
getting a system and deciding a path(edited)

I couldn't help but unconsciously ask the child.

"So, are you a transmigrator? Did you get isekai'd, or were you summoned?"

The child's giggling stopped immediately after I asked the question, and it was staring at me in shock. I concluded that it was one of the three. Before the child could speak, I began to explain.

"I got reborn here and ended up as a grimm with [Predator] and [Great Sage]. Well, [Predator] has evolved into [Apex Predator], but you get the gist."

The child nodded his head and stood up, puffing his chest out.

"Well, you're correct. I ended up getting transmigrated here. My original name in this world was Suka, but after I got the Haku Yuki template, I changed it."

Still carrying the child, I went and sat on a rock. With this knowledge, I knew this kid would have chakra and would be manipulating ice, water, and wind, at the very least. The kid continued speaking.

"I propose we work together to conquer the world since we both are other-worlders."

I just raised my eyebrow with an amused expression. Now that I knew this was someone who was transmigrated, they were definitely older than a child, so I wouldn't have nearly as much problem dealing with them.

"Okay, what will I get out of this? I got [Apex Predator], meaning I can just take away your [Ice Manipulation] by killing and using [Apex Predator] on you and possibly get a template system out of you."

Suka froze in place after hearing this because it was very true. He quickly started speaking up.

"You don't need to kill me; you could use your [Great Sage] to copy my system, right? That's worth a try?!"

I quietly placed my hand on top of his head as [Great Sage] seemed to speak up at this moment.

"The individual Suka is correct; I could copy the system with [Apex Predator], but you will only be able to get one template out of the copied system."

I immediately used [Apex Predator] to get the system as I spoke to Suka.

"Very well, [Great Sage] has confirmed that I can get a copy of your system, but I will only get one template from it. Tell me, did you get items from your template system?"

Suka nodded quickly as he summoned a pair of cinnamon and what appeared to be a replica of Zabuza Momochi's beheading knife. I raised an eyebrow and nodded silently as the kid stored everything away. After a few minutes, [Great Sage] spoke up.

"[Congratulations, you have attained the one-time use [template system] generating template....]"

I removed my hand from the kid's head, patiently waiting for the template to generate.

"[Congratulations, you have obtained the template of Virgil from 'Devil May Cry':

You have obtained [Swordsmanship Style: Dark Slayer skill].

You have obtained the skill [Devil Trigger].

You have obtained the skill [Blade Gate].

You have attained the [Apex Aura] skill.]"

While hearing this, I noticed that an [Inventory] skill was also added. The Yamato, along with the pair of gauntlets and boots that Virgil acquired from Devil May Cry 3 after defeating the light elemental demon, were now in the Inventory. I nodded quietly, realizing there were silver strands in my hair. I turned to Suka and began to speak.

"All right, kid. I've got a pretty powerful template, so that's good enough for me to work with you. Although, if you try to betray me, I'll put you down without hesitation. You're not actually a child, at least in spirit, so I won't feel bad."

I nodded silently while activating [Apex Predator] on the gauntlets and boots enchanted with the light element.

"[Congratulations, you have obtained [Light Manipulation], [Light Resistance], and [Enhanced Speed]]."

I got curious, so I asked [Great Sage] what [Light Resistance] does, and [Great Sage] seemed happily willing to speak.

"[The skill [Light Resistance] at level one will allow you to resist the Silver Eye's powers for some time and any light-based attacks.]"

After hearing this, I felt a little safer, considering those eyes can pretty much one-shot a grimm if the person is powerful enough. I noticed Suka began speaking and paid him my full attention.

"We are in agreement then. Now the question is, do we wish to play the part of Hunters, or do we want to build up our own bandit camp? Since you're a grimm, and I'm sure they have some kind of device allowing them to detect grimm, it'll be practically impossible to get you into a Hunter's school. So the best idea would be either to join Salem, which I'm sure you wouldn't prefer, or become bandits."

I nodded my head quietly at that, then I decided to speak.

"Well, I believe becoming bandits is the best option. Salem most certainly would be able to tell I'm a Grimm and probably wonder how the hell I evolved into this. I might end up being experimented on, so yeah, I would say bandit is the best option. But Atlas seems to automatically kill bandits; it's why there aren't many here. In the month I've lived here, I've only come across some Huntsmen and Huntresses and those Atlesian soldiers around here. So we're most likely going to have to move regions, but I have zero way of bringing us where we need to go. And in case you're wondering, I obtained The Virgil template from 'Devil May Cry.'"

Suka's eyes seemed to almost glow after hearing whose template I got, and while the kid was nodding his head vigorously, I continued speaking.

"Next, we'll need to figure out at what point in the timeline we are in. Since you've transmigrated, I'm sure you got the previous owner of that body's memories. Next, we need to possibly get our hands on a bulwark or some form of vehicle. I can technically walk anywhere since the grimm will leave me alone, and I am approximately 6 to 7 times stronger than the average Beowulf alpha and approximately 4 to 5 times faster. So most bandits aren't really a problem for me to deal with. You, on the other hand, being a non-grimm, will be in great danger wherever we travel while walking. And I should probably get some new clothes to add to my ensemble since I am pretty much naked besides this Egyptian cloth."

After hearing this, Suka seemed to be nodding his head softly and began speaking.

"Yes, I believe that is a relatively good idea and plan. Since you have the [Apex Predator] skill, we should most likely hunt down new types of grimm for you to assimilate."

I snapped out of my thoughts as I remembered Death Stalkers had venom, and I did have a venom gland; I just never had a trigger for anything. Then I had the thought if I could get [Great Sage] to get a skill for me to fuse my abilities -

"[When you first devoured a different type of grimm, you obtained the skill [Fusion], but you do not possess the necessary magic particles to use it, so it was never mentioned.]"

Well, that was informative and plain annoying, but oh well. I now had a passive swordsman skill. I also had the [Devil Trigger] ability, and the Blade Gate I'm assuming is what Virgil does to open a portal with the Yamato. Though I am quite curious about [Apex Aura]. [Great Sage] decided to speak up on this one too.

"[Apex Aura] is a passive skill that, because of [Apex Predator] and demonic aura, naturally fused, creating [Apex Aura]. To any animal or grimm below the alpha classification, it will fear you innately, knowing you are the predator in that area, and they are prey. Though they will not run from you, they will show respect to you by letting you have the first pick of prey, much like an animal pack. Though any alpha-classified grimm will immediately try to make you submit to them as a challenge of authority."

After hearing this, I was quite happy and quite confused, but I didn't care all that much. Suka seemed to be speaking, so I instantly tuned back into the conversation.

"And about your clothes, I can see why, though I think it fits you."

I stood up from my rock as I heard the howling of Beowolves and what seemed to be the roar of Nevermore. If I remember correctly, those are the giant birds. Suka merely hid behind me as I remembered his body was that of a child. I pulled the Yamato out of my inventory and held it in my hand. After all, I had to get used to using a blade, though I am curious if I were to use [Apex Predator] on this, would I be able to improve my claws to be as sharp as the Yamato? But given I am planning to start my own bandit camp, I would probably need a weapon to keep up appearances, so I scrapped the idea of using [Predator] on it. While I looked towards the direction of where the noises were coming from, I saw a group of Faunus running into the clearing room, and I drew the Yamato from its scabbard as I stared at them. They looked at me and seemed shocked to see a human practically naked out in the middle of a blizzard that was starting to pick up, so I simply pointed the Yamato towards a nearby cave.

"All right, go to the cave if you want to hide from the Nevermore and be ready to fight the Beowolves."

They seemed shocked to hear me give them orders, but they weren't going to argue about getting cover from the damned aerial attacks and ran. Suka followed them as I knew the Beowolves ran into the clearing. I simply made my move, charging forward and using the [Dark Slayer Style] to carve up the Beowolves like they were nothing. To be fair, the [Dark Slayer Style] was pretty much designed to fight demons who could grow up to 20 times your size, so this style made killing Grimm absurdly easy. Of course, I used [Apex Predator] on them, which came out as a black mist from the bottom of my feet, covering the Beowolf corpses. I decided to jump up a tree and get to the top of it, looking for the Nevermore. As I looked around, I noticed it wasn't really big; it was probably the smallest Nevermore I had ever seen. I decided to use them as target practice for [Light Manipulation], so I asked [Great Sage].

"[Use [Light Manipulation] as the basis and create a Light Lance attack. Guide the attack to hit the Nevermore and blow off one of its wings.]"

[Great Sage] began to speak as I raised my hand and a Light Lance slowly started forming while my arm was being guided for the attack.

"[Understood. [Light Lance] has been created, beginning to aid the Host in aiming the attack. Target Nevermore locked on, ready to fire.]"

After letting the attack go, I saw the [Light Lance] race across the sky and sever the joints connecting the wing to the rest of the body, which caused the Nevermore to plummet. I heard its screams before I decapitated it. I keep forgetting that it's absurdly easy to kill the Grimm, but then again, I am probably strong enough to go blow for blow with most average Grimm and come out relatively unharmed. I quickly used [Apex Predator] to devour the Nevermore and decided to speak to [Great Sage].

"I would like you to incorporate wings into my human disguise."

I didn't seem to get a response, but I felt a pain in my back as a pair of wings sprouted. Then I heard [Great Sage]'s voice projected in my head.

[Congratulations, [Human form] has evolved into [Crow Faunus]. You have attained the skill [Agile Flight]."]

Staying quiet, I began flapping my wings, shooting into the sky and making my way to the cave. While touching down, the Faunus were shocked to look at me with wings. Then, with a thought, they retracted back into my back, which seemed to explain something to them. While entering the cave, I looked over to Suka, who gave me a thumbs up. I decided to speak to him because I would wait until our guests began to speak to me.

"Brat, go deeper into the cave to make sure we're not going to get any surprises in the middle of the night from inside. Use your [Ice Manipulation] if you need to deal with any weak Grimm. If they're too strong, come running back."

He nodded and ran deeper into the cave. I never really bothered with checking to see if there was any Grimm in the cave because, well, I'm a Grimm, and they wouldn't attack me. This is something I'll have to get used to. I noticed one of the people from the group that ran into the clearing was walking towards me. It was a teenage girl with black-tipped white wolf ears. I looked at the rest of her group, which seemed to be mostly wolves with a single cat among them. The woman began to speak.

"Thank you for saving us, brother. We were running from them since they attacked our caravan."

I looked down on the little wolf girl, both figuratively and literally, since I was quite literally about five and a half heads taller than this poor girl.

"Think nothing of it, little sister. Though I would appreciate it if you left my brat alone. He's not really the sociable type most of the time. Or at least, in the amount of time I've known him, he has never been the most sociable."

She seemed to understand, but I could tell there was a question.

"And before you ask, no, he's not biologically mine. He's a brat I found being picked on by some Atlesian soldiers, which were dealt with, and the brat's been following me ever since."

I decided to give her a half-true backstory, though she may have a problem with me killing soldiers. But then again, considering most people in Atlas were racist, no self-respecting Faunus would mind. She began speaking again, though she did look scared at me.

"What do you mean you dealt with them!? Are you a bandit or something!?"

I just stared blankly at her, which seemed to scare most of the group.

"To answer your question, yes, I am a bandit. I am also an ex-member of the White Fang. And by 'dealt with,' I mean I killed them. The fewer people discriminating against our kind, the better."

I said this while sitting on a large rock, looking at Yamato. I did notice most of the members of her group seemed to like my answer, all except for the little wolf girl herself. While observing them, I noted that they all seemed to be armed. Before I could ask, I heard Suka running back with a smile on his face.

"Oi, old man, there's no Grimm deeper in the cave, though it does open into a rather large cavern, and I don't have a light or something, so I can't see. But nothing attacked me, so I'm assuming there's no Grimm."

I couldn't help but snort at being called old man. In truth, I was a 50-year-old weeb in my previous life, so I guess I am rather old. I also finally noticed what type of Faunus Suka was, as I saw a little pair of white wings on his back, which I found rather adorable compared to my rather large black wings. While admiring my wings, I saw that a good half of my wings were black, with some green and silver feathers dotted here and there.

"All right, Brat, quit being cheeky. Now, practice your semblance while I stand watch or go to sleep. I don't really care, but I'm going to stay up and keep watch. And for our guests, they can help keep watch or explore the cavern you found."

I stayed silent as I noticed two of their little group went to the entrance of the cavern to stand watch, but the little wolf girl was sitting close to Suka, and the last remaining three were around the entrance to the cave. I couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Now I wonder why you all need saving. I can see the hidden weapons. Are you out of ammo or something?"

This seemed to shock everyone except for Suka, who just couldn't help but giggle at my words. One of the other members of their little group, specifically that cat Faunus, decided to speak up.

"That's because we weren't meant to have them in the caravan, so we hid them. We were mainly there to act as disposable meat shields for those bastard humans. In fact, we all could have been considered slaves if it wasn't for the fact that we don't have collars on."

I smirked while addressing the cat Faunus.

"Then I guess you can join my bandit tribe. It'll just be us eight, but better to have small numbers at the start. After all, with the humans, you get treated like crap, but here, amongst our kind, you'll get treated with respect, and why not cause some havoc with the humans?"

Most of them seemed to agree, though the little wolf girl was hesitant, but she did eventually nod her head. I was quite surprised that it was this easy to start up a small bandit group. Perhaps it's just our luck, most likely it's Suka's. Now I'm rather curious about their semblances.