
RWBY, How Strange Reversed World! SI!

I think that being male in a female-led world, has its perks, and its minuses... But as I was born on Earth, this world is like paradise for me, now if I could just dwarf Salem's plans and enjoy a life of debauchery... MC is SI into OC, this fic would by SMUT with PLOT...

Nisiris · Cómic
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32 Chs

13. R

There was silence as I watched Pyrrha look at me with that smile, the thing was, I knew Pyrrha, or at least I did know the previous Pyrrha, which when I looked into her dull green eyes, I knew wasn't the same girl I dated for a while, before everything went to hell, overreacting? No, not really...

I felt Pyrrha's hand move on top of my body, gently and slowly, as she reached with her right hand to my right cheek, caressing my cheek with great care...

"It is really you, isn't it..."

I heard Pyrrha whisper as she looked straight into my eyes, red meeting emerald green ones, and for a while, I saw the familiar spark in them until it was gone.


I finally said as Pyrrha's face brightened.

"You do remember, of course, you do, I knew you would, wouldn't you?"

Pyrrha whispered, now both her hands holding my head by my cheeks as she kneaded, stroked, and fondled my face, the emotion of marvel still on her face...

"Pyrr, I-"

But before I could say something, Pyrrha shushed me...

"Shhh, I will speak now, so listen."

Pyrrha said, and the hold on my head was now stronger.

"You knew, didn't you?"

Pyrrha asked as her green eyes peered at me.

"You knew that by becoming famous, everyone would want to be a friend of Pyrrha The Invincible Girl, didn't you?"

Her hands moved, one still touching my cheek, the other sliding down to my neck.

"You knew, you knew that everybody would want to be a friend of Pyrrha, The Invincible Girl, and not The Pyrrha Nikos, didn't you? Oh, you did, you did, and still..."

Her hand traced along my neck, I could fight back, I could possibly overpower her, to make a ruckus and wake others up, but but I knew that would be mistake, somehow, somehow it was my fault that Pyrrha was acting so, and... And I still felt something strong for her...

"You knew, you knew, and you still LEFT ME! YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH THOSE SYCOPHANTS!"

Pyrrha hissed, actually quietly hissed into my face as she looked into my eyes, our noses touching each other as I felt her breath on my face and lips...


Pyrrha's breath hitched as I saw something wet hit my face...

It was Pyrrha's tears that were streaming down her face and falling down at me...


Pyrrha said, now her entire body on me, her legs strangling mine, and her hands around my head as our faces touched each other, it would be an erotic sight if not for the pain I heard in Pyrrha's voice and the pain that flared in my own heart...

There, Pyrrha couldn't hold herself any longer, as she practically fell on me, her head falling next to my face as I felt her breath on my neck, and her body pressed against me, as she hiccuped, but otherwise no longer moving...


All I could at this moment do was move my hands and embrace Pyrrha as I held the hiccuping girl on my chest...

We stayed a while like this until I felt Pyrrha calm down and push herself a little up from me, once again above me, as she looked at me.

"But we are together again... And you... You will not run again, not from me... I will not let you..."

Pyrrha said, with such conviction in her voice that it seemed as if she would wage war against the world if I or someone dared to refute her...

"We will continue where we ended, will we not?

Pyrrha said, not asked, but said, I just kept looking as her green eyes shone in the light of the broken moon.

I didn't say anything, what was there to say? Pyrrha was one of the biggest regrets I had, how stupidly I ended our relationship or how I ran from her...

Pyrrha just smiled as she didn't hear me an object, and closed the distance between us as I felt a pair of nostalgic lips touch my own, tasting the nostalgic taste of strawberry lipstick Pyrrha so loved to use...

"It... It is so much better than I remembered..."

Pyrrha whispered, making me look at her, and it seemed Pyrrha took my staring as some kind of question.

"What? You don't know how much I tried to find you, find you so I could kiss you, to erase that whore's taste on my lips... Or how I almost hurt my lips when I scrubbed them clean, again and again when I couldn't find you..."

Pyrrha's breath was on my lips as she talked, making me confused for a while until I remembered the photo where I saw some boy kissing her...

"...No, before you ask, no... I did not date or find anybody else."

Pyrrha said, her hands once again along with my head, locking me in place.


I simply asked, making Pyrrha look at me, it was the same look she gave me when I said something stupid.

"And, why, would I? I have you... Even if you tried to run... But at last, we are again together, and it is like destiny, isn't it?"

Pyrrha smiled as she stroked my cheeks, her large and perfectly formed breast pressing against my chest, the sole thing in between was her thin nightgown and my shirt...

"You knew, you knew I wanted more women, and I was with others in these two years..."

I ultimately said, no need to lie, sooner or later Pyrrha would be found, and I was better of coming clean, my words seemed to wake Pyrrha from some strange trance, and there was, fuck...

"Oh, I know, I know, just as I know you fucked Nora not long ago, she wasn't exactly quiet when she told it to Ren..."

Pyrrha said with a snarl as she looked at me...

"Just because you were unfaithful doesn't mean I would be too."

Pyrrha's hands again moved to my neck as she kissed me, this time more forcefully, until I felt a flare of pain on my lips and the coppery taste of blood from my lips.

"...You still didn't give up on that stupid idea, hm?"

Pyrrha hummed as I saw her licking her lips, her lips that had my blood on them...

"But... I will show you, I will show you that im all you need, and then you will give up on this stupid idea of yours..."

Pyrrha whispered into my ear, her hot breath making me shudder...

"You will love me..."

Pyrrha whispered as I felt her body relax, and fall on me, her legs around mine, and her hands moving around my chest and under me as she was embracing me, her head resting near my face...

I didn't move, nor did I speak as after a while I felt Pyrrha's breath call down, and from the sound of it, Pyrrha fell asleep on me...

I just kept looking at the top of the bunk bed...

"Fuck me... Im totally fucked..."

The worst thing was, I still held feelings for Pyrrha, and as such, I couldn't exactly bring myself to refute her...


An ice-blue eye fascinatingly looked at the bottom of one of the bunk beds...

She didn't know if she had to strike, Pyrrha was her friend, but for a while, she feared she would do something drastic to the boy...

"Just who are you to make Pyrrha so worked up..."

She muttered, her white hair falling down along her face as she watched the happenings, but ultimately sighing in relief as she saw Pyrrha calm down...

Pyrrha was her friend, maybe the sole friend that understood how she felt, all her life being surrounded by the sycophants that wanted nothing more than part of her heritage...

Oh yes, she met quite a lot of sexy boys thanks to being who she was and could go away with a lot of things, but she still held some standards, as such she never truly done it with some boy, from one part she feared she would be knocked up by some rando, and that she still waited for the true one, someone who wouldn't just say YES YES on anything she spouted from her lips...

Really, some of the boys were just too desperate for her to fuck them, not knowing she had standards...

It was a pity Pyrrha was a girl like her, if she was a boy, then at least she could take her as her fiance, finally giving anybody a message that she was taken...

Who she was kidding, she knew it wouldn't stop some of the boys or men from getting into her pants and then trying to blackmail her, just another reason she was careful with who she tried to date...

That said...

The boy with blonde hair and red eyes was pleasant for the eyes, pity he was Pyrrha's, after all, if he was just the half of the things Pyrrha said, he would be a perfect candidate for her...

Hm, she should call her mother and ask for her to look into this Rey, she was, after all, a good friend, and good friends made sure their famous friends don't end up with some hoes...


Another pair looked at the happenings with a holding breath, the amber eyes that saw in the darkness were sharp as the person watched the happenings...

She didn't know what to think, for the boy to know Pyrrha Nikos and seemingly have such a relationship with her...

And at the same time, she was scared, because the girl with the red hair was behaving like one particular boy with bull horns and red hair...

"Are all redheads so psycho?"

She whispered as she watched the happenings, ultimately sighing in relief as she saw how Pyrrha fell asleep...

Still, if nothing else, she knew that tomorrow and the days following would by if nothing else interesting...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts