

Girl becomes a spiritual fairy to the high school quarterback while he struggles to remember himself. Tyler the creator-running out of time All rights remain in my domain. Signed: Author

DaoistCsxy1c · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


JayO -22


Jay sat in and with no one else in the front of the class was her. Sat beautifully in her gold dress. I'm a fainted voice she kept repeating.

"Help, help, help!"

She turned with tears in her eyes but they were shining tears like glitter. She looked worried and tried to walk towards me but the seats started multiplying elongating the distance the both of us.

Jayke woke up all of a sudden sweating. He'd had the dream twice in one period of sleep. He ended up taking the shrooms after struggling to bring Oya home. 


She wobbled in her seat.

"Jayke~ stop the car." 

He slowed down and went to open the door for her. she went to the closest tree and started throwing up. He held hair back and waited for her to feel better. He walked her back to the car and let her sit there with the door open. He looked at her squatting in front of her and brushed her hair out of her face.

"You ready to go home?"

"Where is home." She mumbled lowly under her breath before she fell asleep. He put her legs back in and got to her house. She was dead asleep. 


He tried waking her up slowly. He tried a little harder. He couldn't wake up up so he grabbed her keys and unlocked the door before picking her up bridal style and bringing her to where he assumed her room was. His luck he got it right the first time and payed her in her bed. He looked around a bit and was impressed before he whispered to her.

"Night Oya."

She mumbled incoherently and started snoring. He did the expert move of putting the trash bin next to her and a water bottle from their fridge on the night stand. 

He texted her...

💬: Don't forget to take medication in the morning if you wanna make it to school. 


He got out of bed and headed straight for the showers taking the time in the calf shower m to wake him up. He tripped nicely watching funny videos and podcast on stools made them that much more comprehensive to him. The water and soap dropped down his abs and his beauty marks. He started washing his hair calmly and got a call. He grabbed his phone and saw Oya face timing him. He got an idea, he put the phone against his towel and answer.


"Hey pretty lady. His abs were visible down to his v line below his abdomen. 

"Hey~ oh god." She took the phone off her face. 

"What you don't like the view?"

Oya remained quiet.

"Well I guess I could lower it I don't m-"

"No no no, it's fine I like the view."

"Like it?"

"Ok so you know I love it so stop teasing."

He laughed and closed the curtains. "You sound better than last night."

"Ye the end was a bit blurry not gonna lie, how did I get home."

"I got you home obviously. Brought you all the way up to your by the way lovely room."

"Oh god you got in? You didn't get caught?"


"Smooth operator."

"Ha ha and know you know how I'll sneak in and out perfectly."

"Oh you're already on your sneaking in game."

"What you thought I wouldn't try?"

"Not yet no."

"Well I'm trying to come tonight your room looks like I could sleep in there for a decade."

"Well... ok you can sneak it but don't park the car where you usually do."

He hopped out the shower and set his towel around his waist and a smaller one on top his head while he brushed his teeth. 

Oya couldn't help but look, he had an amazing figure and his body just looked so fine through the screen.

"You know I kinda had a dream about you."

Oya thinking it was a good one said teasingly. "Oh yeah, what happened." She got up struggling to get ready.

"You kept asking for help or something."

She started groaning and got into her own shower.

"I mean y'a I do need help right about now. Look at my state." 

She felt her domes rubbing against themselves like glass. 

After he go ready he watched her in her towel doing her blowout anew. 

"Want a ride to school today. We might as well get ses to it."

She nodded putting her clothing on and sat on her bed watching him back.

"Your hood at this." He motioned making bangs.

"As thanks it took me a while to get used to this style but I mean the hair always looks immaculate now."

He threw his ball up and caught it thinking of his dream once again before going to his car.

"Okay I'll call you when I get there.

"Okay, I'll be waiting hopefully I don't fall back asleep." She said feeling the sleep coming back to creep into the best sleep of the day.

"Yeah those naps before school kill so go eat something drown stay there without anything." 

She liked the way he cared like a Father. She nodded and hung up finish something easy to chow down.


She thought maybe today she would make the shroom tea after getting back from school and to a self care spa day as she drank it. She grabbed her stuff and waited for his text announcing he was outside. He arrived and she got in quickly not wanting to explain to her Mothers what's been going on with her schedule recently and because of who it was changing.

The day at school went perfect the spoke at dinner and she told her friend sbout the party as well in her third period.

"You know you guys are basically already a couple."

"But we didn't make it that official."

"Ya but still come one after last night and making out at a party? I don't get you."

"I know but you also know I like hearing things at the full hundred percent. So if we are it need to feel like it, right now it still feels like really good friends getting together it's a bit weird."

"Kay but why do you let it get weird when it seemed fun for him."

"I did have fun it's always the after thought that seems to bother me. I can't rest without him saying something or me."

"Well just wait a little. I'm sure you'll find something fulfilling enough in your relationship."