
RWBY: Arc Legacy

I always hated being under someone's control. Grown-ups, teachers, principals, parents. I was born into this world, and just because someone gave birth to me didn't mean they had jurisdiction over my life. I wouldn't just bare it again, not anymore. This was my second chance at life, and I would be damned if I let someone else decide what path I should and should not take. ___ I Own nothing.

Zeckan · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

Bullhead, a means of air transport, is used daily to transport hundreds of people, working on gravity dust propellant.

And that was the reason why people didn't reach space yet.

Dust doesn't work in the vacuum of space.


There was no such thing as dust on Earth, yet we reached the moon and were exploring Mars.

Dust was holding the population back and if there weren't monsters of darkness known as Grimm, I'm sure the world would be at war.

It was human nature to take, after all.

I tightened the strap on my leg, secured the armor on my leg, and stood up. I was on a bullhead, the futuristic version of a plane, heading to Beacon Academy.

A school for fighting monsters.

I walked past the students that were staring at me, keeping their distance, and neared the giant door that would lower in a few seconds.

Some were already there, waiting for the exit to open and I leaned on a wall, crossing my arms.

My sisters weren't too peeved that I was leaving. Most of them were peeved that I was actually fighting back against Father, my twin sister went to Heaven Academy, not wanting to be in the same school as me, apparently.

As soon as the Bullhead landed, the hanger opened and the prospective students started pouring out of the vehicle.

Letting out a hum, I straightened up and started walking out myself.

The sun's rays attacked my eyes, again, and I held up a hand to shield them in annoyance.

With a sigh, I started walking behind the crowd, the annoyance slowly and steadily growing inside me.

I fell for it.

That bastard.

Freedom my ass. If that cryptic bastard died, I would smile. Of course, they would do this. Beacon Academy, the most prestigious academy for a huntsman in training, basically turned into a prison for me.

The headmistress of the academy was Glynda... Glynda fucking Goodwitch. The woman who babysat the arc kids when the parents were not home.

I could feel my lips morph into a sneer.

Looking up at the giant castle that was the academy, a single thought crossed my mind.

"... This place will get Hogwartsed sooner or later, mark my words."

Muttering that morbid sentence under my breath, I continued walking, my Aura roaring inside of me.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out through my nose.

Walking towards the entrance at a slow pace, I fell behind the crowd as they gained distance. Closing my eyes and relaxing my muscles, I clenched my fist a few times, a habit I should break, which made me easy to read.

It was infuriating, I was played, but that wasn't important, not right now. I would bide my time, I was strong now, and I would be stronger in a year if I trained harder than I did before.

This place, the best school out of four, would be my stomping grounds, and I would be stomping with all my might.

Pyrrha Nikos? I would turn her into nothing but a stepping stone, the professors? They would be nothing but distractions in the long run.

Something exploded behind me and I tensed, a hand moving to my sword as I turned around, my legs sliding apart.

My combat readiness dropped as soon as I noticed two girls, one wearing what looked like a goth outfit, while the other seemed like she was going for a princess look.

Not that I could judge, I was going for a knight look myself.

I watched for a little while, observing the white-haired girl go off on the redhead. Then another one showed up...

This looked like a really stupid foreshadowing... bet the three of them would be on a team together, I pity the fourth person who ends up with them.

... Fuck, I jinxed it, didn't I?

This day couldn't get any worse.

As the conversation seemingly ended with the white-haired girl storming off and the black-haired one sneaking away, I watched the small redhead drop on the floor and look up at the sky.

Huffing slightly, I walked towards her and looked down at her, raising an eyebrow.

"You alright there, little one?"

I watched her eyes snap open, which turned out to be silver, and her head tilted toward me with an expression of... surprise and hope?

Offering her a hand, she grabbed it gingerly and I pulled her up to her feet.

"I'm not little, I drink milk!..."

She exclaimed and I arched an amused eyebrow, watching as she deflated and brought up her red hood to cover her whole head and tried to sink into it.

Smirking slightly, I couldn't help a chuckle escaping from my throat.

"Jaune, Jaune Arc, nice you meet you."

I held my hand out. The little girl that could rival a puppy with her cuteness, climbed out of her hood and looked at my hand for a moment, before shaking it and looking at me intently for a few seconds.

A dramatic gasp later, she was pointing a finger at my face.

"You're Jaune Arc?! The five-time champion of Vale?!"

She exclaimed, silver eyes growing wide.

I just shrugged in response.

"Oh my god! It's so exciting to meet you! Can I have your autograph? Can I see your weapon? Can you tell me if it has some cool modifications? Can I hold it?!"

She jumped in place, radiating excitement as she resorted to the most popular moves that females had mastery of: The puppy dog eyes.

I was unaffected. I had seven sisters and an adorable mother, that sometimes made me regret speaking out against Father.

Pushing the negative thoughts down for now, I grabbed my sword and pulled it out of the scabbard, handing it to the small girl that was... twitching?

Was she okay?

She grabbed the sword gingerly, lifting it easily and marveling at it like it was the Holy Grail that could grant wishes after seven souls were sacrificed to it...

It looked like she was planning on who she should sacrifice.

Kind of disturbing.

"It's lighter than I thought it would be!"

She tilted it to the side, examining it from the other, before giving it an experimental swing.

"The balance is perfect, leaning to the handle. It's light so swinging it around is easy, I don't see any place to put Dust, no parts to transform it into something else, and... is this just a normal sword?"

I smirked and nodded. I was proud of that. I didn't need a fancy weapon to be the best. And hey, at least I had a sensible weapon, one guy had a trumpet... that was a gun.

"You manage to win the tournament five times with a normal sword?! That's awesome!"

I just shrugged and extended a hand to take the sword back. She handed it back reluctantly and I sheathed it, placing a hand on the handle as I leaned on one leg.

"I got this!"

She reached behind her, grabbed a metal box, and started spinning it. The red box unfolded, expanding and transforming. In the end, the little girl slammed a giant scythe into the ground.

I looked up at it for a second, the thing was bigger than me, how did she carry that thing around? Must be made of lighter metals.

"... Is that a sniper scythe?"

I asked, deadpanning. Of course, it was also a gun, why wouldn't it be?

"You noticed?!"

This was going to take a while, I could tell.


"The things I do are not that complicated."

I mumble, crossing my arms. Ruby, as I found out her name was, giggled beside me, a hand on her mouth.

"Yes, not that complicated, just won you a few tournaments is all."

I roll my eyes, seriously, Aura burst wasn't complicated, how no one figured it out was a wonder. Train your body enough so it can handle supersonic speeds, then use your aura so you can reach supersonic speeds.

That might be a bit exaggerated, but still, it was simple, a semblance could do the same.

Walking inside the mess hall, I look around at the teens that were conversing with each other, humming at the number of people that were actually present.

Most of them wouldn't pass, I knew that. Out of a hundred applicants, only five to six teams passed, meaning thirty people, and missions that were taken in four years of studying, people died... so four teams.

"Ruby! Over here! I saved you a seat!"

I look in the direction the voice came from, looking at a blonde girl with lilac eyes and a brown jacket, waving a hand toward us, or more precisely, Ruby.

Did she know her?

"That's my sister, sorry gotta go!"

I watched her zip off in a burst of rose petals and stared for a few seconds... As I said, a semblance could do things I did.

So... Superspeed, huh?

How can I work around that?