
Ruthless Goddess

[WARNING: Matured content] The story of a ruthless woman who got her heart stolen by a womanizer. He wants to make her kneel for him. She does, but not before he lays his life down for her... Dahlia Quinn is a strong cold hearted woman hated but feared by many. People avoided her as much as they wanted her but she preferred to keep them away. She preferred to live in loneliness and darkness. To the world she was a heartless cold woman but only she knew the depth of the darkness of her background and story. She always thought no one was fit enough to share her burden and darkness. That was until she met that womanizer.... Eder Galann is a strong handsome man. A womanizer player and direct competitor of the Quinn empire. He loves living freely with no attach whatsoever. His carefree demeanor never allowed anyone to see the brokenness in his soul. While he always thought that the scar in his soul would never heal, the goddess appeared... Both of them are the greatest rival but funny thing is they never met until that bidding night where a coin decided to seal their futur. Eder becomes obsessed while Dahlia futily try to resist... So, in the middle of the chasing games, secrets about their dark backgrounds, they each would have preferred to stay in the dark, start surfacing until they are forced by death to live two worlds apart.... Can love transcend the barrier of realms ? *** "listen Mr Galann, I don't want you close to my sister. Stop seeing her, don't contact her. I don't want you hundred meters around her. That's all I had to say." she said and started to walk away. "else what?" Eder asked leisurely looking outside the window. Dahlia looked back at him. "keep your distance from my life, or will destroy you!" she said those words with great threat and warning etched in her voice. However, Eder only got more amused. He approached her slowly and stood close to her with a soft smile. "I am looking forward to it" he whispered softly with a small smirk that shook Dahlia's countenance. **** follow me on Instagram: aallegra.d

Allegra_D · Fantasía
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217 Chs

I felt like it

Somewhere in the woods, a beautiful mansion stood….

Inside the mansion….

Eder sat in a couch in his parlor with a glass of wine. He had a pensive mood. Matt had just arrived and found him like this.

"I have some news" Matt said

"I hope they are good" Eder asked.

"unfortunately, not exactly." Matt said with a sigh.

"what did you find?"

"the farther we could get into their lives is their school. That's where they appeared a few years back. They are registered as Dahlia Quinn and Freya Quinn, no parents nor tutors. Nothing" he explained. Eder looked at him with a frown and narrowed eyes.

"what do you mean nothing?" he was quite confident that the men he employed for the job would be able to retrace her whole life, because they were experts for that. So what does it mean nothing?

"it is like it was meticulously cleaned. Their is no way to find anything about her past, not even where they lived at the moment. I believe the only reason we could find this is because their was no use for her to hide her school. It's just like they popped out of nowhere at all" Matt was completely disconcerted. Eder was quiet for a while.

"how can a young vampire be able to clean her past so that even the eldest vampire could not retrace it? It is not possible, she is definitely coming from somewhere." he was getting all the more curious with this. What was it that was hidden?

"They mush have parents, they didn't just pop out of the floor. Have you checked the birth registers?" Eder asked.

"yes, there is no trace of her birth no where"

"how about her sister?" Eder asked after a short while. Matt fell silent. "did you check her sister?"

"we did" Matt replied.

"then?" Eder asked impatiently.

"nothing" Matt said with a whisper and lEder rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh. He threw his glass at the glass window in frustration and it shattered. Then he ran out to the forest through it. Matt sighed. Eder was normally not so short tempered , so what was going on now?

"I maybe better follow" he mumbled and followed after him.

Eder ran, leaped, jumped over a few trees. When he was calm he sat down under a tree and rested his back on its trunk. Matt came and stood a few meters away from him, assessing him and judging whether he could approach him or not. However, Eder was calmer but… A frown appeared on his face as he watched him more closely. He finally decided to walk over to him and crouched down before him.

"are you okay?" he asked.


"you look… tired. Did you feed?" Matt asked with narrowed eyes and Eder glanced at him. He asked this question to someone today. But thinking about it, it maybe the reason why he became so frustrated and agitated like this.

"it is none of your business" he stood up abruptly.

"Eder are you starving yourself?" Matt asked walking behind him but he got no reply. "Eder!"

"go home Matt!" Eder ordered and Matt abruptly stopped in his track. He stood there watching Eder leap away. He sighed and went his way.

Eder got home and went to his room, then to the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Why was he feeling like this? For a woman? What was this feeling? He was conflicted? He had a lot of woman in his long life and none of them gave him this effect. It would only take a woman like her to make him react like this, right? He remember her words 'a beard teddy seeking for attention'. A smile curved on his lips. Does it mean she didn't like his beard? he chuckled.

Eder pulled a drawer and pulled a razor out of it. He arranged his bears. He didn'tshave it out completely he just arranged his cut . Then he picked his phone, he was about to text Freya but she had already sent him a text.

[ hey, it's been a while.] he looked at the screen for a while, then he replied.

[yes, how about we meet tomorrow?] she was online so she replied shortly after his message was sent.

[sounds nice]

[okay, let's meet at…] he gave her an address where they would meet.

[ok, no problem]

[hope you won't have problem with your sister]

[nope. Don't worry about it. I got it]

[OK, see you tomorrow then]. After chatting with Freya he went to his bed. He allowed his body to fall in the middle of it. He looked at his screen and then he dropped it on his side.

His mind drifted to her. That mysterious woman with a stoic expression. He wondered how such a young woman could be filled with so much… emptiness. Even he, was not. Maybe she is hiding a heavy story. What could it be? And how was it possible that she have no parents. Did she really clear the traces of her past? Why? How? She was smart, very intelligent. He had to give it to her. A derisive smile appeared on his face. He remember when Matt called her ruthless goddess. She was indeed.

"what a woman" he kept thinking about her until he drifted to sleep.

In his dream, he had her in his arms… She was moaning his name… he could feel her smooth skin under his fingers… he could caress her silky hair… and he could kiss her sweet lips… he could smell her enticing scent… she was so close he could feel the warmth she exuded…

However, their was a sound coming from somewhere which was disturbing their moment. A sound which became louder and louder. The more the noise became louder, the more, she faded away from his arms. He tried to hold on to her but when he opened his eyes, he was only holding onto his pillow. Damn it. He got carried away. Annoyed he got up and went clean up before going down to check on the damn noise.

He found men working on the glass window he had broken last night. Matt approached him as soon as he saw him.

"hope we did not wake you up?" he joked but Eder only gave him a hard look and walked passed him. Matt followed,'what a mood' he thought to himself. It was rare to have Eder in this mood just like that in the morning. Something must have triggered it. They reached Eder's office in the mansion.

"ain't you going to work?" Matt asked.

"no" Eder replied curtly.


"I don't feel like it"

"why did you diminish your beard? I thought they were… What did you say?… Making your charm. What went wrong?"

"I felt like it" was all he replied with a shrug.

"does it have something to do with your recent obsession?" Matt asked. Eder looked at him with a frown.

"my obsession?" he repeated in a whisper. He completely understood what Matt was trying to say but Matt still elaborated.

"the Quinn sisters" Matt went straight to the point.

"they are not both my obsession" Eder said.

"you sure? Though I am not sure which one is really putting you in this state" Eder just looked at him with narrowed eyes. "The teenage sister?" Matt tilted his head slightly on the side "or the goddess?"

"the goddess!" Eder replied straightforwardly. "you are right, I am obsessed with the goddess" he said with a small smile and walked away from the study.

Matt stood there shocked but at least, Matt's suspicions were been proven right. The elder Quinn was messing with his dear friend but was it his just his friend's mind that was struck or it was deeper? Did the ruthless goddess perhaps struck his friend's heart? Eder swore to never fall in love, just like Matt himself. Was that what was happening to him? That would explain why he was in this state. Matt wasn't sure for his heart but the goddess surely got into Eder's head. Matt sighed.

"Ah Eder" he mumbled. He didn't leave though. He went back to check on the workers and when they were done he went back to find Eder who was calmer.