
Running from Lucifer

All it took was for her to kill Lucifer which she didn’t want to because he was her biggest nightmare. She was the abused demon girl, he was Lucifer whose very whisper of name was enough to put fear in the people’s mind. After Nina’s parents got killed by some demons, they took her away and trained her as a weapon to take down Lucifer. But her plan is quick to destroy when she was set up by the Elder demons to be Lucifer’s arranged bride. Chaos and challenges would arose as both persons are great rivals. ...Lucifer watched as Nina shook her body profusely on the bed. She has been unconscious for a month now and he was afraid that if he wake up her memory would wipe completely. The only people who could help her now was the Angels. Picking up the dagger from the table, he cut his palm open “I SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO ANGELS UP IN THE SKY. I ASK TO SUMMON THE ANGEL, GABRIEL, IN HEAVEN. I CALL YE THEE NOW!” Immediately as the words left his mouth, wind swept passed them. It swirled faster and harder almost sweeping Lucifer from ground. After about five minutes later, Gabriel appeared. Standing in it’s place was the leader of Archangels, Gabriel. “How dare you try to summon me even after what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel was fuming with anger. “It’s my wife. She’s hurt and only you can help her.” Lucifer rushed to Nina’s side. “Why do you think I would help you. Do you think I would easily forget what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel closed the distance between them. “How you pushed me from heaven and took away my powers. Listen we can discuss that later but my wife is in danger.” Gabriel observed Nina carefully. “What happened to her?” “There is this man named Talon who has been trying to kill her. Even when I tried to kill him, he hid himself from me completely. Please help her.” Lucifer was surprised at himself that he was the one begging. He was always the prideful Angel. Gabriel studied her from head to toe. He closed his eyes and when he opened them it was completely white. His iris was gone. “The only way is either she kills him herself or, Kira, her daughter enters her mind and kill him completely” Gabriel declared.

Gift_candy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
32 Chs

Unfamiliar coldness

Meanwhile the wedding ceremony going on in the castle was in full swing. The hall was decorated with balloons and chandeliers hung on the ceiling.

Waiters carried trays of food and drinks around. Blood was surplus for the demons in the hall.

Lucifer stood in grand hall watching the numerous demons going to and fro in the hall. Everyone was awaiting the new bride. Just then, she entered the hall trailing behind her maids.

Zara, Lucifer's bride strolled in looking more beautiful than ever before. She was dressed in a long black gown. The gown was mesmerizing and it hugged her perfect curves sexily. The theme of the wedding was black and everyone was dressed in black.

But Zara doesn't look happy. She was sad. She only hoped she could live a normal life but everything changed when Lucifer had interest in her.

It all started when Zara was working as a maid in the castle. She continued working for years until she found her mate who was a palace guard.

Meanwhile Lucifer have been looking for his mate for hundreds of years but he never found her. His father died and the throne need to be passed to him the only child but he need to get married before he would become the king of the underworld.

So he started shooting his shot on Zara but she didn't like the idea that Lucifer was developing feelings for her. She confronted him that she already had a mate but he went ahead and killed him.

He made arrangements with the Elders on marrying her and everyone agreed except her. She hated Lucifer and wished she could kill him. She promised her mate to never allow another man touch her. But this beast would lay his fingers on her tonight.

Only the thought of it made the blood in her skin boil with anger. She stood close to Lucifer with the veil covering her face. She knew he didn't love her. He only wanted her for his selfish desire. To acquire the throne.

The witch who would be swearing them as husband and wife stared at the both of them.

"Do you promise to love him in sickness and death until death do you apart?" The witch asked Zara.

She became quiet. Droplets of salty tears flowed down her cheek. She was burning with anguish of pain. She didn't want to marry Lucifer. Why would she when her mate was killed by him?

All eyes were on Zara now. Yet her teary eyes never left the man who killed her mate. She was angry. Her body was shaking profusely as her eyes bled black. She was going to kill Lucifer right away even if she died on the way, she would be glad that she died for love.

Suddenly, Zara removed the veil covering her face and spun towards Lucifer. The way she moved was so quick that it took everyone by surprise. Lucifer fell onto the ground and she blasted two hot balls inside his heart.

This would be able to keep him down until she escape from here. Guards charged at her but she killed them and ran down the hall ways.


As soon as Nina's body touched the volcano, it felt different. She expected her skin to burn but nothing happened. A force from the other side pulled her and she fell onto the ground.

Opening her eyes the sight she saw made her heart warm. Hannah was staring at her with her blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" Nina asked concerned.

"Yes." Hannah nodded.

"You will have to drink my blood." Nina blurted out.

"Your what? Why?"

"Hernia told me that since you are a human the guards would be alert and they will kill you." She used her powers to make a small cut on her palm and stretched it for Hannah.

Hannah hesitantly took her hand and sipped from her blood.

The both of them stood up and they looked around. When Nina finally saw her surroundings she gasped. Everything looked unreal like paradise.

The castle was made of pure gold and it shone brightly. Nina expected to see fire burning around but it was different.

"We made it to the underworld." Hannah said looking around.

"So how do we get back after everything?" Hannah questioned.

"Through the portal. We will find it once we're done." They began to stroll towards the castle.

The doors opened wide revealing the grand entrance.

Abruptly they came to halt when two guards held them in place.

"Your blood?" They tilted their heads.

They opened their palm and the guards made a small cut. Suddenly, the blood from their palms swarmed it's way around their hands like worm. An unfamiliar coldness shook inside their bodies and the guards gestured for them to go in.

"What just happened?" Hannah asked staring at her hands.

"I think their testing our blood to see if we are demons." Nina replied.

"We would—" Nina sentence was cut short by the presence of an unfamiliar person.

Standing there in a cold rage was a woman. Her eyes bled black and her long fangs elongated out. Her hands tightened into a tight fist and it was burning red in anger.

Suddenly, she spun towards Nina and tackled her to the ground.