
RWBY: Dragon's Heart

[Tags: Yuri, NO GENDERBEND] What do you do, when you suddenly die, only to wake up in front of a gorgeous fox lady that's offering you a second chance at life? No memories of myself, my parents, friends, lovers, nothing. No problem. I have a feeling I was someone who wouldn't pass up that opportunity. I just wonder who I'll end up becoming..

Saeko_Kaburagi · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs


'Ow..' Yin slid down the hardwall of the convenience store, glaring at the door she flew threw as she picked herself up.

'Those sons of a bitch did the Killer Bee and Ay move on me.. I'm actually a little impressed. Pissed, but impressed. Had no time for this earlier but let's spend some stat points.' Yin then opened the screen once more.

[Status- Race: Human/? Hybrid Name: Yin Xiaolong Lv: 10 Age: 8


HP: 50/50 MP: 0/0 Titles: Little Bandit, Prankster Skills: Observe: Lv 4, Accelerate: Lv 4, ?'s Wrath: Lv N/A, Dismantling: Lv 3, Repair: Lv 3, Cooking: Lv 4, Unarmed: Lv: 6, Blades: Lv 3, Small arms: Lv 2

Strength: 25 Vitality: 20 Agility: 25 Perception: 30 Intelligence: 20 Aura: C class. Free points: 50]

'Hm.. Seems I picked up some new skills. Thankfully I didn't get any annoying pop-ups while I was fighting. That aside, leveling is way more efficient at getting points than training, which has only gotten me ten points at most in the year since I came to the Branwen tribe.' Yin thought, getting a better grasp on how the system worked.

Yin then glanced at her stats again before quickly allotting all of her free points.

[Strength: 40 Vitality: 30 Agility: 40 Perception: 30 Intelligence: 30]

After allotting her points, Yin felt something shift within her. As she walked, she felt a pleasant heat rise up from within her chest. A ravenous heat that made her more eager to kill the two bosses before her. Her lips split into an unsettling smile as she walked out of the store, her eyes now an ominous purple.

"Alright you brick shithouses, let's fucking go!" Yin ran forward, a feeling of near euphoria settling over her as she saw the two slowly prepare to hit her.

Like a blur, Yin leapt up and drove her fist into the face of the Zombie Lord that caught her off guard. Seeing a large hand reach for her, she quickly stepped aside and severed the hand of the already injured Zombie Lord at the wrist with her machete.

SCHLICK! The Zombie Lord's hand quickly fell to the ground before it knew what happened.

"RAAAAAAAAGH!!!" The previously uninjured Zombie Lord roared before taking a mighty swing of his large cleaver at her while the now one-handed Zombie Lord ran off to get his Axe.

"Hmph.. You feel slower now." Yin commented as she ducked a swing and slashed the machete across the back of its leg.

The Zombie Lord stumbled forward, catching itself on the tipped over car before swinging its cleaver behind it, in hopes of hitting Yin. Yin had already backed away, keeping an eye on the one handed Zombie Lord running over while dragging its axe. Yin panted, the glow in her eyes dimming as the two prepared to fight her again. The slowness that the Zombie Lords previously possessed lessened as she bit her bottom lip.

"Heh.. No. They weren't slower. I just became faster. Pretty tiring, actually. All or nothing it is.." Yin slowly exhaled as the two bosses barreled at her, weapons poised to strike.

Yin ducked the clumsy axe swing coming at her horizontally before seeing the cleaver swing right after it. Thinking fast on her feet, Yin opened the nearby car door to take the hit. Though the force still managed to knock her back a few meters. Yin heaved a sigh of relief, despite her aura flaring heavily. The Zombie Lords continued their coordinated attacks, pushing Yin back toward a wall.


Yin inhaled as the situation worsened. Her aura wouldn't sustain another hit. And if any of those swings connected, she would die. Yet as she faced almost certain death, the glow in her eyes intensified.

"I'm not gonna die. Not when I have you dumb bastards lined up like this." Yin's grin nearly turned feral as blue embers sparked all over her body.

Soon enough, the embers materialized into flames that harmlessly covered her whole body. An ominous shape covering her as she placed one foot forward and leaned her body towards her targets. Her machete glowing from the heat, Yin reared it back before the world slowed in her eyes.

[Accelerate: Lv 4 activated]


And the heads of the Zombie Lords were violently ejected from their bodies, not realizing what happened even until the very end. Yin forced herself to a stop a meter behind the two headless falling corpses, panting heavily.


Yin smiled triumphantly as she received another system message.

[Dungeon Quest complete! Side Quest complete! 1043 zombies killed! 2 Bosses slain! Requirements for rewards met!]

Yin read the message with a tired smile on her face, leaning against the nearby wall as she caught her breath. The last of her aura broke, having been spent in that final attack. Her machete now a melted, broken pile of scrap. But she had done it.

"Fuck. Maybe that would've been easier if I used the Fury skill.. Eh.. I don't wanna rely on berserking." Yin muttered through her panting, then turned to see the rewards screen.

[Malorian Arms 3516 pistol, Stat point crystal: C rank, Onikiri and Ubadachi obtained! Note: Malorian Arms 3516 pistol comes with x120 ammo. The crafting schematics has been added to the system. Compatible with dust ammo types]

Yin almost skipped in place as she pulled Johnny Silverhand's gun from her inventory and closely inspected it. Her fingers ran over its smooth metal barrel and a small giggle escaped from her lips.

"Ahh.. if only the theme song played as I wielded it.." Yin sighed.

[Condition.. accepted? Optional 'Rebel Path' theme can be enabled/disabled in the inventory]

"FUCK YEAH! Thanks Goddess!" Yin nearly clasped her hands together in prayer as she shouted.

"And these two swords came just in time.." Yin hummed before putting away the pistol and grabbing Onikiri and Ubadachi from the inventory.

"I wonder if they're infused.. Or upgraded with Titanite? Nah.. If they were upgraded, they'd be overpowered. You could kill Gods with anything upgraded with enough Titanite.." Yin muttered before looking at the two crystals in her inventory.

[C Rank Stat Crystal: Strength, C rank Stat Crystal: Intelligence]

Yin mentally noted to take them later when she wasn't tired. Then the sidequest reward screen opened.

[Some good fucking drip: Fur collared vest, Fur collared leather coat, Black shorts, Black Air Forces, Sandals, Training Dogi]

Yin raised her brow at the numerous pieces of clothing, more specifically, the shoes.

"I never understood the hype of these shoes.." Yin shrugged.

[Congratulations! You have proven yourself able to recieve the next bloodline awakening early. Once you turn ten years old, you will instead receive the third bloodline awakening. The option to undergo the awakening can be accessed through the status screen]

"It's gonna hurt like hell again, I bet." Yin sighed before dismissing the screen.

[? Reward gifted! Random Skill aquisition. Lv: 5 Singing acquired!]

The final screen made Yin confused. The reward of a random skill was nice. But singing? The only experience she had of singing came from her past life. Mainly when she was dragged by her friends to karaoke. She wasn't particularily good either. In fact, she was pretty sure her friends teased her for it.

A blue rift then opened before her, taking her attention away from her previous memories.

"Ah, right. I really should get out of here." Yin muttered before stepping out of the dungeon and appearing right back in the dark forest.

Once she got back, Yin took a deep breath of the cleaner air and smiled to herself. Though before she could enjoy the better atmosphere, she heard a shuffle next to her, coming from the bushes. Suspecting a Grimm, she reached into her inventory when it finally showed itself.

"Ah? Damn, kid. What are you doin' out here?" The breathy voice of Gray asked, coming out of the brush with a raised brow.

"Oh, it's just you.." Yin sighed, pulling her hand back to her side.

"Shit, that's my line. I thought some Grimm had gotten close to the camp. Or worse, the Beormir. Fuckin' savages from Mantle. What were you doin'? And why did you look so..." Gray trailed off, looking down at her student.

"Look so..?" Yin repeated back, tilting her head.

"Ah nevermind. Come on, I already finished by round. Let's go back. Little kids need their sleep." Gray cheekily said before carrying Yin in one arm like a small dog.

"Ts.. so do busty gunslinger bandits.." Yin muttered back, hearing a throaty chuckle from the woman.

"You flirtin' with me, kid? Try again when ya get older and look more like your Mom." Gray replied jokingly.

"Will do then.." Yin said, enjoying the firm but soft cushion her head was pressed against.

"Ahahahaha!! You're a weird kid.. even for a bandit." Gray snorted as they returned to the camp.

"Back to bed with ya. I won't tell the chief where ya were unless she asks. Night, kid." Gray waved her off before returning to her own tent with a more serious expression than the one she had earlier.

"What the hell was that..? Is she a Faunus too?" Gray asked herself, thinking back on Yin's appearance when she saw her in the dark.

The glowing purple eyes weren't a result of her aura. The way they shone and the oval shape of her pupils made her shiver internally. Somehow, she felt more dangerous than earlier that day when Gray saw her. The bandit sighed and pulled out a cigar while looking down at her hand. Sharp nails, like those of a big cat coming out before being retracted.

"Maybe it's just my animal instinct kickin' in.." Gray muttered as she took a drag from her cigar.

Meanwhile, Yin had walked back into her Mother's tent and laid down on her bed. Luckily, Raven was still asleep and her silent return hadn't woken her up. Yin's eyes slowly closed, lulled to sleep by her Mother's slow breathing.

-Two years later-

Yin woke up in her tent, hearing her Mother's groans as she finished her wake-up routine. Raven always wore a loose fitting sleepwear yukata. The kind that cut off at her upper thighs and did nothing to hide the curves of her well-endowed Mother. It was a bit difficult not to stare when she stretched and did her wake-up exercises.

"Yin, you're up. Come on, join me. We have a raid later. You'll need to be in top shape." Raven spoke, bending down repeatedly and touching her feet.

"Mn...hm. Oh, yeah. That's today. What's the target?" Yin asked, shaking the image of Raven's well toned and round butt away.

"Kuroyuri. There might be some resistance but this is for more than just loot. The Beormir are gaining notoriety faster and faster. We have to instill some fear back in the people." Raven replied as Yin began her own wake-up routine.

"Not.. a slaughter, right?" Yin asked, a frown on her face.

"Of course not. That's not how we operate. I want you and Vernal on the front lines. You've proven yourself capable ever since your second.. episode." Raven retorted, looking at her daughter as she stretched.

Yin had another painful episode a year ago. Just like the first time she saw it, Yin had gotten stronger from it. Despite the terrifying bone cracking noises and screams she heard from Yin that day, she emerged stronger. Recently, on her birthday, it happened again. But it seemed far less painful. Raven almost mistook it for PMS.

After those two scares, Yin hadn't only gotten stronger. She had some strange presence that made most of her tribe nervous. The exceptions were Gray, Phestus, Vernal and herself. The ones she spent the most time with. The largest change on Yin though, was the physical. It was rather strange, for a ten year old to look thirteen or fourteen after all.

"Done." Yin's voice took Raven out of her thoughts.

Yin put the short yukata Raven got for her on her tenth birthday on before putting her own fur collared leather coat, shorts and sandals on. Raven had no idea where she got them, as they looked too nice to be made in the camp. She chalked it up to them being a raided resource.

"Ready." Yin declared, tying her now long hair back in a ponytail.

Raven smirked and ran her hand across Yin's head.

"Then let's go, my Little Dragon."

Yin only smirked at the nickname.