
Rusted Souls [RWBYxRust]

Three friends find themselves on Remnant, on the ass end of the planet; often referred to as Menagerie. They are not helpless however, with strange otherworldly and dare I say reality bending if not breaking abilities. Gifted knowledge, power, and immortality; may Oum have mercy on Remnant. Author Note: This story is a brain bubble that keeps on bugging. I was watching some Rust YouTube, and thought on how to bring rust abilities into a 'real' non-game-environment or at least beyond 'hit rock get '5' wood' like what is 5 wood? Then I thought of Worm and its tinker abilities and decided to 'fuse' the two, but what IS Rust Tech, and how do I incorporate scrap into this; what is scrap even? This spiraled down until I decided to scrap Rusts entire crafting system, keep the inventory and be ambiguous on the resources, less '100 wood' and more 'I chopped down X amount of trees and now have enough wood to build Y, the wood is stored in my inventory'. This will hopefully be explained more. The crafting is completely different and if that turns you away, so be it. What is the same: Building(ish) Guns (Dust and mechashift will have its place here) Respawning (bed down or spawn at origin point/random spawn on a beach of Menagerie)

LordDylz · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter Five: Moving Forward

A month has passed since the deal with the White Fang, and progress toward their goal only gets faster.

With the research of the bullheads granting them the knowledge surrounding the creation and the foundational skills needed to both build and understand how the vehicle functioned. Carrow and his friends can all agree on one thing.

The people of Remnant don't know a damn thing about aviation.

It wasn't really surprising, when a race of people find a magic rock in the ground that lets them say fuck you to gravity, why would they need to care about air drag and lift. Hell the Minstrels still use wooden boats to fly around. WOODEN BOATS.

Carrow and his friends agreed that this was a sin against all things regarding the invention of flight in their reality. Thus they started to make 'improvements' toward their bullhead designs.

Then they started to get a little carried away.

Then they said fuck it lets build a steath bomber just because we can.

And that is what lead to this glorious piece of engineering. The B-2-R, with a wingspan of 72 feet, just a bit more than an actual B-2, capable of carrying five-hundred thousand pounds, largely due to the incorporation of Gravity Dust, and a max celling of around sixty eight thousand feet, once again due to Gravity Dust.

The engine ran on their own invention of 'High-Quality-Fuel'. A mixture of high-grade dust with low-grade fuel. The plane could refuel in the sky due to Rust mechanics at play, and the fact that fuel could be storied in containers on the plane, it didn't really have a 'max range'.

This plane was created for the express purpose to smuggle themselves to Solitas, the continent that Atlas and lay claim to.

It was also created due to the fact that DeeJay really wanted to skydive from the stratosphere. Carrow also wanted to do that, but he wouldn't tell anyone that.

Max for his part just wanted to advance the plan. If they wanted to build a stealth bomber in the process who was he to argue.

However logistics needed to come into play and thus they started prepping for the 20-30 hour flight to Solitas. Massive amounts of stone and metal was gathered to prepare a FOB in the mountains that DeeJay and Carrow would build, then clear a landing zone for the B-2.

Allowing Max who would fly the thing to land. The B-2 would have all sorts of equipment and gear needed for their heist.

Max had figured out how to hack and said that the CCTS was like a child vomiting on a keyboard and calling it an advanced computer language.

Drones for recon, thermite was gathered, then explosives, tear gas, gas masks; both for the ride their and any gas based weapons they might encounter.

EMP grenades were next, vital to disable the Atlesian Knights, lastly they needed information, of which came from White Fang spies.

This information was largely based on Dr.Polendina and his whereabouts and personal dealings.

Where does he sleep, live, shit and so on. With this information they can lockdown a location toward where Project Penny is being worked on, then raid said lab and get out like a bunch of rats.

The last and arguably most important set of gear was deathstalker poison capsules and suicide vests.

Getting knocked out was a no-go, and if they got captured they needed a way to commit die, there was no console command as it were.

The resources gathered quickly, this was largely due to the mass production of mining quarries, and the security of the modified Atlesian Knights, or as they are now called, Scrap Bots.

With far more advanced targeting and combat protocol's, along with a chassis made of HQM they clear out populations of attacking Grimm with the ease of aim-bot.

This allowed their previously small operation to quickly expand due to them not needing to respond to a greifing Grimm attack.

Each day one of them would take the truck and do a collection run, collecting all the sulfur, dust, metal, and stone gathered from the quarries.

This process sometimes takes multiple runs, and the only limiting factor is the fact that the bots can't access the container, and thus one of the players must be in charge of this cycle, limiting much needed production capacity.

It was a problem that they can't find a solution to.

"How's the progress going?" Carrow asked Max as he deployed a metal chair on the lone stone foundation with a T3 workbench on it. Max himself was already siting in his, passively crafting the needed gear and items, while also directing the Scrap Bots to load the metal containers inside the B-2-R.

"Good, I got the EMP grenade working, and we already have about four grenade launchers. We just have a shortage on HQM, like always." Max stated blithely. "We'll be in the air toward Solitas in a few hours at the most." He added on.

Carrow nodded in accent, grimacing at the mention of HQM. The first HQM deposit that they built their main-base near was a true godsend.

They hadn't realized just how rare the damn things would be.

Out of around 67 of their mining quarries, only five of them were HQM, and 3 of those five had low yield, and the only one that was high yield like the one they built near, was about fifty miles north west of their camp site.

Worse HQM took a really long time to refine. There was no such thing as a surplus of the metal, either being used for weapons, mining quarries, B-2-R parts, and worst of all, the Scrap Bots.

"Is the Worm going to be ready by then?" Carrow questioned.

"Mmm? Yeah, been ready." Max waved his hand shooing Carrow away, "I got some last minute things I need to do, scoot will you." Carrow gave a sigh, before nodding.

He moved his way past the line of bots, into the belly of the B-2. Crates of munitions and building materials stacked inside, before he made his way into the dropping bay.

This bay was meant to drop bombs, but they were going to use it as a means to drop themselves in an already surveyed location provided by the White Fang to set up an FOB.

Carrow unfolded one of the metal seats on the wall, strapping himself in, then he opened his inventory. He started equipping the needed equipment for the journey; oxygen tank, oxygen mask, NV goggles, base jumper suit, etc.

After getting himself situated he took a deep breath and meditated, only coming out of the state of immense focus when DeeJay entered the bay and started equipping his gear. They just stared at each other as they waited, eventually the lights dimmed and Max's voice came on the speaker.

"Take off in three."

Carrow closed his eyes, feeling the shaking of the plane and then the force of gravity fighting his flesh, letting out a breath he started counting the seconds till drop off.