
Rwby: Guts the berserker

Guts, a warrior with a troubled past, finds himself in the magical world of Remnant. His past haunts him, and he is determined to find redemption. He is a complex character, with many layers to his personality. Guts is a formidable fighter, with incredible strength and durability that makes him a force to be reckoned with in battle. His proficiency with a range of weapons, including a massive sword, only adds to his intimidating presence. However, Guts is constantly struggling with his inner demons. Guts sets out on a journey to confront his past and overcome his personal struggles. Alongside his friends, he fights to protect the people of Remnant from the Grimm, learning to let go of his anger and tap into his true strength. As he battles and travels with Team JNPR, Guts becomes a respected and powerful ally, finally finding peace and redemption. I don't own the cover nor the Anime/Comics/Manga/Books/Movies/Tv Shows in the Fanfic. 700-1500 words/Ch. 1-5 chapters a week.

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15 Chs

Like I care

(Rose Cottage)

"YOU DID WHAT?!" a thunderous voice boomed in shock.

Ruby Rose sat on the couch in the living room, watching as her father, Tai Yang, stormed back and forth in front of her. She had just returned from the police station and faced her father's outrage.

"Well, what did you expect me to do?" Ruby asked, trying to defend her actions.

"I expected you to act sensibly and wait for other police and authorities to arrive, not go off on your own to play vigilante!" Tai exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Dad, we both know that by the time they got there, Roman would have been long gone. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing if I could help. Even if it meant risking him getting caught," Ruby argued.

Tai grabbed at his hair, pulling at it in frustration. His daughter was stubborn and headstrong, just like her mother and him. It was going to get her hurt if she wasn't careful. "Do you understand what could have happened to you tonight?" Tai asked, trying to make her see the danger she had put herself in.

"Yes, of course. Roman could have killed me," Ruby scoffed.

"Not only that but he's been known to rape people before," Tai added, hoping to shock her into understanding the severity of the situation.

Ruby's eyes widened in shock. "W-what?!" she stuttered.

Tai breathed a deep sigh of relief as he finally managed to get to her. "Yes, he has," he replied, his voice laced with exhaustion. "But it's not on the news because they don't want to spread panic.

You acted recklessly tonight, going after Roman without thinking. You might have managed to get into Beacon, an accomplishment, but your behavior could ruin everything. I was planning on throwing a party to celebrate your acceptance, but that might not happen if you keep acting like this."

Ruby hung her head, signing with a sigh of defeat, "I will do better next time, Dad," she said in a gloomy tone. Tai stood up, his lecture coming to an end. "Now, go get dressed and head upstairs to clean your weapon. I'm sure the police didn't do it when they had it in their possession. I'll call you for dinner," Tai said, his voice firm.

Ruby climbed the stairs, turning back to her father before she reached the top. "Hey, Dad?" she asked.

"Don't worry, Ruby. I won't tell Yang; you can surprise her on the ship," Tai said.

Rudy nodded, turning and continuing her way up to her room.

Tai watched her go, the stairs and kitchen filling with the scent of rose petals as he sat in a kitchen chair, lost in thought. 'Summer, how would you deal with her if you were here?' he asked.

As Ruby sat on her bed, she remembered her friend, Angel. While they were still friends, they weren't close anymore. And now that Ruby was going to Beacon, she wouldn't see Angel for two more years.

Ruby pulled out her scroll and dialed Angel. "Ruby?" Angel answered, her voice filled with a moan.

Ruby raised an eyebrow, suspicion creeping into her mind. "Hey, Angel, how are you doing?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation casual.

"I'm good enough," Angel replied, a hint of evasion in her voice. "How about you?"

Ruby narrowed her eyes, a snarky thought crossing her mind.

"Who's there with you?" Ruby asked, her suspicions confirmed.

"No one, no one, Ruby!" Angel said, the panic evident in her voice.

"Angel?" Ruby hissed, her frustration rising.

Angel let out a sigh, a sheepish tone in her voice. "Promise you won't be mad," she said. Ruby stayed silent, not sure if it was a confirmation or denial. Angel pressed on. "It's Derk from drills and sparring." She said her voice barely above a whisper.

Ruby froze, a wave of jealousy coursing through her. Derk was one of the cutest boys in class, and someone Ruby had a massive crush on.

"You know what? Fine. Like I care about that," Ruby huffed, anger lacing her words. "I'm just going to say it straight out. I'm heading to Beacon two years early, so don't expect to see me. I hope your new boyfriend serves as a better sister in arms!" With that, Ruby hung up the call before Angel could retort.

Ruby let out an angry huff and slammed her scroll down onto the dresser. "Fucking cucked bitch," she muttered under her breath, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

The room was filled with her heavy breathing as she fumed in frustration, the anger rolling off her in waves. She stood there for a moment, seething, before finally sighing and collapsing onto her bed.