
RWBY: Bond Of Brothers

In the World of Remnant, two brothers find themselves neck and neck after they arrive at Beacon Academy. A sorrowful past leaves the both of them apart. After training together, family isn't the only thing they will have to worry about. Forming their own team, making new guy & girl, friends of every kind, including members of team RWBY. Beside their arguing, they still must work together to become true Huntsman. Will they seek a future like their father's?

StarKnightStories · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 2


Kyle, Cole, and Liam slowly entered the room.

"Wow....this has been our place to study in our free time.. Liam said reminding them. "It's pretty big"

"Yeah, very resourceful indeed" Kyle replied setting a few books down to prepare himself.

"Where's Petra?" Cole asked, looking over at Liam.

Liam paused before slowly turning around. "She's off on her own somewhere....no doubt using this time wisely."

"Yeah, well I took notes in class.." Cole told his teammates. "That should be enough."

"So the only reason you're here is because of me?" Liam asked.

"Well...." Cole began. "I uh, didn't feel like napping is all"

Kyle sat down at a table and sighed before opening a book he brought.

"Hah! Sounds like you need one yourself." His brother said grinning.

"Don't start" Kyle began. "If you aren't going to study, leave me alone."

"He's right. Let's just focus" Liam told them both. "Some studying will help"

Soon all three were seated and began using their time as they pleased.

Not too long after, loud noises suddenly began from another part of the library.

Cole shot his head up from his arms and awakened from an attempt to sleep.

"What the hell...?" He asked the others before spinning around in his chair.

"What's that...ruckus?" Liam asked as looked towards the upper part of the room.

Kyle took a quick look and to his surprise saw Team RWBY sitting all together. Team JNPR sat across at another table.

"It's Team RWBY. And it looks like....they're playing a....card....game." he answered.

"In the library!??" Liam cried.

"Giant Nevermore! If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!" Yang Xiao Long shouted giving a smile.

"What is she doing....??" Liam asked again squinting his eyes.

"It's..." Kyle began, suddenly realizing the truth. "A boar-"

"ITS REMNANT THE GAME!" Cole shouted before he could finish.

"HUH?!" Liam asked scratching his head.

"It's an AWESOME board game, we had one at home and I would beat Kyle all the time!" Cole smirked as he stood from his chair.

"Okay. Cole relax, we should be stu-" Kyle began.

"SCREW THAT!" his brother replied ignoring him. "I'm gonna see what's up!"

Kyle and Liam both watched as he took off towards the other students.

"Uh, what....is he doing?" Liam asked his leader looking confused.

"Embarrassing....our team" Kyle told him before giving a deep sigh, then covering his face with his hands.

Cole quickly made his way near the table as Team RWBY continued.


Both teams at their tables suddenly turned to see him standing near.

"Oh.....hey...you" Yang began. "Where's your team?"

"Studying....too hard" he replied. "Man....wish I could play some"

"Sorry....we have everyone possible playing. No room" Ruby told him.

"Hey Cole! Yeah....I wanted to play also" Jaune said suddenly.

"Uh, hey Jaune...." Cole replied slowly. "That's cool."

"You think could beat us?" Yang asked him smirking.

"Heck yah! I've had plenty of prac-" he began before a hand came onto his shoulder.

"Very nice to see everyone having fun" Liam told Team RWBY. "I'm surprised you all are playing in the library....it's meant for mostly study."

"THANK YOU!" shouted Lie Ren from the next table.

Everyone else sat surprised at Liam.

"Oh...we aee so s-sorry...." Weiss began nervously.

"It's fine" he told the team. "You guys just excited my teammate is all."

"Well sorry, geez" Cole murmured as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Pyrrha and Liam met eyes as he looked down at the comic book she held.

"Ha.....I guess some of you are READING" he told everyone with a smile.

"That's uh.....my comic" Jaune replied giving a embarrassed look.

"Comic.....what kind of leader ARE you?" Weiss said suddenly trying to show off.

"Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!" Jaune cried.

"By who? Your mother?" She replied frowning.

"Relax you two" Liam said. "Yes, you have a great potential Jaune. And there's always room for improvement."

"Fine then, but I still wouldn't trust you for help in a battle" Weiss snapped giving a firm look.

"Please, no more you guys. Play nice." Pyrrha told them.

"Why not!? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before! I mean, you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fa-" Jaune began.

Pyrrha instantly covered his mouth before he could finish.

"A....fun-loving friend!" She replied.

"Huh?" Cole asked as he looked on.

"Hmm..." Liam went before looking over at Blake Belladonna.

Blake sighed before lowering her eyes.

"Where's.....your team leader?" She asked quietly.

"He's standing right there" Weiss said pointing to Liam.

"Yeah....right here!" yelled Cole.

"Both of you are wrong and you know it" Liam replied shaking his head.

Suddenly two new students walked up.

"Sup losers" said one. He was a blonde male faunus with an open shirt and long tail.

The other was a male human with bright blue hair and goggles.

"Hey Sun!" Ruby told him smiling. "Who's your friend?"

"A Nerd" Sun replied smirking.

"Hey, that's so unfair! I'm a INTELLECTUAL" stated his friend. "And my name is Neptune."

He then turned to see Liam standing near.

"Oh.....oh man. You're him! You're Liam Ivanhoe!" He began. "One of the twin brothers in your awesome family!"

"Twins!?" Cole cried. "Oh yeah I forgot!"

Neptune stepped forward to shake hands with a nervous Liam.

"If you are so smart, you'd give him some space..." Weiss replied in a rude tone.

"Relax....I'm used to this" Liam said giving a small smile.

"Huh, I had no idea you were that popular" Sun told him. " Cool! Maybe you could hang out with us all!"

"Uh....not without permission." Liam said nervously. "And hanging with your team comes first"

"It does indeed." Pyrrha said with a smile.

Kyle looked on from his table as he caught a glimpse of Blake. Then he saw Liam face his direction and give a thumbs up.

He then waved back, giving a small smile of approval. He felt glad Cole hadn't embarrassed the team too much.

Eventually most students began leaving the library together.

"Guess I'll go see where Petra is" Liam told Kyle and Cole as they made their way out.

"Can I come?" Cole asked smiling. "I've been bored all day"

"Uh....this might take awhile. You two stick together" Liam replied quickly.

As he turned around and left Cole groaned and looked over at His brother. "Ugh....what's his deal...?"

"Atlas" Kyle said quietly.

"You mean it's not Petra?" Cole asked.

"General Ironwood, the headmaster of Atlas Academy. He's here." Kyle continued.

"What!? THAT'S WHY!?" Cole cried. "But he's from Mistral.....he went to HAVEN!"

"I know..." his brother continued. "But It's the Atlas military. I think his brother joined."

The two of them then stood silently as the Atlas airships hovered outside the nearest window.


Kyle and Cole sat in Professor Port's classroom with other students as he rambled on about something that once happened to him.

Cole had been interested at first, until their teacher continued on and on.

He looked over and saw Jaune Arc lean in and began whispering to Weiss Schnee, who sat beside him.

"Poor guy" Cole thought. "Why does everyone even like that spoiled brat.."

Suddenly every clock changed to the end of class, giving shrill but loud beeps.

"And then I....uh,oh." The Proffesor paused. "Timed that one wrong, I guess." He said surprised. "Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!"

Everyone made their way out of the classroom as they each continued on to their own destinations.

"Cole, where you going?" Kyle asked his brother as he walked away.

"I'm going to hang out with Liam and those cool guys from Haven" Cole replied. "Try not to be jealous"

Kyle stood alone in silence. He then paid no mind of what Cole had wanted.

He opened his scroll and looked at the time. "Oh yeah....today's the day" he thought to himself.

Kyle then went outside as he began walking the school grounds, making his way towards something nearby.

He finally reached the tall tower-like building. It was part of the others all across Remnant.

They were known as the Cross Continental Transmit System (CCT)

Kyle made his way towards the structure and slowly walked inside.

Looking around, he saw many students talking and standing around.

Walking further in, he then spotted an elevator.

Kyle made his way inside and soon heard a woman's voice.

"Hello there, welcome to the CCT. How can I help you?" It said.

"Communications room, please" he replied.

"Sure thing. Can you please place your scroll on the terminal so I may verify your identity?" replied the woman.

Kyle removed his mobile device and placed it in front of the screen in the elevator.

There was a fast buzz as the scroll scanned.

"Thank you, Mr.Voltio" said the voice.

As the elevator made its way up, it soon came to a stop and the door opened.

Kyle walked up into the room to see an incredible sight. Dozens of rows of computer desks stood all over the room. Students sat in front of the screens, talking to their friends and family. He walked up to a large empty desk that was closest.

Suddenly a computer hologram of a secretary appeared.

"Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center." The computer said. "How may I help you?"

"Hello, I would like to speak to a family member of mine. They're at Northern Sanus in the village of Aron." Kyle told it.

"Sure thing. If you could head over to Terminal 7, I can patch you through to with whoever is on". The AI continued.

"Thanks" he said before making his way over to the right cubicle.

Shortly after reaching it he sat in the chair and looked on as the screen began connecting.

Soon the video connected and a woman's face appeared.

"KYLE! How are you, dear!?" Said Maple cheerfully.

Hello mother" he replied giving her a warm smile. "It's so good to see you." "Yes, I feel the same way" she replied. "I'm so glad to hear from you!"

"How've you been?" Kyle asked. "Is being alone not to your liking?"

His mother let out a laugh as she smiled back.

"Of course not, I'm doing just fine. I've got enough company that comes over for dinner"

"That's great" Kyle said smiling.

"I want to know how my two Huntsman in training are." Maple told him. "Are you and Cole getting along?"

"Yes....for the most part. Believe it or not, we're on the same team" he said.

As soon as he told her that, her eyes shot wide open.

"Sweetie, that's great!" She cried. "I can't believe it! Now you two can use your Semblance together!"

"Haha" Kyle laughed nervously. "I don't think that'll be happening soon. I still haven't revealed my semblance to him yet"

"That's fine dear. So...tell me about your team...who all else is apart of it?" Maple asked.

"Well, you're not gonna believe it but we have a huntsman who's family is a bit famous for it's history as huntsman" he answered. "The Ivanhoes"

"Hmm....I don't think I've heard of them. They must be from somewhere else in Remnant" she told in deep thought.

"He is.....uh, yes Liam is from Mistral." Kyle said.

"Is he your leader?" Maple asked.

"Uh....no." Kyle nervously replied.

"Don't tell me...." his mother began as she gave a heartening smile.

"I am" Kyle finished.

"IT'S YOU!?! OH MY GODS! IM SO PROUD!! She yelled.

"Hah, yeah....I was just as surprised." He said. "Professor Ozpin decided."

After that the two of them talked for almost an hour until the time to stop began to come near.

"Where is Cole, anyway?" Maple said raising her eyebrows. "He's not getting into any trouble..is he?"

"Uh,....no" Kyle said abruptly. "He's out with some...friends of his."

"Oh my, I hope he's okay" she told him

"He will be mom, I'll make sure of it" he said with confidence.

"Well, tell him I love him and that I'm proud of the both of you so much" Maple continued. " I'm going to expect a call every now and then. So next time bring your brother dear" Maple said with a smile.

"Yes mahm, I will" he told her. " I love you"

" I love you too sweetheart, tell your brother too," she smiled.

"Okay, I will. Love you, " Kyle told her with a smile before their video chat ended by disconnecting.

Kyle sat  as he looked over something on his scroll until something else caught his eye.

He noticed Weisd Schnee making her out way from a computer desk nearby.

"Hmmm" Kyle murmured. "Maybe....no, now would be a perfect time to ask her." He thought to himself.

He quickly stood up and made his way over next to her.

"Hey...Hey Weiss!" Kyle spoke softly.

She quickly turned to see him and gave a surprised look.

"Uh....oh, it's you", She said rolling her eyes.

" Hah....yeah, sorry to bother you. Just thought to say hello" Kyle told her rubbing his neck.

"What do you want?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Well....uh...just thought I could ask you something about one of your teammates"

Weis's eyes soon became wide in shock.

"Let me guess.....Blake" She snorted. "You've got to be kidding me"

"Yeah, Liam told me you had said something about her to all your friends" he answered nervously.

"Yeah right, you just want to get to know me because who I am." She told him frowning.

"No, of course no-" Kyle began.

"Save it, I'm used to it" Weiss interrupted him and turned around. "You probably think I'm a spoiled brat like everyone says. Or an Ice Queen."

"No, I just wish to know something. It'd be awkward not knowing if I ever talked to her" he continued.

She began to walk off.

"Don't think you'd like the news" Weiss said leaving.

Kyle suddenly felt a bit of anger in himself. He suddenly thought of the quickest thing to say.

"If you tell me, I'll tell Liam you want to go to the dance with him!" He said loudly.

Weiss stopped dead in her tracks.

Kyle gave a deep sigh and was staring in disbelief.

A few students looked their way.

Weiss quickly turned around with a slightly red face. 

"W-what? W-why.....would you even say that?!" She said.

"Look, I know you might really like him" Kyle said.  "You and him are well known and probably both have trouble with it"

"Whatever!" Weiss snapped. "We both may understand what it's like. That d-doesnt me I like him!"

"Well, if I don't do it...he may ask HER" He said.

"Whaa....." Weiss froze and soon realized who he meant.

"Pyrrha...." Kyle whispered.

She remained silent before sighing in defeat.

"Fine" Weiss mumbled. "But....don't tell him I asked! Make it your idea!"

"Alright then, I'll try and ask him," Kyle said. "Maybe you'll have some good luck."

"Thank you, maybe you'll have some luck as a leader," she smirked.

She then quickly whispered to him what he wanted to know.

Weiss turned to leave and left him standing all alone.

He gave a deep sigh and thought about what she had told him.

A 'what if' began processing inside his head.

As he did, he couldn't help but admire Weiss by her true self, her beauty. But the truth seemed to show. She hadn't been raised in a humble household, and he began to think what he should do next.