

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max] [Taunt: LVL 2] [Dash: LVL 4]

[Swordsmanship: LVL 3]

[Hamon: LVL 1] [Spin: LVL 1]

- - -


Lien: 2400(2200)(2950)

Large Silver Claymore



Elderberry (9)


- - -

/ / / / /

A/TN: Early Chapter! because it's world teachers day I was able to catch a break from school.

And I'm still probably going to post another chapter this evening.